Wednesday, 9 June 2021

More Feedback from the Mahanavapashanam Mantra

An advertisement for Navapashanam on the Internet
by others who have also received the gift. Fair Use Copyright

I decided to have a separate blog for all the feedback from friends and people who have received the Mahanavapashanam mantra.

There are three versions: 30 min 3 hour and 6 hour versions. They are available on Whatsapp Audio and on email. And are sent to you freely.  Your only "fee" is to make a commitment to do something for Mother Earth - in your own way.

You can message me at  Whatsapp +60 12 9105812 for the 30 minute and 3 hour versions.  The 6 hour version I have to send you by email.

They can be played anytime.  Some people play it in the day time. Some play the 6-hour version just before they sleep. Similar to playing background music from YouTube or similar.

I would advise people to listen to the 30 minute version first and later - once they are used to the 30 minute version to play the longer versions.

The longer versions can be played as background music in the daytime or while you are sleeping. The choice is yours.

Like most mantras if you play them too long and too often, you may feel spaced out. So observe yourself. If this happens, stop playing it. And alternate the days you listen. Be creative and flexible.

Note that one has to drink water before listening. The Cosmic Fire of Life is awakened in you when you listen to the mantra. People may feel warm or hot depending on their individual situation. 

Be also aware that for some people, there can also be a healing crisis -discomfort, diarrhoea, compression on the head. 

Just stop listening for a few days. You are detoxifying.  Our bodies contain lots of impurites from many sources - so all that is coming out.

At the onset, I must say that it is not necessary to have visions of the Siddha Bogur and expect a miraculous healing - though, that would be very good, unexpected and overwhelming. Sometimes, we all need a miracle!!!

What we want to achieve, on a daily basis, though -  is to be calm, cheerful - stay positive and healthy and be very grounded during this time. 

A lot of people are experiencing low mental and emotional states. Or are going into depression. Many are confused, fearful and very stressed during this time of the so-called pandemic. 

Just to be able to stay calm and positive - and not fall into a spiral of depression - is very crucial at this time -whatever our individual beliefs about what is currently happening globally.

In addition to exercises, hobbies and keeping yourself active and healthy, there are various sources of spiritual assistance.

They are high vibrational prayers that can help you ward off the lower-based vibrations of Covid or the Vaccines.

Through constant or repetitive listening or chanting of the mantras – the vibrational state of the recipient is gradually transformed into that of the high vibrational healthy state of the mantra itself.

Similarly, if you keep repeating I love you – thank you, (source: Hooponopono) all the time – you will also enter a state of high loving vibrations.

I keep hearing about this group of Christian nuns who took care of leprosy patients on an island. Most stayed healthy and did not succumb to the disease even though they were in daily contact with the leprosy patients. 

A strong belief in their mission, fortitude, love and their compassion - was their armour that shielded and protected them. In their time, there was no drugs, antibiotics or vaccines!!! 

Remember so-called Covid and vaccines contain low vibration elements. Mantras are high vibration energies. Mankind have been using mantras for thousands of years to stay healthy – emotionally, mentally and spiritually. 

People can always listen to various Indian and Oriental Mantras as well.

The world famous Gayatri Manta.

A lady I know has been chanting the Gayatri. When she feels the environment around her – she says that she cannot feel the presence of any negativity in the air.

Since she has been chanting the Gayatri for a long time, her body is now vibrating at the level of the Gayatri – which is an elevated mantra that invokes the energy of pure light. 

So her body has become pure light and that light radiates from 3 to 6 feet around her. Nothing with a lower based inappropriate vibration comes into her field of light.

Another person who has not listened or chanted the Gayatri will look at the same environment and may feel that there is something "not" nice in the air.

So two persons look at the same environment. The one who has chanted Gayatri feels the "air" is good and positive.

The one who has not changed Gayatri feels that is something not nice.

The environment has not changed. 

Simply, the energy within the environment has been transformed from dark to light

What has changed is the energy body and perception of the person who chanted Gayatri.

This is Quantum Theory.  The consciousness of the person "feeling" that particular environment - has an impact  on the outcome of that environment.

Now, the psychics I work with, have had visions of the Covid and vaccines.  They appear as “dark” forms of very tiny energy particles.

The Covid appears as dark/black round particles.

The Vaccine appears as squares and waves of dark, dirty and murky colours.

It is very possible that other psychics may "see" the Covid and vaccines as something else based on their personal belief systems.

In the presence of the “pure” light – the Covid and vaccine energies change form and are transmuted into pure light.

Other mantras you can chant or listen to:

Kwan Yin Mantra – Om Mani Padme Hum.

Many years ago I was with a psychic. We met a middle-aged man who needed some assistance. When we invoked some energy for him – nothing happened. He just smiled.  I was wondering why nothing happened when I invoked some energy.  

The psychic took a glance at him and saw that he had a layer of millions of tiny diamond lights covering his entire body.

So I asked him whether he was doing any chanting of a mantra.  He said he chanted Kwan Yin’s mantra – Om Mani Padme Hum every morning for 20 years.

Mother Tara Mantra – a very calming mantra that makes you peaceful and serene.  It is good to listen to ward off depression and sadness.

Hanuman Chalisa – a very powerful mantra from the Monkey Deity Hanuman. It wards off ill-health and other forms of negativity.

Padma Sambhava Guru Mantra. Om Ah Hum Vajra Padma Guru Siddhi Hum 

People who recite the mantra will be healthy, more fortunate and are more prepared for the journey of enlightenment.

Mahamrityunjaya Mantra is a verse from the Rig Veda and is considered to the most powerful of all Shiva Mantras. Believers claim it prevents untimely death and wards off diseases.

These are some suggestions only. It is very likely that there are other prayers and mantras from other traditions that we have not heard of - that are equally powerful. Trust your intuition in deciding which one suits you.

Other forms of sounds you can listen to:

My good friend Elizabeth Huxtable is an established Sound Therapist. She plays the Singing Crystal Bowls. I have had very uplifting personal experiences with her Crystal Singing Bowls. She also has Sound Therapy CDs. I would encourage you to contact her and get her advice on how sound can help you. 

She can be contacted at  + 60 12 552 9233

The whole idea is, we have a choice - to listen to the mantras or healing sounds that appeal to us. Some of the ladies prefer a more calming mantra and this is where the Tara and Kwan Yin Mantras are very helpful.

In the meantime, you can also listen to the Mahanavapashanam Mantra from Siddha Bogur.

What are the benefits of the Mahanavashanam Mantra:

These are the claims made for Navapashanam:

Transmute disease

Purify blood

Strengthen the central nervous system,

·         Digestive system,

·         Circulatory system,

·         Endocrine

·         Immune system

Rebalance the 5 elements – earth, water, fire, air and collectively the ether

Increasing the cosmic fire internally – also known as our Life Force.

Finally, to awaken the wisdom of your Higher Self.

It is a holistic solution for the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual body.

These are claims that some people are making for their Navapashanam bead
over the Internet.Whether they are true or false, we have no idea.
My comment would be that if one has a strong belief
and the product is genuine ...some form of therapy can take place.
Everyone also has life lessons and all forms of disease
serve as a wake up call. From that perspective, 
disease is seen as a catalyst for personal growth -
when we survive and thrive, then we understand what suffering
is all about and then try to help others..
Fair use copyright

I am putting the feedback from people who have listened here in this post.

Here they are:


08/06/2021, 08:51 - Andrew: Hi good morning ...would appreciate it if those who listen to the Mahanavapashnam mantra…provide some feedback every now and then ... I will post it on blog and it will encourage more people to listen and also do some seva for mother earth. Greatly appreciate your feedback.  No matter how busy you are ...spend a few minutes thanking and talking to the earth. πŸ€£πŸ™


08/06/2021, 08:58 - Jo Ann Chong: Good morning Andrew and everyone here.

Sure Andrew, will do..

Just started last night with the 3hrs version and continuously it went to the second track which plays the 6 hours one as well but I stopped it as it was close to midnight, everyone sleepy by then

My daughter put it in a thumb drive and we let it run so the chanting kind of covers everyone at home.

It felt good as it sets a calming effect.

Hope to get more good outcome from it.

Will update when there is.


08/06/2021, 09:04 - Rani: Good Morning Andrew. Listened to Navapashanam for more than 20 minutes as directed. Felt good and slept peacefully. Woke up in high spirits and walked on the grass barefoot and thanked God for everything.

In our earlier blog, Rani commented that the first time she listened to the Mantra – she felt severe pain in the gums and she stopped listening.

When we got the psychic to check her out, the psychic had a vision of a copper plate with ancient writings on her chest. The copper plate radiated maroon red throughout Rani’s body and she experienced inflammation in her gums.

We removed the energy of the copper Yantra plate from her heart. She felt much better and we told her to listen only for 10 to 20 minutes to avoid any discomfort. Rani is looking forward to the return of the energy copper Yantra plate in her heart center. We believe the sacred writings contains the prayers of the Mahanavapashanam.


08/06/2021, 09:05 - Lena Yap: Thank you Andrew. On Sunday I suddenly cannot sleep - my nose was blocked and water was running out of the nose non--stop like a waterfall. I need napkin beside me coz it kept running.

Yesterday afternoon I listen to the Nava mantra while doing some work for my client. The running nose get better and under control.

Last night I let it play before bed and I slept well. Woke up 5.30 and my nose was dry already.  So I washed my face do something and try to take a short nap again... I wake up without running nose like before. πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ».. I felt my body very light.

08/06/2021, 09:10 - Andrew: You should play it the whole night if you can ...the Nava will then continuously protect everyone from any negativity in the air. is a high vibration low vibration energies carrying disease are neutralised ...

Nava is very high positive energy ...will definitely neutralise ALL negative vibes like so called Covid and anything affecting our health

And people who have vaccinated ...should listen to the mantra ...


08/06/2021, 10:35 - Linda Tan: Yes, Andrew I am listening to the 3 hours’ audio before going to bed.

My feedback is I don't have any side effects from my 2nd jab. I feel peaceful, at ease with everyone, just going round happily doing my own things.


09/06/2021, 08:38 - Kamala Brisbane: Hi Andrew my feedback is I sleep very well and get up with high spirits and happy πŸ˜ƒ

Today’s feedback- listened to the 3 hr audio and this morning computer sound kaput πŸ₯².. need to take for repair

09/06/2021, 08:45 - Andrew: Siddha Bogur mantra very kau – high voltage

09/06/2021, 08:55 - Kamala Brisbane: 🀣🀣🀣


09/06/2021, 08:56 - Rani: After my retirement I was so used to getting up late but this morning I got up at 4.30 am and listened to Mahanavapashanam mantra for 30 minutes.  Even Subra was amazed to see me awake that early.

09/06/2021, 09:09 - Andrew: Wonderful ...30 minutes and no more discomfort.  You getting there ...


09/06/2021, 11:36 – Regina: Was in a lot of pain last night as my urinary infection was working up!  Took my medication but for about 1 hour was still in discomfort. Remembered the mantra file so played the 3 hour one.  Slowly could relax and finally slept.  Work up at 4am and played the 6 hour one.  Thank you and so grateful


09/06/2021, 12:34 - Cheah Hoe San: Hi Andrew sorry had a good sleep during the 6 hours chanting nothing much to share yet, guess a nice 'lullaby'? Shall try again tonight.

09/06/2021, 12:46 - Andrew: Hahahaha end of the day ...being calm, cheerful and positive is the best antidote for pandemic


09/06/2021, 19:35 Robert Update

At 2.10am this morning I received a message from Robert a friend who had received the Mahanavapashanam mantra.

He said he saw a Siddha walk in with two companions. End of message.

So I spoke to him today.

He had a severe stomach problem and had gone to see the doctor. Took his medication and then went to sleep. 

Woke up again with severe stomach pain.  So he decided to play the Mahanavapashanam Mantra – the 3-hour version.

After a while he had a vision of Siddha Bogur walking into his bedroom with two companions. That was when he texted me.

He saw the Siddha sitting down and pounding something. Not quite sure what he was pounding.

Then suddenly he felt this metallic taste in his mouth. He was very surprised.

He received a message in his mind.

Lie down in the fetus position. Hold his hands in prayer.

He followed the advice.

Gradually the severe pain in his stomach went off. And he could sleep in peace.

Till now – we spoke at 6pm today – there is no pain in his stomach.

So I told him. You know what to do isn’t it. Play the mantra regularly.


09/06/2021, 19:58 - Pathmavathy: Great Andrew…I saw a plant and got a smell…


09/06/2021, 20:53 - Tom Chan: Update on Mahanavapashanam chant:

First time running it this afternoon coz too many things happening lately. Put on chant just before afternoon naptime.

About to drift off to sleep and this vision appeared.

I saw siddha Bogur sitting lotus position by the tree in the forest. I came by and lie down to listen. Suddenly I was lying down like the sleeping Buddha half attentive (half sleepy) to him. πŸ₯΄πŸ₯΄πŸ₯΄

Then the animals came - the grey wolf, the white owl, the white ox and the colourful tiger and many more animals. 

All sitting around him, silently feeling & absorbing his (Bogur’s) vibration. Can see his vibrational frequencies in white.

Then I went to dreamland. πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„ Woke up and super-refreshed.

Inthira  Update

10th June 2021

She listened to the 30 minutes Mantra at night. For the next seven to eight nights, the minute she played the audio, she fell into a deep sleep and only woke up the next morning, fully charged and refreshed.  That was good.

After that the next few nights, when she played the audio, she could not sleep – but felt very alert and could not sleep. She had to find things to do!

So now she plays the Mantra first thing in the morning. She is fully charged. Fresh.  Alert. Positive. And ready to begin her day.


Janniie Update

08/06/2021, 09:06

Morning Andrew.

I listened on Sunday night -  the 30-minute version.

Felt the area around the head was very heavy and pressured.... feeling myself very energised ...not able to sleep...staring into the ceiling. Eventually fell asleep .... can only remember an image of a right hand stretching out with palms facing upwards...couldn't remember others but I know I was smiling in my sleep though.

Andrew: Remember to drink water before you listen to the audio.  Cosmic fire is released by the mantra.  One can feet hot, compressed or heaty.


Rani Update

10/06/2021, 15:03 - Rani: I feel good. Not so heaty and more calm mentally and also the word Navapashanam sounds more like Sanskrit in my ears.

Andrew: Could be your imagination Rani. My pronunciation of the mantra has some people in stitches! RFWL


Kamala Update

10/06/2021, 14:53

I listened to the 3-hour audio.

I was wondering why I was making mouth movement and then realised my tongue was very itchy .. and then the itchiness spread to the tip of my tongue and disappeared.

(Andrew: Some form of cleansing was taking place)

Then I started to have a vision.

Looked up and saw mushroom clouds forming in pink and white colour and it was approaching fast.

I was still in my bed and could feel the whirlwind blowing around me like a tornado … very powerful.

I found myself asking Siddha Bogur (SB) did he put a tent on my bed so I will be safe? I peeked outside the blanket cover - looked out and stretched too far and I felt as if I fell off the bed.

I physically didn’t fall but in my mind - saw I was falling off.

I can still hear the mantra audio playing in the background as I imagined I saw myself climbing back to my bed safely and turned to sleep on the other side.

Then I saw Lion beings

I was conscious that I am safe and why I am seeing these?... and slept off

Andrew: Lion beings were known in Egyptian and Indian mythology

Pink and white incoming loving energy. . .

Kamala: Oh ... then ok and very good πŸ‘..

Thank you πŸ™.. I can now relax and this has been upsetting me the whole day ... πŸ™❤


Andrew: It is my belief that Kamala received some form of an energy initiation.

Pink is the colour of unconditional love. White is the colour of Source Energy.

I jokingly remarked to Kamala that soon she may grow wings and fly!!!


Cheah Update

10/06/2021, 14:15

2nd attempt just before midnight Saturday.

Listened for 10 minutes -  however too tired to straight away fall flat and sleep.

Played chanting twice - first 3 hr then continued 6 hrs. Pretty thirsty woke up few times.

(Note: Please drink water before you listen to the mantras)

Woke up and felt spontaneously guided to do the unity mudra that we practice on Saturday Meditation. Started to get visions of 2 tridents. The leaf-shaped head trident was lower and in front of the other trident.

My palms spontaneously stretched out sideways (and then I had this vision). I was receiving a diamond on my right palm and a Chinese gold nugget (yuanbao) on my left.

I learned from Andrew πŸ˜‡ quickly say 'I receive' – then I finished with both palms together in the prayer position.

Andrew: In metaphysical work – energy follows thought-forms – the idea of energy in motion. So we will see what turns out for Cheah in the near future.

The diamond is related to the different facets of our human personality.  We go through many experiences in life. We finally emerge as a diamond with many facets – the gift here is wisdom from the outcome of different facets of our life experience.

The yuanbao? We will wait for Cheah to belanja us a big makan after MCO - after he gets his yuanbao windfall!. 


Tareq (Philippines) Update

11th June 2021

Tareq has recently been unwell.  He had a swelling and developed a pus. Went to see the doctor and a lot of pus was eventually taken out. Physically, he was still quite affected. He wrote this morning.

After listening to the mantra last night, I had a dream. In the dream I saw the guy who came up with the mantra - Bogur. He was chanting and healing my swollen lump where the pus had been released. He was blowing and and sucking out smoke while I was sitting in a sweat lodge. My lump still hurts and is still releasing blood and pus. I have another doctor's appointment on Wednesday. Feeling more at peace after the dream.

Jesvin Update

11.06.2021: 14:49

I have been having knee pain   and back pain for a week , been doing the 30 min mahanavapashnam everyday but yesterday I tried the 3 hrs mahanavapashnam and when it ended abt 2.30 am , the pain was still there but when I woke up in the morning my body felt light and no more knee and back pain. πŸ™‚ πŸ™πŸ»

Cheah Update

11.06.2021: 15.08

🐝restless at meditation last nite might as well hit the sack. Gosh slept thru 10 hours again with lullaby of 2 sets of audio mantras.

🐝 fast fwd.. tongue was 'moving' spontaneously in mouth. Then the visions started. 1 bee came to lips as saliva in mouth was building up. Then few bees landed on head, in no time swarm of bees covered whole head & face with honey dripping over neck & shoulder. Head got detached from shoulder allowing honey to drizzle right from neck into my body reaching all muscles, flesh & bones etc.

🐝when my head 're-connected' to my body all bees flew inside my body via an opening at forehead. Whole body expanded many many folds. After awhile swarm of lovely bees left my body via same opening at forehead, then my body shrunk to size of a bee...

Andrew: The symbols are very clear. Bees represent the presence of honey. Through his visions, he received the blessings of the elixir of life in the form of honey.

🐝Gratitude to All Divine & Mahanavapashanam 

Vathy Update


Vathy played the 30 minute version of the mantra this morning.

Within seconds her tongue spontaneously started making clicking sounds...then she was swallowing lots of saliva and it started to taste like mineral water.

Without any warning she suddenly had a vision of the Lord Vishnu in his majestic blue form.  On seeing this image, she immediately burst into ecstacy and tears which was uncontrollable. It was overwhelming and took over her body. 

She has not experienced this before in her life - this feeling of ecstacy. Tears was running down her face. And her palms spontaneously reached out to welcome this sudden apparition of the Lord.

After a while the vision disappeared and she was left reeling in happiness at this sudden blessing.

Andrew: I have no words to describe this. All I can say is that her beliefs and her faith led her to this unforgettable experience. 

Pam K Update


Andrew: P called me this morning to relate her experience. 

She had settled down for the night and played the 30 minute audio. She was looking forward to a "nice" experience.

After a while she heard footsteps in her bedroom. Then she fell asleep.

Her teenage son sleeps with her in her room.

Suddenly she had this realisation that she wasin a nightmare. Her body shook and she realised that she started shouting.

Her son was disturbed by her shouting - woke up, walked to her and woke her up.

P said, "Andrew, I was expecting an uplifting experience - not this nightmare. What happened to me."

I have known P for close to 20 years.  She is the nice, well-brought-up person, seldom complains, keeps a lot of her emotions to her self.

She was experiencing some difficult years - like most of us. So I told her, "P when we bottle up our emotions for many years, it is similar to poison within us. If it does not come out - you will fall sick eventually.  The mantra is taking all your poison out. You experienced it as a nightmare. Stuff has to leave you - one way of another. It came out this way."

That was one heck of a healing crisis.

Four different forms of Blessings

From the feedback we have received from friends who have heard the Mahanavapashanam Mantra, the healing energy comes in these forms:

Water – Sweet or Mineral taste


Honey Ambrosia

A copper Yantra plate with ancient writing appearing in the heart of the person listening to the mantra

This is highly unusual. It is as if the Mantra knows what the recipient needs.

I searched the Net for any reference of a Copper Yantra plate for the Navapashanam. This is what I found.  

I take it to mean that the person who is a pure soul - if he or she were to listen to the mantra regularly, the energy form of the yantra appears in his or her heart - permanently  - blessing this person continuously! What a blessing !!!!

Navapashanam Copper Yantra
Fair Use Copyright

I wanted to find out more other sources whether the healing energy would also come in any of these forms.  And I encountered a website from Dr. Sarah Larsen, USA. She has been to India with other seekers to look for Navapashanam.

This is information from her website.and relates more to the water from the Navapashanam Bead. Other websites I checked also spoke about the holy water.

Website of Dr. Larsen

Siddha medicine transforms the chemical make-up of the body. Navapashanam Water is one of these special Rasayanas that revitalizes/rejuvenates dysfunctional organs and obliterates the cause of disease. This allows the body to survive on Rasayanas alone, in a perfect state of health and consciousness.

Navapashanam water is the most sought-after “secret” of the Siddhas. It is the “Fountain of Youth” that became legendary when Ponce de Leon began searching for it!  Tales of such a fountain have been recounted across the world for thousands of years, appearing in writings by Herodotus, the Alexander Romance, and countless others!

In Sanskrit, “Nava” is ‘nine’ & “pashana” is ‘poison.’ The word refers to the 9 basic elements that combine to create a human body. Siddhas aspire to live without the need for external intake of the 9 “poisons.”

Navapashanam water is the medicine that allows one to produce all necessary energies from the inside. Crafted 5100 years ago – by Siddha Bhoganathar (also known as Bhogar or Bogur)- the exact composition of Navapashanam remains a mystery. Its results, however, are miraculous.

For those on the path to spiritual perfection, Navapashanam water facilitates the transformation of the physical body into a “realized” body of pure, enlightened consciousness.

It sustains the body on its own, liberating the person from the intake of food, water, oxygen, etc. For those who simply wish to be free of disease and increase these benefits:





Navapashanam water can be used for a period of time to restore one’s body, mind & soul.

Navapashanam awakens the Self to balance all energy canters called chakras, and to regenerate reproductive systems.

Navapashanam wakens the Self to transmute dis-ease which is said to be negative energy. The Awakened Self purifies the blood, strengthens the central nervous system as well as the digestive, circulatory, endocrine and immune systems.

Navapashanam awakened Self restores youthful vigor by rebalancing the internal five elemental energies, earth, water, fire, wind and ether thus increasing the ‘Cosmic Fire’ also known as the Life Force.

Navapashanam awakened Self dramatically increases the ability to absorb and retain energy as well as reduces the need for food and sleep.


People have to pay for the bead that they are selling on their website. And rightly so. Then you will value it.  Here in our blog, this mantra is given freely. The only condition being, thank Mother Earth and you can with faith and gratitude, have your own Navapashanam water.

That is how blessed we are.

On your part, practice loving kindness on a daily basis - whatever your faith or religion - your love and compassion will help you make your own Navapashanam water more effective.  It helps to listen to the mantra regularly as guided.


To be continued.

What are ingredients that pharma companies generally use in their vaccines?

Source:  Internet

Inactivated toxins from bacteria

Protein or sugar molecules of bacteria or viruses

Preservatives and stabilizers

Metals like aluminium. Some scientists think the metal can cause damage to the nervous system and promote autoimmunity.

Aluminium salts are also used in the food industry.

Thimerosal is a preservative primarily used in vaccines that come in multidose vials. Thimerosal kills bacteria and fungi that may contaminate a vaccine.

It is an organic compound containing about 50% mercury, prompting some people to be concerned about exposure to this heavy metal.

The amount of mercury in a standard dose of a thimerosal-containing vaccine is about the same as that in a 3-ounce can of tuna.

Gelatin is a stabilizer used in some vaccines to protect the active ingredient. It is usually sourced from pigs and highly processed.

Polysorbate 80 is an emulsifier used to help other components remain soluble. Some research showed potential links to reproductive issues in female rats and premature ovarian failure.

Antibiotics are used in the production of vaccines against some viruses to prevent bacterial contamination. The most commonly used are neomycin, streptomycin, polymyxin B, gentamicin, and kanamycin.

Ovalbumin is a protein in the whites of chicken eggs. The viral particles used in some flu and rabies.

Glutaraldehyde and formaldehyde are chemicals used to inactivate toxins from viruses and bacteria in some vaccines. 

Some vaccines are made from viruses or pathogenic molecules that are expanded in human, animal, or yeast cells.

There are two human cell lines that pharmaceutical companies use. These are called WI-38 and MRC-5. Both of these cell lines were established from cells taken from the lungs of aborted fetuses.

Other viruses are grown in animal cells before being incorporated into vaccines. Animal cells used for this purpose include kidney cells from African green monkeys (Vero cells) and chick embryo cells.


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