Monday, 31 May 2021

Earth needs evolved humans; Navapashanam can show the way


Mother Earth
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I had just completed an audio recording of a mantra which was given during a meditation a few days ago and I sent it out to the participants of the Navapashanam Group.

This group used to gather for a few months towards the end of 2020 for the blessings of the Na-va-pa-sha-nam.

The Navapashanam is an Elixir of Life – consisting mainly of 9 metal elements  - given to the world by the Indian Siddha -  Bogur, a few thousand years ago.

A picture  of the Siddha Bogur
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Even today, there are people claiming to be Master Alchemists who can recreate the Navapashanam energy in a pink pill and are selling it over the Internet.  And tout it as a cure-all for many ailments.

Navapashanam Bead sold over the Internet
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Navapashanam Water sold over the Internet.
Some promote it for protection against Covid
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I have not bought any so I cannot vouch for its efficacy. But there are a few websites selling it and claiming miraculous cures. You have to buy it and evaluate its efficacy for yourself

After all, a Navapashanam pendant is easy to wear. If it is genuine, you are encouraged to get one. Despite our civilizational leap into the contrary benefits of Artificial Intelligence, there are still aspects of humanity and nature which are sacred and awe-inspiring.

These are the claims made for Navapashanam:

Transmute disease

Purify blood

Strengthen the central nervous system,

·         Digestive system,

·         Circulatory system,

·         Endocrine

·         Immune system

Rebalance the 5 elements – earth, water, fire, air and collectively the ether

Increasing the cosmic fire internally – also known as our Life Force.

Finally, to awaken the wisdom of your Higher Self.

It is a holistic solution for the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual body.

In any case, this is my story. With a small group of friends, I went to Palani Hill, India as a pilgrim to visit the site of Siddha (Saint) Bogur sometime in 2013. Did all the things I had to do and came back to Malaysia.

One off my Bucket List!

Sometime in mid-2020, very early one morning, I had a vision and a message. “Andrew, you can now provide the Navapashanam healing energy in the form of a prayer or mantra. If people believe, it will work.    

A prayer or mantra is a wave of vibration.

Science is beginning to tell us that everything on earth has a vibrationary signature.  Place a high healing vibration with a lower ill-health vibration – through the power of resonance, the lower-based vibration eventually – vibrates higher and matches that of the healing vibration.

With faith, belief, application and patience, many things are possible.

I was not complaining when I received the message. Happily, I said YES SIR.  Why turn down something so sacred.

From August to October 2020 we had a regular Navapashanam Prayer session at the center. And we stopped in November because I had too many things on my plate. And I needed to rest and recharge my batteries.

Fast forward to a few days ago, I had this urge to recite the mantra and record it for 30 minutes and send it out to the Navapashanam group over WhatsApp Audio.

This is the mantra.

Om Twameva Sakshat

Shri Adi Guru Sakshat

Shri Bogurnath Sakshat

Sri Mahanavapashanam Sakshat

Om Twameva Sakshat

I AM the Source OM

I AM the first Guru

I AM Sri Bogurnath

I AM the (Blessings) of the Mahanavapashanam

I AM the Source OM

At this time, this can no longer be a secret. It has to be shared. 

For people who believe, this will help them treat various health issues.

Due to the Covid crisis, many people with other health problems are being ignored.

So this mantra can be used to help build up uplifting vibrations which can ward off or reduce various health issues.

We are recommending that this mantra is used as part of a multi-disciplinary effort with other medical therapies.

(The prefix Maha means GREAT - when added to the word Navapashanam)  

This was the feedback I received from friends who listened to the Mahanavapashanam audio.

Auntie Rani Update


Auntie Rani listened to the 30 min version of the Mahanavapashanam audio last night.

This morning she woke up with severe headache and inflammation in her gums.

She messaged me.

I got psychic to check her out.  

There was a vision of a copper Yantra in her heart sending out waves of Navapashanam energy to her whole body.

Her entire aura was maroon red.

The maroon red was giving her inflammation.

We had the copper Yantra removed and she called to say she was back to normal.

The message was that Auntie Rani was a pure soul and that is why after listening to the Nava audio, the copper Yantra appeared in her heart to bless her.

But because she was too physically weak, her body was not strong enough to accept the Yantra.

So Auntie Rani was advised to listen to the Nava audio for only TEN MINUTES a day for the next 7 days. We will then check her out again.

Kim's Update

01/06/2021, 21:47 - Kim: I energise the water (with Nava and thank Mother Earth), put finger in water, can feel the surge in energy

(Kim practices Qi Gong – so she can feel energy)

01/06/2021, 21:47 - Kim: I assume its fourth finger of right hand? ๐Ÿค”

01/06/2021, 21:55 - Andrew: You listen mantra already?

01/06/2021, 21:55 - Kim: I buat betul tadi (meaning yes she has done it)

01/06/2021, 21:57 - Kim: Shared some with my furkids too...(Kim’s cats)

01/06/2021, 21:58 - Kim: But water tastes sweeter. Can still taste in my mouth

01/06/2021, 22:03 - Andrew: Very good lah.

Kim’s Update:

[10:22, 03/06/2021] Kim: Andrew, yesterday I saved my fish with Navapashanam water ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿป๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿป๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿป

Happened to see the fish on its side, I thought went to heaven, then I saw it gasping...(still alive).

Water pump died, so water almost died.

So I scooped it and 'Navapashanam' ed that water.

(Kim followed the instructions from the blog)

I put into another lily pot and Navapashanam that too...

In the new lily pot, the fish very quickly recovered... Today fish still ok

So now I Navapashanam the air - I pour a bit of the Navapashanam water everywhere.

(Andrew: Now, why didn't I think of that?  Sprinkling Navapashanam water throughout the house - similar to holy water, isn't it? Looks like Kim can now make her own bottle of navapashanam water and distribute it!)

Kamala from Brisbrane

[08:45, 01/06/2021] Good morning Andrew… listened to Mahanavapashanam last night before sleep… it’s a long tape and listened with ear plugs... here are the observations:

·       felt Siddhi Bogur’s presence & I felt emotional. I felt I missed him.

·       he was standing beside me & I felt he touched me - no shaktipat or golden colour vision ... just his presence & purple colour. He touched me on my head.

·       he had something in an old tin container ... like amber colour ... maybe honey? - which I later found smeared on my forehead or perhaps I imagined it.

·       (Kamala imagined that Bogur had smeared the Navapashanam Elixir of Life honey on her forehead)

·        slept off very well

·       was hoping to listen again this morning but kept snoozing the alarm ... it’s cold here… 10 degrees & nice to be under the quilt. ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ

Thank you ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™


20210602: 17.50

Thank you  Andrew for calling.. (Kamala explained that she felt the amber liquid going from the forehead to her throat and felt/tasted something sweet like caramel. 

After our chat I reflected what you said and repeated the acknowledgment that I accept the elixir of life given by Siddhi Bogur and asked Mother Earth to guide me .. I then smelled the sweet caramel smell again ❤️๐Ÿงก.. I am truly humbled for this blessings and thank you for your guidance. I feel lighter. (After smelling the sweet caramel which appeared out of nowhere) End of Update


20210607: 08.12

My findings on drinking the water after putting the ring finger and prayer to Mother Earth and Navapashanam. The water was from my tap and i discovered after the prayer that the water had a mineral flavour.

I decided to do a second test  with water sold in a bottle. I tasted it before and after the prayer. Before the bottled water had a normal taste. After the recitation, the water had a mineral taste.

So now Kamala can make her own mineral water. :-)

Palani Temple
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Andrew: Kamala asked whether there was any message from Bogur to her. The message from Bogur for Kamala was ...put a picture of Palani Hill in her bedroom.  She will experience is a holy place visited by pilgrims from all over the world ... the well wishes of people from all over the world will bless you.

At this time ...holy vibrations from compassionate pilgrims from all religious faiths are required to overcome the global Covid pandemic of fear, chaos and sickness.

Ah a matching vibration. Of course, Palani Hill has been visited by millions of people over the past few thousand years.  There would have been a collective energy built up over the years – the energy of humility, reverence and compassion. Every holy place on earth is covered with these sacred vibrations.

Since we cannot go to Palani Hill and put all the vibrations in a bottle and take it back, a picture of Palani Hill will do for now.

To people who have their own faiths and beliefs, then have a picture of your preferred holy site. It is your faith and belief system that works for you. 

As we are sharing about the this, I shall relate a true story which took place yesterday.

Went to visit a friend and was told this story related by her neighbour.  Last day before full Lockdown. So make use of it lah!

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Her mid-60s Indian neighbor was worried about going for the Covid Vaccine.  She was thinking at this age,” if I take Vaccine and if anything happens to me, how? Die – die lah. I am old already”. What to do? 

She felt resigned to her fate. She had heard all the news about people dying from the Vaccine and not the Covid. Amusing but not funny.

That night the neighbour had a dream. Her ancestral family Goddess appeared to her. The goddess had a mortar board and was pounding some spice sticks.

So the neighbour related this dream to my friend.  My friend  after getting a more detailed description about the spice stick, realized, ah that is Cinnamon.  In the olden days, Cinnamon and Honey was prescribed for many ailments.

What a relief. My friend had recently been given some Sri Lankan Cinnamon. She happily gave it to her neighbour who happily receive it for her family. And now the neighbour was mentally prepared for the Vaccine. Such is Life.

Pushpa’s Navapashanam Feedback



Pushpa started her audio chant.


As the chant started – hands were vigorous – moving - doing spontaneous mudras – head was turning left and right – like doing the vagus nerve exercise.

2nd or 3rd chant. Saw purple light in front of me.

(Similar to Kamala.)

After 3rd set of chant I slept and woke up at 1.30am

How come I slept through?

From 10.50pm to 1.30am. Don’t know where I was or where I went ... deep sleep.

This morning (1st of June) my body heat was a lot … up to the waist … thought it was gastric … but it wasn’t started so I started walking … so I am ok.  Ahh got it …the heat is the healing energy of Mahanavapashanam.

Absolute stillness in between 11.50 pm to 1.30pm. Like the world did not exist and I did not exist.

Woke up 1.30am went back to sleep. I had a dream – Sarogini my friend came to me and was walking very well (Sarojini 69 years, is going to undergo her third knee operation soon – now in a wheel chair – the first two was not successful)

I gave her a drink – milky water – Sarojini: “I don’t know what you gave me … not tea but something else… no sugar … maybe I gave her some concoction” … I looked at her Sarojini -  both her legs are well. She is walking and no longer in a wheel chair.  The dream took place in the white house.

Pushpa sees the white house often in her dreams … Her dreams take place there.

Pushpa continued.

Ah now the message comes Andrew. “My whole body is vibrating Andrew.  Feel the urge to speak

After giving the message, which I typed out below - Pushpa felt much better.  It is often the case that when a message comes from a higher vibration, if the message is not expressed – the higher vibration message in the body causes lots of discomfort until the message is given and released.

Pushpa had a message from Mother Earth.

Andrew, I am the Earth Mother. The air is like a whirlpool - going round and round and picking up human fears and spreading throughout the world.  Go to your group and friends Andrew ... all talking of fear only ... they spread the fear – rising cases of Covid. .... they won’t leave you in peace… your friends they have not seen importance of praying and chanting for me. The natives of Earth do that. Modern humans have forgotten everything. If I am affected all humans will be affected. Don’t they understand.

You and a few others are doing this daily. Don’t delay … why only 2 or 3 pray for the earth. Go to your group/friends – start doing it now.  Don’t just say I am taking care of myself.  You have to take care of the earth that is your home. Why are you destroying the very home that feeds and shelters you?

Find time to do the prayer for earth and pray for the people of the earth daily. I AM also getting angry. I have said this for two years. Don’t look after yourself only. It cannot be like that now.

Don’t just take care of yourself.  Take care of others.  When you help others, Mother Earth helps you. The whole world energy is fear. Your prayers/chanting have to remove this fear from the earth. I will take care of those who pray for others and help them – not just yourself only.

There will be more heat and rain – it will affect the earth in uneven ways –  the weather is out of balance… Insects, mice, rats will spread wild – earth humans will be affected. For some countries – they are already experiencing this. It is too late. Mankind have ears but do not listen.

This is what you all should do.

Take a glass of water … put the tip of the right 4th finger in the glass of water – yes...Say…”this is Navapashanam water. Say 3 times. Wait for a minute. And drink the water. Do this from the heart. Do this for 21 days.

You will see the difference in your health and your attitude.  This message is given by Mother Earth.  Do it faithfully, seriously. Some of you may see something in the water after a while. Think of the Earth when you do this.

Then go out to the earth during your morning walk. You now have lots of time to do this  – Go to the grass. Walk on the grass. Talk to Earth. Thank the Earth. The earth gives everything to you. Why are humans so ignorant? 

The Earth is your only home.  Are you going to take care of it?  Or think only of yourself.  Without the abundance of the Earth, you have no home. You have nothing. No job. No career. No money.  Go to the plants and trees daily.  Say You are my home Mother Earth, thank you for everything.

Then start thinking of how you can help in individual ways to care for a sustainable earth.

Take, continue taking ... one day there will be ZERO to take from the earth. Start using your brains. Think. The earth gives you everything.  Start taking care of it.

Or else the heat on earth will increase and it will be unbearable for humans. Humans will suffer. Stop the greed. Start taking care of your home – the Earth.  Do something now. Or it will be too late.

When the heat comes, all will be gone.  I am the compassionate mother... I have given you many chances. Take heed of my words.  Do something for your home. It is the Earth. Do not just think of yourself only.

Any sane person will look after their home. If your house is broken, do you not repair it? I AM the Earth, why are you not taking care of me?

Look at all the plants and trees everywhere as part of Mother Earth. In your greed you earth people cut it down and use it to make money.  All that money will be gone – when the heat comes – because you cut down the trees that balance the heat and coolness of the earth.

Do not just send love and care only to your plants in your home.  The Earth is every plant, every tree, every stream, every drop of water.

Start now. The glass of water with Navapashanam. Do this daily for the next 21 days.  This glass is only for Navapashanam. Do not use this glass for something else.

“Then say Mother Earth, thank you for Navapashanam Blessings.   Thank you for everything – our health, our lives, our jobs … everything.”

Once you have done this for 21 days. It will be a habit. Then do every day. Those who do this – will be blessed. 

Earth gives and give and gives to all humans every day. The human takes, takes and takes. Can you the human not do something for the Earth daily. Just 5 minutes a day. Am I the earth, asking for too much from you?

The fourth finger as described by Pushpa
is confirmed as the RING Finger - the EARTH finger
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Message Ends.

My personal belief is that Pushpa was voicing the exasperation of an aspect of Earth Mother - looking at her delinquent children and wondering what will it take to wake up the people of earth and get them to treat each other well, and appreciate their earthly home - and treat it like their personal home. 

People spend a lot of time and effort to make sure their personal home is comfy and aesthetically pleasing.  The earth is ALSO their home - how much time and effort do people spend to make sure our earthly home is better?

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I also believe that business as usual cannot continue as usual when we do not consider the long term effects of our  existing economic system on the planet. 

It is anybody’s guess what is going to happen.  I just read about Australia.  Fires, droughts, torrential rain and now a Mice Plague. And thousands of farmers in New South Wales are being affected by it.

If it can happen to Australia - one of the top destinations of immigrants for a better quality of life, it can happen anywhere. So, don't kid yourself.

Climate change - that politically correct description - is already here. . It is already having a devastating impact on these farmers in New South Wales. It is not 20 years away or 50 years away. It is happening NOW.  And it is happening in many places on the earth. WE are all being affected.

Farmer in New South Wales overrun by mice plague
face economic ruin after disastrous droughts. May 2021
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The Earth Mother is also asking us as individuals to pray for her. Review how we look at her.

And DO Something.

Start a personal relationship with the Earth.

I get it that we all have our personal lives.

And we are busy ...and we have problems

I have to take care of family..

I am very busy now with setting up this .. and that...

My wife this ..

My husband that...

My employees are ..

My employer is giving me s...t

My maid did this ...

My children are driving me nuts

Does anyone say

My home planet the earth needs ...?

The Earth ....


At this most critical time in our history, she needs us to change our attitudes.

A thousand years from now SHE will still be around.

WE will not be.

She does not need us.

On the contrary, we need her.

Pray and talk to her.

Appreciate her from the heart.

Plant trees. Start gardens.

Talk to your flowers and plants.

Support sustainable practices





The world is made up of billions of individuals.

Let us as individuals start a meaningful personal relationship with the Earth.

And do something as an individual.

What you are doing for the earth, you are doing for yourself.

At the same time, you are raising your vibration to match that with a New Earth.

Sabina a friend at the Positive Living Community in Rawang is getting seeds of the trees which make up the canopy of the forest. The rainforest canopy supports thousands of wildlife species.

And we are taking up donations to support her and her group of volunteers now.

She is an individual. And together with her bunch of volunteers, she wants to help replant the canopy.

She and her friends are willing to DO SOMETHING. 

Find some way to do something and in the process - spread a positive, loving UPLIFTING vibration on the planet for everyone to benefit.

What are you going to do?

The choice is yours.


For those who want a copy of the Audio Recording of the Mahanavapashanam with its healing vibrations, please message me – Andrew at 6 012 910 5812 over WhatsApp. It is given freely to you. So long as you make a commitment as an individual to DO SOMETHING for the earth.

The time for talking is over.

The time for differences between religions is over.

When the earth is troubled, so is every human.

The Law of Cause and Effect applies to everyone.

When you take care of the Earth, the Earth will take care of you... in ways you cannot imagine.

Nothing is - as it seems.

A New Earth requires a new behaviour from us.

From that perspective, our existing civilisational attitudes and our current economic system is totally inadequate.

In its place, a new holistic attitude based on oneness principles in relationship with the people and the earth will take root.  The native wisdom of every continent know this. They treasured the earth and they all had a relationship with the earth.  

Quo vadis?

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Note: Chanting or listening to the Mahanavapashanam does not make you a Hindu or change your religion. It is a series of high vibrational therapeutic waves that will uplift the lower vibrational waves of a person who is not well.  This is Quantum Theory.  



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