Sunday 20 June 2021

Yin Yang Mudras - Balancing within and without


Hermetic Principles.
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After numerous attempts, (my stab at humour) – we had been “hijacked” on various occasions while attempting to do the YIN YANG Inner Male and Inner Female Balancing Mudras – we finally managed to do the Mudras on Saturday 19th June 2021.

For society to have harmony – our inner male and inner female has to be balanced as individuals.

When enough individuals do this regularly and unite the polarities of yin and yang, then the Hermetic Principle of -  as within so without – takes place.

As more individuals operate at this unity level, the energy resonance begins to spread outwards to society – and that is where the balance starts to take hold.

Gradually our society also begins to resonate with the balance and harmony of the opposite polarities.

Society becomes more balanced. - there is more collaboration and cooperation.

Yin needs Yang.  Yang needs Yin.  The Yin nurtures and cares. The Yang takes action to achieve.  Together, society thrives.

But it starts with you and me.

To achieve the unity of the inner yin and the inner yang at the individual level, there are four exercises. That is the secret to unity consciousness and thriving in our energy body – bringing it to the highest state of energy evolution.

People who practice meditation, martials arts, qi gong or tai chi – when they experience the unity of yin and yang – will find the most benefits. They eventually achieve states of super-consciousness.

From our personal experience, any energy work that does not include the Yin Channel will not be successful. And vice versa.  The Yin and Yang complement and complete each other.

The individual will thrive, earth becomes more balanced, society thrives.

Or else, the earth will begin to respond to the imbalance in her own way – through weather and earth changes.

Any weather and earth drama – my reference to earthquakes, floods, droughts with their impact on human, animal, insect and natural habitats – are a reflection of the lack of yin and yang balance and harmony on the planet – as without – according to Hermetic Principles.

When there is harmony within (in us as individuals) – there is harmony without (throughout society – individuals make up society). That is the concept we need to understand.

So when we as a society experience tremendous earth changes – it is a reflection of the lack of Yin Yang within us as individuals and as a collective.

Our worries, stress, and lack of unity – can be seen by genuine psychics – as chaotic energies that upset and disrupt the 5 elements of earth, water, fire, air and collectively as the ether.

Our weather patterns follow suit, the earth within follows suit – the result is what climatologists call EARTH CHANGES.

They take the form of earthquakes, out-of-season hurricanes and floods, heat waves, unseasonal fires,  and droughts. Followed by the out-of-control spread of locusts, mice, insects and other rodents in different parts of the world.

Am I imagining this? Not at all.  It is already happening in various continents.

During the Yin Yang session, we started receiving information about how native wisdom from different traditions, tell us how to live peacefully with each other and with all sentient life.

In South America, the concept is called Inla’kech Alakin – I am you, you are me. Let us treat each other well. If I hurt you, I am hurting myself.

In India this is called, “Namaste”.  I respect and honour the Indwelling Spirit in you.

In South Africa, this is known as “Ubuntu”. Let us work together as one community.

In the Tibetan Buddhism tradition, it takes on a more spiritual context known as ‘Bodhicitta” – let us help each other evolve through loving kindness.

Our small community on Saturday finally practiced our Yin Yang Balancing Mudras. 

During the session, some of the participants could feel our collective energy - Yin and Yang balanced and harmonised - radiating outwards and doing its work for the planet. And going outwards as a rainbow to the universe.

As within so without.

 Machu Picchu. We discovered that we were there
during the 100th year celebration of its rediscovery.

During the session, I began to speak about my experiences in Machu Picchu, Peru, South America.

I was there in October 2011 with a group of friends.  We went there on this once-in-a-lifetime journey. We had no idea that we were there on the 100th anniversary of the modern rediscovery of the site.

There we had a guide who was also a shaman.  We had a coca leaf ceremony at Machu Picchu itself to acknowledge the blessings of the Earth. In Peru, the earth mother is known as Pachamama.

When I came back to Malaysia, an invisible spirit guide and 3 creatures appeared to me.  The spirit guide was an Andean Shaman. 

He said call me ‘Pako”. That is what the locals in Peru call a medicine man. The 3 creatures were a jaguar, condor and an eagle.

For the next 3 years, they guided me in helping treat people.

After that, they left, telling me their time with me was over.

I made reference to them during the session and this was the feedback from some of the participants on Saturday.

19/06/2021, 12:33 - Chia Sing Lau: Thank you Andrew for the session 🙏🙏

Picture of a typical Andean Peruvian shaman
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My feedback:

When you started speaking about mother earth, lately been feeling called to be more and more connected to the animal kingdom, to play with them, take care of them, watch them, and strong resonance.

During the start of the session, I felt a man behind me pressing certain points of my back - could perhaps be a shaman, saw the bird dimension of eagles

During the Lemurian activation transmission, whole body was vibrating in resonance and recognition. Saw a lady with tail and was immersed in water with multi-coloured corals.

During Inla'kech Alakin, felt a strong resonance of I am you, you are me, we are One.

During the feminine mudra, felt vibrations over the right palm, body was very hot and uncomfortable. During masculine mudra, felt also energy going in and out through the left palm.

During the meditation, all kinds. Initially saw a geometry that was like a rhomboid, not sure why. One moment there was namohyo renge kyo chanting, in and out purple light...

...flashes of a beautiful lake garden with a dragon that has scales emerging from the lake, saw a tiny alien for a split second, back in Lemuria for a split second.

😅 Felt a lot of things going on, flashing in and out.

That's all from me. 🙏☺

19/06/2021, 12:42 - Andrew: Thank you Chia Sing ...the shaman who did the points pressing on your back was a PAKO ...the medicine man from Peru ..he came with the jaguar, condor and eagle.

Lena Yap: Andrew. I don’t have any vision. I felt I am deep into my own world of peace. I felt something moving inside me... some kind of energy when you were channelling or chanting.

Linda Tan: As for me, during the yoni mudra, my whole body felt hot until the feminine mudra. Body swaying non-stop.

Jesvin: Saw the eagle flying, saw carpet of grass and a lady covered with green leaves and flowers, her face was light. Towards the end during the last mudra saw a waterfall and rainbow colour energy sent to the galaxy. 

Thanks Andrew and everyone for this wonderful session. 🙏🏻🙂


In the South American continent, there is a reference to an energy known as Pachamama. She is the earth mother representing fertility, growth, harvesting and planting.

Pachamama - Earth Mother Goddess. Fertility, Growth, Harvesting and Planting.
The lady in green. The moon on the left and the sun on the right represent the feminine
and masculine energies. Fair Use Copyright

Corinne Feedback

Hi Andrew,

This is the landscape I got while you were chanting Inlakech Alakin.

Corinne's visual of her vision during the Yin Yang Session. She saw the chakra system
in a triangle pointing upwards on the side of the mountain at Machu Picchu.

A condor was flying over the place and sending a rain of fine particles of gold, like a mist. I was seeing all as if I was sitting on top of the head of the condor or as if I was the condor.

(Corinne felt the oneness.)

The lady in green was so grateful for what was happening (our Yin Yang session as a collective was radiating outwards towards all on the planet).  

Messages were being sent to Pushpa with such an intense and smooth flow. She was surrounded by a lot of triangles. She seemed to be there for ever!

(This will be explained towards the end of the article)


As we were balancing the feminine, bindu and the two palms were activated, designing like a sword. It was golden to attract the energy of the sky and silver to be absorbed by the Earth. 

This sword was acting as a receptor for the Earth to tap into the sun energy and get fed.

Corinne's vision of the sword in the earth.
The sword represents the masculine symbol. The earth 
represents the feminine.  Unity consciousness.
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By us balancing the polarities, it was represented by the sword planted onto earth. Acting as a receptor and transformation, feeding the Earth.

During masculine energy, along the way the head of Jesus appeared and  said that he had lost his body and he needs one to materialize love and receive the energy of the earth because he has no body. 

Withe the masculine energy balanced between my palms, the Christ body materialized, till his feet appeared on the earth.

Andrew: To my mind, this is the gradual manifestation of the energy of Christ consciousness internally in all individuals. In Buddhism, everyone is supposed to awaken like the Buddha. Similarly, everyone should awaken their inner Christ. 

We will awaken our Christ consciousness in the main, through two practices - one exterior, the other interior:   (Of course, there are other practices equally valid in other spiritual traditions)

loving our neighbour as we love ourself;  

- apply that principle globally.

- everyone on the planet is our neighbour.

balancing our inner masculine and feminine - the left and right currents.

In qi gong when we balance our left and right currents  (feminine and masculine) - the full energy body appears. We become highly charged with energy - which we can use for the highest good. 

Christ was telling us that in order to materialize our full energy body on earth so that we can thrive, we need inner male and female unity integration - the 7th Hermetic Principle).  

Back to Corinne's comments.

During the unity mudras, a chariot appeared for victory and success and then a light house saying that light can be put in the darkness.

I can relate to the message on a personal current situation. It could also be for everyone that our help is requested to help the balancing of the polarities. 

Strength is increasing on both side and the union, the merging part needs more balance and harmonization for the harmony, the peace to happen.

The incoming cosmic tones are getting higher and higher and need the light worker to help the fusion.

Andrew: These are incoming cosmic diamond light codes from the universe - awakening humanity to their divinity. Some of us who are sensitive will hear these incoming light codes as a ringing in our ears. There are various interpretations of the function of the light codes. I shall leave it as light codes that activate our DNA)

I had a message for Pushpa: she was doing a wonderful job. It was very intense and she clearly was sacrificing herself for this. Greatest Seva!!! 

I felt very grateful for what she was doing and she deserves to be praised for that.

The lady in green had something to do with Kamala. She was like the eternal mother quietly making sure that all was OK. Watching the world like her own baby.

If this can help Kamala, you may tell her that my green lady was really contemporary, she was looking to get in contact but as you know I do not have sound! 

(Corinne implies that she cannot hear the message as yet. I am confident that Corinne will soon be clairaudient and she will be able to hear sounds or messages from loving guardians).

Might be a part of Kamala or someone very close to her. She was sweet and loving. Kamala was lucky to be hugged by her.

Kamala had responded during the session that she had seen a green lady who had hugged her.

Andrew: From the visions that Kamala, Jesvin and Corinne shared, the Earth Goddess in the form of Pachamama - the green lady - was present during our Saturday session.

Pushpa Feedback:

Pushpa later called me. She said that during the session she had seen particles of golden light dropping on Dr. Roshan’s clinic in Subang Jaya. That was the particles of light Corinne saw from the Condor.

It was a blessing.  She called the doctor and he told her that the evening before, he had prayed that people coming to him for treatment would be blessed.

It appears that Dr. Roshan’s prayer had been answered. It may be, that people visiting Dr. Roshan experience, earlier than expected recoveries.

We are grateful to all our spiritual guides and nature allies for their blessings during this session.

We express our deep gratitude to Pachamama for all the abundance we receive from the Earth.

Inla'kech Alakin.

To know more about the practice of Yin Yang Mudras, message me at +6012 9105812 for the write-up.


Appearance and disappearance of flower bud

Flower Bud mysteriously appears outside grill door

One of our Shambhala participants saw this flower bud outside her grill door in the morning. She took a picture and sent it to me. Very strange.

Weird. A flower appeared on the side of my grill main door. Last 2 times was someone putting used tissue and mask…this time flower bud... no one coz my housemates and I didn’t get any flower for prayer for the past few weeks already.

This evening she tried looking for the flower bud – it had disappeared.

She called me and we decided to work together.

She has a vision of a condor and sees Pako and a gold crown.

She also smells the sweet fragrance from the flower bud.

Very nice, soothing, very relaxing.


Don’t pay attention to what other people say - (criticism)

Do your work

Practice loving kindness daily

The crown is for your step towards Self Mastery and Spiritual Progress

Continue to help people and do your seva.

Be Humble.

All is well.

Note: Some of you who are sensitive, if you read this, you may be able to smell the sweet fragrance of the flower bud. As I am typing this the fragrance is sweet and soothing to me. Appreciating it. Ahhhhh - can go off to dreamland.  Hahahahahahahaha.

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