Monday, 21 June 2021

Golden Alchemy from the Mahanavapashanam Mantra

Golden energy in the bloodstream
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14/06/2021, 20:46 - Andrew: UPDATE ...just got guided message ... was told to inform ... the Nava mantra ...will eventually manifest GOLDEN energy particles in your bloodstream ...for those who sincerely practice SEVA or LOVING KINDNESS

Seva means the practice of devoting your time to helping your community or serving the less fortunate.

Golden particles in your blood stream will make your IMMUNE SYSTEM impervious to any so-called Covid, Mutations, all kinds of  animal to human transmitted Flus, Pneumonia ...or Vaccine spike proteins.

As always your free will is respected and it is up to you whether you listen or not to the mantra fact you will be impervious to many health issues if you do is pure alchemy ...transformation from a normal human to a golden being of light ...the highest purity of energy on the planet.

Some traditions would call it ascension or enlightenment. That achievement is no longer exclusive for saints and sages only. It is meant for everyone born on earth now.

I leave it to you to decide ...the 9 metals also help you connect to the intuition and guidance of your higher self .... why this gift now ... we are entering a crucial time ...only if you step-by-step become a golden being of light ...can you thrive at this time...

Otherwise ...we will become another Covid or vaccine statistic.

End of Message.

After I sent out this message on the group chat, Tareq in Pahlawan, Philippines wrote to me that he had seen golden dust flowing towards him when he was lying down listening to the mantra.

This is the feedback from more friends.

Jesvin, Singapore

15/06/2021, 11:56 - Jesvin: Hi Andrew, just wanted to give you a feedback on your guided message yesterday about gold in our blood stream.

Before I read your message, I was meditating and saw liquid transformed into gold, did not understand what I saw that moment. After that I read your message and all made sense. 🙏🏻🙂 Thanks for the message.

Andrew: Jesvin just described Alchemy in action. The ancients knew the science and art of converting basic metals into liquid and transforming it into gold. Alchemy comes from the Arabic word - "Al Kimia." Somehow the Mahanavapahanam Mantra does the same thing. In Sidddha Indian texts, Nava refers to the Nine metals within Navapashanam..

Simran, Ipoh

[15:08, 15/06/2021] Simran:

Andrew, Mum and I listening to the mantra.

Major clearing going on. Getting pain here and there then ok. Nose like a pipe flowing. We both feel very relaxed, Mum feels like sleeping.

I'm seeing a lot of gold at my third eye.

Toes and fingers very hot. More energy moving up to shoulders. I'm seeing 20 percent gold and 80 percent red now in my blood stream.

Neck feeling very relaxed. Green and white infinity symbol at tummy. Now feeling like under a waterfall.

A lot or heat at tail bone. Feels like sleeping. Mum knocked out.

[10.27, 17/06/2021 – Simran: Andrew today I took a look again.  My blood is 70 percent gold now. Wonderful!


Geetha, Switzerland

[10:20, 17/06/2021] Geetha Swiss: Good morning Andrew

It's here writing to you regards my dream

I was reading about your write-up and updates and slept following your Nava chant and let it play and went on... I slept... had a dream was in gold mining area and I found lots of gold....

As I touch and look inside I picked a handful of big gold stones... I woke up in between…the chant was still playing and I continued to sleep again.

The dream at the gold mine continued... And now I'm fully awake. I wonder why the Navapashanam mantra took me to this experience?

[10:32, 17/06/2021] Geetha Swiss: Wow! I just read your golden Mahanavapashanam blog... I dreamt I saw gold!

[10:36, 17/06/2021] Andrew: You got your answer ...dream of mining is gold coming to you

[10:36, 17/06/2021] Geetha Swiss: What does that mean… from where? I don't understand.

Andrew: Dream symbolism ...when you dream of a gold mine and you are picking up gold are receiving gold.   

So this dream is telling you energy of mantra is going to you is a very positive dream. The Nava mantra is about the blessings of 9 metals.  Metals come from the Earth. You were in a gold mine. That represents the golden energies of the Mantra.

Geetha Swiss: Ok understood.  Thank you...I dreamt of the gold… So surprising you updating about the golden Mahanavapashanam🙏🙏🙏.... Unbelievable.... But feeling happy as it was a positive dream. 🙏🙏🙏

Andrew: Definitely ...No coincidences.


Corinne Schons, French Expatriate, Malaysia

18/06/2021, 21.46 -  Corinne Schons: Hi Andrew, my turn to give you some feedback on the mantra. The idea came to me to listen to it while I am sending Qigong Distant Healing.

The effect of the mantra has been immediate. As soon as it started singing, my palms got activated and the flow of Qi was stronger and also more stable than usual. I guess we can say that the Qi was more densed and holding more structure.

The Mind (Yi) with the mantra gets sharper and it is easier to direct it where needed. During the healing session, the qi flow has a very lovely gold/yellow taint. This colour is very precious - during  my Qigong practice we use gold as it governs all the organs and functions of the body.

It also could also be related as the colour of the manipura chakra. Some fire and sun are most welcome in this solar plexus chakra (manipura)! It is too early yet to say if it will enhance the outcome of the session, but for sure I will continue using it while sending Distant Healing.

Amazing all that the mantra adds to it! Very grateful for receiving this tool from you!


Colette Garside, UK

Colette used to reside in Malaysia and returned to the UK in 2015.

21/06/2021, 16:35 - Colette Garside UK:

When the mantra was played during the meditation,  the group on Friday saw the Metatron’s Cube appearing in their higher chakras. It really felt like a cleansing. It started in the golden area first between the sacral and solar plexus and the symbol of Metatron’ Cube just unfolded up the body right to the higher chakras.

Lastly because I am now so heavily involved with healing at the physical cellular level it showed me why it started within the body because of the genetics.

Metatron’s Cube

Metatron's Cube
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Source: Internet

Metatron’s Cube is a sacred geometry that contains every shape that exists in the universe.

These shapes are the building blocks of all physical matter on Earth. They are known as Platonic Solids in the study of Sacred Geometry because the Greek philosopher Plato linked them to the spirit world of heaven and the physical elements on Earth.

These 3 dimensional shapes appear throughout creation, in everything from crystals to human DNA.

Metatron's Cube appears in the higher chakras for
the UK Group of Meditation Practitioners.
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The word Alchemy comes from the Arabic word Al-Kimia.

Al Kimia refers to the transmutation of base metals into liquid into gold.

It can also refer to our personal transmutation from a normal human being Into a golden being of light.

For centuries, this quest has obsessed the minds of many philosophers and alchemists among Taoists, Hebrews, Egyptians, Greeks, Indians and latter day alchemists in Europe.

The Mahanavapashanam Mantra refers to the Nine Metals used by the Siddha Bogur to create an elixir of life formula for health and transmute us into golden beings of light.

He was supposed to have done this thousands of years ago according to Siddha literature.

Today that formula is in the Mahanavapashanam mantra.

It has been given freely to us. On the condition that we express gratitude to Mother Earth and do something for her in return.

This is the mantra.

Om Twameva Sakshat

Shri Adi Guru Sakshat

Shri Bogurnath Sakshat

Sri Mahanavapashanam Sakshat

Om Twameva Sakshat


I AM the Source OM

I AM the first Guru

I AM Sri Bogurnath

I AM the (Blessings) of the Mahanavapashanam

I AM the Source OM


If it can turn us into golden beings of light, why is this mantra from Bogur being shared so freely with the rest of the world.

All forms of Alchemy are deeply held secrets.

Well the truth is that the vibrations of unconditional love and compassion from a human – would be required to activate the mantra.

Or else you can listen to the mantra or chant the mantra till the cows come h OM e – and your molecules would not change a single iota into golden particles of light.  

The Law of Attraction prevails.

Your love attracts the golden particles of light.

Mahanavapashanam Mantra Audio Recording

The audio recording of the Mahanavapashanam Mantra is available in 30 min. 3 and 6 hour versions. You can message me at +60 12 9105812 for a copy with your email. Your fee? Please express gratitude to the earth daily and do something for her in a way that is suitable for you.

Physical Gold has been used in many ancient healing traditions.

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Note: We are very aware that there are other methods of Golden Alchemy out there. We respect the methodologies of the different paths. Trust your intuition and discernment in following the path of your choice which suits you.  We are all one.



1 comment:

  1. Hi Everyone. I'm Jaz writing from Chiang Mai. I'm a big fan of Andrew's work but lost touch until just recently when he sent me the link to the Mahanavapashanam chanting audio. I've been playing it most days and just love it. Overall it bring me a sense of peace - no expectations and a quiet smile knowing that everything is okay and exactly as it should be. Go it going in my ears right now. Thanks Andrew - brilliant
