Someone asked me, Andrew, you
suggest that we express daily gratitude to experience heaven on earth. Okay we know about heaven on earth… that
everything is oneness and unconditional love … as a way of life … are there any
examples of how this is lived or achieved? What are the clues?
Good question. The myth about Shambhala is that an
evolved being called Sanat Kumara came to Earth with 144,000 souls to assist in
enlightening the earth during a dark time in its history. Eventually they established Shambhala in a higher
dimension in earth’s frequency.
There is a story Sanat Kumara also landed in Katagarama, Sri Lanka and Mt. Kurama in Japan. There are plaques that record the event at
these two places. Mt. Kurama in Japan is named after Sanat Kumara and is the birthplace of Reiki.
What legends tell us is that Sanat
Kumara came from Venus. So obviously
Venus would have a highly evolved civilisation in the higher frequencies of
that planet that cannot be seen by any man made telescope.
Our man-made telescopes from our
current third dimension can only see
other 3rd dimension worlds and not a higher dimension of highly
evolved planets already living and experiencing unconditional love.
There are articles from humans who
have achieved astral travelling. They have visited Venus in the higher
frequencies. An Incan spiritual
messenger named Willaru Huayta spoke about it to a Lightworker called Aluna
Ignorance is not bliss. When we
read about Venus and their evolved way of life, we are awakening ancient codes
of knowledge within our DNA. There will
be an inner desire or impulse to experience this loving way of life. Who on earth wants to continuously experience suffering and poverty. Do you?
By practicing unity or oneness consciousness now in our daily activities, we will eventually match the frequencies of this
higher civilisation and that will likely be our next destination.
Life on Venus
by Inca Spiritual Messenger, Willaru
A lecture given in Peru,
September, 1997
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Inca Spiritual Messenger: Willaru Huayta |
The masters sent me to the United
States three times. When I finished my last trip I said, "Oh, finally, I
finished my mission". But that was my ego talking. When I got home, there
came another invitation to the USA. I said "What do I do with this?” I
thought I would have to say no, because I have already finished the three
trips. So I went into meditation and I said to the masters. "I have
already finished my trips. What can I do with these letters.
I'm not supposed
to go to any more countries in the world." But the masters said, that
sometimes we have to keep going once we have started. The three trips were a
test. Along the way were many, many tests. I worked with temptation with many
different things. Like food, cheeseburgers, hamburgers, banana splits, good
American food. I had to come to my inner Father/Mother to really work hard to
receive help in these and other things. But at the end it was good, because my
Father/Mother was always helping me.
When I came back from the USA, I
said, "Now I don't want to travel anyplace on planet Earth. Now I will
pray to go to the other planets.” But I was too greedy and too ambitious. I am
a simple student, who's just beginning. All my desires are just ego. Only great
masters can be taken to other planets for interplanetary initiations. But I
started working hard to go to the planet Venus.
I was eating less meat and all
that. I worked a lot with the three steps. I asked them (Venusians) to give me
the opportunity to see. I didn't want to go to stay there, because my work is
not on Venus. What can I do there? They don't need me there. I have to finish
my work here on this planet Earth, not on Venus. This is very important. I only
wanted to know, to experience Venus, to compare that civilization with our
civilization here. I wanted to bring a little bit of insight for humanity, a
little bit. So a test was given.
First Impression of Venus... After
going past the astral plane, I arrived on Venus at a sea port. Many cosmic ships
were there in the ocean. It was very, very alive, like in the sixth dimension.
Everything has life, brilliant vibration, very, very delicious life. You feel
good. Your spiritual body feels really good. It feels like home. It is
something that I do not feel here on Earth. But when I got there, they were
waiting for me, the celestial marines.
All the boys there were young, because
they live eternal life. They have a physical body like us, but live eternal
life. They are very young looking, like the age 22, wearing white uniforms like
American Marines. They have a blue light, a celestial cape over them. It was
very, very nice when I got there. I said "Wow"! I got very emotional.
"Wow"! "Finally I'm here"! But it was no good, because it
was an inferior type of happiness. So I didn't pass the test of the emotional
I looked to them like a monkey you give a banana to and they jump with
happiness. (Willaru jumps around the room to demonstrates how an excited monkey
looks) Something like that. (The group breaks out in laughter) My happiness was
still a little bit of an animal nature, but which is natural on planet Earth,
being human. They (the Venusians) understand this, so they showed me a little
bit more.
Government... The first thing,
there is no government. There are no palaces or government buildings like the
White House, embassies, ministries or anything like that. They have no
president. Everyone is their own government. There are no separate countries.
Planet Venus is one country. There are no passports, separate flags, separate
nationalities, frontiers, borders, all these things. They do not have courts
because they are their own judges, their own government, their own lawyers,
even their own architects, everything.
They have liberated their consciousness
from all that. There is no monetary system either. They work for the
Father/Mother to build their temple of the Father (points to the mind) and to
build the temple of the Mother (points to the heart). Wherever they go, they
are home. There is no division between them. Everybody is the army, because
everyone is guardian of the planet. There's no Court of Justice there, because
there's no ego.
Nobody has ego. If there is ego, of course, there is karma. If
there's karma, then there are the police, there are judges, and jails. They
don't know those things. They have liberated their consciousness a long time
ago, and they don't need it. They have no weapons, like machine guns, tanks,
airplanes to fight or attack. That is based in fear, and fear is ego. They have
finished a long time ago with this.
Most of the people on planet Earth
say "Perfect communist doesn't exist". But on Venus they say,
"To have perfect communism, we have to eliminate the egos". So you
see they don't need any political parties to take responsibility for all the
material things. The only question is the action of the consciousness. Everyone
on Venus is rich spiritually. It was only with the elimination of the egos that
they became the perfect society. There's no fighting present because everybody
is their own government. Everybody speaks only a little bit, but also every one
knows they are masters with different perspectives.
The Venusians... They are
intelligent. They have created a solar system in their brain. It is different
than ours. It is more intelligent and has a larger capacity and is wiser,
enlightened, and a higher vibration. They have an aura of love, because all the
egos have been transmuted. You know that to be an alchemist brings much
privilege. This is why they have a lot of electricity. They can fly also, of
course, because they have total control over their vital body, astral body,
mental body, causal body and their physical body. They are authentic man with
all their faculties and powers. We can call this the kingdom of the supermen.
They still have a little of the animal in them, but there is a difference. They
are authentic man.
RELIGION... The religion is the
same as light. It is the light of the life, of the universal cosmic Christ. (This refers to a being that is Christ-like and practices inner peace and unconditional love) They see that light everywhere, in the Father/Mother, in the sexual energy.
Even when they see the most beautiful woman, they have another mentality, not
erotic, like the people on planet Earth. When we see a very attractive girl....
we are a little bit like an animal, you know. But on Venus there is much
respect, a respect based in consciousness.
This is very important to
understand, because life is everywhere, the universal cosmic Christ. The light
of the Creation, this is their religion. Religion for them is to be united with
the Father/Mother, and to be always in the inner temple. So, they don't need
any organized religion. Their life is more solar cosmic universal culture, the
culture of Gods. Everyone has all their faculties and powers. They have
intuition and telepathic communication. They have the faculties of
clairaudiance and clairvoyance. They don't speak so much, like we do here.
Their planet is ruled only by 24
laws, not as many laws as on Earth. It is governed by less laws because they
have liberated their consciousness totally. Their religion is the three steps
of revolution of consciousness. The first step is the elimination of the ego.
Although they don't have ego, they still have the root of ego and they are
aware of this all the time. They are always cleansing themselves. Their mind is
illuminated. Their mind is in service to the Father/Mother, not in the service
of the ego anymore.
In the second step, every marriage
on Venus is based in alchemy. All the marriages are conscious. There is no
divorce there, because they are with the Father/Mother. They don't experience
those things over there. Everybody knows how to make love. This is the biggest
step. A long time ago the Venusians used to live like we do on the planet
Earth, but they have grown up psychologically.
Only a few people at first began
working with the three steps and then there were more, more, more, more, and
then at the end, everybody was taking these three steps. Soon everybody was an
alchemist. That's why they have skin that is very transparent, shining like a
baby's, because they have never wasted their (sexual) energy. (The third step
is sacred service and unconditional love)
On Medicine... Everyone is a
doctor also, a medicine man. And as they walk, they heal their planet. Everyone
is a master, and they say "My physical body is not my master. My Father is
my master". They are very humble. They are very simple. They have no
negative ego. "My Father is the one who knows, I am serving my Father, so
I am an eternal servant of my Father/Mother. He/she is the one who is the
master, not me".
They have no pride. They do not show off. There are no
universities, like we have University of Miami, University of London etc. They
say these universities are mental only, "Poor people, they suffer so much
to learn a little bit, and still it is not useful". It is not complete.
There are doctors on Earth that
don't know how to heal. Everybody on Venus is a medicine man. They don't need
any medicine, because they ARE medicine. Of course, they eat the three foods,
the organic foods, food from the air, also food from the impressions of the
life, the Cosmic Christ which is there. They radiate with the hands of light,
which comes from their Father/Mother that are connected to the superior
dimensions. They can heal any kind of illness. So in their spiritual path, they
don't have to go to a doctor.
As they grow, they are given all the faculties, even
to heal the blind, the deaf, and cancer. But there is no illness and there are
no hospitals. There's no contamination, because they never use any gasoline, or
electricity, or petroleum like on the planet Earth. They have everything there,
but they use solar energy. So this is a totally different system.
Birth control and family... They
know how to make love, so it is not necessary to be taking all those pills, or
to use condoms to control the population. These are for when we are not
civilized. They know how to make love in the holy way, in the sacred spiritual
way. They ask the inner Mother not to have a baby. They ask to have a spiritual
That's the most important, not the physical baby. If they want a baby, a
physical baby, they ask the inner Mother to have a physical baby and then the
physical baby comes. They ask the great master who's in charge of the ray of
creation, who's giving that baby the spiritual essence, to connect in the
moment to conceive the baby. They don't know abortion.
On Earth's modern technology... I
asked, "What about the technology on the planet Earth with their machines,
computers, airplanes and other technology?" One master said to me
"The technology on the planet Earth is mentally retarded technology. You
think you are civilized. You think you are on top of the world. What are you
thinking when you make trips to the moon? This is a violation of cosmic law.
When beings live in the spiritual culture, as they grow in the initiations,
they are given the keys, the secrets, to make their own cosmic ships, but this
technology is only learned in the spiritual culture. Interplanetary trips that
are made are holy and totally sacred. In this way we shall travel. Everybody
can travel in the universe. But traveling on only a mental/intellectual level
is dangerous.” That's all they said.
Cosmic Ships... They can make
cosmic ships and there's a big, mother ship, very, very giant. There they have
no weapons like tanks, machine guns, airplanes to attack or atomic bombs or
anything like this because they say it is not necessary. They know another way
to control, a superior way. They are the kingdom of the supermen. They are Gods
and the Goddesses. They have a better way to control because they know
electromagnetic science.
The only weapon they have is a little spray. When they
spray a little bit, for example before landing in New York, let's say, only
with a little spray they can paralyze all of New York State, even many states,
three, four states. It paralyzes all machines, all the human beings without
killing, without making damage to the machines, without making any noises, or
without destroying anything, buildings or anything, paralyzes everything. In
that moment they can control everything. Anytime if they want, they can take
over the planet Earth. They don't do it, because if they do, they will lose
their initiation.
Why would they lose their initiation? Because they will be
violating the law of free will. We fight all these wars with each other among
countries. This is our free will. This is our reality. We cannot complain,
because we want the easy life. The easy life is not meditating, not practicing
the spiritual culture. We want to dominate the material first before the
spirit. It doesn't work that way. We need to be spiritual first, then dominate
the material.
Control of nature and the material
worlds... This is the way they work to dominate nature. They are the kings and
queens, so like a king they dominate nature. Whenever they want rain, they make
it rain. Whenever they want it cloudy, they make it cloudy. Whenever they want
it sunny, they put away the clouds and then it is sunny. They live in the
Fourth Dimension. In the ancient times their planet used to be a Third
Dimensional world and the Fourth Dimensional world.
These two are in the
physical. The Third Dimensional world is the subconscious, because it is not a
conscious world. Now many conscious people are living in paradise on this
planet Earth. There are some masters already living consciously in this Third
Dimension. Most of the conscious people are in the Fourth Dimension. On Venus
they have united, they have become one. They are living in paradise, so it is
protected. It's an enchanted planet, almost un-touchable, because it is ruled
by less laws. If they come here it is because they want to share wisdom. They
want to give a message, a warning to humanity, to show us another way.
There are other civilizations,
more developed, more enlightened, in the spiritual path. it is very important
to know their life, to compare our civilization with the civilizations of other
planets in this solar system. They feel sorry for us because we are not growing
enough, but they are also very glad because we are working. We are
understanding little by little.
Their guidance says not to look for connection
with ETs, because sometimes when we invoke this, we want to be taken, not to
come back and that's no good, because we are running away from our
responsibilities. We have done almost no work here, and we want to be saved.
That doesn't work. Also from the other solar systems comes negative entities,
cosmic ships, etc. The gray men don't come from other planets.
They come from
the planet Earth. There is the Fourth Dimension light side and the Fourth
Dimension dark side. In the dark side are living those gray people. Humanity
believes that they come from other planets. Also in our planet, living in the
dark side are other kinds of monsters, and big animals also. Dimension by
dimension there is life, different forms of life. Only in the Third Dimension
and the Fourth Dimension can we live with a physical body. To go to the other
dimensions, fifth, sixth, and seventh, we need other bodies, astral body,
mental body, causal body, atomic body, and other bodies. (end)
Copyright © 1998 - Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this
article on the condition that the content remains complete, full credit and
website link is given as listed below to the author(s), and that it is
distributed freely. Aluna Joy Yaxk'in -
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