Wednesday, 20 May 2020

Astral Travel to Shambhala

Fair use copyright: Thrive Global


We have for some time being communicating about:

The power of our thoughts 

Practice and embrace of ONENESS 

And Aurobindo’s Law of Attraction. 

Your inside (thoughts and inner beliefs and aura) attracts the outside – that which becomes our reality.

The more fears we focus on – the more we attract and create a personal illusion of suffering for ourselves.  Very often we anticipate what we fear or what we do not want. Very often we are told - what if this negative thing happens, what if that negative thing happens. We have to be prepared. That keeps being drummed into your head.

Society conditions our minds to expect and be prepared for the worst. We have programmed this – what if this thing goes wrong mindset into our DNA gene codes and then we expect things to get better?

Have you ever being told, what if this positive thing happens, what if that positive thing happens.

Our thoughts – both conscious and subconscious have to be in alignment – and from that UNITY of emotions, feelings and mental determination – (our inside) then we proceed to give intention for a life of meaning  that is joyous, uplifting and personally satisfying.

Unity means - no self doubts, no U-turns, no asking, do i deserve this, no guilt for asking....that dissipates the energy of manifestation.

I start my day by giving thanks to Mother Earth for everything and I then give intention (will and mental determination) for various outcomes in my life. That is personal for me. As everyone has their own list of desires they want to fulfill.

The source of our subconscious are issues from past lives.  Dr. Brian Weiss (USA) and his daughter spend their lives travelling around the world teaching past life therapy.  There are others like the late Dolores Cannon who came out with her own pioneering efforts and travelled globally to teach her method.  

Once we transmute past live issues, and early childhood issues - our subconscious and conscious begin to be in alignment and then we begin to see improvements in our personal lives.

That happens when we live in accordance with our life purpose – the life we were born to live.  And live that with passion and understanding – that not everything that goes wrong is terrible.

There are life lessons to be learned and that is the thorough understanding, practice and embracement of ONENESS – is the key to a life of upliftment and joy. 

That can only be learned through trial and error. So not everything that goes wrong is bad. Even though some terrible things do happen.

We call this the experience of DUALITY. Without experiencing duality, we cannot emotionally feel the difference between good or bad. Once we emotionally experience what is 'bad" we say, I do not want to experience "bad" again.  Experiencing 'good" is preferable.  The bad allows you to empathize with people who go through bad times and behave badly to survive.

Then you say to yourself, Ok I know what it is like to be "bad".  When the bad times and being bad is over, and you begin to experience good and better times,you have a change to redeem yourself by helping others who are less fortunate. That is one aspect of how duality works.  Without experiencing both, you cannot transcend and embrace oneness and non-judgement.

What is being written here is similar to teachings from Ancient Egypt.  Author of the Flower of Life, Drunvalo Melchizedek, is the researcher who re-introduced the star tetrahedron to humanity – also known as the Merkabah or soul travelling vehicle.

Golden Merkabah Fair use copyright. Source;

The Indian siddhar Bhogar, traversing the sky,
observes faraway places like Arabia, Rome, and China
 using his soul chariot - the Merkabah.

Fair use copyright. Source: Bhogar website

There is now a collaboration with a group of energy workers to empower the human race to MASTER OUR  MIND and work positively with the psychic powers that are gradually being revealed to mankind through the Diamond Light Codes.

I am a subscriber of their platform called FIFTY8 / A Platform with Content to Empower Your Life

And this is their introduction to subscribers from their website.


“Are you a fan of the Marvel, Disney, The Matrix, Harry Potter, Star Wars, and Star Trek Films? What if I told you those films are creative expressions of the ancient and mythological study of the mind? 

Films are an expression of the Divine Mind with creativity and a concentration of mental energy. The symbolism that we see in Egypt and Ancient times are the language of the mind, soul and spirit.

All symbolism is a physical manifestation of a spiritual language of energy, the unseen. Today we know them as films and movies. All art is an expression of our creative intelligence.

This invisible greatness inside all of us, is a spiritual immensity of energy.

Most films are stories of the archetypes and mythology of our mental faculties which is the source of creating your reality.

We are now evolving into a time of psychic development which we all are experiencing in a collective reality. A shift in attention from the outside chaos to the inside. The collective reality is a reflection of the personal realities of our mind.

(This refers to the Diamond Light Codes that are heading our way from 22 Galaxies described by Judy Satori.)

This inner journey helps us to increase the dimensions of our internal selves and connect to a higher self. I believe the mind of Man contains the greatest of all forces - that Thought is one of the greatest manifestations of energy that we use.

The Universe is governed by Law- one great Law.

The Law of Attraction in the Thought World.

Thought is a force of energy, with a magnet like power of attraction.

We are on the brink of the age of intellectual supremacy, and are now entering that unknown mystic field, that of psychic power.

The One who takes advantage of the Power of the Mind, and who will manifest that power in action, will go forward to Success as surely and as steadily as the arrow from the bow of the skilled archer.

It is time to Master your Mind!


So this is a timely warning from Drunvalo and his group of energy practitioners for the rest of the world.  

Regardless of your race, religion or gender, everyone on earth will be affected by the Diamond Light Codes. These codes deliberately activate our psychic senses. 

For those who are interested in a program, please write in and subscribe to FIFTY8. 

The Diamond Light Codes are going to release psychic abilities within us – SPONTANEOUSLY – no training required.

Our part in this Universal arrangement – is to master our mind so that we are empowered to use  these psychic abilities awakened in us to transform ourselves and meet the rest of the evolved humans in Shambhala and other parts of our solar system – who are already living in harmony and a higher evolution; and have mastered their minds.

If you do not master your mind when your psychic senses awaken, it is like giving a seven year old boy a machine gun.

For most of humanity, the psychic awakening will begin with the Four Clairs

Clairvoyance – the ability to see the aura and have visions

Clairaudience – the ability to hear messages and communicate with other evolved positive energies

Clairsentience – the ability to feel the emotions of other people and places

Claircognizance – the ability to recognise and speak almost immediately about a subject matter that is being discussed. We call this PURE KNOWING

The four of these are in every human, though at different strengths.   These four are responsible for our visions, intuition and the experience of synchronicity and spontaneity in our lives.

After that comes soul travelling, astral travelling with variances in experiences.

Then when more Kundalini and DNA is activated – levitation, telekinesis - moving objects with your mind, teleportation and others.

The reason why we are revealing all this now is that when the Diamond Light Codes are fully spontaneously activated – you may experience some of these events and you do not have a clue as to how to deal with it. Or why this is happening to you.

The other key thing to remember is that when the diamond Codes are fully activated on earth, our thoughts will spontaneously manifest almost immediately. Positive or negative, they will take form in our reality. Why? Because our entire solar system and our planet are transitioning to a space/time closer to the 22 galaxies which are of a higher vibration with more highly evolved beings.

So if you are a naturally positive person with positive thoughts - you will experience their manifestation almost immediately.  If you happen to be a negative so and so and think like Mr. Scrooge, "god" help us.

A lot of people will seek help but will not know where to find it.

That is why we are practicing during Wednesday and Saturday – we are creating a knowledge bridge to get us from the Third Dimension to a higher dimension.


On Wednesday 20th May 2020, one of the participants in our Shambhala Mudra Meditation experienced an astral travel to Shambhala. And she has given permission to share her experience.

Please note that Simran has no training in astral travelling.  

Simran received the gift of almost instantaneous astral travelling when she visited Hemkund, the legendary Valley of Flowers in the Himalayas, India more than 6 years ago. This gift spontaneously appeared for her.

From our research, what we know now is that the Diamond Light Codes were already spoken about more than ten years ago by energy therapists.

Her method is very simple. She gives her intention to visit a certain place. Unity of thoughts, emotions and feelings - she takes a deep breath and exhales. Almost immediately, she is in front of the place which she wants to visit.

20/05/2020, 09:41 - Simran: I saw this type of building deep in the forest when your first chanting started.

Temple in Bali. Fair use copyright

20/05/2020, 09:42 - Simran: Everywhere was gold and the water was blue

20/05/2020, 09:43 - Simran: I went there and I think I saw monks in an old stone temple

20/05/2020, 09:43 - Simran: Very beautiful I did not feel like coming back

20/05/2020, 09:45 - Simran: In between the energy was too much I changed my hand mudra.

Note: We were doing the Diamond Light Mudra and Simran spontaneously changed to a different mudra.

20/05/2020, 11:16 - Simran: I smell and drink Shambhala water

20/05/2020, 11:17 - Simran: Felt a taste like peppermint

20/05/2020, 11:17 - Simran: And I was walking in Shambhala

20/05/2020, 11:18 - Andrew Khor:  Describe…

20/05/2020, 11:20 - Simran: Very very beautiful place....the monks look universal.... Got pin drop silence any only can hear chants going on...

20/05/2020, 11:21 - Simran: It's really a form of oneness

20/05/2020, 11:23 - Simran: The grass is fresh

20/05/2020, 11:23 - Simran: Land is so pure

20/05/2020, 11:24 - Simran: I'm seeing deer

20/05/2020, 11:24 - Simran: There are many animals too all happy

20/05/2020, 11:25 - Simran: Got greeted by two monks

20/05/2020, 11:25 - Simran: In temple now and enjoying the chanting

20/05/2020, 11:26 - Simran: My aura turning white and gold

20/05/2020, 11:27 - Simran: Looks like Shambhala is sending more healing to me

20/05/2020, 11:27 - Simran: My leg more relaxed

20/05/2020, 11:27 - Simran: Temple at head relaxed

20/05/2020, 11:28 - Simran: They gave me a sweet dish something like payasam to eat.
(Payasam is an Indian sweet dish)

20/05/2020, 11:28 - Simran: Yellow color dish

20/05/2020, 11:28 - Simran: It's is clearing my throat

20/05/2020, 11:28 - Simran: My throat turned all gold

20/05/2020, 11:29 - Simran: Heart baby pink

20/05/2020, 11:29 - Simran: Now it's going down to tummy

20/05/2020, 11:29 - Simran: Wah all turned gold

20/05/2020, 11:30 - Simran: My whole aura

20/05/2020, 11:30 - Simran: ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป

20/05/2020, 11:53 - Andrew Khor: What did monks look like

20/05/2020, 12:10 - Simran: They were wearing orange

20/05/2020, 12:11 - Andrew Khor: Look Asian indian oriental or white?

20/05/2020, 12:11 - Simran: And hard to say which ethnicity they were

20/05/2020, 12:12 - Simran: First looked like Indian

20/05/2020, 12:12 - Simran: Asian Indian

20/05/2020, 12:13 - Simran: Indian Tibetan

20/05/2020, 12:14 - Andrew Khor: Ah so

20/05/2020, 12:14 - Simran: Very very calm faces

20/05/2020, 12:18 - Simran: I wish I can be there all the time

20/05/2020, 12:20 - Simran: The air there was very different too

20/05/2020, 12:20 - Simran: Cool breeze

20/05/2020, 12:22 - Simran: I see a big gate

20/05/2020, 12:22 - Simran: Gold colour

20/05/2020, 12:22 - Simran: Wild plants every where

20/05/2020, 12:22 - Simran: The soil is orange

20/05/2020, 12:23 - Simran: There are steps

20/05/2020, 12:23 - Simran: Getting into the temple

20/05/2020, 12:23 - Simran: Saw Buddha white statue

20/05/2020, 12:24 - Simran: Yellow lamps around

20/05/2020, 12:24 - Simran: There is a waterfall too

20/05/2020, 12:25 - Simran: Wild animals and fishes swimming inside

20/05/2020, 12:26 - Simran: Taking a tour now

20/05/2020, 12:27 - Simran: It's the land of magic and mystic

20/05/2020, 12:27 - Simran: Humans all colours reside here

20/05/2020, 12:28 - Simran: All shades of colours I can see

20/05/2020, 12:30 - Simran: Animals can talk there

20/05/2020, 12:30 - Andrew Khor: Yes

20/05/2020, 12:30 - Simran: Had a chat with a deer

20/05/2020, 12:31 - Simran: He is sharing how amazing is it to be there

20/05/2020, 12:31 - Simran: His soul sings

20/05/2020, 12:32 - Simran: My third eye really buzzing

20/05/2020, 12:32 - Andrew Khor: Oh my

20/05/2020, 12:32 - Andrew Khor: What deer said ...

20/05/2020, 12:33 - Simran: The deer said I'm happy to be here

20/05/2020, 12:33 - Simran: There is no other place

20/05/2020, 12:33 - Simran: I'm liberated

20/05/2020, 12:34 - Simran: I'm one with source

20/05/2020, 12:34 - Simran: That what the deer said

20/05/2020, 12:34 - Simran: Got hugged by a bear and tiger

20/05/2020, 12:35 - Simran: Centipedes are singing prayer songs so melodious

20/05/2020, 12:35 - Simran: Plants are dancing

20/05/2020, 12:36 - Simran: Yellow ray from sun is coming and all are bowing down

20/05/2020, 12:36 - Simran: Third eye still buzzing

20/05/2020, 12:37 - Simran: Earth people are there

20/05/2020, 12:37 - Simran: Guarding the temples

20/05/2020, 12:38 - Simran: I see 5

20/05/2020, 12:38 - Simran: There are more walking around there

20/05/2020, 12:39 - Andrew Khor: What is their size?

20/05/2020, 12:39 - Simran: Like us humans

20/05/2020, 12:39 - Andrew Khor: I see

20/05/2020, 12:39 - Andrew Khor: Their dress?

20/05/2020, 12:39 - Simran: Leaves

20/05/2020, 12:40 - Simran: Coming out already

20/05/2020, 12:40 - Simran: To gold gate

20/05/2020, 12:41 - Simran: I'm out

20/05/2020, 12:41 - Andrew Khor: Wonderful

20/05/2020, 12:41 - Simran: Now I'm coming back down to mother earth

20/05/2020, 12:41 - Simran: I'm back at my house

20/05/2020, 12:41 - Andrew Khor: What a wonderful experience

20/05/2020, 12:42 - Simran: Yes

20/05/2020, 12:42 - Simran: So beautiful

20/05/2020, 12:54 - Simran: Thank you so much Andrew for this wonderful introduction to 

It is clear that more and more spontaneous psychic events will take place for many people on earth. Without an understanding of what is going on - this Cosmic Shift - many people will be shocked and clueless as to what is happening.

If some of them are very religious - the misinterpretation of events could lead to mental shocks and trauma.

Our world is not as it seems. Our entire planet and solar system is in a new orbit closer to the 22 galaxies that are highly evolved and due to our proximity, we are being "blasted " by their enlightening diamond rays which will change everything we know. 

Strange health episodes will take place for many people and mental doctors will have more and more patients even if they themselves do not understand the phenomena. The "blind" cannot treat the blind.

I say this without any judgement. Esoteric subjects like the opening of the 3rd eye have to be reinterpreted by our society to have any clue or understanding of what is taking place.

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