Sunday, 17 May 2020

Diamond Light Codes


Diamond Light Codes. Fair use copyright. Source Julia Umpleby

The Diamond Light Codes are 'symbols' representing Geometric structures of light. They awaken dormant aspects within your DNA, helping to align you with the frequencies of energy streaming on to our planet.

Two years ago, we received spontaneously a mudra and the message was that this was a Diamond Light Mudra. Our group at the center have been practicing with this mudra for a while until lately when we stopped for a while for various reasons.

Did some search over the internet and found out that there were already a few therapists who had their own versions of symbols that accessed the Diamond Light for uplifting purposes. And some of these diamond symbols were very colourful and interesting.

One of the most fascinating was from an energy therapist named Julia Umpleby.  Her diamond light codes are unbelievably beautiful. And you can go to her website and buy the images of the codes.

Fast forward to April 2020 and I saw a message from a lady lightworker called Judy Satori. In her website, Judy said that our entire solar system was being bathed by light rays from 22 galaxies which were releasing Diamond Light Codes for our enlightenment.

The Diamond Light Codes release dormant DNA  activate the kundalini and allow more psychic gifts and blessings to appear in us, the human race and is part of our evolutionary journey towards a higher dimension.  

Along the way there are symptoms like body aches, extreme heat, kundalini flu, headaches, bloated stomachs as digestive systems will also be affected etc.  And once you are aware of these symptoms, they can be treated. That is the physical aspect.

Among the emotional and mental aspects are, we go through bouts of depression. Our ego gets bashed by insecurity, guilt and shame. We feel that we are too bad to be good enough. And we have strange dreams about people in our lives. 

Lots of past life issues - betrayals, wars, torture, family disputes, guilt and many other dysfunctional issues begin to surface and appear as chronic diseases or hard to cure physical issues begin to emerge. That is all par for the course.

So exercise, change in diets towards more alkaline food, massage, essential oils, the practice of qi gong or tai chi, reiki, sacred inner dance, the balancing mudras and for various people, past life therapy are the tools that help to clear all these issues.

Remember the snake. It will shed its old skin and then move on. Have more adventures, then  shed its old skin again and grow a new skin underneath.  That is similar to what we humans have to go through. 

Shed our old consciousness with all its old habits and move on with new habits which are being learned while the old skin is being shed or released. The new habits are the psychic gifts that come from DNA release through spontaneous kundalini awakening.

For beings in higher dimensions, psychic gifts are normal. Telekinesis – moving objects with your mind. Levitation.  Seeing auras.  All these are considered normal.  Life is telepathic and loving kindness is a way of life. Our thoughts will manifest instantly. Happy thoughts will have happy outcomes. 

Since everyone is telepathic, the thoughts are felt by everyone within the vicinity of the person having those thoughts. Negative thoughts will have painful outcomes.  And the majority of beings from our 3D – our current human world have both positive and negative thoughts. Negative thoughts are not tolerated in higher dimensions.

We are preparing to live in a higher dimension where happy thoughts are the norm.  No one thinks negatively. It is impossible for people who have not practiced oneness or unity consciousness, to go to a higher loving dimension.  

Our energy frequencies will not match. Now you know why, we have to practice non-judgement, loving kindness and be mindful of our thoughts – and start practicing pronto. It is like we are in Standard 3 and preparing to go to Standard 4 or 5.  If you do not pass your exams, you remain in Standard 3 while the rest move on to the next standard.

The benefits are obvious.  Once we understand that our thoughts create our reality then we will be more mindful of what we think because, we want to create an uplifting reality for ourselves. Aurobindo said that our inside (our inner thoughts) attract our outside ( our external reality). That is commonly referred to as the Law of Attraction.

Lately some of the practitioners have been seeing golden light or glaring light during meditation. This means we are approaching a higher dimension. That means, you are progressing and your thoughts percentage-wise are more positive than negative.

During our Shambhala Mudra Meditation on Saturday 16 May, we were once again asked to do the Diamond Light Mudra.

The left and right – index and thumb fingers interlink to form a yin yang symbol.
The middle left and right fingers form a triangle
The last two on the left and right meet at the knuckles.  
That is the Diamond Light Mudra

These are the Whatsapp notes for the session that took place on Saturday.

16/05/2020, 10:47 - Andrew Khor: Remember for the next few years ... 22 galaxies will shine their light to us in the form of a diamond ray to help us in our spiritual transformation.   Some of us will be able to see a diamond ... in our third eye or even bigger or see little sparking diamonds... this is the spiritual ray of transformation to help humanity become a more loving and evolved race

Along the way as the rays continue to come to us... soon some people will see themselves within the diamond.  When these happens, more and more psychic abilities will awaken in us.... and so we have to prepare ourselves by practicing unity or oneness consciousness to uplift ourselves ... 

And the Shambhala water also helps us to uplift to a higher dimension.... this is what is going to happen to this planet ... so the idea is to focus on your own self transformation.  You cannot do this for another person.  Everyone has to do their own inner work.

Not everyone is ready to let go of 3D duality ... and we all have our own divine timing to evolve.... take it one day at a time ... and avoid reading so called 'bad news"  ...yes we have to be aware of what is going on.... but do not allow that to be your focus... our focus has to be on self-awareness, mindfulness and evolution... and this begins with non-judgement.... the most difficult lesson of all. 

16/05/2020, 10:51 - Loy Moi Fa: I saw the blur image of the diamond in purple, on and off during the session.

16/05/2020, 10:57 - Kamala Brisbane: I felt the coolness after Shambala water... saw my 3rd eye, purple , golden & yellow colour on and off.. the yellow colour had streaks of red thin lines like the membrane of eye… and then back to purple and golden colour… thank you Andrew for today’s session 🙏🙏

16/05/2020, 10:59 - Janniie: Andrew, thank you for a good session.🙏 I felt pain on the right wrist when I started the diamond mudra which disappeared after a while. Receiving Shambala water, I see myself at a waterfall...felt cold at the feet with hot air around my face and ears. Saw the letter *R* ?? dancing...lots of tiny orbs... yellow colour surrounding...body was moving forth and back for few mins and stop. At end of session, I was sweating. Tq Andrew.

16/05/2020, 10:59 - Janniie: Andrew, for the last 2 sessions, I have been seeing lots of tiny orbs floating around...

16/05/2020, 11:00 - Andrew Khor: Tiny orbs ...visitors from Shambhala ...they can become very tiny and travel in an orb to see us

16/05/2020, 11:00 - Andrew Khor:  Gold ... every time we see gold we are matching the vibration of higher dimensions ...messages and visions will come to guide you in your life

16/05/2020, 11:03 - Lena Yap: The first this I saw was the top half of the infinity symbol which look like shiva lingam the first second I close my eye.  When Andrew started chanting, I was constantly thinking of a few Mantras like Om Ah Hum, then silently I am chanting this... later I change to Om Mani Padme Hum and ended with Om...

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I saw light very far away … like small dots like in the picture. Firstly was very nice light blue... the light sometimes start from small to slightly bigger seem like nearer to me... or from bigger light turning smaller  further away from me and disappear... later it was red, pink, orange, yellow and green...

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All this light appeared after receiving the Shambala water. Ooh ya... when Andrew ask to say we receive the drops of Shambala Water... I feel a warm energy flowing in my body from the head while the cool wind was blowing toward me.

In between, I have some scenarios and people came into my mind and I was then guided to recite I am sorry, please forgive me, thank you and I love you a few times.. This happen before I saw the blue light.

(The blue light and infinity symbol  that Lena saw is coming from the 22 galaxies and is part of the Diamond Light Codes)

16/05/2020, 11:04 - Linda Tan: Today I felt cold in my solar plexus area and also my back too during the chanting. When receiving Shambhala water, my whole body felt cool all over. My solar plexus felt colder. Felt the energy in my face and moving downward and stayed around my chest area.

16/05/2020, 11:20 - simran k dhillon: Moment I join hands for 💎 mudra felt more heavy on the left side and left hand started feeling numb.. When chanting started saw black and white alternately. Then it transformed to red and blue colour waves. Red on top and blue down. 

When receiving Shambala, I  felt cool and had a sweet taste on the tongue. Saw a 10 inch turquoise diamond and it started expanding becoming very big. After that got a vision that I'm wearing a turquoise diamond dress. Saw white and gold colours. When the energy moved to the hips it became black then brown then disappeared and became white.

16/05/2020, 11:21 - simran k dhillon: Thank you Andrew 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

16/05/2020, 11:21 - simran k dhillon: Satsriakaal 🤍🤍

16/05/2020, 11:27 - Andrew Khor: Seeing many colours is because our chakras are the colours of the rainbow ...the colours you see are the colours you need now

This is a good source to determine the meaning of your aura colours. The colours that come to each individual are the colours they need to enhance their chakras. See the chart below.

Chakras and their colours. Fair use copyright

Golden Aura. Fair use copyright 

Gold in the aura represents an inspired individual with spiritual energy, their power activated and awakened, an intellect that is pursuing benevolence and upliftment. A golden aura indicates the unity of the entire chakra system.  All the chakras have become one and can be seen by seers as a golden lotus in the entire image of the person. In the beginning the gold aura is temporary, When that individual consistently applies efforts towards expanding his or her consciousness, more gold is persistently seen in the aura until it is permanent.

16/05/2020, 11:38 - Andrew Khor: Simran ...look at turquoise meaning for your diamond – it represents a compassionate healer.

16/05/2020, 11:39 - simran k dhillon: Ok Andrew

16/05/2020, 11:47 - Andrew Khor: Everytime you see an eye or 3rd eye is confirmation 3rd eye is open and you will see more.

16/05/2020, 11:56 - Balasubramaniam: Hi Andrew... While start doing diamond mudra my base started shaking or vibrating then after gradually become relaxed. At mid of Shambhala blessing I can feel my hand with diamond mudra become attached very strongly feel like numbness, but actually I believe it’s a strong energy pulling between both hand during this mudra. 

At the  end section I feel more relaxed and calm despite being  sleepless last nite.. Then only I realise that my whole body was sweating with my clothes getting wet... But I haven't feel warmness or even coldness. Tq Andrew.

16/05/2020, 11:57 - Cheah Hoe San:  Facing south and no force pulling my body sideways anymore. Felt cool breeze after Shambhala water. Later before ending was guided to lower hands to form the oneness mudra. Overall very calm and relaxed. Kamsahaminda Andrew. (Being tempted to ask you long time ago why no more doing the diamond mudra…Tadaaaa!)

16/05/2020, 11:57 - Andrew Khor: Ah sweat is emotional detox...very good

16/05/2020, 11:58 - Balasubramaniam: Even till now I getting sweat 😅

16/05/2020, 11:58 - Andrew Khor: Lots of subconscious emotions...lots of hidden fears going away

16/05/2020, 11:58 - Andrew Khor: Wonderful

16/05/2020, 12:14 - Cheah Hoe San: What about seeing Eye of Horus?

16/05/2020, 12:34 - Andrew Khor: It just means you have an Egyptian lifetime where your 3rd eye was awakened.

Eye of Horus. Fair use copyright from Wisdom Teachings

16/05/2020, 12:43 - Mohana: Hi Andrew, Diamond light mudra session today was very powerful that I still feel stoned, thoughtless and doing work mechanically which is good as it's effortless.

During the meditation, while doing breathing at the beginning my mind was focus on a project I'm contemplating. I saw bright green colour which was vibrant and soothing at the same time. Diamond mudra gave calmness and clarity and I saw how I could advance my project ideas. Also, I felt warm in my physical body but my surrounding was cool.

When you started chanting I felt very strong energy, blue glaring light and then the vision of outer space with purplish pink light. As I slide into meditation, had the vision of only one banyan tree in an empty golden space. Mahavatar Babaji appeared on the tree trunk. Such a gorgeous image that I went into deep alpha state. Thank you🙏🏻🌹🙏🏻


The banyan tree is referred to as the tree of immortality in the Indian spiritual tradition.

After yesterday’s diamond light mudra meditation session yesterday, one of the participants is now totally encased within a diamond. That means the entire body is now within the diamond. Over time this person’s psychic abilities will grow.

The person encased in the diamond light body
experiences consciousness expansion and upliftment

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Now in higher dimensions, psychic abilities are normal. That means if there are 100 million people in Shambhala, all 100 million are psychic.

That is where we are heading.  But if one does not practice oneness or unity consciousness or the practice of loving kindness, then one will use these psychic abilities for selfish or “bad” purposes.

That is not allowed under Universal Law.

So the practice of loving kindness and non-judgement has to be hand-in-hand with psychic growth and development.

Someone asked why are we getting diamond light codes from the 22 galaxies now.

We are getting some assistance from the universe in the form of the diamond light codes from these 22 galaxies.  Their consciousness is uniting to send the entire human race ... the diamond light body.

The universe is in a "hurry" to speed up the evolution of the human race. The human race on earth is considered a backward race.  We could be the only species that destroy the very habitat that supports us. No intelligent species does that to their own planet.

Our entire solar system is now spinning in a different location of the universe closer to these 22 galaxies.  And so the entire human race is receiving this diamond light wake-up call that spontaneously activates our kundalini which in turn releases more DNA which enhances our psychic abilities.

So those who have not practiced Yin Yang like we are doing, they are getting a piggy back from the 22 rays even if they do not practice Yin Yang - on one condition - they practice loving kindness as a way of life. 

Then the 22 rays are beamed into the heart chakra of a loving person and they spontaneously get the DNA activation which helps in their evolution.

For those of us who are consciously doing the Yin Yang balancing mudras - what happens is that the diamond light from the 22 galaxies ENHANCES our personal inner transformation practice.

In conclusion, even if people are not practicing yin yang mudras etc like what we are doing, the Diamond light codes are already streaming to earth to awaken the entire human race...but without a loving heart, the diamond codes have no landing zone to enable the inner transformation that is necessary to evolve.  

That person does not EVOLVE and will have to recycle in the wheel of samsara - meaning they have to reincarnate in the 3rd dimension and experience duality (good and bad) all over again.

The daily practice of loving kindness and non-judgement is therefore necessary for our evolution. What we do now plants the seeds for our future. We are going to do this a step at a time.

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