Thursday 10 March 2022

Inner Child Guided Meditation: Honsha Ze Sho Nen and Cord Cutting


Inner Child Guided Meditation

19th February 2022

The Inner child Meditation facilitates the transmutation of subconscious and unconscious fears held deeply in the psyche and act as obstacles to a life of fulfilment.  They hold all our fears and inner wounds – guilt, shame, frustration, abuse, trauma - and until they are explored, identified and transmuted – form a barrier to a more fulfilling life.

Susan Chan:

I saw a rectangular symbol with rounded 4 corners in front of me.

Then I saw the scene of my fear when I was young, the corpse of a distant relative and the coffin. Did my Hooponopono and the coffin went into the symbol.

Another scene of another coffin. the olden days big, curved coffin... this was when I was young during my friend's father passed away. Did my Hooponopono there too.

Saw some black beings ... Did my Hooponopono. And all went into the symbol.

Saw a big big fire. Something burning very big. I think it's houses on fire? Didn't get to do Hooponopono...

Then I was sitting by the tree. Suddenly I was the tree and I look up to see my branches extending very very far.

During the cutting of the cords, my body spasmed and jerked. And shook for a while.

❤️ Thank you Andrew for this session. Facing my fears head-on!


Ellie Toh:

I think I tapped out somewhere I'm not supposed to again. Instead of going back to my childhood, I think I went back to several lifetimes.

I was quite grounded during Seiheiki, but during Honsha Ze Shonen, I think I was thrown back into a weird cultivation tank and I was submerged with blue-green liquid. I was a strange looking fetus. Everything is loud and I can hear my own heartbeat and I can see strange looking people looking from outside at me. I heard loud noise before things faded away and I was in a bamboo forest.

I was a child, then I saw myself in my teens where I have a Master who taught me martial arts and swordplay. It was happy times of my life, but after that the scene changed and I turn into an adult. I was married, have a husband and twin girls who looked unidentical to each other. I was standing on top of a mountain, with the girls holding onto my skirt, crying for me. I remember feeling extremely sad and was in extreme pain near my left waist and my right chest. It feels as if I was stabbed. I hear them calling me, but I blacked out after that. I feel someone was holding me and crying out for me, but I think I died afterwards.

Scene changed. I saw myself in war, all bloodied. Then I saw myself dying in a few different deaths. Either from being killed or from being ill.

Then I'm back to being a baby, lying down on my father's lap. I think this is a memory of this lifetime. I can hear my father talking to my mother and I was nursing on a milk bottle. I could smell and taste the milk and I caught a glimpse the younger version of my mother. Then after a while, I grew older. I think this is about 2 years old. I saw myself sitting on a baby chair. I was dining out with my parents, and I was eating something that looks like chicken satay. I took a piece of it and threw it into the ground where there is a ginger cat but ends up being scolded by my father. He was saying that it was for me to eat and not for the cat and he doesn't want me to do that anymore. I remember feeling very upset, so I did the Hooponopono.

After that I grew up a little...I was in kindergarten and was having picnic in a field with my mother and my teacher. I remember feeling tired and uncomfortable and I could feel that my mother feeling sad.

After the kindergarten scene I grew up into a teenager. I remember feeling sad, angry and extremely unhappy. I feel like an outcast, I wanted to vent my anger and hit people, but instead I was crying so badly. Not sure because of what, though.

I heard Andrew's voice after that, saying something about forgiving or cutting cord or something and telling us to come back into our own consciousness. I woke up with tears in my eyes, but strangely I didn't feel so sad anymore, instead I feel extremely thirsty and hungry as if I haven't eaten or drink for days! I feel so starved that I immediately went to the kitchen to grab a sandwich to eat. This is the first time I've felt so extremely hungry after meditation that I had to immediately eat.

Regardless, thank you for today. I think perhaps those emotions brought up by those memories needs to be addressed, that's why they appeared to be dealt with. Thank you for the experience.

Tareq PHI: Yes.. I think whatever I'm feeling now isn't from this life.. is past life..

Ellie Toh: I feel the same way. Good thing we did karmic cord cutting

Cheah Hoe San:

Somehow knockout start to finish. Can only recalled my 5 year cutie picture in seconds, then the rest is blank...What reiki, what cord etc??? HahaπŸ˜‚

Nalini:  After the Sei Hei Ki and initial Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen an alien being appeared. Then there were a few of them working on me. That's all I remember. I did not have any vision of my childhood. Next thing I heard was Andrew's voice calling us back. In between I was totally out.🀭

Kamala Brisbane

I remember being small & clinging to my mother.. around me lots of adults surrounding us & pulling mum away .. I was crying my eyes out..  later saw her in in a secured area & crying as I cannot hold or touch my mum & mum was crying too .. ( mum was later discharged & returned home & her mental state was not da same )

Was brought up by my older 5 brothers & working dad (brothers  were young themselves & had to take care of younger siblings whilst dad was at work) I was da 2nd youngest & got beatings if I didn’t do my share of duties like washing & ironing & off course being young  .. noisy & playful .. so kena beating lagi 🀣🀣.. I asked for Hooponopono from my mum $ siblings & da situation then .. quite a sad memory ( now I am very close to my brothers & sisters .. funny how things turn out 🀣🀣🀣

Inthira: Good morning dearest all. Just wanted to share something with all of you regarding yesterday's inner child meditation.  This is not my experience but that of another person. I did inner child meditation several times; first being exposed to it by Andrew some time last year. 

Last week we have a group in India - a group of 6 including the facilitator on Inner Child Meditation - after which we shared our experiences. One participant who had done this meditation. many times, was asked for his sharing. 

He told the facilitator " it's the same thing again" .

Since it is my 1st time in this group; I didn’t know what he meant by that. He then went on to explain that he has been doing this meditation for a year or so; not daily though but on a frequent basis. Each time his inner child refuses to visit him. The inner child is rather angry with him for reasons he is still to uncover. My facilitator a very jovial, loving person just like Andrew; laughed and said this " Keep trying. He will come to you. He will reveal what needs to be. You just be gentle and patient.

Through this experience, I got to know that the inner child doesn't necessarily come to you at your bidding. It chooses the appropriate time to reveal him or herself to you. Thank You. I hope this sharing helps you in any way. πŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌ❤❤❤❤

Corinne Schons

Again, Seiheiki did its magic by bringing me straight ahead in a different space. From there, there was a call from the Bai hui (have to find out from Corinne who or what is the Bai Hui - assume it is an energy meridian in qi gong practice)  some energy started to go up.

A very strong monk wearing a heavy dark brown robe was there. Huge strong massive hand, large shoulder but the face was totally dark, like if there was no head on top of the body, or something really hiding. It looked like a dark hole, the beginning of space. 

When you said Honshazeshonen…it was the sweetest way I ever received this symbol. Playful, magical, sweet, childish…thank you so much for adding this original tone and fragrance to that symbol. I was reciting Hooponopono at all times in direction to the monks. The Monk head uncovered and became a light instead of the darkness, until the face came back. Smiley, loving.

I continue the meditation after your call in the session to enjoy the peace after this bit of struggle. That was heaven….

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