Thursday 18 November 2021

12th Strand DNA Decoding: El Shaddai

12th Strand DNA Decoding


The 12th Strand DNA Decoding completes the first cycle for our group.  The entire exercise is to decode and awaken the God Intelligence within us that when referred to as the I AM - organises and orchestrates positive events and outcomes for us to help us live fulfilling lives.

For instance, an affirmation like I AM Healthy allows the God intelligence within us to organise and bring about situations which promote a healthy body.

Regular practice of using the I AM Affirmations will gradually improve all our life situations and lead us to a path of Self-Mastery - once we untangle ourselves from the limitations of the False I.

It was channelled that we would be visiting etheric cities in higher dimensions which were all around the earth and meet its inhabitants.  Some people had this experience

Cheah Hoe San

a robust physique appeared, face hidden fully camouflaged by hoodie.

huge transparent funnel positioned on top of head. 4 dark metal balls in funnel rotating, swirling & spinning vigorously.

later 4 metal balls transformed into smaller polished stainless steel balls descended into body in graceful circular motion.

a candlelight flame glowed over my head, descended to light up surrounding candles. Once all candles lighted up amalgamated with robust physique who pulled hoodie over. No head, no face merely 12 bright candlelights (representation of 12 Strands.)

hands in uttarabodhi mudra (first time doing this mudra, googled for name) placing at 3rd eye. Ended session with uttarabodhi mudra resting on center of crown thanking & gratitude to divine.

Kamsahaminda Andrew ✊✊

Andrew: Wah lau eh ... metallic body...siddha secrets for health and long life.

Cheah Hoe San: Did a 2nd round early morning besides ronda (moving with) with Ra, Pyramid is covered with solid unbreakable ice not snow as it floated up to galaxie. 🤔


Susan Chan

The 12th strand DNA recording... Has been putting me to sleep the past few days! I don't normally sleep while listening to the recording… but this one does!! I think in this 12th Strand you gave us 100million X of seiheiki and cool amrit!! Each time I have zonked out!! 🤭🤣

Ellie Toh

I was feeling miserably down and emotional throughout the whole week, so I was really grateful for the session this week. I chanted Ho’oponopono so that I could let go of the negative emotions during the session. Not sure if it works, cuz all I wanted to do was cry, but I began to relax when I heard Andrew's soothing voice giving us Seiheiki and cool Amrit to settle down.

I was meditating and I think I somewhat drifted away in space for a little while before reappearing back on Earth, where below me is the sea. I was floating above with 12 stars shining brightly and surrounding me. I saw a pod dolphin below, calling for me and I dove right in, swimming with them underwater.

I saw some buildings underwater, but before I begin to explore the place, everything fades away and I was floating in the air again, surrounded by 12 white ball-like stars that slowly took forms and becomes aliens. I don't know their races, but they are tall and pale with strange buzzing energy. I was quite startled but they don't seem to want to harm me. They pointed at me and then I was teleported to a golden ancient city in the sky that looks like Babylon.

I think I became an alien too when I arrived at the golden city in the sky that looks like our own ruined ancient city of Babylon. I was wearing strange looking robe and I was adorned with jewellery, and I had a third eye on my forehead. The third eye was opened and it feels amazing. Everything around me looks nothing like what I've experienced on Earth as a human. It feels as if I've stepped into a 5D world.

I saw golden glowing lotus in blooms floating everywhere in the city and there are beautiful trees with flowers and fruits everywhere. There are people here, but they are not human. There are animals too, but strangely they're birds and mammals that are extinct on Earth. There are Dodo birds, Sabre tooth tigers, mammoths and more strange looking animals that I cannot identify. This city looks like a beautiful sanctuary in the sky.

I feel at peace and so much love here, and I met an alien woman, who looks like me-perhaps she was another me, and as she walked to me...her movement mirrored mine and as she placed her forehead onto mine, she disappeared into me, and I feel so complete.

I don't know what happened beyond this, it feels as I was just drifting and after that I suddenly woke up. Not sure if it was Andrew's voice or something else. But when I woke up I felt buzzing energy around. It was so intense and I was overwhelmed by it that I had to leave the zoom session.

The session was a huge emotional release for me. Thank you so much. I am so grateful for the experience.

Andrew:  An experience of merging with other multi-dimensional self.  Books by the late Dolores Cannon share similar stories by others who experience life regression therapy.  What happens is that instead of past lives, they reveal alien lives similar to Ellie.


Thank you Andrew for da 12th DNA session today. For me when you gave da Seiheki I saw images of lions & I felt body swaying around & saw purple colour…saw a golden building with 4 pillars & inside so many lions & lion Cubs .. went in & out of consciousness. At one point my left eye was wet like water or tears like & then started to itch ..(strange only left eye & not both eyes)

Someone was holding my hand as if we are walking together & I looked down at da hand.. it was green colour ... looked up to see who’s hand it is - it’s a tall & slim person in green colour (alien looking but human legs & arms & slightly elongated head.. couldn’t see da face properly 

“Thank you Lord” tune was playing in my head most of da session when I am conscious or coming out of consciousness. I hear this song in da FM radio driving to work most mornings… took me a while to figure what this tune was & able to remember as writings this now.. Thank you so much 😊❤🙏

Linda Tan

For me I felt lots of energy and had some body movements. At one point, I saw it was very bright especially on my right side. The brightness stayed with me for a while. Towards the end it was bright all over me.

I guess what Andrew had said earlier that all of us went to the pyramid🥰: I would like to add besides seeing the brightness everywhere around me, I saw also colors of purple, yellow, blue and green. Thank you.


This incident for Ella happened after the 12 strand DNA decoding.

I felt like I was mottling/shedding my old skin, feeling so uncomfortable. and last night I was taken to the deep ocean where I was greeted by so many beluga whales. I swam with them and one hugged me for the entire journey. once I’m on land, I carried a tiny beluga and flew to the sky and back. they are the cutest! 😁

Ellie Toh

After all these DNA decoding, although I'm skeptical at first...I can actually see results; I become time dyslexic 🤣 but luckily can do more things in a day. My energy is better, my intuition is also sharpened, some things can be manifested as long as I think of it-although it is not immediately (this takes a few days at times), my sense of taste heightened, alot of things tasted good but I cannot eat instant noodles anymore.


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