On the 31st of July, 2021 we had a Yin Yang guided meditation. There was an intention that we should dedicate our Yin Yang Balancing Mudra energy to people all over the world.
There are
many people who are alone, cut off or isolated due to the “pandemic” and many
of them are praying for some kind of help.
I had an
intuition that when we balance ourselves and become calm and harmonious, we
should visualize that these people were also experiencing the calm and harmonious
energy, globally.
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There was a guided message that we would
also be accompanied by some Pleiadian energy. One of them is known as
Viracocha. This is what the ancient Incas of Peru called one of the Pleiadians who
came to their part of the world. They called him, Viracocha the Sun God.
I made a mistake in my introduction to the group and said that Virachocha was known to the Incas and the Mayans.
The Mayans of Mesoamerica (in the region of Guatemala and Central America) had a different God who appeared from the sky - Kukulkan, a serpent deity who came and taught the locals agriculture.
That will explain why two of the participants - Chia and Corinne saw South American natives in their visions who they thought was Mayans. My introduction inserted the thought into their minds. My apologies. The Incas of Peru are associated with Viracocha, not the Mayans.
In ancient times, the Pleiades also known as the Seven Sisters was known to many cultures throughout the world. Representatives from the Pleiades and other star civilizations came to the Earth as stewards, teachers and custodians. They also contributed their DNA to the human race.
Rathna one of our Shambhala group participants messaged me and said that in Tamil, they are known as the 'Sapta Mathas." In Japan, the car Subaru is named after the Seven Sisters.
No other constellation in the sky has been subjected to so many myths, legends and folklore. There are at least forty over stories and legends in our earth myths related to the Seven Sisters.
As a
result, many humans all over the world have Pleiadian DNA gene codes just
waiting to “sing” and be activated in the human race. The Pleiadian gene codes
have already started “singing” for some humans.
10:39 - Andrew: We will have some visitors today from the Seven Sisters ...and
Viracocha and some Pleiadian companions will add their energies to ours. We are most grateful for this contribution.
We recorded
the event on Zoom. And we have sent out this recording to the group
participants so that they could also on their own, conduct their own Yin Yang
meditation with friends and contribute their energies to the planet.
what is known as an Energy Grid – described by Lee Carrol (Kryon) as the Cosmic
Lattice, our collective intention, the Yin Yang energy of calmness and harmony
can be experienced by many other people globally.
Lee Carrol
said that the Cosmic Lattice is a form of energy that represents the loving benevolent
energy of the Creator. It is EVERYWHERE on our planet and throughout the known
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Cosmic Lattice Fair Use Copyright |
There is no
space on earth that is without it. Imagine an invisible inner-net of loving
atoms everywhere throughout space.
When, we, from a loving space dedicate our energy to bring about calmness and harmony to
others who lack it, we are downloading into the energy of the Cosmic Lattice
which manifests that spark of loving energy to these people.
will have visions of golden energy radiating outwards in human time. Kryon says
that the loving energy from us, instantaneously bursts forth from those inner-net
of loving atoms to the people who have received our loving intention to
experience it.
They will
feel different and uplifted, somehow. And some will feel their prayers have
been answered.
through Lee Carrol said, that is how the power of a loving prayer works.
For anyone who is reading this and wants to do this meditation.
Click here for the references to the Yin Yang Mudras Youtube
1. Go into a relaxed mode. Clear your mind.
2. Do some deep breathing.
3. Recite the Ho'oponopono: I love you, thank you 9 times.
4. Then state your intention:
Collectively with the Pleiadian loving energies, we give intention that the love, calmness and harmony of our Yin Yang Mudra is dedicated to all on the planet to support them and uplift them in ALL ways. And so it is.
Play the YouTube and follow the guidance. If you are inspired, you can do this regularly.
Our Zoom Guided Meditation on 31st July 2021
Feedback from Participants
intake of breath went to each planet in our solar system.
Then saw
the Epic Mahabharata. The war has happened … can see all the people lying on
the ground, fighting etc
See the
present world also becoming like that. Same chaos.
Started chanting
something, sometimes high pitched… very melodious.
Saw the
earth grid. Elevated from ground. Like a hill. All the same patterns. Concave
within a V ... the top is flattened. Like a graph the lines go up and down
Andrew: Is this the Cosmic Lattice Grid that Lee
Carrol referred to? And Pushpa had a glimpse of it?
Some hand
coming and touching my forehead.
chanting did not stop
During the
male mudra, cool air was coming.
During the
unity mudra, everything was cool
Saw Tareq
changing to Hanuman and changing back to Tareq.
Andrew: LOL
The 3
breaths of life from Andrew … felt I was jerking a lot. Powerful energy.
As we were starting I was guided to call Pako, the Andes Shaman from Peru to join me.
During the
yoni mudra I saw a being like a praying mantis almost… I wondered if it was the
beings from Pleiades… so I said can show me your real self… and then saw like
an alien being…so I said ok thank you...
Also there
was a very bright star and I felt my heart energy pouring into it... and vice
female mudra I saw myself bathed in rainbow colours…. meaning middle part of
hair - merah (red)... left side hijau (green) right side biru (blue) body some
purple some gold etc...
Andrew: Hmmm next time, Tareq can take us through the Rainbow Aura Meditation. He is part Rainbow!!!
masculine was feeling very heavy... knocked out a few times.
During balancing mudra felt energy moving up and down body felt intense.
12:15 - Chia Sing Lau: Thank you for the session Andrew ☺️🙏
both my knees felt warm, as if someone is putting their hand on it. Saw a Mayan
guy briefly. Saw images of a grizzly bear.
On the yoni mudra, a gush of light breeze went in. Saw an orange sphere rotating slowly, and then turned into a baby. Felt very light and breezy, able to breathe very well.
Felt light blue energy. On and off also saw like an insect like face but
not sure why it resembled Arcturian a little bit too.
yoni mudra over face, saw a nice colourful serene garden, with the grizzly
mudra saw Kuan Yin with a white pearl. Very loving feminine energy. Chanted
Gayathri mantra, and Ganesha chant.
masculine mudra saw Shiva briefly, mild ache over neck, energy moving
everywhere and heavy.
mudra, saw golden light enveloping over the earth and shimmers of golden flakes
over my room, after that burped alot and felt like vomiting a little bit. Palo
Santoed and now still burping.
12:16 - Andrew: Thank you so much.
12:21 - Cryst: I feel my chest expanding very broadly and during the yoni
mudra, I was doing vocal toning of 'Lam', which is the tone for the Root chakra
and see red light directed to the chakra.
After that,
I was guided to set up the setting for sound session. As I start to play the
gong, I was guided to the Tvamewa Mata Cha Pita Tvamewa' mantra, which is new
to me.
This is the meaning of the mantra:
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Cryst's Sound Therapy Room in Cameron Highlands |
Truly you are my Relative and you truly are my Friend
Truly you are my Knowlege and you Truly are my Wealth
Truly you are my ALL, God of Gods
I chant and
learn the mantra throughout the session and was channeling the mantra to the
group. Overall, I could feel much peaceful, confident and very positive now.
We are grateful to Cryst for including all of us in this mantra blessing.
12:26 - Andrew: Wah Cryst amazing
12:28 - Cryst: And you mentioned that you got a message that someone would like
to chant.... That was the time I just started the chant
12:28 - Andrew: 😳😳😳
14:13 - Kimberlly: I love this song/mantra that Cryst shared.
Later Kim messaged she saw the Grid. It was just like mesh orange colour (referring to the Cosmic Lattice).
Kim: When Corinne wrote that she saw the Priestess of Avalon, my hands imitated the pounding of some herbs.
Andrew: As I read this, i could smell the fragrance of the herbs.
12:46 - Linda Tan: My experience today:
Before the
start of the meditation I felt the energies in my lower chakras.
When we
were receiving the loving energies from the Pleiadians, I could feel heavy
energies around my head.
I had some
body movements throughout out the session.
At the last
mudra, I felt cool breeze in my lower back and solar plexus.
During the
3 breaths of life, I could feel very strong energy enveloping around me.
31/07/2021, 13:16 - Karyn: The energy was very calming. I felt sleepy halfway through.
Abidin Mohamad Hijau lyrics https://g.co/kgs/NxQ34a
Reminded of this song from 1991. Hijau is a song about appreciating Nature.
Andrew: It is very apt that these kind of memories are returning. We need to appreciate nature more.
31/07/2021, 14:17 - Kamala Brisbane: Thank you Andrew and the Pleiadians for today’s session. I felt very calm and sleepy and in some instances “stoned out”. 🙏🙏
16:15 - Cheah Hoe San
Andrew: Cheah is now quite adept at creating his own Soul Merkabah
01/08/2021 Corinne
This is the first image that came to my mind, just after we started the meditation. A huge face of a blue pyramid with three but two main layers.
There was an eye on top, like suspended. It was the evil eye as we say.
Andrew: There are two ways of looking at this eye. In the positive, we would say that could represent the Eye of Horus - the all seeing eye.. If viewed negatively, some people say it represents the evil eye. My perpective would be to ask - under what circumstances is the eye appearing.
I first learned about the Evil Eye when I worked with Kanamah the psychic from Ipoh. She would have visions of eyes in people's aura. And according to her this was jealousy. I had no idea at that time. I learned something new from Kanamah.
The second layer at the middle was the Pleiadians, the Seven Sisters. Very light and beautiful. Attracting thoughts and dreams. Waking up your third eyes. Colors was a dark blue wonderful night.
The base layer was a very muscular strong huge bull in an orange brownish sky. The Taurus Constellation, the Bull is where the Seven Sisters, the Pleiades, resides. This was a visual clue to Corinne that YES this is where the Seven Sisters reside.
My heart was beating and I received
a lot of heat in the whole body at the time.
The second image appeared while doing the yoni and the reversed yoni mudra. It is a Chinese amber medallion with a sword in the middle.
I am not sure whether there was like a top, classical thing we see for instance on the Sri Yantra, then one full line and three lines with 2 small lines. The whole thing was protecting a sword placed on the heart of it.
During the feminine mudra, I saw a torture scenery. A man on a wooden table was being wounded to make him speak….
As my chest became heavy, I started to recite the Ho’oponopono and all went away.
Immediately after that an Avalon
lady came and gave me a big smile before going back in the woods.
Andrew: I am very certain that this was a past life therapy for Corinne. She was that male who was tortured. Through the yin yang practice, that past life was healed and the Priestesses of Avalon was showing her happiness that another layer of the onion for Corinne had been healed.
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Kundalini rising experiencd by Corinne Fair Use Copyright |
Andrew: It looks like the Yin Yang Mudras facilitated the rising of the Kundalini for Corinne. Her backache is a tell-tale sign of a blocked kundalini.
This has resulted in an amazing release of the backache that I had since last Sunday and that was explained by the doctors as due to too much lying down during my recent Covid infection.
During the Shiva linga (Unity Mudra), a Mayan men appeared. He was staring away, looking to the left and had a very deep look and personality. He was extremely impressive as for his peace and still-ness.
He was total harmony and peace.
The right person for unity! He had the posture on the first picture, was in front of a house made with stone, he was on top of a mountain so he could see far. He was more looking like the second one…. sorry, did not find him on internet though I still have his image in my head!
In a nutshell, a lot of orange and blue, swadishtana (sacral chakra) especially and Ajna (Third Eye) have had their time today! The most happy is my lower back…and so am I.
Thanks a lot Andrew for all.
Andrew: I am happy that Corinne had a kundalini blockage cleared. I write about it alot. And it is good that for Corinne this was cleared.
For the rest of the people in the group, whenever you feel the need to practice yin yang meditation ...just play the zoom video guided meditation which has been sent to all of you who participated ...and alagazam!!!! ...that is what Jo Ann says .... you are meditating with 22 people and the Pleiadians and sending positive energy to the world... how about that!!!
And in the process, like Corinne, you also get some holistic healing. ☝☝☝
The channelling about the Cosmic Lattice by Lee Carrol was in 1997. It was as if they knew our Magnetic Grid was going to weaken due to the Solar Flares, and therefore a Grid composed of the loving benevolence of the Creator was highlighted to humans.
The more loving humans become, the more the Cosmic Lattice will be utlised to spread love throughout the planet. That is why so many messengers are encouraging us to be more loving during this time. Be the Power of Love. It will uplift us from the chaos when we choose it everyday.
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For instance, Karyn and Kamala were both calm, though Kamala became stoned later.😂 Tareq and Chia saw an insect like being... Kim and Pushpa saw some forms of the Cosmic Lattice... we are having very interesting sessions.
Thank you to all the participants who joined us on Satuday,
And thank you to the co-authors for your feedback.
Inla'kech Alakin. I AM another you.
An ancient Incan saying.
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