Sunday 8 August 2021

Lion's Gate 8.8 Guided Meditation

We started our Lion's Gate Meditation with a briefing for all the participants.

The Sirian Lion Human race was involved in the evolution of the Egyptian civilisation thousands of years ago.

There has been Egyptian myths that visitors from the skies came with knowledge and helped farmers to become nation builders with astonishing monuments like the Pyramids and Sphinx.

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The myths postulated that the intervention of the Sirian Lion Human race was a key contributory factor to the rise of their civiilisation.

That is why there are ancient statues of Lion heads with human bodies, some of which are kept in the British Musuem.

Sekmet and other Lion Beings at the British Musuem
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Ancient Wall Mural of Sekmet.
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One of the most famous references to their presence in ancient Egypt is the Sphinx, body of a lion and head of an ancient Pharoah.  

The story is that the Pharoah did not want his people to remember the contributions of the Lion Race and had the lion face taken down and his own face built over it.

The late British author, Murry Hope wrote two books about the intervention of the Lion race in ancient Egypt. She experienced a series of telepathic dialogues with the Paschats - the leonine race from the Sirius Constellation.

Since this is not the "official version" of history as approved by the established authorities, we are told that there is no such thing. 

They cannot explain the appearance of the wall murals and the statues of Sekhmet, dismissing it as animal workship.

Back to our Lion's Gate Guided Meditation. 

Time and again, we are told of a special day in the year - the 8th of August as a day to commemorate and welcome the wisdom of the Lion energies from Sirius.

One of the most gifted visionaries on the planet, Patricia Cori has also followed the path of the late Murry Hope and has been having telepathic conversations with the Sirians.

She has written books with guidance from the Sirians about our reunion with our ancestors from the stars. 

The main message during the session was that we were heading for a cultural re-set. 

Qualities of love and energy perfection were to be revisited and embraced during this transition period of moving from the old to the new.

We had to learn to release old concepts of sin, guilt, shame, and greed which was of an old energy earth whose magnetic grid is now weakening. 

We then have to migrate to the magnetic grid of a new earth similar to the principles of  Lemuria and Shambhala where only love, equality, harmony and perfection exists.

Is there any alternative? If you have had enough of suffering, then Unconditional love is the answer. Fear has brought us to a standstill.

Patricia Cori's book is available on FREE PDF DRIVE DOWNLOAD

Feedback from the Lion Gate Meditation from the participants - 07/08/2021.


For me today. Energy was strong… knocked out... but just as Andrew said 2 minutes to go… I saw a being with a sun mask on. The mask only covered the upper half of the face... tongue was also very dry and stuck to roof of mouth.


Sharing what I saw.

First I saw some stars, followed by purple and orangey gold colours.

Then I saw a big ball of gold light.

Then a head appeared like an alien, an oblong face with 2 eyes.

Finally, when you asked us to visualize the lion head, I visualized Narasimha with a smiling face. immediately I was walking alongside a lion on a road...ha ha. Now I’m not afraid of lions.🦁🦁🦁

Lord Narasimha Lion Avatar
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Thank you Andrew for today’s session. I felt someone tapping me once on my left thigh during the meditation and cannot remember anymore. 

When I heard Andrew’s voice to return back in 2 minutes. I saw a lion with a portal behind it sitting majestically. Thank you πŸ™

Linda Tan

Thank you Andrew for today's session.

I'm felt the energy before we started as my head could feel the heaviness.

Had some body swaying movements initially but stopped as our sessions progressed.

Felt strong energies and nodding off, on and off.

That's all from me.

Thank youπŸ™

Tareq shared 4 tarot cards he had pulled out after our session.  He shared them on the chat group.

Corinne: The star, strength, hermit and the world!!! 4 major arcana out of 6! ending up with the world.  I see the middle part as though the strength will come from within!...

14:57 - Andrew: Wow... Corinne is also a Tarot expert!!!!!

14:58 - Andrew: I was just about to write to Tareq and ask him for the meanings.

15:00 - Tareq PHI: The message more or less is exactly what you said when the session is over...

15:02 - Tareq PHI: Releasing pain and self-sabotaging… stepping into earth new grid... change... compassion...

15:05 - Andrew: Wah how come so ngam oneπŸ˜… (perfect)

15:10 - Tareq PHI: Synchronicity 🀣



Thank you for the session today Andrew πŸ™☺️ I felt a lot the energy moving today. 

First it was very still and gentle but it became stronger to a point where I wanted to move but I felt I was unable to. 

I finished the session feeling very calm and relaxed but for my legs and body it was as if I had just been out of an intense exercise session πŸ˜† 

I did see the lion right at the beginning together with me, walking by my side in a forest and I was dressed like one of the Avalon women. And she told me repeatedly to trust what the universe is bringing to me. πŸ™ This was my experience today ☺️

Cheah Hoe San

Lost in cloud nine at the starting.

Left hand began shaking vigorously followed by right. Both hands transformed into lion paws and later into Sphinx. Roaring & chanting, never heard of before.

Felt wriggling at the third eye twice with vision of overlapping pyramids all stacked in a row.

Thanks Andrew for the roaring experience.✊✊


During the Breathing exercise. Knocked out. Was in the sky

Saw the Lion’s Gate.

Horizontal. Designs like triangles on the gate.

In the center there is an opening.

I went into deep meditation.

You asked us to come back.

Opened eyes all come back.

Voice said; You and I are ONE

A lot of heat. Cooled.


Jannie Mah

Never experienced before.

Heart throbbing all the way to the end.

Heart beating very fast. Rhythmic.

Not blood pressure. Not uncomfortable.

Saw Jesus, saw a sage with long hair

Saw colours orangy yellow red in a cycle

Ears itchy and face itchy,

Going to lots of past lives…saw Mat Salleh, Eurasian lady fat, tall thin man.

Very strange episode.

Scenarios all happy. 

My Sirian Seal Pendant on working table.

Somehow today, was guided to put on palm for a while.

Led to put it on and wear it.

Today, very peaceful, not agitated or restless

Only arms feeling restless, Tapped it a bit.

Body swaying round and round.

Normally feel pressure here and there.

Today felt very good. Bright yellow colour.

Positive. Cheerful. Happy.  All other lives are happy.

I am all of them. They are me.

Incidentally, I had a long conversation with an associate a few days ago.

The conversation was about us being unique beings.

We must be who we are – our original personalities – cry, laugh, be cheerful, live life.

And still be a "perfect" energy being.

Today Andrew- you gave that message!



Today's session

Saw a lot of blue. Saw the lion race and also their king sitting on his throne. Felt very hot. Kept drinking water. Overall, energy quite strong.

Andrew: Kiran must have seen the movie – Lion King – many times. Hahahahahaha.



Andrew thank you so much for today. πŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌ❤

My lion appeared. Yes, My lion. I have been having visions of lion as my spiritual animal guide alongside Pegasus. What is amazing is, I kept changing my lion's name.  I asked him what name you like but had no reply.

This happened over a month ago. So, I named Leo, Simba and finally settled for Shiva. but today you named him. Also I prompted him to speak, he just kept looking at me with so much love. πŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌ❤.

Andrew:  When the lion "spoke" to me telepathically, it said that in our earth language, I could call it Cy-an. 

Then I saw a huge brownish yellow tornado in the desert. later this tornado became huge bluish black attached to the sky.

I saw a volcanic mountain, not active anymore. Its crate was open. The whole setting was yellow golden colours... so gorgeous.

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In front of this mountain is a pagoda type temple, medium in size and in front of it is a long passage with what seemed like white pillars. Meaning you can’t go into the temple just like that. You have to walk past these pillars.

Andew:  Looks like Inthira has been quietly having her lion experiences and now it is all coming out!

There is a connection between the temples and the lions that Corinne and Inthira are revealing to us.

Many years ago, I had visited  Angkor Wat, the famous temple in Cambodia with a group of friends. One night after I came back I had a dream.  

There are giant faces on the temple walls. In the dream, I was walking around Angkor Wat and looking at the huge temple faces and suddenly, they all changed into lion faces.

I woke up with a shock and a realisation. And I thought about it, was it a surprise that they too had come to Asia. Shouldn't be.

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Hi Andrew, nothing much as I slept off in the session and time seemed to pass by so fast. At the start of the meditation I saw blue and yellow energy circles and then I slept of.

Andrew:  Hmmm The Reiki symbol - Sei hei ki for relaxation. Maybe I should not use too much of it.  People get knocked out during the meditation. 



During the Meditation I saw myself becoming part-lion and my hands formed fists on my lap like paws.

Andrew:  Looks like Kim has fully embraced the ONENESS philosophy!



As soon as we got started I see a lion in front of me. Like a photo. He was a bit aggressive but very strong, had a strange way of walking. He said I am scared! So it looked at me.

During invocation about perfection, I became an auric field with the colour yellow as the center of my body, from manipura to Sahasrarara (from solar plexus to crown).  I think the yellow light was overcoming the lower chakra so strong it was.

Andrew: Yellow in colour therapy is positive energy, cheerful, high self-esteem, the presence of the sun in your body. Generates lots of feel good hormones.

Then an Indian totem in Crystal reflecting light all around appeared. It has lion, then eagle shape. Some Indians chanting were around a fire and one looked at me and it was me, with long hair and a very blurred but happy look in his face. (Corinne had a vision of an incarnation)

A huge lion face appeared and spread a flow of melted gold from his mouth, this gradually covered the whole world.

The image gets bigger till I saw the eyes of Viracocha the Pleiadian. He was on the very top of a high mountain. From his eyes, he was spreading gold - like the lion from his mouth.

Then, the landscape became very dry, dusty like these deserts in West America. Viracocha was really concerned by the dead animals and the fact that there was no plant left at all. He said you need to fix this. It needs water. The way is to stop the leakage somewhere else showing me heavy industry.

This meant that our heavy industry was consuming a lot of water and depriving nature and animals.

Then came a top of an Inca/Maya pyramid, again all around it was only dust and I heard again you need to fix this.

Finally, a yogi came. He was luminescent and wearing orange dress. He was seated in rocks next to a waterfall. He said I am happy to finally meet you. 

He looked like some baba and turned into Swami Rama and said do not miss the opportunity, stay with me!

Then I saw all the tops of the main monuments with a triangle shapes on top: roofs of temples in Thailand, Cambodia, Bell house on top of churches, then got this final image.


Was quite relaxed but mind seemed to be racing like a movie reel. But might have been in a deep meditation state

Drifting in and out

Halfway felt like a golden ball of light at my heart chakra and I took a very deep breath

Definitely one of the calmest sessions in a while. Thanks Andrew πŸ™

As for the expanded state of consciousness, I used to experience that when I’m meditating in the temple. At first was wondering what that feeling was felt it was weird the few times. 

Recently also when I was very clear on the intent to send healing to loved ones. Was sending distant healing with a friend to my family. And my awareness just filled the space of the entire room.

Andrew: Wonderful experience Karyn. The more we experience these states of consciousness, the more we are expanding our wings.

Pia, Germany

Thank you Andrew for sharing the Lion’s Gate Meditation with me. It was very strong energies and I had a lot of release going on.

Tom Chan

Saw the sphinx and a queen standing in front of it. She was tall, thin and lanky, in blue and purple skin. She was wearing a white veil covering her face. She looked part-human, and part inter-galactic.

I turned into a white eagle and started soaring into the cloud. Then, I saw many other white eagles flying in the blue sky. 

We flew above the clouds, and up above the stratosphere. Upon lying out into space, I turned into an eagle stingray, brown in colour with white dots.

I turned around, and saw some white eagles stuck in the clouds. So I turned around and flew back to help them out. After a few times, some white eagles were still unable to venture out.  

So the rest of us, moved out into space. We flew past few intergalactic beings and the planet, and ended up somewhere in space, and saw a large golden eye. it was looking at us, and there was strong loving energy.

After a while, I landed back and touched the earth's soil, and I felt it was so very fertile. πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™


The main theme here in Tom's feedback is our different states of consciousness. I used to read Jonathan Livingstone Seagull.

Some seagulls fly very high, some not too high, some fly just above the sea – all looking for food. 

The different heights reveal the different kinds of consciousness that prevail on earth right now.  The seagulls flying very high are also seeking for soul food.

So, similarly, to humans, we need both soul food for our spiritual journey and food to keep us healthy and strong.

Food that makes us healthy and strong keeps us grounded. Soul food helps us spread our wings.

As we spread our wings and fly higher, we will encounter different planes of consciousness. Experiencing the different kinds of consciousness will eventually attract the different destinations of our belief systems. Like attracts like.

It is in the journey that we find ourselves and have our adventures.

The higher we fly above our existing plane of consciousness, the more dynamic will be our journey and the more interesting will be the types of beings we encounter – the more we will learn. We have never been alone.  

We share the universe with many intelligent beings. And it is in our dream, meditation and telepathic states that many of us will first encounter them.

Dr. Mohana

The day before Dr. Mohana was preparing for her Lion Gate womb blessing with Elizabeth Huxtable. She had this vision.

She saw a beautiful majestic looking lioness standing before her.

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Then she heard a few words that indicated we should all take this time to go within.







These are the qualities which should be internalised. As within, so without. When we internalise all these qualities, all these attributes will materialise in our external circumstances for us to experience in the present moment. NOW.

See the Covid as a major reboot for the entire planet.

We are all souls having a human experience and the human body is a container for the soul.  People leaving the planet now through illness will incarnate again in another human body. Our bodies are temporary; our souls are eternal.

Yes, we are sad at losing loved ones now. But they are never lost to us. 

True story. Pushpa and I helped a Macedonian qi gong practitioner who had cancer. She  later passed on in 2020.

A few days ago, I was minding my own business and suddenly I sensed a presence. A voice spoke to me.

"Andrew, it is Mirjana."

She gave me a personal message and then left. She was cheerful and happy when she spoke to me.  

So yes, we grieve for the loss of loved ones. But what will comfort you is that - it is true, they are in a better place and they are still 'alive" from a universal perspective. No one dies. Our physical container expires. Our consciousness lives...forever.

The more loving we are now; the more loving will be our experiences in this present moment according to the Law of Attraction. Similarly, the more loving will be the circumstances of our next birth.

Then Dr. Mohana saw the planet rising – ascending and surrounded by lots of fire, bathed in light.  The interpretation is that the Solar Flares are preparing humanity for the planet’s ascension by triggering the kundalini (the inner fire) of the people on the planet. 

The kundalini opens our eyes - literally and symbolically so that we can see and converse with all other sentient beings that share this plane of existence. 

We are all one.

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