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Physicists admit DNA Second layer exists. Click above for more info |
Many books have been written about how our Self-Worth is related to our Self-Esteem and to our abillities to achieve success.
In the Law of Attraction series by Rhonda Bryne, being successful in our lives and achieving what we want - our life goals, is related to how we feel about ourselves. When we holistically feel that we deserve to be successful, happy, and healthy, we can achieve all these goals.
Many times in our adult lives, even though we consciously desire all these goals, we find it hard to achieve them. There are of course various reasons.
Some call it karma. Others call it subconscious trauma of various kinds of abuse or guilt which make us feel that we are not worthy of any kind of success in our lives. Others point to our astrological signs.
Whatever the causes, all these contribute to our lack of self-worth and indirectly lead to our inability to be successful, happy or healthy.
If we believe that we do not deserve to be successful and that there are a lot of limitations in what we can achieve, the universe is going to conspire to bring"limitations" to our doorstep for us to experience.
Over 20 years ago, seers had visions of diamond light codes from universal sources entering our solar system, to the earth and to humans. It is going to every human on the planet.
These light codes are multi-faceted and have many qualities. Chief among them is the ability to amplify our thoughts - both "good" or 'bad" and attract their manifestation in our lives.
I have spoken to at least 3 individuals who have seen with their psychic vision, the presence of the diamond in their energy body.
In the past two weeks, I have had conversations with an Iranian mystic who has seen the crystal diamond in her forehead. It first appeared in her head a few months ago, It left. Then it returned and now the crystal is digging "stuff" (she calls it rubbish thoughts) out of her system.
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The Diamond Light Codes; Julia Umpleby |
She has had telepathic conversations with the consciousness of the Diamond. It tells her that she has qualities which can benefit the world. Hence, it is digging out and letting go various traumatic thoughtforms from her life experiences.
She saw heavy metals and other forms of pollution leaving her body.
She also told me, for her, when it digs out the trauma, it is painful because she is a psychic empath. If it is not removed, the crystal will soon amplify those traumatic throughtforms and manifest the lack of self-worth associated with the trauma.
Since she has a life purpose and is also a Star Seed, that means a human of galactic origins, the crystal is cooperating with her to remove all her life trauma first.
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Any limitations or imperfections that we currently believe to be true and accept, will be amplifed and through the Law of Attraction, manifest at our very front door for us to experience.
If you believe in LACK, that is what you will experience. If you happily believe that you are imperfect, and it is ok to be imperfect, you will then experience that physically and you will fall sick. If you believe that humans are limited beings, you will experience limitations.
It is ESSENTIAL that we all hold thought-forms of energy perfection and clear out trauma buried in our sub-conscious. The Solar Flares also known as the Purifiying Fire is now doing that for all humanity.
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The purifying fire of the Solar Flare, unprecedented in our lifetime. |
NASA says that the solar flares will affect our wireless systems and satellites. Psychics say that millions of particles from the flares will enter our spinal column and purify our emotional and mental body - creating many health side effects, besides triggering our kundalini.
Many of us will experience dreams bringing trauma to the surface of our consciousness. When we have negative dreams - it is not to go into despair - but to say, ah thank you - more stuff to clear. Our job is then to let that go with Ho'oponopono. I love you, thank you.
Keep reciting that daily 9 times or 108 times... until the dreams no longer return. It means, the buried trauma has been cleared.
Now, experiencing the chant: Torah E'ser Sphirot, will clear out " unhealthy, emotional and mental rubbish" from our DNA, repair it, and restore it - so that we can eventually access the wisdom of our God Creation Particle within.
Is this the only method? Of course not, through the ages, many spiritual methodologies have been shown and given to different segments of humanity in different parts of the world.
Various chants in Oriental practices, like Om Nama Shivaya, Om Mani Padme Hung, Gayatri Mantra, Padma Shambhava Guru Mantra, Waheguru - all lead to similar outcomes. There would be others that I am not familiar with from the Western world but I am certain, they exist.
But all of them have to be accompanied by a holistic practice that understands the Law of Attraction and the practice of Love, Compassion and Benevolence. And very importantly, stripped of all superstition. It is the layers of quasi-relgiious superstition that holds us back in our progress.
These are the feedback from some participants of the Second DNA Layer Decoding. Be prepared to jump into the rabbit hole. 😍
Komathy joined us for the very first time. She felt that she had a powerful experience. Her whole body was buzzing with energy. And she felt the presence of some discomfort behind her shoulders.
She felt the presence of what she thought was wings appearing and she had this feeling that she had a BIG and beautiful pair of wings. She drew a symbol of a pair of wings which she felt was like automatic writing. Komathy wrote, the angel wings on my back felt so good.
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Angel Wings Fair Use Copyright |
During Sei
Hei Ki and Cool Amrit, I felt very relaxed. Green Tara came. When you started
chanting the first time there was a jolt of energy that made my chest rise and
head fall back.
At one point I was traveling up in the sky and saw a tribal village... it became very clear. I think I went down to the village. Then K.O (meaning Tareq was knocked out and lapsed into sleep state.)
Before waking up I saw a lady explaining something about my lower abdomen or healing that area for me. Felt super-relaxed and at peace. Very different from the first activation 🤣...
I also feel like I saw the wings Komathy was talking about. Had this thought to draw them as well.
Chia Sing Lau:
At the start of the session, I felt Cool Amrit and Reiki
working, diving into deeper brain wave states. Started to smell smoke of
palo santo. I didn't light up any. Heard an Eagle call.
Saw an image of a bird-faced being with a stick, ancient
Egyptian, might be Ra (or Thoth).
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Fair Use Copyright |
Felt buzzing all over the left side of my body and a deep
pressure at a single point on left side of my throat.
Sudden discomfort and pain on the upper back shoulder blade
area, not sure if it's related to the wings.
Note: A few people saw wings or felt wings sprouting from their
shoulders. Some experienced discomfort while this was happening. This indicates expansion of consciousness,
beginning of astral travelling, soul travelling or flight of ascension.
Then, felt an out-of-body experience where I teleported
to different places as an energy but can't recall details. Just felt it was
zooming fast here and there, and then it warped and sped into a tunnel like
Felt like I was a monitor in a class room. On the teacher’s desk there are some
papers. I wrote one word Energy and some symbolic codes on A4 papers but I
can't recall them now. I was surprised to also find these and also felt oh ya
they're familiar.
After the session, I feel light and good. Easy and breezy,
relaxed. Things are much clearer in my field.
I also heard the word Ka as I'm typing this.
Andrew: Ka as in Merkaba – Light – Spirit – Body. Mer-Ka-Ba is a 5,000-year-old word in Hebrew that describes our Soul Chariot and enables us to travel between densities of existence. The Merkaba is activated through DNA Encoding.
Since Chia Sing has had these experiences
before, it suggests that she has taken part in previous activities which
contributed to the awakening of her Merkaba.
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Our Merkaba, Soul Chariot. Fai Use Copyright |
Felt very calm and relaxed. Was teleported to Petra, Rose
city with the Corinthian columns (maybe the association with the Himalayan pink
salt 🤣)
Saw myself dressed like a Bedouin. I was climbing a huge
pink boulder so that I won't fall into the pink sea. After which I started
running on the sandy dunes, chasing a huge mythical being, from the Hellenistic
I covered my eyes with my hands and I saw the night sky of
the desert with many stars. Upon coming back to full body consciousness, I saw
my Emerald Green Merkaba again. It is so magical.
Lena Yap:
First, I saw a shadow of a female, maybe it is me with an
orbit on top of the head or just like the planet with an orbit ... then I think I floated
into my body.
I saw the brain, DNA strands, embryo growing to fetus and the fetus growing into baby with DNA strands inside. It was a very strange experience to see a fast-forward version of me from fetus to adult with DNA strands.
Then I saw a V shape with curve bottom, like the uterus. It is dark, then turned pinkish. This was followed by the colour purple - a morning glory on the top and moving up... the morning glory turned into a butterfly and angels with wings in blue and purple light.
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DNA Strands with dark stains |
I also saw the nerve cells from the root chakra growing up to the crown chakra. At the top of the cell, there were many black clots and they were removed from the nerve cell during the chanting.
Andrew: Black clots or
black colour at the nerve cells are unhealthy aspects which have various
sources. Black DNA strands are also an indication that the DNA is in a state of
disrepair. When they return to a state of vibrant colours, this indicates that
DNA healing has taken place.
DNA strands were in black at first. Then turned into dark black red mixture and maroon on one side and blue, on the other side. During the whole session, I felt cool… at some point my tail bone was very painful and both shoulders were very heavy.
Now my whole body feels lighter. 😍.
Linda Tan:
Thank you Andrew for today's session.
For me, I felt Cool Amrit on my lower back and the cool
sensation slowly went up to my neck.
My body was swaying slowly left and right throughout the
I felt a sudden surge of energy on my right brain.
Towards the end, I felt pain on the sole of my left foot.
Last week, the discomfort was on the sole of my right foot.
That's all from me.
Thank you🙏😍
Drifted in the clouds and saw a small city. Saw people
holding hands giving a message that we should continue to help, a palm appeared
with a circle of light in the middle and towards the end saw flames of fire.
Thanks for the session everyone and Andrew.
Andrew: We have read
about etheric cities or realms where evolved beings or Elders are supposed to
reside. They come to humans in our dream states to give us messages and help us
evolve. Tareq wrote about visiting a village in one of these realms.
I was lying down as well, felt very tired and sleepy. Went
into a deep state when Andrew was chanting and woke up when he finished and
seemed refreshed already. After that wanted to get up and stop meditating but
thought let’s take this time for myself.
Felt like curling up in foetus position and just stayed
there very relaxed until Andrew started saying hellloooo.
Hi Andrew. Tq for the session today.
When you said the Sei Hei Kei, I immediately went into
relaxation mode and the one Million Amrit drops made me feel more relaxed and
cool. I saw butterflies and a beautiful rainbow. After that I saw an Eagle
soaring high in the sky. Then I fell asleep. Only woke up when you woke us up.
I also saw the DNA at the beginning but it was black.
Andrew: As mentioned
earlier, black DNA is a sign of disrepair. Continued DNA Recoding, physical exercises and good nutrition will restore the DNA back into a state of
good health.
Susan Chan:
It was very relaxing session. My vision started.
I was sitting at my tree, very peaceful. My wisdom book was opened. I can't understand anything in the book. My hand moved to take my invisible blue stone (my physical hand actually moved like holding the stone and I feel my hand shaking from the energy!)
I put the blue stone into the book. There were flashes and some flashes went to my head. I pulled out the stone.
Then I saw myself with a clear glass round bowl on top of my head. It is like my head extended at the top with the glass bowl. The bowl had some bluish water with some stuff floating in it. It was not a lot of liquid... maybe one fifth? I smiled. So weird! Then the water drained into my head.
Andrew: It appears that the energy of the brain's cerebro spinal fluid (which is blue in colour) was refreshed for Susan. The normal adult has between 100 to 150 ml of the CSF for proper brain function.
Then I made
hearts of love and sent them out to the world. I was then tired. Still sitting
at the tree, I asked for the multicolour light. It came.
Then I was flying in the sky and throwing hearts everywhere as I flew.
Suddenly I was in a garden. Some beings in sparkly see through like Angels with wings came. A few of them in the group.
Andrew: Susan travelled in her soul chariot Merkaba and approached the angelic realm.
Trying to give blessing or say something. I don't know, coz at that point I heard Andrew's voice. And the scene was interrupted. I wanted to know what the angelic being was saying/doing 🙂… couldn't hear. I just said my Thank you to her and was back.
So when one of you shared about the wings … my eyes went 😳😳😳.... I can relate!!
Ellie Toh
This session I am more calm and relaxed. Thank you very much for this session.
This week's session was much darker and abit painful for me than the previous one. So many things happened. I'll try my best to describe what I saw in this session.
When you gave us the Sei Hei Ki I was pretty much relaxed. I was at my usual mountain top. There was a tree with a swing there and I was sitting on the swing and swinging on it back and forth happily. I was relaxed and content.
And then you gave us Cool Amrit, and the scene started to change. I was riding a horse in a vast grassland. There was a hunting eagle flying above me, following me. I'm guessing I was out hunting or something.
Then I heard some chanting. Again, this sounds really alien to me and suddenly everything became extremely bright. I can see energy waves around me and there's a flower-like crystal in my hand. I held onto it tightly and it went into my chest. It feels painful.
I tried to use Qi energy to push it away but it doesn't work, so I decided to just endure it. The pain subsided after a while, and I saw symbols and strands of DNA around me.
They're all deconstructed, flying around my body. A few strands were in blue, a few in strange, translucent gold. They look like a puzzle trying to patch themselves together.
I heard more chanting and my head feels heavy. Third eye was heavy too, as if someone was pressing on it and not allowing it to open. My head feels really hot.
I took a deep breath and opened my eyes to see who is doing this, and I saw the Egyptian God Anubis putting his hand on my head. He looks really majestic and fierce. Full of dark, shadowy energy. Strange enough, I wasn't afraid.
"Are you here for me?" I asked. The God Anubis did not answer. Instead, he took my hand and led me to a river. And at the river, there is a strange looking young man in red clothing waiting for me on a small boat.
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Anubis Fair Use Copyright |
There were ancient looking temple and strange structures along the river. There was no other human there, though. It was like an abandoned, lifeless place with deafening silence.
I lean slightly over the boat, scooping up water, and then the scene changes again. I was no longer on the boat with the young man in red clothing.
I was in a strange place. It looks like an altar, and I was kneeling, and putting my palm on the ground as I close my eyes. Here is where things get extremely scary and dark.
I feel as if I was connected to the entire planet, and I saw an explosion at the cockpit of a plane. It crashed into the ocean with such a terrible impact. I heard loud screams of fear and babies crying as it sunk down into the bottom of the sea.
I was then swallowed in darkness. I can no longer hear anything. There is complete silence again.
And then the scene changed again. I think now I was transported to a war-torn country. I saw soldiers killing women and children and unarmed men. I saw missiles being dropped from the sky.
And then I saw dead bodies and I could actually smell the stench of blood all around me. It was so overwhelming that I wanted to puke. Then I heard more crying and people begging pitifully in a language I am not familiar with.
After that the scene changed again. I saw more killing in something that looks like an ancient war. This time people were wearing steel armours, riding on war horses and fighting with each other with weapons like swords and spears and I can hear cannons being blasted in the distance.
I heard drumming and horns from the distance as well before I saw arrows raining from the sky. The sadness, pain, fear, suffering, anger feels real and extremely amplified.
Then a man appeared. He is a tall man with dark complexion.
He said he is Anubis and he's taking me back. I hesitated and I remembered feeling annoyed at him. But he assured me and I followed him despite of my earlier reluctance.
Then there is deafening silence once again before a change of scene. I was transported to an ancient looking temple.
The architecture is out of this world. Some part of it looks like Borobudur in Indonesia while some part looks like Angkor Wat.
I was draped in beautiful golden dress that looks like it was made from expensive songket and I was adorned with gold all over my body.
The wind was blowing and I could hear music in the distance and my body was dancing to the strange tune. The dance feels like some sort of pagan ritual. I can hear bells from my anklets.
Then there's a change of scene again. This time I was standing in an empty grassland. There's nothing but grass over here. I was crying and feeling sad and lonely.
I felt strong warm energy on my palm. I wanted to create things...so I knelt down, connect myself to the Earth. I returned the energy to the Earth and I saw plants started growing and blooming flowers and trees around me started to grow.
Pink flowers started to fly around in a flower tempest and it smells really sweet. Abit like rose and jasmine combined.
I heard me telling myself that I want to go home...to the Eridanus Star System and I've had enough over here. Then weird symbols appeared before it conjures a portal similar to last week's meditation. I remember feeling relieved and walked into it.
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Eridanus Constellation |
Again...there are sea of stars in the sky. I remember feeling the temperature change again. The cool Amrit effect was no longer there. I feel warm all over as I walk on that path...and remember that I was muttering and cussing about my experience on Earth.
Then I heard a soft voice calling out hello...hello and asking us to come back to our own body's consciousness.
I didn't immediately go back. I was feeling pretty annoyed and wanted to get a bath before I go back into my own body. Then the voice gets louder.
I'm not sure what to feel about the whole thing this round, but I guess it's an adventure nevertheless and I guess all I can say is thank you for taking me on such a trip.
Andrew: it appears that Ellie is an old soul, definitely a Star Seed. From her dialogue, she has galactic human origins from the star system Eridanus. This is the second time that Ellie is having memories of this star system. It happened during the first DNA Layer decoding.
Cheah Hoe San
Huge gorilla
appeared reaffirming my vaccination not required. Transfer of 'power' from its
fistful right hand to my right fist then to my left fisted hand ✊✊
Lots of astral travelling and images of pyramids during the session.
Message said get ready for 3rd and 4th DNA layers - holding each of them on both hands with fire burning at the tip of two DNA.
Both DNA turned golden colour when fire at tip is gone and get fully submerged inside pyramid with water, like a washing machine cleansing the 2 strand of DNA.
Awesome session. Thanks Andrew. Kamsahaminda
I had a great, calm and peaceful session today.
During the deep breathing and Sei Hei Ki I was very calm and light. First I saw a chubby baby, then saw a green cartoon Dragon🐉 blowing fire from the mouth…was a very playful scene.
During chanting, felt a sense of emotion coming over me then saw a fair hand ✋stretched out.
💧 When I was receiving the Amrit drop – there was pain at the right hand. I said "I love you, thank you" numerous xxx, and used the drop to cleanse the pain.
👩❤️👨Guided to do Feminine/masculine/unity mudra…saw orange/yellow colour... directed to place both hands on my abdominal area to remove negativity. Felt light and ease after that.
At end of
session, I was feeling good and calm.
In this session, I saw a gigantic structure of the head of Hindu God that we see in Bali. I don't know who he is.
Andrew: Janniie had a vision of Vishnu. Bali has the largest statue of Vishnu in the world.
Angie Lim
Thank you for having me in your meditation 🙏🏾
I have no
feeling of coolness
Brain was
alert and aware of what's happening outside my house.
Andrew: No problem...first time lah
Angie Lim: At one point after your chanting, I felt my palms were heavy, like being pinned down, left palm was like bloated, and extended towards the whole arm. The right side was not so obvious.
During the session I had a thought that I should play the Guru Shambhava chanting when I am with my grandson.
Deep relaxation indeed. Tq, this is a different session from the usual Amrit.
I am
curious the higher realm that you mentioned, was it the so- called God's realm,
when we do prayers to them? 😜
Andrew: Jesvin mentioned that she drifted into a higher realm – what we call an etheric realm in the sky. This is the home of various highly evolved beings who are guardians of the earth and watch over the human race. Tareq also drifted into an etheric realm of a tribal village of spiritual elders.
Today I was more focused and present. Felt the Amrit must faster today. When you were chanting the mantra, I could predict one of the words and various times, saw a man in his 70s, probably a Middle Eastern in the desert looking rather concerned. Overall a lovely bliss-out session. Thank you.
During the deep breathing - saw white unicorn.
Doing the DNA strand Helix shape with hands.
Doing some plucking and cleansing of the DNA Helix.
Went to all the chakras.
Tiny pain on the left chest. Hand was healing that tiny pain – there for some time.
Hands then made an energy ball and planted it on the crown chakra.
Banged it inside the crown chakra. Hand is going down and went to throat, solar plexus and navel chakra. Went to kidney and liver.
Message: You are the problem; you are also the solution. Tell the group. Kept repeating.
Felt peaceful after that.
Had a vision of Nepalese Boy who was very sick in hospital. Saw him in a circle of light then told him – please get up from the bed. Have a strong will and get out of it.
Doing a humming sound went into a very high pitch. Very deep into the body. Very high pitch, first time I am getting it. Feel that it is a healing sound.
Lena later messaged Pushpa and said that she had a vision of 5 Strands DNA in her stomach. Pushpa mentioned that she had a lot of energy in her stomach and was a bit uncomfortable.
Obviously Pushpa has done a lot of work prior to this DNA decoding - yoga, pranic healing and various other practices to get to this point.
The DNA is the Living Library of every human on the planet. It contains information of all activities and one could call it the Collective Consciousness of the planetary history or the Akashic Record of Planet Earth.
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Our Living Library of DNA: Fair Use Copyright |
Consider it an information gathering center of the thoughtforms and belief systems of every human who has ever lived and will live.
It is Quantum and Multi-dimensional. It contains events of the past, present and future: every civilisation, belief system and religion on the planet. When activated, it will project holographic images onto the canvas of our mental screen for us to review.
Hmm I was wondering, ahhh we could be tapping into the mind of God or Prime Creator. The All Knowing Mind and the all knowing Eye.
Many times, people will see religious figures - those whom we believe to be gods, goddesses, divine and semi-divine. Our DNA gene codes or living library will contain these belief systems.
Beings like Isis, Ra, Thoth, Anubis are simply long-lived immortal beings whom we worship as Gods and therefore appear in our life stories of worship and devotion.
As we raise our consciousness, we will encounter their presence and their assistance. We just at this time cannot fathom or understand their omniscience.
They can appear to anyone, particularly when the Living Library, our DNA Gene codes contain the information about their presence in our history.
Similarly to deities like Kuan Yin, Devi, Shiva, Vishnu. Tara, Hanuman. They form part of our religious gene codes. We worship or pray to them.
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Vishnu Satue in Bali. Fair Use Copyright |
From a certain perspective, we are praying to higher aspects of our selves, because we believe they have the powers and we do not.
The human ego is the steward of the human vehicle. The ego is taught from young that God is outside of us. And it cannot comprehend that our God-self is within a higher field enveloping our human body.
The deities whom we worship represent the God-part of us. The Gods or Goddesses are aspects of us whom we believe to have god-like power and we give our power away to them. Not realising from another perspective, that they are just higher aspects of ourselves.
From another perspective, we give them our Power of Attorney. They are Gods or Goddesses who act on our behalf.
That is because, even as adults, we are still children experiencing a dualistic world, the planet Earth, a world of learning - a classsroom for growing souls.
No disrespect is meant to anyone in this passage. We are all growing spiritual children and sometimes we still need the comfort of our Gods and Goddesses.
Chanting their mantras create the god-like energy within our auric fields. Soothing, calming, powerful. That can be a very comforting experience.
Got a problem, pray to Kali. Pray to Quan Yin. We believe them to hold powers that we do not have.
They are actually a psychic extension of ourselves and we give our powers away to them because we believe they can do what we cannot. But they are US.
And they are happily waiting for us to grow up and take full responsibility and withdraw our Power of Attorney - in time.
I know people who chant the goddess prayers, the Lalita Sahasraranama - because they know they are awakening those attributes of the goddess within them. And that is an attitude that is becoming more and more acceptable as we mature.
The Diamond Light Codes are here to amplify our thoughts and manifest them at our doorstep. They are here to teach us to be totally responsible for every thought and to be fully in charge of ourselves.
Here the Buddhist practice of mindfullness and contemplation appears to be a suitable method of taming the mind and ego. It is not the only method available - there are others, but this is a good place to start.
Every other individual existence is an extension of that primal energy. And that includes you and me. Awakening the attributes of the Goddess within ourselves is therefore in alignment with the presence of the Diamond Light Codes.