Dawn my dear friend is now getting more experience in travelling in her Merkabah.
During an energy session, she accessed her merkabah - her soul chariot and encountered more galactic
humans – particular the Blue Race Humans.
[12:55, 25/06/2021] Dawn Ng: 22 June 5.45pm
In the evening I did vagus nerve neck exercises, pranayama: 6 by 6
and alternate nostril and Yin Yang Mudras (YYM). This is the preparatory method used to expand
and uplift our energy in the practice of Amrit Reiki.
My mind was quite peaceful during pranayama and during YYM it was
Then I chanted Amrit Reiki.
I see a triangle through my third eye which then turns into a 3D
and then I see a reversed triangle. It then turns into a Merkabah and it
enlarges so that I am sitting within it.
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Soul Chariot the Merkabah Fair Use Copyright |
I sit in for a while. I see golden Amrit like honey travel down my
spine and back up again and through my head. I see two snakes as it breaks
through my crown chakra. I see a white lotus above my head at the crown. I see
myself seated and it is as though I observe myself from a distance.
I continue to sit in the Merkabah and suddenly it starts to move
very fast away from where I am seated. It speeds away and I realise it’s taking
me on a journey again.
I end up in the white hallway with doors again. I wonder which
door should I take. I step out of the merkabah into the hallway and it is waiting for
me outside the white room/hall.
I go to the door at the end of the hall. I’ve taken that door
before. When I considered other doors, it felt like - not right now.
So I go to the door at the end of the hall. I open the door. I see
the blue city. This time it’s a bit clearer. Two blue people come to me and
grab me after I fall downwards when I step through the door.
I floated upward when I stopped myself from falling and was
greeted by two blue people. This time I could hear them clearer. They said
welcome back. One was named Maya and the other Grexa, whom I’ve met before.
I could not focus on the detail of the landscape. I felt like I was
moving very fast and the blue people said it’s my frequency. I’m not yet
adjusted. It will in time.
So I spend most of my time trying to slow myself down to look at my surroundings. I don’t stay long because it feels quite laboured to speed around. I leave and say goodbye and they wave at me smiling.
They close the
door and I head back to my Merkabah. I step into it and I am transported back
to my room.
[12:55, 25/06/2021] Dawn Ng: This was my experience 😁
Andrew: The blue race humanoids are now encountered more
frequently by those who are capable of accessing the soul chariot Merkabah.
Besides Dawn, I know of others who are also encountering the Blue Race Humanoids.
I hesitate to call any of them Andromedans, Arcturian, Pleiadians
or Sirians or some other galactic human race unknown to most of us. These may
be our human labels for them. They mostly likely have names for themselves in
their own language.
The blue race humanoids represent part of our ancient galactic
human family beyond the confines of the Earth.
They are one of the guardian races of humanity. They are here to mentor
the human race in our evolutionary journey back to the stars.
In an ancient tradition known as moksha – the key precept is
leaving the confines of our physical body and travel beyond our bodily
The merkabah is our soul travelling vehicle. This information
about the soul travelling chariot is also known in the Kaballah Tree of Life
Jewish Mystery Schools and the Egyptian Halls of Knowledge.
Full moon
Ritual with Mahanavapashanam Mantra
[16:06, 01/07/2021] Dawn Ng: Hi Andrew, one of my womb kaki (Womb
Practice Friends) used Navapashanam during her full moon ritual. And here is
her sharing 🙏🏻
Dawn’s Friend:
Almost a week late! But here is my experience during the full
moon. so I began with the breathing exercise and then went straight to YYM.
For the past few full/new moon, I've been inclined to do the
mudras right after the breathing exercise but I always chose not to.
This time I went ahead and listened to my intuition. During the
breathing as well as the YYM, I kept having this need to look up.
I straightened my head and neck but after a few seconds I will feel
my head being pulled up.
I expected to have some neck discomfort but I didn’t. I also feel
like a bright light, right in front of my face. This I seem to experience in
full moon. I need to see if it happens during the next new moon.
After that I felt a lot grounded and went ahead to lie down with
my crystals. I changed my crystals a little - I used rhodachrosite for my heart
chakra instead of my fluorite which I have been doing the past few sessions.
I had some past issues that surfaced and maybe that's why I was
inclined to use rhodachrosite.
I decided to listen to the Mahanavapashanam mantras this time. I
had listened to it, running in the background a few days before.
So I felt ready to use it for the full moon. I was relaxed and
just trying to concentrate on the mantra and my breathing.
At one point I think I was repeating the mantra. I started feeling
more grounded and relaxed, almost like my mind was flying. It was a pleasant
After about halfway through, I started feeling very warm, over my
legs and chest and then to my abdomen.
The warmth stayed on for a few minutes. Right after that was my
chest and it was almost too hot to bear at one point.The past issues that had been
on my mind came up again and I was struggling to shake it off.
Then I decided to surrender and just let the memory come up. Once
the mantra ended, I just lie there for a while.
I slept really well that night.
Though it was overall a good session for me, the next few days was
tough and I haven’t been feeling energised ever since.
I realize I have something – that what I thought wasn’t an issue
anymore – I needed to work through and that's what I learnt from the moon
ritual this time.
Issues were brought to light for me to clear. So it was a good session.
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