Sunday 11 July 2021

Adventures in Consciousness: Dawn Ng meets the Blue Race again

9 July 2021 12.20pm to 1.15pm

Amrit Reiki Level 2 for Practitioners by Andrew 

I’ve been feeling emotionally drained from the week and listened to the practitioners guide by Andrew. 

The first dose was welcoming. I felt the energy slowly move through out my body. I see lots of yellow and gold engulf my body and I see a butterfly flap its wings facing upwards in the same colour. 

As the doses are given I see little round orbs all over my body in yellow gold fill my body. The energy works closely to my body and as the doses are given the energy becomes more intense. 

By the second dose, I feel a deep intense anxiety in my heart centre. It feels very uncomfortable and I realise I have been carrying this around all week. 

By the 3rd or 4th dose I start to also sense fear in my heart centre. I recite the forgiveness principle to help move the energy but it feels like it’s deep. At some point I also feel the sadness I’ve been carrying around as I experienced loss this week. 

As the recording moves to the second reiki symbol I feel a different energy. While the first symbol feels like it’s filling up, the second feels like an expansion and a wrapping around the body. 

The reiki symbol works closely on my body as well and I see white now instead all over my body. 

My heart centre is still being worked on and it takes time as the doses lessen the intensity of the anxiety and fear. 

Eventually it feels more dull and lessened. 

When Amrit Reiki is given, the heart centre is still not cleared and is being worked on. 

However, the first dose pulls up my kundalini lightly. I see two snake heads go towards my head. 

The second dose pulls my kundalini up the second time and this time more intense. My bandha is pulled in automatically and I can feel the energy moving physically up my body as it reaches each part of the body, my body gets sucked in. 

From the anal passage, to the womb to the abdomen, my chest is sucked in and my body lifts in an arch a bit and to my throat which is sucked in and into my head, my pineal and through my crown and then I see the two snakes heads spinning. 

During the 3rd dose this happens again with the same amount of intensity. It feels like it has to push through my heart center more when it is usually easy. I still feel the heaviness there. 

During the final doses my body becomes relaxed and then I see my astral body pop up and out. 

My astral body is immediately encased in the Merkabah and I begin to fly off and I’m in a tunnel moving at the speed of light. I stop in space and move around. I go to the sun and face it as if to sun myself. 

I float around and I try not to control it and let it be. 

My astral body in the Merkabah begins to vibrate so fast that I can hardly see my astral body. I can also pick up a sound from the vibration.  And then I appear at the white corridor room. I step off the Merkabah and into the white hall through a door. 

My Merkabah has been parked. I see that all the doors are open for me this time. I see one door has Jupiter behind it. I see another has a green planet behind it at the end of the corridor. 

I walk the opposite direction of the corridor and walk into a room that is black and a void. I decide to walk out. I walk to the other end that has the green planet and walk in but then walk out. I wonder what I’m looking for. By this time I have started receiving the last reiki symbol. 

I realise I’m looking for the blue people. And just like they read my mind they stick their heads out of the door from the end of the corridor I just walked out of. I go to them and say hi to Grexa and Maya. They nod. 

This time it feels easier to hear them and to be in their space. I see blue almost every where. And I see a temple that looks Mayan or like Machu Pichu. It’s a pyramid with steps from top to bottom. They take me into it and I see a big chair that looks like a throne. 

They ask me to sit and I look at them  with a why? A question. They look at me with just a trust us look. 

I sit in it and immediately I feel this intense blue energy stream down into my head and body. And I see that my physical body feels the intensity of the energy in blue light rise up in my body from bottom to top. I ask them what’s going on. They give me one word. Knowledge. 

I still don’t understand and they say not to worry. They then say to me “remember who you are” and at this,  I see Egypt and pyramids and there are other locations but they are blurred and spinning around in my mind. 

I can’t make sense of it. They tell me not to worry with their looks. They lift me off when it’s done. And they help me back out. They see that I’m about to be done with my session and let me go to relax. 

Very quickly I’m pulled into my Merkabah and this time the Merkabah vibrates extremely fast and I’m in my room instantly on the floor and continue to relax with the last symbol received. 

I still sense the slight heaviness in my chest though it is lighter and at least I am aware of it compared to it being embedded in my heart center. 

When the recording ended I reach for a selenite crystal and wave it around my chest and leave it there for a while before sitting up. 

As I write this I still feel that my heart center needs a bit more clearing though I am feeling much lighter and can feel happiness in my body rather than the depression I was feeling during the week. 

My heart center feels mostly raw and maybe needs time to rest too.

However, I feel like myself after the session and more grounded.

Andrew:  When I reviewed Dawn’s session, it appears that Dawn is definitely a Star Seed from one of the Galactic Human Races.

The chair that she was asked to sit on is an energy mechanism that allows her to reconnect to her ancient memories and awaken her Star Human DNA.

My gut feeling is that Amrit is one of the ascension tools that can help people to reconnect to their star human ancestry. Many humans are old souls with star seed connections. 

There is an old book out there by Lyssa Royal and Keith Priest that explains our galactic human origins. There is a free pdf version out there. Just click the Link here.

Prism of Lyra Free Pdf Book

We have never been alone.  We were just programmed to forget.  But the time has come to remember. And to explore our star origins beginning with the Pleiadians and the Sirians closest to us and then the rest of the Galactic Humans out there - Andromedans, Arcturians and others.

People like Lyssa Royal and Keith Priest have done their part to educate humanity and continue to do so. It is up to us now to carry the baton.


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