Monday 19 July 2021

Corinne’s Covid Healing and Recovery


12th December 2020, lunch at Ganga Restaurant, Bangsar, From Left to Right:
Pushpa, Komathy, Moona, Frederique, Andrew, Corinne, Liam. 
These are the people in the Chat Group: The Vitruvians


We least expected Corinne our dear friend to be down with the Covid, but such is life.We found out about it when Frederique, our favourite French Aromatherapist, the one and only, messaged:

10/07/2021, 17:13 – Frederique: Dear Friends πŸ’«πŸŒŸ

Please let us join our healing prayers for our dear Corinne who is now hospitalised with the infamous virus

May she fully recover promptly

May she find the courage she needs to be crossed by such a dis-ease

May she stay centred and strong in her faith

May we all be able to support her and each other today and any other days

May we be well and stay free

We are very much looking forward to seeing you joyful and bright very soon

Dearest sister Corinne

Much love to all the tribe πŸ’•


17:16 - Pushpa: Will pray for her. πŸ™πŸ™

17:20 - Andrew: Will send her Amrit

17:22 - Moona:

Dearest Corinne much Love ❤️, Light 🌟 & Prayers πŸ™ from me to you at this time from, Moona πŸŒ™

17:34 - Komathy: Dear all. Yes, sending Reiki to her.

At around 5.20pm Andrew and Pushpa decided to work together as channels of healing for Corinne.

Andrew and Pushpa shield themselves.


With love, gratitude and the utmost humility, we now give intention to act as healing channels for Corrine and invite the priestesses of Avalon and all other loving beings to assist in the healing of our sister in spirit, Corinne.

Pushpa is our seer and psychic.

Her vision:

Priestesses of Avalon appear for Corinne’s Healing.

A symbol appears on Corinne’s chest.

It looks like a cross. The middle is broad. The sides are thinner.

Looks like a burnt copper cross.

This symbol will produce healing waves.

Pushpa sees many horizontal healing Vs going to Corinne. 

Light orange healing colour appears at Corinne’s back.

Jesus appears.

He appears at the back of Corinne’s bed.

He is there with his palms outraised towards her.

Corinne’s soul asks for help from Jesus.

He looks at Corinne like she is a child.

There is a blue wave of healing energy going Corinne’s bed.

Corinne looks positive and determined.

A dark cloud left Corinne.

We have asked for the Priestesses of Avalon to heal her every day for the next 7 days.

Pushpa sees some stressful energy in Corrine’s solar plexus.

Corinne to repeat I love you thank you to relieve the stress.

Andrew: Holy Fire Reiki 108 000 x to neutralise the virus.

Tiny balls of red light energy go to her lungs.

Andrew: We programme the Holy Fire Reiki 108 000 x for Corinne every day at 9am and 9pm for the next 7 days. She receives.

We programme Amrit 5 drops a day every day for the next 7 days for Corinne every day at 10pm.

She receives.

Pushpa sees an image of Komathy praying for Corinne.

We shall look at Corinne again.


10/07/2021, 17:44 - Frederique: πŸ™πŸΌ

19:07 - Corinne:: thank you all!

19:22 - Komathy: πŸ™

19:33 - Liam: Get well soon Corinne! πŸ™. We are all praying for a swift recovery


12/07/2021, 07:50 - Andrew: 5am this morning ... heard a message … Jesus … Corinne will see improvements ... I expressed our gratitude ...

07:50 - Andrew: πŸ™πŸ™πŸ€£

08:53 - Komathy: πŸ˜πŸ™πŸ™

08:54 - Corinne: Hey, infection reduced for the first time this morning!!!!

08:54 - Komathy: Corrine!!! You’re really loved and guarded

08:56 - Corinne: no respiratory assistance anymore and maintaining 95% oxygen on my own!

08:56 - Corinne: thank you so much all of you!

08.58 - Andrew: In oneness principles, Jesus is our inner Christos ...when we have balanced and harmonised our yin and yang, our Inner spirit,  inner Christ or Buddha awakens.

09:40 - Moona: Such wonderful news!!! I am so happy to hear this ❤️

09:53 - Komathy: So good to see you looking hale and hearty my darling Corrine!!!

12:42 - Pushpa: Good to hear you are well. God bless you.

17:09 - Frederique: Andrew, Komathy, Pushpa, Moona, Liam THANK YOU πŸ™πŸΌ πŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌ


Your healing prayers are truly powerful

I’m honoured to be part of you all

Corinne you are Amazing!!! 🀩 (I’m looking forward to hearing the whole story from your mouth 😘)

We love you 😍

20:28 - Andrew: We merely ask ...the inner soul or Christos does the healing ...

20:32 - Komathy: Yes, Andrew you have worded it so well. All of us are channels. When you act from a space of love and compassion, the Reiki/Christos/Divine Feminine works the magick!

13/07/2021, 09:57 - Corinne: Dear all, allow me a piece of update.  Breathing is now 97 and I got allowed to walk in the room and even for a shower! 

Thanks all!

10:51 - Corinne: Dear all, I am pleased to inform that the infection rate has reduced to 8, I will change room today and should be discharged by Friday or Saturday!

10:52 - Komathy: Wonderful news Corrine! So much gratitude for this healing.

10:52 - Liam: πŸ™. That’s great news Corinne. πŸ™


Corinne herself has written about her experience and she shares it with us


Since I am recovering from Covid 19, these are very special moments where some shifts occurred in my mind, consciousness, and my life.

I must say that I do not recall feeling as much peace as I do right now - except maybe these gracefull moments as a young mother when you are in full communion with your newly born baby! 

This is Grace!

More specifically, I would like to share about this edgy moment. 

My Covid was detected way too late.

This variant was hiding and was at full speed when discovered, the spread in my body is out of control and you know that something must happen to reverse the trend. 

This is about these triggering moments in your life, sitting on the borders, in full acceptance that there is so much you can do…not more, not less!

Then it happened, on the deadly famous day 10.

Andrew: I have to assume from the way Corinne wrote that the 10th day of this Covid was critical for her. She said that she was at Stage 4 of the Covid.

There was a message that a healing was done, that things will change, that you took the U turn…and you feel it. 

That was the day Pushpa and Andrew worked on Corinne, Komathy, Moona, Liam and Frederique all offerd their prayers and healing energies - a wonderful group effort.

That white light!  (Corinne saw a white light going to her). 

I am gratefull enough to get some upbringing moments during meditation, lights, image, faces, sensations, but never something like that! 

A wave of blissfulness, life itself feeding me from the head to toe, slowly, very very slowly! 

During the whole experience, what was really new is the experience of this new timeless time. Infinity! Oneness! Full consciousness.

I must say that I am still very very high now as a result of something I would describe as a rebound. 

I went in depth very very low, then got a long break where nothing was happening and then the magic trick thanks to my dear, gifted, heartfull friends.

Thank you the Vitruvians! I Love you, Thank you!

Andrew: I can only asume that Corinne experienced what most people call, an epiphany. A life-changing moment. It appears to be quite profound for her.

I have mixed feelings about this so-called Covid.  In one way it is awakening all of us to the fundamentals of life - in other ways, it is taking away many loved ones. In this instance, Corinne our dear friend lived through it. 

We are grateful that she is well. And she has had an experience that she will remember for life.

A happy Corinne with her daughter, back home aftter
 her hospitalisation.

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