Guided meditations are often used as a springboard for events that take place beyond the limitation of our 5 senses.
Jane Roberts, the late author of the Metaphysical series of Seth Books, wrote: Journeys during meditation, dream or altered states allow us to leave our physical limitations behind and are adventures in consciousness which are absolutely necessary for our soul growth.
An analogy to describe our limited perceptions would be that of the movie series – Matrix.
With only 5 senses to experience reality and utilizing 4 percent brain power, most humans are living in a perceptual consciousness cage that excludes the liberation and upliftment of our 6th sense.
Guided meditations then are a training ground for us to exercise our 6th sense and provide us with an altered state to experience what we consider to be miraculous events or planes of existence beyond our limited physical environment.
The guided meditations as well as dream states then allow us to resolve psychological and emotional issues that cannot be solved using only our 5 senses.
What appears impossible to resolve at our five sensory level are usually resolved in dream states and guided meditation where the impossible becomes possible in creative flights of imagination.
Our minds when sufficiently trained can therefore enter other states of consciousness which already exist as guilt or a negative perception and spontaneously convert that energy state for a better positive outcome.
Read Melissa's feedback about her mother and Corinne's feedback about the red apple.
There is also a belief by the late Jane Roberts through her experiments that life in other so-called higher frequencies exist in totally free states that could be described as the experience of super conscious existence – and are considered normal when we learn to journey away from our limited 5 sense perception.
Jane Roberts believed that it was important to have these experiences now in our existing reality. The idea is when we finally leave the container of our physical bodies – known to us as physical death, our consciousness is alive and aware of other realms of elevated existence.
We then have free will to choose our next experience which matches our “free and unlimited” state of consciousness - rather than unconsciously being magnetized to our existing 3rd dimension earth and incarnating again and again into the dualistic state experiencing good and evil.
Having said that, in our history, there have been places where the 6th sense prevail and its experiences are the norm rather than the exception. The mystery and myth of Avalon is one such place.
Avalon has been, for centuries, a mythical place that symbolizes purity, abundance and magic.It is virtually an island, for it is completely surrounded by marshlands. In Welsh it is called Ynys Afallach, which means the Island of Apples and this fruit once grew in great abundance.
Legend tells us that after the Battle of Camlann, the priestess of Avalon, Morgana Le Fay, carried King Arthur to the island, now known as Glastonbury, so that his wounds could be cared for.
Avalon was the ancient bastion of the healing arts. Here young talented women were trained in the healing arts and the most talented ended up as Priestesses. As time passed by the Isle of Avalon was swallowed by the mists and disappeared from human sight and out of the human dimension.
Author Marion Zimmer Bradley wrote about the Priestess of Avalon and the book inspired a TV series that was seen globally.
This global awareness spread the idea to open minds that somewhere deep within our inner psyche, we had untapped perceptions that could illuminate the entire human race and return the magic of life into our daily experiences.
In 2011 inspired by the stories of Avalon, a small group which included myself retrieved the feminine energy at Glastonbury Tor and the Chalice Well.
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Left to Right: Virginia, Paul Campbell, Katerina, Andrew, Pierre and Mylene |
A little voice whispered to me that we may get some assistance from the healing energies of Avalon for today’s guided meditation. The trigger for this blessing was the sword in the stone that Corinne saw in her vision during our previous Yin Yang Mudra meditation.
Guided Meditation 3rd July 2021
Just before our guided meditation started, we were asked to chant the ancient OM in various tones. The message was that this ancient sound emanated from deep within the core of the Earth and the harmonics of this frequency contributed to the well-being of all sentient life on earth.
However, when mankind started to live in concrete jungles, we cut ourselves off from the well-being and harmony of this ancient benevolent tone.
The ancient tone also reverberates within the womb of the female. Take away the w and b and the ancient sound of OM is naturally present within the female. That is the secret of the Holy Grail. It resides in the female womb.
When Corinne wrote about gold coins apearing from the womb, it was telling us that abundance lies within the feminine energy and holy treasure will be revealed to us when we revere the divine feminine and bring it into balance and unity with the masculine energy.
After the chanting, the message was that an apple would manifest energetically for all of us. The apple contained the healing energies that would heal ancient trauma within the emotional layers of the human body.
Deep within the layers of our inner psyche, lies hidden fractured sub-personalities which have been hurt and abused in this lifetime and other lifetimes.
We then proceeded to perform the Yin Yang Mudras.
This is some of the feedback from our co-authors.
Dr. Mohana’s Feedback
I saw an apple.
It split into half.
Went to left and right palm.
Went into chest lungs … and also to family members.
One half became one lung the other became another lung.
This took place during the first mudra.
Did vagus nerve during yoni mudra.
Took away stiffness…stretched body.
All physical material aspects I was holding onto … just broke that mind-set.
Sank into this beautiful energy space.
Green purple pink omg so beautiful.
Second mudra.
Swaying, some other asana appeared and completely relieved of physical body sensation.
Masculine mudra – swaying front and back, side to side
Unity mudra the energy was so intense
Had to give intention release energy ten feet North, South East West.
Was so beautiful to see the energy going outwards.
Did the 5th mudra – the diamond
Did the 6th mudra – the sangu
Brought everything in and I knew the session was going to end.
Energy beautiful subtle.
Took some water.
Did a lot of stretching – no need to go for massage, body was aching earlier.
Body felt tired and cramped.
Woke up feeling tired this morning.
Shoulders had blocks.
The Avalon session removed all tiredness, blocks and body aches.
Melissa Yap’s Feedback
1:17 PM
Hi Andrew,
Many thanks for your guidance. I had an amazing meditation experience. Frankly, I never fancy meditation. Always can't wait to complete the process and get it done.
Kimberly sent the invitation to me as I was telling her since the last healing session I feel pain from my left ovary and more severe closer to menstrual period.
Allow me to share my amazing experience just now. The Avalon I saw was a garden with morning dew, butterflies and bird singing.
When you said the apple was placed in my right hand I visualize it as red apple, but when you mentioned green apple, the apple cannot interchange colours between both.
I was annoyed and commanded whichever colour it is, you are an apple. The colour changing process stopped and it settled into a gold apple.
The gold apple penetrated through my right wrist and arm and resided in my stomach.
During the 1st mudra, the moment I put my left palm on my thigh and rest the right hand, a voice shout out loud ' Mother'. My mum appeared and I couldn't stop crying.
The Hooponopono words keep playing in mind again and again. I know that's the guilt I have not being able to spend time with her as she is staying in Johor and I couldn’t see her for more than a year in pandemic restriction.
When the 2nd mudra started, the scene changed and Buddha appeared. The Hooponopono stopped and Namo Amitabha started playing in my mind. It gave me peace and affirmation.
When we entered the 3rd mudra, Namo Amitabha continued but I manifested into Mother Mary carrying the baby Jesus. I was calming the baby in my arm. I felt happy and contented.
This is the most interesting experience I had, like watching a movie.
I believe in existence of universal energy. I am into the studies of qigong, qi men dunjia and I am big fan of Harry Porter when I was young.
In the studies of Bazi and qi men, I discovered why things around me evolved in the manner they did.
The healing session with you and Kimberly enhanced my connection to my guardian deity.
There is so much that I am empowered by the universe to do but I put a wall to block it because I was scared.
My uncle was a medium to one of the healing deities. I have seen the life of a medium that can connect to the unknown world and I did not want it.
I felt the connection when I was a kid and I consciously blocked it.
I am more receptive now as I accept my destiny to serve and contribute through different ways, not necessary a medium but a messenger with the help of various acceptable channels.
Thanks again to opening the path and supporting my confidence building journey.
Wishing you well in everywhere.
Kiran’s Feedback
[13:26, 03/07/2021]
Kiran: Hi Andrew. My update on today's session. I saw a lot of the colour pink.
At some point I saw the galaxy and the Milky Way and then I was at a huge cornfield. And the message I got was Abundance. I did smell the green apples like Bromley Green Apples for apple pie.
I also saw this numbers 5032 = 1 and number 11. Not sure what it means. Towards the end I was letting out a lot of gases through burping.
My body swayed all throughout the session
Thank you for the wonderful session Andrew and to Corinne too. God bless.
Inthira’s Feedback
The first few minutes I didn’t feel a thing than a few things started flooding in with no cohesion.
I saw many cathedrals and atop one cathedral there was like a white fairy although I couldn’t make out the face. I saw a duck green body and yellow beak, a small orange fish with fins which looked like wings.
Then I saw a king.
His crown seemed prominent, wearing a red cloak standing on his balcony, holding a sceptre and facing his people who are on the ground.
I see a black mountain very rugged in shape and a narrow flow of yellow liquid which turns brown and then greyish while flowing. then this liquid goes into a hole in the mountains
I also see sun rays. A dark huge valley which was a beautiful place but now seems like an abandoned place.
Linda Tan’s Feedback
03/07/2021, 15:15
Linda Tan: I felt very strong vibrations throughout the session with lots of body movements.
At one point I felt the energy only on my torso and then the energy went to my face area. I could feel very strong vibrations on my face.
After a while I could feel that the energies joined together.
Sometimes can feel strong vibrations in my solar plexus.
That's all and thank you Andrew for today's session and the blessing of the apple from the priestesses of Avalonπ
Cheah Hoe San’s Feedback
03/07/2021, 14:04
πThe moment Andrew mentioned Avalon a huge diamond shaped image (like Renault car logo) appeared with purple colour background.
πTook a bow after Ho'oponopono, a big apple rested on my head, eventually merged into the apple.
πyin yang symbol appeared. Inside the small dots of yin & yang symbol, 2 dipterocarp seeds were spinning in opposite direction & vice versa, sort of doing cleansing & rebalancing.
πapple shrunk & rested on a stock of lotus bud and later apple kept securely inside vault of heart center.
πExcalibur sword was right in the middle of lingam under shower of bright lights. Great awesome feeling of holding Excalibur and receiving the lights together.
Kamsahaminda Andrew & Corrine
With Metta,
Coffin Whisperer ✊️✊️
Kamala’s Feedback
03/07/2021, 13:20
Kamala Brisbane: Thank you Andrew and everyone in the session ... my observations are:
π·lots of burps and body swaying ...and started swaying faster and in bigger circles until Andrew chanted Ommmm.
π· Andrew chanting “Oohhhhmm Oohhhhmm ... notes going higher and the chant was playing in my mind most of the time.
π· saw a garden with trees and chairs (like someone’s back garden) and beyond that saw an opening to another dimension … arched-shaped opening and saw rainbow π Colour around the arch ... inside it was green with lots of green grass and trees ... like English weather in cool autumn with clean crisp air… felt very relaxed and peaceful.
π· when apple was placed in the heart saw greenish (different hues of green) and yellow lights - like seeing the lights of aurora around my heart.
π· saw a European looking lady with her braided hair on top of her head... she was wearing a long dress…later saw a dark blue women /lady… saw lots of European children there too.
π· saw wolves playing among themselves and then one wolf was watching me… then saw the wolf hugging someone (I think it was hugging me and I am watching myself being hugged by the playful wolf).
π· during unity mudra my right index finger was pointing upwards and was pulsating/throbbing.
π· after the session was over and when you asked to observe what is happening… a green lady and light emanating from her and my body started to sway again ...(the green lady I think is the one who hugged me in one of our sessions before)...
Thank you
for an awesome session Andrew and thanks to Corinne too ππ❤️
Roberta's Feedback
03/07/2021; 19.03
Hi Andrew, yes, it was a good session. I could smell the apple and felt it on my chest. I also had a feeling of familiarity, like having been at Avalon at some point. I feel extremely relaxed and at ease after the session which was good as this week I have been in an emotional roller coaster. Had to work hard to feel positive and aligned.
Jesvin’s feedback
03/07/2021, 12:44
Jesvin: Thanks Andrew and everyone for today's session.
Saw the sun and towards the end my teeth were shivering, the bottom and the below touching each other, could not control it.
Burped many times and I had a pain in my right shoulder blade which went of after the session. Thanks ππ»π
Andrew: Teeth shivering … Hmm quite an unusual feedback. I wonder why? Very cold or deep rooted emotional response.
Wondering if Jesvin teleported to Avalon during winter wearing her tropical Singapore clothes?
Lena’s Feedback
03/07/2021, 12:31
Lena Yap: Hi Andrew too many things happen during the session. Before you begin and share about Avalon. I already connected somehow.
I moved my head and energy was flowing on my feet.
First thing that appeared was an eye in dark blue and purple. Then slowly saw a shape like this...the yoni shape of Glastonbury Tor. Then one layer after another layer and more layers appeared and when the layer disappeared, some dark cloud energy was removed from my womb.
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The yoni shape of Glastonbury Tor Fair Use Copyright |
The womb felt clean and rejuvenated without any emotional baggage.
I also saw a lady in white with something like a scarf on her head to me it appeared like mother Kwan Yin almost similar to the picture Tom sketched.
I also see the WOMB which is the uterus during the feminine mudra.
I feel like in a place where the air is very fresh and a bit cold...not winter but a nice windy place with greenish and fresh scents of air… I also saw a male figure just the face in a split second not sure which session.
Receiving lots of messages like I am in communication with someone. I was asked to send healing energy to some people in the group.
Also heard the message not to think too much. Do things without expectations. And allow the flow of life to take place. Especially not to expect anything when helping others.
When we do things sincerely from the heart, we will be protected and not to listen to negative feedback or critique.
Thank you Corrine and Andrew for the energy and blessing we received today.
Tom Chan’s Feedback
03/07/2021, 12:11
Tom Chan: Sketching my vision today during the meditation.
Andrew mentioned that a priestess Nimue would speak on behalf of Avalon.
I had a vision of the priestess.
She was dressed in white cape and hood, with small scarf around her neck. Around her head there was wide white sunbeam like, and around her whole body there was little fuzzy orange-coloured energy.
She had curly hair, shoulder length, then moonbeam eyes, small cute nose and light lips.
Corinne’s Feedback
03/07/2021: 20:30
Yin Yang balancing
Balancing started during breathing exercise. Was way unbalanced on the left side. Would get very far and stay there whereas right side was fed automatically.
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Three Priestesses invited Corinne to look into the fountain of the subconscious |
Once it got balanced, the microcosmic inner orbit (a qi gong practice) spontaneously activated and then start moving back to front. Again front was longer (Yin).
During yoni mudra, a huge triangle appeared, with gold everywhere. There was a very thin giant being inside looking after the Holy Grail. It was like the corn of abundance, spilling golden coins everywhere.
When you mention about a smell, this is what I got. A white lily flower...emphasizing on royalty and majesty.
They were holding the triangle for the light coming from the moon to stabilize, then invite me to see inside and to look at it.
The triangle
suddenly opens up, cut into 2 and
the abundance appeared again. Gold,
jewellery, coins, cups.
Funnily, it looked all was coming from a women's body, from her womb.
They then invited me to get into the water, in the darkness and to keep on diving.
That was scary because it seemed that it would never end, till I get somewhere like Atlantis, there was a city, I had no need to breathe, it felt great and realized that there is light on both sides.
The moon light shone through the water and right to the bottom if you go far enough. That was quite demanding and scary, I was surprised to see me not giving up in the middle of the diving….
Then you mentioned about apple, Mine was definitely red.
The environment was not at all the sunny, garden of Heaven you described.
For me, I went directly into a very dark night, red apple, images with a witch around. Not scary though, just extremely dark.
Once you placed the apple in our heart, I stopped moving. I became still and straight, like never before. An Oak!
Andrew: In western fairy tales, the red apple is viewed as poisonous because it is given by witches to bewitch you and therefore has negative connotations. Similar to the apple given by Eve to Adam, which resulted in mankind being thrown out of Eden.
In this guided meditation, an opposite view is presented to the inner psyche - that the apple is a force for a positive foundation and mental strength similar to an oak tree. The oak tree is one reference to the Tree of Life acknowledged in various spiritual traditions as the source of our divinity.
In ancient Sumerian tablets, the apple is referred to as a hidden energy that awakens the dormant kundalini and activates psychic and creative powers.
There is an ancient Hebrew tale where Enlil the Annunaki God of the Sky condemned the gift of the apple to mankind - which can raise the consciousness of humans to eventually become equals to the Elohim - those who came from the sky.
The Annunaki did not want mankind to be their equals.
The guided meditation of the apple, corrects thousands of years of "fake news" and now present the apple as a source of inspiration for healing humanity and awakening the dormant powers lying within the human temple.
This is how healing of our psyches take place where information presented previously as negative is turned into a positive event.
Towards the end of the feminine mudra, Viviane, a Priestess came and showed me an eye.
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Picture of eye. Free Use Copyright |
That when looking at the surface of the water in a well, it is like looking deep at the iris of the eye. If you want to go in depth, you need to access by the iris. This is the access to the subconscious.
Look at them in the eyes and dive very very far till you get to some light again. Unless you go in depth, you will miss the information.
During the masculine mudra, a lot of kings faces did come. One after the other, then a very powerful Merlin came.
He appeared as a very powerful king, ruling the world. He was majestic, brown beard, long haired, wearing a crown. A beautiful dark blue cape. He was the king of the kings. He was the king of the universe but also standing from a dark forest.
When you called for Unity Mudra, I had to adjust a bit to get it - by slowly bringing the left and the right palms together in one line.
Once done, an immense ray of white light appeared and crossed the two opposites but not the usual from Earth to the sky but crossing the whole universe.
This light was carrying a lot of information, and especially some faces. Alchemists in their work places, with tubes, liquid, smokes, books and mainly Leonardo da Vinci. He appeared.
Then a Chinese alchemist, maybe some Daoyin. It was very very ancient. It also meant that the truth was there long ago, just connect to it without trying to renew it. Truth does not change! What they knew is still valid. Do not waste your time.
The final messge was you can get gold from darkness if you go deep enough. Gold is coming from the intense polarities joining together.
Yin and Yang equals Golden Alchemy.
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