Thursday, 29 July 2021

Kamala's Adventure through the 7 Hermetic Principles


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26/07/2021, 11:48 - Kamala Brisbane: I just wanted to update on my experience yesterday 25.7.21 after listening to Mahanavapashanam mantra

I went to bed after midnight around 1 am as I was doing something. I listened to Siddhi Bogur Mahanavapashanam Mantra for 30 minutes before sleep.

Had my palm (right palm on top of my left palm) and felt someone there. Had a vision of the person. He is very thin with loin cloth and had mattered hair on top of his head.

He is covered with ashes and he looked like the same Siddhi who blessed me with shaktipat last year. (Last year Kamala felt the siddhi or saint Bogur blessing her in an ancient tradition known as Shaktipat – awakening the divine feminine within her).

I felt he placed something on my palm and I remember saying “oh wow. looks like diamond” and thanked him …wondering what it means….and then he came very close to my face and blew on my face… 

I didn’t feel any air when he blew but I know he blew because his mouth was in the shape when one blows.

He was so close and I can still see him, so I thought he might have blown on my forehead and 3rd eye. It was cold that night… 8 degrees… and then I saw him leave.

I tried to go back to sleep but my mind was very active and I recollected a lot of things (memories) growing up with my family and siblings.

Later in the morning I recollected the diamond and thought perhaps it’s not a diamond but maybe a big kalkandu (rock sugar) … it was white colour-shaped rough-cut and about 1/2 inch in height. 

I wish I had the hindsight to taste it when it was in my palm ... what does this mean brother Andrew?

11:53 - Kamala Brisbane: In the morning I was energised and decided to the Balancing mudras. When doing the Yoni mudra, I again saw the tiger walking near a tree and looked up and saw someone hiding there. I later realised that it was me.

The Yin Yang Mudras for Unity, Harmony and Calmness

It jumped on the tree and started attacking and pulling me down the tree. I did the Ho’oponopono recitation - I am sorry I love you etc. 

It went back to the ground and was startled... it growled first and then lay down and playfully turned with its paws facing up… and then walked away ... so vividly I saw this.

During balancing the Yin and Yang, I saw Padma Sambhava and was relieved.

13:35 - Kamala Brisbane: I also sometimes see Orbs or someone passing by very fast at the corner of my eyes.  I have been seeing this when watching TV or laptop only when I am alone. When I turn to look at it - nobody is there.

I don’t feel frightened or threatened.  I ask “hello - are you a friend or a foe? Who are you? No reply. Used to feel/ see during growing up and then lost it and now it is resurfacing.

Last night while sitting on the bed with laptop- saw an orb pass in front of the bed and it disappeared … mmm πŸ€”

29/07/2021, 12:57 - Kamala Brisbane: Hi brother Andrew, we were chatting about orbs and what they are and the different planes that one sees sometimes. Here is my experience about seeing different planes of existence.

13:11 - Kamala Brisbane: It happened some time ago and I am pretty sure this happened after listening to Mahanavapashanam.

Sometimes when I listen I can’t remember where I have been. My mind is blank and then I am conscious again. In one of those instances I remember going to sleep after listening to the mantra and I saw golden light with people there... around 4 people were there.

What is amazing about them is they are not in a solid body shape but more like amoeba organism... but have heads and arms. I can see the golden light through them as if they are transparent. And I feel that they are floating.

The golden light is so pure and wonderful. They were facing someone and when I turned to see who they are seeing ... I saw Lord Narayana.

I was awe-struck didn’t want blink or lose sight of that scene. This experience will stay with me for a long time... seeing different planes of existence and I was lucky to visit the abode of the Gods ... just my humble experience I want to share πŸ™πŸ™πŸ˜Š.


Sacred feminine powers
are awakened during the first moon bleeding. 
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Okay, some background information is required to understand Kamala’s experiences.

Since her teens, Kamala has had some psychic experiences. She started having visions. My hypothesis is that for some women, their psychic experiences begin after their puberty.

Unknown to society, the moon and menstrual cycle during puberty awakens sacred feminine energies. The menstrual cycle begins and the power in the menstrual blood awakens their 3rd eye.  This happens for some women not necessarily for everyone.

She did not know where to get information about this experiences and kept it to herself. In her later adult years, the visions were negative and she had negative experiences after seeing negative things. She prayed that they would go away.

So we are going to try and connect the dots for Kamala and in so doing, attempt to educate all of us.

Earth beyond the physical

First the earth is not merely physical and confined only to our five senses.

We have the astral planes surrounding our physical earth plane.

Imagine if you will that every plane of existence is like a Highway and we have many Highways that are non-physical.

All are manipulated by our personal thought-forms and belief systems.

As an example, most of humanity have religious beliefs.  And almost all without exception believe that their version of religion is the exclusive one and only they go to heaven.

In the Philippines, there are over 20,000 Christian sects.

In Islam there are multiple sects - mainly Sunni and Shia with other minorities. Both Shia and Sunni fight each other over the exclusive rights to champion Islam.

In mainstream Christianity, there are  Catholics, Protestants, Anglicans, Evangelists, Mormons etc. 

Most of them have one thing in common. 

Each of them claim to be the sole voice to God and the Kingdom of Heaven. If you don't join them, you will burn in everlasting hell.

Go figure that one out.  It is important to remember this.  Keep it at the back of your mind when we go to the Hermetic Principles.

Thoth or Hermes was an ancient Greek philosopher and the Hermetic Principles are named after him. The 7 Hermetic Principles help us to understand how to live our lives.

Now, in the main there are 3 levels or layers of astral planes. There are sub-divisions but I will keep it simple here. Here the more you know, the more confusing it gets.

Our personal belief systems play a big role in determining the layers of non-physical existence that exists. Especially when some people have Near Death Experiences. 

Their personal beliefs determine who they meet when they enter the tunnel of light, exit and return to their body with a new found faith and fervour in their religion. A Christian will meet his version of Jesus as God. 

I know personally of a near Death Experience by an elderly Sikh. After his third heart attack, he was lying on the operating table and had a Near Death Experience (NDE)  He survived, told his family he had a a wonderful vision. And now he wakes up at 3am every morning to meditate and recite his prayers.

What about people who willingly chose to die? Will a Muslim suicide bomber meet 72 virgins – they most likely will in the astral planes.. It is their belief system.  

When alive there is a lot of advertising and cajoling - hey blow yourself up and meet 72 virgins.  There are people who will believe that advertisement.

Since they have bought into that advertisement, it becomes their personal belief. Their continuous belief will sustain that reality in that astral plane. Up to a point.

Take the example of a battery. Once the battery runs out, there is no more energy. 

So you've blown yourself up and you're all alone with 72 virgins in the astral plane. 

The advertisement and cajoling is the energy, the fuel, as it were to keep the belief systems going in the astral plane.

However in the astral plane, you are all alone and there is no more cajoling or advertisement. Eventually your astral battery runs out of energy and that vision of 72 virgins  in that plane of existence fades away. 

The movie with the 72 virgins ends. The soul is left alone. Since time does not exist in the astral plane, the soul will be stuck there in perpetuity, until a lightbulb goes off  and there is a realisation that the 72 virgins are a phantom projected from his consciousness.

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This is because of the first Hermetic Principle. 

The Mind is All.  The Universe is Mental. 

Our states of consciousness – 

conscious (ego and societal conditioning), 

unconscious (our habits), 

subconscious (our buried trauma) 

super conscious - (rare for normal humans)

- affect all outcomes in both the non-physical planes of existence and eventually  in our physical plane. 

We create that Reality.

Earth is a place where humans are training to be mini-creator gods. And the astral planes are the safest place to practice our God Creator skills. You think of something, it manifests immediately. You experience the outcome.

The Earth plane is denser. Out creations take a longer time to manifest. So we are given plenty of time to create and see the outcomes of our creations.

BACK to the Astral Planes

We will begin with the lowest – it contains dark forces and all our negative thoughtforms.

One could say this is “hell” though “hell’ does not actually exist.

All thoughts are forms of vibrations and our lowest thought-forms go to the lowest astral plane.  Some religious groups created the idea of “hell” based on this plane of existence to frighten and control their followers.

A few years ago, Pope Francis raised a huge controversy within the Church when he was reported in the press to have said that hell does not exist.

Fox News March 30, 2018

The Vatican on Thursday worked to set the record straight on whether Pope Francis denied the existence of hell in an interview with a well-known Italian journalist. 

The article which ran on March 29 reported that Frances said “hell does not exist.” Pope Francis is quoted as saying "there is no hell."

It created a firestorm and the Church is now reportedly experiencing what is known as a schiscm - conflict of opinions deep within the Church by senior cardinals who view Pope Francis as a threat to the 2000-year-old orthodox belief of Catholicsm that hell waits all sinners and non-Christians.

This follows the 2nd Hermetic Principle. The Principle of Vibration. Nothing rests, everything moves, everything vibrates. Those of the same vibration attract each other.

The second or mid-astral plane is that of lost souls – people who have died and are still in disbelief or anger or have no belief system. We call them wandering souls. People who begin astral travelling often meet lost souls on this astral highway.

The third astral plane is where all the deities, saints etc who overlook the progress of earth’s inhabitants.

Okay now, we come to religious beliefs.

In the Indian tradition, there is belief in higher planes of existence or lokas, similar to the Buddhists.

We have the abodes of Vishnu Narayana and Shiva who have different lokas, Vaikunta and Shiva Lokas, respectively.

The Buddhists have the belief in Western Paradise or Pureland.

Then you have the Underworlds. This is the plane of different underworld beings. The most well-known is that of the Snake-Human Race. There are others, for the time being, we will leave them alone.

We have read about Tibetan monks who have astral travelled to other planets. So there are astral highways to other cosmic planes of existence.

The most well-known center for astral studies outside Tibet was the Monroe Center, USA. Started by the late Robert Monroe who had spontaneous astral traveling experiences and later opened a center to teach it professionally known as Gateway. 

He taught his students to explore the universe.

All religious beliefs are temporary and reflect duality on earth – the experience of both good and evil. This is our current third dimension earth.  It is a classroom of learning. Here we experience good and evil and then we decide which serves us better.

Because if we do not learn to create with loving intentions, higher universal forces will not allow us to leave our plane of existence. Remember, Earth is a training ground for humans to become Mini-Gods or Creators.

We must understand duality, experience it and then decide what is the best and most benevolent outcome, or else, we will create havoc in the universe with our untamed masculine aggression and greed.

The 4th Hermetic Principle of Polarity reflects this perspective. Everything is DUAL and has opposites. Good or bad, day or night, cold or hot, innocent or guilty.

This is a 3rd Dimension Earth classroom where we need to experience DUALITY. Once we have experienced DUALITY then the next step is to go BEYOND DUALITY.

The practices here to RISE beyond duality are:

Understanding the Principles of Oneness

- understanding that we are all one in energy despite the external differences in race, religion, colour and gender.

To Observe situations and not react emotionally, (easier said than done!)

Watch your thoughts and practice mindfullness

Practice detachment


Non-Violence or Ahimsa

The practice of loving kindness or compassion

Staying in silence. Achieving a calm mind.

One well-known practice here is Vipasanna. 

A calm mind is necessary for spiritual expansion practices.

When we practice the Yin Yang mudras and do the rainbow aura, which facilitates spontaneous kundalini awakening – the  harmony and calmness is the platform for us to awaken to higher states of creativity, psychic activity, enhanced intuition and higher consciousness.

The practice of Yin Yang Mudras returns us to a state of Unity consciousness. The 7th Hermetic Principle – Gender is in everything. Everything has its male and female principles

Yin Yang merged as one creates harmony, energy and movement
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We begin to know more, see more and are aware of other states of consciousness and other sentient life – our Earth Mother, nature spirits etc.

All have an equal right to existence and are just as sentient and some are more intelligent than the current human race. We can begin to communicate with them and learn from them.

Once our cosmic cousins know that we are communicating with nature and plant devas, they will know that we have evolved and they will then contact us either telepathically or in person.

That is the destiny of the entire human race. This is already happening for some humans.

We will no longer be earth-bound and reincarnate again and again and again once we break free from earth religions and are aware of a cosmic reality that realizes the ONENESS of all creation. And that creation is guided only by unconditional love.

That is when we are ready to meet our cosmic brothers and sisters from the stars.  And from highly evolved human races from Lemuria, Shambhala and Agartha in higher planes of existence in Inner earth. We are now responsible co-creators.

The Galactic Human races for thousands of years, have been coming here in their space ships (UFOs) both physical and non-physical. And they have very long lives in comparison with that of humans. So those of us who are aware, are known as Star Seeds. 

We now come to the 3rd Hermetic Principle - The Law of Correspondence: As above so below, as within so without.

The Law of Attraction is the famous version of “as within so without”

Your inner state of mind attracts the external experience. Read this a dozen times.

Our states of vibrations – love or fear will AUTOMATICALLY attract without fail -  a corresponding energy and experience in the:

Physical planes of existence – also known as our current physical plane of existence

Non Physical Astral Planes: all 3 major planes with all their sub-divisions.

Underworld Planes

Religious Planes

Evolved planes of Lemuria, Shambhala and Agartha on Earth

Cosmic Planes of our Star brothers and sisters.

Non-friendly ETS

If you are psychic, you will not only feel but SEE with your 3rd eye vision what you are attracting. 

If your 3rd eye is open and you as a psychic are a loving person, you will attract very positive visions and experiences. 

What if you are psychic, and you are a normal human with good days and bads days. Sometimes you are happy, sometimes you are fearful. 

Guess -  what will you attract?

The answer is simple.  You will attract both positive and negative experiences. If you are really stressed out, you will attact and have visions of fearful outcomes. Without doubt, you will attract energies from the lowest astral or ghosts in the mid-astral. 

Depending on one’s LOVE or FEAR vibrations, you will either attract Positive Synchronicities which elevate us with positive experiences or so-called bad luck and negative experiences  

Humans fluctuate between the two. WE can experience both in the same day. WE have not learned to calm the mind.

Psychics will also have a precognitive ability. 

So they also be able to see glimpses of the future, in addition to having visions of the past.

Now let us review what Kamala is experiencing from the perspective of the 5th Hermetic Principle of Rhythm; Everything flows, the pendulum swings.

Kamala started her psychic journey as a young teenager. She had negative experiences. She did not understand what was happening.  She was a normal human teenager experiencing extraordinary situations which she found confusing and fearful.

You cannot blame her. Like many young psychics, she had no idea of what was happening.

From a lack of understanding, the pendulum has swung in her favour to a basic awareness of consciousness through her spiritual expansion practices.

She is now experiencing the 6th Hermetic Principle of Cause and Effect. She is doing “new” practices, her kundalini is rising and bringing forward new creative and psychic insights and now she has a different outcome.

She listened to the Mahanavapashanam Mantra.

She had a vision of Bogur the Siddha blessing her again. Bogus gave us the Mantra.

In the Indian tradition she was given something sweet – a rock sugar – kalkandu - to sweeten her life and bring her auspiciousness.

The tiger chased her to a tree. The meaning: She has to meditate more to rein in her conscious mind and her ego. The tiger was a symbol of her untamed ego and cluttered mind. That applies to all of us.

When she chanted the Ho'oponopono, the tiger stopped being aggressive and became harmless and playful. 

She can see orbs.  Highly evolved spiritual beings and evolved life forms have the ability to shrink themselves and travel in tiny orbs. One of the most famous is Maha-Avatar Babaji. There are stories of him travelling this way to meet his devotees.

More and more people are taking photographs
of Light Orbs worldwide. Claims are made of
Angels, Otherworld beings and Saints inside these Orbs
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She saw beings of golden light including her deity Lord Narayana (Vishnu). According to her belief system, Lord Narayana is one of the highest deities in her religion.

In an earlier blog, we discovered from feedback of people listening to the Mahanavapashanam mantra that the process of alchemy would begin and eventually turn them into golden beings of light.

As within so without. The progress of Kamala is inevitable. Her aura through consistent listening of the mantra, gradually became golden (assisted by her spiritual practices)

She has now begun to match the highest astral plane - the golden plane.  She attracted golden beings.  Alchemy.

The next step after that is the cosmic plane. 

Now she has to consistently meditate, tame her ego, calm her mind, practice seva – service to her community and she will evolve from an earth-bound spirit to a universal cosmic human.

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Now that we understand the Law of Attraction, what each individual now is experiencing is a reflection of his or her inner belief systems.

The Universe is Mental. So what you are experiencing in your life now, reflects the conscious, unconscious and subconscious inner manipulation of your belief system.

Are you attracting a pleasant series of synchronicities which elevate you or the opposite. That will tell you what your inner belief systems are.

If you do not like your current experiences, then make an effort to change your existing belief systems.

Heal the wounded subconscious and inner child

Create new positive habits of the unconscious

Be more calm and positive in the conscious.

And with the rising of the kundalini, take flight in the super-conscious

WE are grateful to Sister Kamala for sharing her lessons with us.

Inla'kech Alakin. I AM another you








Sunday, 25 July 2021

Holographic Med Bed Technology - the future of humanity


Med Bed Healing...the future of humanity
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Information from a website:

Tachyon Energy and Plasma Energy Med Beds

There are 3 types of Med Beds:

1) Holographic Med Beds;

2) Regenerative Med Beds which regenerates tissue and body parts, powered by a different source;

3) Re-atomization Med Beds that in about 2-3 minutes will regenerate the whole body.

The Technology of the Med Beds is not from planet Earth. It is not human-created technology. It is a technology that has been given to humanity by off-world ETs.

A Med Bed is based on tachyon particle energy and plasma (plasmatic) energy. The soil, the atmosphere, the water, everything is plasma energy, everything in the universe is plasma energy, it’s just a different form of vibrational frequency.

The Med Bed looks at the body and corrects imperfections. The Technology has been around for quite some time. It’s not something out of the clear blue sky. It’s just been kept hidden from the human race for a very long time.

Click here for the link

Holographic Med Bed Therapy


During a visit to my dear friend Elizabeth Huxtable with Dr. Mohana Sunthari, we were alerted to the Med Bed holographic technology.

Elizabeth has been using this technique for some time with success and shared it with us. The information was that with our mental intention and focus, we could connect to this healing energy and treat all kinds of illnesses.

You have to go into a relaxed state, give your intention to heal and use your mind to visualise this Med Bed - Medical Bed Healing Technology.

So I decided to find out more about it.  The information you are about to encounter is highly controversial and could be beyond your imagination.

If the information is true, Holographic Med Bed Technology has been given to us by off-planet sources, namely the Pleiadians

In any case, the secret is out and there is such a machine now openly available. This technology is known as a Regenerative Med Bed.

An European inventor has launched the Med Bed in Holland.  Is this picture accurate? I have no idea. Use your discernment, but if this true, it will revolutionise everything we know about healing therapy.

It is so advanced it uses what is known as TACHYON PARTICLES to heal people.  No tablets, no drugs, no operations, just pure universal superluminal faster than light energy.

Tachyon Energy is something like a laser beam but much superior  - it is the only way to describe the tachyon energy and give you an idea of what it is.


What is Tachyon Energy?

According to the latest scientific research a tachyon particle is a hypothetical particle that travels faster than the speed of light and is known to travel at superluminal velocities. The description comes from the Greek word “tachy” which means swift.

Since this machine is not available to most of us, information was released that a Holographic Med Bed using the principles of Quantum Theory could be utilised - provided one has the belief that it will work and eventually return the physical body to a state of perfection.

Quantum Theory states that in any science experiment – the mental state or consciousness of the observer/participant has the ability to affect the outcome.

This contradicts a mainstream scientific principle that participants must be neutral in any experiment conducted so as not to “contaminate” the results.

Again we go back to the 7 Hermetic Principles.  

The first principle – the ALL is MIND.

The Universe is MENTAL.  

This means, using our mind we have the ability to affect states of consciousness.

We informed the Saturday meditation group, posted a Youtube about it and also did a session with a psychic to test the outcome. Her mother had a Vaccine for Covid two days ago.

The Youtube is available and downloaded by benevolent parties for the human race. We found it on the Internet.


FIRST TRIAL of Holograpahic Med Bed

18/07/2021, 11:46 - Andrew:   

The Psychic had a vision of the Med Bed

She saw a Blue Circular Rod in space

Round like a coconut at the entrance with a long cylindrical shape.

She observes/visualizes mum inside this circular long rod med bed chamber


We state our Intention:

Tachyon particles with healing input by Pleiadians - return mum to state of perfection as envisioned by the Creator

Thank you x 3


Psychic Vision

Yellowish golden energy going to mum.

Dark particles or waves – spinning and leaving mum

Leaving from brain, heart, stomach.

Some itchiness on leg. Toe some twitching sensation.

Some dark shape splattered thing leaving mum – something similar to bird shit.

Orangy red small round balls – ten cents in shape -  like the sun – going through mum now.

This is a positive colour therapy.

Orangy red balls now bigger

Going to heart. Heart feels stronger

Left shoulder feels slightly sore – from injection

Kidney also feels some discomfort.

Right side lower lung – feeling a bit sore as well.

Orangy red balls of light now going to these places.

Message: Med Bed healing will last six hours.

Our gratitude for MedBed Healing.

The strange thing is, both the psychic and I felt that we had also been worked on by the Med Bed.


Some others in the group tried it.

19/07/2021, 13:57 - Kiran: Hi Andrew.

Since listening to this from yesterday, I feel a sense of calmness. It's like everything would be OK. Thank you. I have been feeling really stressed up about our current situation with Covid and the vaccines, my work, relationship with my parents etc. This helped to calm me down.

19/07/2021, 13:27: Regina

Regina one of our group participants decided to use it for her son in Sumatra who came down with Covid. He was working in the jungle, one hour’s drive away from the nearest town and has no access to any form of medication or treatment.

She played the Med Bed You tube that we had posted earlier as a sample.

Visualized the Med Bed.

Placed herself and her son inside the blue chamber.

Gave intention as written on the chat group.

Soon she could feel electrical impulses going throughout her body.  The feeling of the electrical impulses is a sign the Med Bed energies were working on her.

She felt good and uplifted energetically after the ten-minute session.

23/07/2021, 19:13 – Regina: Andrew, been doing the Med Bed for my son 2x a day...when I wake up in the morning and before sleep...10 minutes each time.  Saturday he was confirmed Covid.  Started Med Bed meditation on Sunday. Checking on him every day. Today morning he is so much better.  πŸ™

23/07/2021, 19:24 - Andrew: Wonderful feedback thank you Regina.


Usage and Duration:

Elizabeth’s guidance was that the MedBed be used once a week. Under the circumstances, Regina trusted her instincts and used it twice a day.

Each time of use, ten minutes.

My suggestion at the end of the day is to trust your instincts – depending on the gravity of the situation.

I would assume that those who are more energy sensitive would not use it so often and have longer periods in between usage.

Experiment and find your own tolerance level.  The suggestion is still to use it once a week for maintaining your health as recommended by Elizabeth..If the situation is severe, then trust your instincts and do it more often.



First Group Med Bed Guided Meditation: 

Based on this feedback, we decided to have the first Group Med Bed session on the 24th of Saturday, July 2021.


Intention of Med Bed

Our intention was to get all participants to experience a session:

remove any Vaccine side effects

help anyone with Covid

treat any disease or mental condition


Signs of Success

The signs that your session is successful is when you feel ELECTRICAL IMPULSES, vibrations or warmth throughout your body.

You feel calmer and more positive.

You feel UPLIFTED after the session.

Some people may have visions or messages.


We started the session with a briefing of what the Med Bed does.

I played the OM Mantra in the background.

Made everyone relaxed with a Reiki symbol - Sei Hei Ki and asked them to visualise themselves in the Med Bed.

We began with a Statement of Intention:

Individual: I AM PERFECT as the Creator made me.

Group: We are Perfect as the Creator made us.

The tachyon particles and intervention from the Pleiadian energies return me/us to a state of perfection as envisioned by the Creator. And so it is.


Here is the feedback

24/07/2021, 12:23 - Inthira: Andrew, I didn't hear the OM at all and slept off almost immediately.  But at one point I felt like an electrical impulse in my left ring finger which woke me up.

I brought my whole family in the chamber. Thank you. all your sessions put me in deep sleep and I wake up feeling refreshedπŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌ❤❤❤

I also saw a whitish ray of light from above.

Andrew: A ray of white light normally indicates a pure healing light from Source energy.

24/07/2021, 12:30 - Corinne: This was my second experience of the Med Bed meditation. I brought a friend with myself. As I am recovering slowly from Covid and he has a stage 4 lungs cancer, the idea was to have a lungs dedicated session.

I was totally emerged in a beautiful blue light that was moving around me and spreading different shades of blue in the bodies. It was like clouds moving around some deep blue, some dark, some lighter.

It was the same blue that we see around Shiva. I felt a lot of warmth in the Lao Gong which started to spread away from there up to the arms and lungs.

In this shades of blue, the lungs of my friend appeared firstly very black and started to clear slowly. It felt like the pain and the damages in his lungs were shading away!

I will definitely continue to apply this meditation for him….and myself. Thanks, once again!!! Beautiful healing tool!

24/07/2021, 13:33 - Jesvin: Had vibrations in my palms, heart palpitations, heat on my face and a few days ago had wind in my tummy and after doing the Med Bed, the wind and discomfort went away. πŸ™πŸ»

24/07/2021, 13:33 - Kamala Brisbane: Thank you Andrew… for the wonderful session ... I brought my family in as well…me, husband, son and his wife... I didn’t hear the Om music but... I imagined all of us in the chamber and the blue lights shining on us… and then must have dozed off and woke up.

Felt electrical impulses on my face, head and on my hands. I suffer from sinus and unnecessary over thinking …I feel calm and more energetic. Thank you πŸ™❤🌈

24/07/2021, 13:36 - Karyn: I felt the energy in my hands and cool energy in feet. Did not hear Om music. Instead heard a very high-pitched ringing and pressure in my ears. Felt calm, assured and more energetic afterwards. Thank you Andrew and much love to all πŸ™❤πŸ₯°

Andrew: The high pitched ringing indicates a fine tuning of her vibrational energies to match incoming cosmic energies.

[14:17, 24/07/2021] Cheah Hoe San: 

Cheah had a vision of two chambers, one smaller and one larger.

πŸŽƒ golden-colored frames around blue chamber walls.

πŸŽƒinvited my wife inside chamber. it starts spinning  and rotating in midair - clockwise, anti clockwise and star-shaped direction.

Andrew:  It appears that for Cheah, the soul merkabah has been activated as well which is the star-shaped energy. The principle of counter rotation between two poles of energy is related to the creation of the soul chariot merkabah. This is known to people practicing the Merkabah and was revealed in the book, the Flower of Life by Drunvalo Melchizedek. 

πŸŽƒmerged into another larger round chamber rotating at opposite directions with all group participants firmly standing by the wall, intermittently spaced out assisted by centrifugal force. 

Occasionally golden sparks & noises appeared.

πŸŽƒafter some time I could see my wife and I joining the rest of the Shambhala group participants at the larger outer chamber with lots of golden sparkling energies. 

Saw some inappropriate energies  from everyone's auras disintegrating. These are thoughtforms which we absorb from others who we see are suffering or our own chaotic emotions.

πŸŽƒwife and I zoomed back into the smaller blue chamber. The session ended. Thank you ribuan ribuan terima kasih (Ribuan terima kasih is Malay for thank you.

24/07/2021, 15:18 - Lena Yap: I saw a lady long beautiful wavy hair... when I started to go into meditative mode before Andrew begin to bring us into the relaxation.

Suddenly in my mind there was a thought this must be the priestess of Avalon. I am half here and there. I follow through Andrew’s talk and then the Hooponopono.

After that I am not aware of what is happening. Just able to hear Andrew talking. Suddenly it was so quiet for sometimes. I have been kicked out of zoom session a few times this week so I think I was kicked out.

Open my eyes, everyone is there on the screen and I go back - deep into my sleep until Andrew called me for feedback.

In between there is energy flowing throughout the whole body - some electrified feeling. Not aware when I think we were told to include family so I included a list of my family members, God-parents and a list of friends.

15:21 - Lena Yap: πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ». I feel great. My body has returned to 80% perfection as after this session. I have been putting myself in the Med Bed coz too much going on lately due to the solar flare and I think the pandemic and weather changes drastically… from raining almost every noon to totally no rain and so hot in the late morning.

[07:33, 25/07/2021] Tareq PHI: God morning all beautiful souls. May all sentient life be happy healthy loved and abundant. This is my preference always. ♥️πŸ’

Just did med bed guided meditation..

First could feel cool water around my head neck and down to my arms.. slight buzzing around arms and hands.. jolt in right arm..

The upper areas of my body is where I normally have inflammation.. so that was good..

Was feeling relaxed by the end..

There was also a very floral/fruit scent with the water...

25/07/2021 - 11.03 Roberta:  Andrew sΓ³ yesterday as I mentioned on our call I felt the energy flowing and working on my back.

Felt it working on my cervical spine where I have an injury at C5. Here it was as if they were putting an ice pack on my neck and after the session the stiffness I had on my neck was gone, 

I could still feel the injury but it was more loose and I could move my neck freely. I felt electric waves on my fingers and many muscles of my body, specially legs and abdomen were contracting as if I was doing exercises. 

At the end of the session I felt very calm and I’m a really good vibe. I have repeated it this morning and could feel the electric waves on my fingers and the muscle contraction again. Have a great day πŸ™πŸ˜Œ


We are grateful to the Source, Off-Planet Sources, Elizabeth Huxtable and the benevolent people who placed the Holographic Med Bed on Youtube.

We are expecting more written feedback from Group Participants.  We will then provide updates. We express also our deep gratitude to all the participants for their feedback.

Inla'kech Alakin


These are the instructions:

Have some relaxing aromatherapy of your choice.

Do some deep breathing to relax.

State your Intention:

Individual: I AM PERFECT as the Creator made me.

Group: We are Perfect as the Creator made us.

The tachyon particles and intervention from the Pleiadian energies return me/us to a state of perfection as envisioned by the Creator. And so it is.

Play the Youtube. 

Click here for the Link to the Subliminal Youtube

Holographic Med Bed Youtube 

It takes at most 10 to 15 minutes.

If the subliminal music in the Youtube does not appeal to you. It is very simple.

Just play any OM Mantra of your choice from Youtube or your own sources.

Some people prefer the Gayatri mantra.

Others prefer the Guru Padma Sambhava Mantra,

Your choice of mantra.

You have taken responsibility for your own well being.

Our Gratitude to Regina's son, Vijay for the Youtube.