With the way the world is heading now, there is this feeling that Covid has seriously affected our daily lives and many peope are finding it difficult to cope. It has an impact on us physically, emotionally and mentally.
So I asked Jo Ann my dear friend of many years to do a write-up about her counselling activities.
Perhaps, some of you may want to have a heart to heart chat with her - once you read this, It is always good to be able to talk to someone who is experienced and non-judgemental about life.
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Holistic Life Counsellor JoAnn Chong |
JoAnn Chong
Somewhere in May 2021, I approached Andrew for some advice to help me find out what my life purpose is.
So he asked me to write out the list of my strengths, weaknesses, experiences
in helping people and my certificates.
I did the list and found it to be a very long one, which Andrew claimed that it was longer than both his arms. Hahahahahahahahaha……….
Yup! Indeed, it is but that is me and I was very comfortable with it and a little excited about it too. Telling myself, Hey! This is me and I’m discovering ME, the “Now ME “.
I would not have dreamt of this if I was approached a few years back on this subject but I believed the divine timing has come for me to begin or probably had already begun to do what my soul purpose is here to do, to “Counsel”
Quite frankly, I would prefer to look at
myself as a messenger, a guide, a facilitator or an instrument of the divine
order, placed here to help bridge people or things together. Sometime it feels
like I’m playing the jigsaw puzzle, once the pieces are in place.
Wahlah! you get shazam!!!, also helping others to find themselves, to empower them, lending a helping hand to gain clarity in their self-realisation. Their awareness is awakened towards understanding themselves better.
So when the message came and upon reading what Andrew wanted to do for me, I decided to reach out to a few friends of mine. I wanted to see if I can gather some feedback from them to see if in any way I made an impact on them.
To my surprise, I got some pretty good feedback. Let me share them with you.
1st case: Empowering and
This guy from Ghana named Govinda Lila Kwesi,
in his mid-30s.
It was from a spiritual group that I got to know him last year, he was actually looking out for a product which was posted in the group. He asked where he could get some of it and I responded to him.
This was how we started off. I was planning to prospect him for a business which I was in then but instead, we ended up exchanging messages. While this was taking place, me, being a true blue Scorpion, my shield was raised up automatically especially when conversing with a foreigner whom I hardly know.
Though being cautious, surprisingly, my intuition tells me this guy is “safe” to be in touch with but still I made sure I reply only when necessary.
Eventually soon our messages carried on to a point where he poured his heart out to me on the situations he is in - while looking for some light towards his life issues.
One of the main topics was about his marriage. He was born into a family who were Krishna’s devotees. His grandfather and father are highly spiritual people who have psychic and shamanistic abilities.
His wife, on the other hand was a strong believer in Christianity and wasn’t able to blend in with his family’s culture.
He himself was a Hindu but a theologist at heart, being a chemistry teacher by profession and according to him, the income wasn’t sufficient to allowed him to buy a car or let alone own a house. So money was an issue between him and his wife.
His wife wanted a divorce from him as she felt there were no security and she left him for another man.
Even though these were all through messages, I could still sense how he felt. So I shared with him my own experience which I gathered from the various religious teachings. The intention was to guide him with a sincere compassionate heart.
I also shared some video links which I found to be helpful for him to view, sending him motivational materials to uplift his spirits.
Then one day, he said, he would never have imagined opening up to anyone and especially a foreigner like me about his personal issues.
Ashamed and shy at the same time about it though, he said he found comfort in sharing his stories, he was amazed how it all turned out.
After sometime, we took a break for a couple of months as I felt he was on calmer waters and believe the remaining journey was for him to explore.
So today, it dawned on to me to ask him for a feedback, curious to know if I ever did make an impact for him and below was his reply, direct from the horse’s mouth.
Govinda’s feedback
You helped me in many ways, and continue to help.
1. You cleared my doubts and helped me to manage my sexual libido during my marriage crisis.
2. You gave me hope in my spiritual pursuits by your personal advice as well as sharing with me so many relevant links.
3. You've appreciated the little things I do (the writings) and have surely
been a source of encouragement.
This actually blew me away and made me felt good to know that I manage to help one soul to gain insight to his life. Now I understood why he kept addressing me as “God Mother”.
I was scratching my head for a long while now wondering what did I do to earn that title. LOL
He is in a happier state of mind now and
moving on with his life.
This starts with my good friend Mike Cruz whom I’ve known since 2015. We met through a friend during our MLM days. Trying our hands on many businesses that never really took off.
I’ve known Mike to be a very strong pious Catholic, we get along well as we both are tuned to the same frequency sharing a lot on spiritual topics.
Our friendship grew based on this and as time went by in the year 2017, Mike was having a lot of challenges in life and in business too.
He tried his hand on everything he could possibly think of doing but nothing seemed to work in his favour, thus causing him to be in debt as well.
He entered a depressed state.
On another hand, at the very same year, I was introduced to Elizabeth Huxtable by Andrew to help her out as a PA.
So we settled down at an office in Parklane, Kelana Jaya.
As there was much to do, I was handling a lot of outdoor errands so Elizabeth suggested that we hire an admin staff to take care of matters in the office.
This was when Mike came into mind, I knew he and his wife were jobless and needed something to sustain for the moment, so I approached Elizabeth about hiring Mike’s wife Mages to handle the admin.
On a daily basis, Mike always sends Mages to work as they stay at Kajang.
Since the distance is far, Mike decided to
hang around in the centre to pass the time. This was also good for him as he
found it to be a peaceful environment while overcoming his depression.
Mike by nature is a very helpful person so when he hung around the venue, he started to lend a hand in the centre, being curious and fascinated with all the sound healing instruments.
He was also quietly observing what Elizabeth did for her clients, he got interested and started asking questions about the products and the modalities.
As time when by, I saw Mike cheering up a little more and we too were happy to have him around.
It was here that Mike found himself back
again and having this working chemistry with Elizabeth, he started to naturally
pick up the sound healing process.
After this, I moved on and lost touch with Mike and Mages.
About a year later in 2018, I got a call from Mike asking to meet. I was so excited and happy to be able to meet him again, so I went to his favourite food stall and to my surprise, he showed me his new addition to his family. A beautiful adorable baby boy.
I was shocked but at the same time extremely happy for him as well.
Since then we kept in touch and stayed in touch till now, He is so much happier now and I can see the load is off his shoulder finally.
So today, I took the opportunity to call Mike and asked to find out if I ever did anything that has impacted his life.
Here is what he told me.
Mike’s Feedback
You sure did, it was because of you, I managed to get out of my “downiest time”. The things you shared lifted my spirit and pulled me through my darkest hours.
Also, you have always been the “connector”, the bridge, like a Nokia, “Connecting people”, because you connected me to Elizabeth, I found my life purpose and I am living it.
This is where my heart wants to be, healing and helping others who are in need and that brings joy into my life. I am really at my happiest now from the bottom of my heart.
Thank you Sifu.
And I said to him, but we’ve only talked most of the time through our chit chat and he said yes, it’s through those chat that he gained clarity and only today I understood why he keeps calling me Sifu.
I thought he was joking and teasing with me all these while, so I told him, I am just the conduit, not any Sifu, placed on this earth at the right time and the right place when it’s best needed and nothing more.
3rd Case: Spiritual Counselling
My friend from the ashram, I will identify him as Prabhu. He has been in the ashram and following the Vedic lessons from the guru for quite some number of years now.
Diligently, he does most of the pujas and all other activities in the ashram without fail, attends Bhagavad Gita and Vedic classes daily, never misses a single day, holds high regards for the guru.
Somewhere in 2019, there was some changes that began to take place. I noticed Prabhu, running off to a quiet place very often as he even told me about it, always sharing his excitement about the place, like a little child who found a new toy.
This serene place was actually the Bhramarishi Hill in Janda Baik. Truly very peaceful and quiet during weekdays.
He went constantly to meditate and found peace within himself there.
Being in KL with all the errands to run plus other routines he carries out daily for his own and the ashram, he ended up with a severe migraine which he could not cure. He started to pop high dosages of painkillers - which did not help.
So Bhramarishi Hill was his sanctuary.
But I knew that this place was only a temporary answer for his relief and also towards his soul searching journey.
Having found this “little Shangri-La”, his mind was only temporarily assuaged. Deep down, he was still disturbed and unrested.
One day, He called to catch up, we had a chat, talked about the universe and how energy works among people we know.
I spoke about light workers and healers – and how they work. Though it would take a little more out of him to accept these theories as he had a Vedic background. But nonetheless, I got his curiosity going.
He said, he met a lady who was also in the spiritual path. She pointed out to him that his “antenna” was already up and tuning into people’s emotional frequency.
In other words, his intuition has been sharpened but he did not dare believe it to be so.
He did experience on some occasions where he could sense what was going on to certain people or things but he was unsure of what he picked up. He decided to brush it aside.
When I heard what he shared, I laughed and I told him. Prabhu, your journey has already begun, the only thing is, you lack confidence in yourself.
I also explained to him that his sixth sense is already activated and that he needs to identify which areas are more sensitive for him.
He then opened up to say that he wanted to be free to learn more as there are other masters waiting for him and wanted to teach him what they know.
Half of him wants to explore, the other half is afraid that he may offend his current guru.
So I shared my thoughts with him. I advised him that when one finds the teachings at a certain place shows no progress and the soul is crying out for more, then it is time to move on as the soul needs to expand and rise in vibration.
Only then can one evolve to a higher state of consciousness.
He understood it all but was afraid, for the fear of defying the guru, so I again assured him:
You need
not be disrespectful to the guru for he is the one who have taught and guided
you this far;
when you
feel you are stuck and can’t progress, you just need to reach out somewhere
that will enable you to find those answers you need and progress.
A true guru will ask you to go and seek the next guru. He will not hold you back. He does not bind one down and instil fears, instead he or she is here to assist and uplift you to find your higher self. He is merely a chapter in your book of self-discovery.
So I told Prabhu, learn to follow your intuition, it will guide you, your inner senses are awakened already.
Shortly after we had this conversation, he left for Penang to help out a lady whose mother needed to go for a knee operation. He offered to chauffeur them daily to the hospital for the entire week.
While he was in the hospital waiting, he saw a stranger bringing in her son who looked very sickly. The young boy looked as if he was going through some heart problem at the age of 14.
The boy’s mother was in distress, crying and asking for help.
At that moment, Prabhu remembered that he happened to have some sandalwood powder with him, which he had collected over time.
He handed some sandalwood powder to the lady and told her to apply it onto the forehead of her son hoping to give some sort of relief.
Then Prabhu turned around, walked back to the waiting room, just a very short distance from the boy and waited patiently for the lady.
Suddenly he had a vision. Prabhu saw Lord Yama’s vehicle, the Bull. It very clearly appeared before his eyes. The vehicle of death.
He was shocked. His heart sank as he knew what it meant.
At the spur of the moment, immediately his memory jolted and recalled what I told him about his senses.
Upon seeing the appearance of Lord Yama’s bull, just within seconds the doctor came towards the lady and announced to her that they did their best to save her son but they lost him.
That instance Prabhu called me and said “JoAnn you are right, I believe what you said about me being able to hear and see things”,
After this experience, he now understands what is happening to himself and is more open to receive the divine knowledge that has been awaiting him.
These are just a few examples that have taken place in my life, unknowingly and thanks to Andrew for prompting me to write this, only then, I too found myself and the goodness that comes out of this.
And before I pen off, I would like to share this,
I have always believed that everyone has a part to play in this thing called Life.
There is always a valid reason why some
people are placed in your circle as friends, family or foe.
Everyone has a job to do, some are here to help lift you, some are here to provoke you, some are here to comfort you, some are here to hold your hands to be with you and to lead you out of here,hopefully to a better place.
Everyone, whether good or bad, plays a part in your life’s journey.
The experiences and emotions felt, are the
ones which create a memory in your mind and believe me, it’s only just a
That is the memory which holds you back and nothing more.
Learn all the lessons to begin with, that
were placed in those stored memories, find it, understand it, acknowledge and
embrace it, forgive it and have gratitude for all that has happened then
release it.
Probably then you can sing Chris Daughtry’s song…...
♫ “Well, I'm going home, back to the place where I
And where your love has always been enough for me
I'm not running from, no, I think you got me all
I don't regret this life I chose for me
But these places and these faces are getting old
So I'm going home, well I'm going home “♫
Looking back, I feel amazingly blessed, I now am able to accept that this is my life, my purpose, my journey, with my experiences and given this gift to understand people better, thus would enable me to assist them to find their way forward as well.
I wish to take this opportunity to thank all who have been a part of my life journey and to all masters, gurus, sifus, divine masters, angels who have shown me the way forward too.
Thank you and Namaste to all.
Andrew: Jo Ann has now started in earnest her counselling career. She can be reached at 016 252 4777 for rates and charges.
Jo Ann Chong
Holistic Counsellor
Tel HP: 016 252 4777
You can call her and talk to her and also find out about her rates.
1)Been in a BGF counselling unit before, help out in tele-counselling.
2)Learn NLP in it has many processes such as:
a) Swish Pattern
b) Score Model
c) New Behaviour Generator
d) Anchoring /Collapse Anchor
e) Perceptual position
f) Goal Setting
3) Time line Therapy
4) 5 love language model for Couple Therapy
Most of the time I get a lots of people spontaneously share their life stories or problems with me. Naturally end up counselling or guiding them, a little like coaching work.
This is one form of help I did without realising it.
1) Certified Practitioner of Nero- Linguistic Programming
2) Certified Ultimate Leadership & Therapeutic Coaching
3) Certified Practitioner of Time Line Therapy
4) Certificates of Participation in completion of 11th BGFCU Counselling Course
5) Certificate of Attendance for Training in Couple Therapy
6) Certificate of Attendance CUBB Academy in Empowering Law of Attraction
7) Certificate of Achievement – Toastmasters – Success Communication, Speech craft course
8) USUI System Reiki Level 1 for Natural Healing & Harmonisation
9) Certificate of Completion Amrit Reiki Level 1 Practitioner Course
10) Diploma in TESOL – London Teacher Training College