The Hebrew words of power to decode the 6th Strand are: Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh - I AM THAT I AM.
Many sages have said that I AM THAT I AM represents the inner wisdom or INNER GURU within us in the god particle. in this lifetime, the I AM represents your Higher Self. It is that I AM that we call on for every prayer and intention in our lives.
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We are also encouraged to use these words - I AM Bless this or Bless that - in everyday situations in our life.
Whatever we see and observe - just say "I AM Bless this situation" - especially in everyday situations that we have no personal control - for people who are victims, who are disadvantaged, for the country, for our society.
Anything that we do not agree with but feel that we are powerless to make a change - just say quietly, "I AM Bless this ....or bless that .... situation." You are asking your Highest Self to intervene on your behalf.
When you say this a hundred times a day ... and surrender the outcome, you will eventually merge with your own I AM Presence. Spontaneiety, Intuition, Inspiration, Miracles will eventually be the result.
For a comprehensive understanding on your Highest Self, here is a FREE PDF book - I AM Dialogues by the late Sri Nisargadatta
Surrender that situation to the I AM within us. It is in far better hands. This is the origin of how blessings started. To the point where in many traditions, young people ask older wiser people for their blessings.
We are not aware of the situations that have contributed to various outcomes and we are often quick to make judgements. When we surrender to the I AM Blessings within us, the best outcome in that situation takes place, without our knowledge.
Everyone has a life lession - to return to self-love and unconditional love. When we return to Self-Love and Unconditional Love, all suffering ends. The Universal Law of As within so without - will take over and arrange everything that is good and loving for us to experience. That is the Law of Attraction.
Suffering continues when we have not learned our lessons. That we are all interconnected to each other through the Tree of Life. Once that realisation sets in, our behaviour towards everyone - changes.
We either
Practice Mindfullness
Practice detachment
or Leave
In the olden days, what we are now doing with the decoding, the ancients would call an anointment of energy. An energy upgrade has taken place for all of us with DNA decoding. Our words and our blessings take on an energy that is far stronger and more potent than before.
Therefore connecting to your own INNER GURU is the most important thing you can do in this lifetime. That inner guru represents your God particle. The source of your intuition and inspiration.
Our guided meditation started with a slide presentation on Spontaneous Kundalini Rising.
Six solar flares have taken place between the last week of June to end-September. This has caused all kinds of health issues for many people globally.
The solar flare has triggered the spontaneous kundalini rising of many people who have never heard of the word kundalini.
After the slide presentation, we spoke about the 6th Strand DNA Decoding.
Dr. Mohana
Saw an ET
looking at my plants while Andrew was talking about Findhorn
Then when
he had the Kundalini slides, my Kundalini was rising very fast up my spinal column to the crown chakra.
Feeling hot
and cool – yin and yang balanced.
Sharp pain
on right chest at the back. Some form of energy resistance,
breathed naturally deep breaths.
Couple of breaths later there was a numbness on my right hand.
continued. Pain disappeared.
rising went to the right chest area. Blockage.
After deep
pranayama, helped to remove the blockage.
Saw goddess
… very solid, beautiful, bigger than usual. Seeing her actual energy in
beautiful saree. Patisaree - abundant
image… went into deep alpha.
Woke up and joined 10 minutes later. Spiral on left sole. 3 and a half coil – continuously
attracting energy went to right chest and removed blockages.
was cut off again. Long nap… about 20 min nap.
12.45 woke
up. Slept like a baby. Saw myself
Before we did the DNA decoding procedure, we did look at a presentation on kundalini where some pictures of plant beings really jumped at me, and have greatly influenced the DNA decoding experience for me.
I first saw
the world in a form of a pyramid with bright creamy white light at the top, the
second layer was a bright sun, the
lowest layer was made of water. The outside shape rounded itself and started to
look like the atmosphere, a thick transparent wall of lots of soil
coming from the universe to fall on the earth. This was much needed and rich
soil. It was bumping against the atmosphere.
Lots of plant people were looking at it desperately. I then felt my throat was getting stuck, something was trying to get out from it. The strong feeling I had, was that it was the time to speak up, complain, say stop. Protect them, speak up on their behalf. They need the soil!
The second scenery was a lotus flower that had a clear egg-shape was blowing pollen from its “”antennas””. Looking at it from closer, these pollen powder had the shape of the diamond code again. They were spreading everywhere from the lotus flower, from the earth itself this time.
The last image was a very deep well, very narrow and very dark but with a silver light coming from the water surface at his bottom, very attractive but very far. Once you would let go the fear, a ray of purple light would appear.
The other
experiences were turned towards the universe. This day was really about getting
deep on earth, as the source of all. Go deep, get fed from the earth.
Communicate and talk on behalf of the Plant people.
Susan Yap
envisioned the earth lush and green and everything in balance.
I saw myself flew out with wings from my sitting self and broke out of an encased glass crystal. I was small and see thru blue etheric form.
Flew into the sky
towards a rainbow. Flew around the different colored lights. Very happy playing
with the lights. Then flew off towards clouds. Bright and white clouds. Then
went thru a thunderstorm with dark grey clouds and lightning. Came out of that.
Gold dragon
came and we flew in the clouds side by side. Saw sunrise across the ocean from
up there. Then we were out in space. Very bright looking at a blazing planet
... The sun? I have to turn my face away coz it was so bright.
Suddenly I
was on the beach. Sand at my feet. And seeing sunset over the sea over the
horizon. How beautiful ❤️
Then I was
sitting on the dragon and skimming over water, over lakes and waterfall. Then
we skimmed thru the waves of the sea. And suddenly I was underwater looking at
fishes and an octopus. A big human-size seahorse came up and I look at it. I swam
in the water looking at the underwater scenery. Was still looking around when
you called.
Looks like
Tom (my brother) who is diving today affected my meditation traveling! π₯°
I was very
relaxed today and nearly dozed off! Thank you Andrew for this session. Thank
you my fellow friends π
First time
I'm underwater! I'm normally grounded or outer space.
good session today, Andrew.
The slides
were informative.
Thank you ππΌ
Felt more connected to
Source …though not so much of visions or seeing celestial/dimensional beings.
Didn't wanna come back
so fast yet π
Hi Andrew. this time
around I had to wake myself up. I dozed off many times. but still managed to see
a lot and received messages.
First I saw a huge
Golden snake with his hood open on top of Tutankhamun.
I saw a black snake
with beige spots in my living room.
I saw the back of what
seemed of an iguana entering my home. This is not a good sign Andrew. i didn’t like this part πππ
Andrew: Inthira received an early
warning there was something inappropriate in her apartment. It was removed
later. All good.
I saw a symbol of a
lotus. no colour, black and white.
The most beautiful thing that I saw was the blooming of lotus from bottom, followed by another and another – a few lotuses.
The bottom lotus was gold, the rest were beautiful
magical dark bluish reddish etc. a mixture of colours. There seemed to be a
lady with long white gown, seemed like a Chinese goddess holding a slim wand
and tapping the lotus which then bloomed. Sooo gorgeous.
There were vibrations
in my palm and my left leg went numb
I heard/saw 2 words.
Receive. Then when I asked receive what (nowadays can ask questions ππ) the word Abundance came.
Before your talk Andrew I was looking at some plants/potted herbs to buy. Small ones.
I received a message
to buy and grow medicinal plants in my home and learn to make traditional
medicines with them. It explains why I was given a herb energetically.
I checked and this was the herb I received and tasted in today's session. Karpooravalli Leaf. It is a type of mint life with benefits for the stomach and digestive system.
Ellie Toh
When the session started, and Andrew settled us down with Sei hei ki and cool Amrit, I was feeling quite relaxed, and for a moment, I think I drifted off somewhere for a little while until I heard the chanting.
I felt burning energy in my chest
trying to come out before being transported away, but I wasn't human anymore. I
looked like an Egyptian Goddess with wings, holding some sort of strange
looking staff in my right hand, and I was flying really fast before landing in
front of a pyramid with an large eye structure on top of the pyramid.
There was an entrance at one corner of the pyramid, and I went into it as soon as I landed. It's a strange feeling, to fly with my own wings. I saw bronze mirrors everywhere in the pyramid and I saw myself with the wings and golden robe.
I think somehow my human consciousness was still there, because I started questioning...why did I have wings...who am I here...and which Egyptian Goddess has wings? Then I heard voices at the back of my head, and I saw people worshipping me in this form. I was a being with immense power, and despite the strangeness, I do feel good.
Then I heard loud banging of cymbals, and the scene changed and I feel quite suffocated and out of air. I was thrown into a portal and it was a dark and cold, scary portal. I can feel the pressure squishing me. It sent me to a graveyard of large ships and aeroplanes under the sea. Some of them looks like something straight from WW2.
I remember feeling extremely horrified seeing all the wrecks. I cannot see
any dead bodies, but from the looks of it, the graveyard of ships and aeroplanes must have been here for a long time untouched.
I keep wondering where
I was, I tried to recall where is this place, is this a famous wreck-diving
spot? I told myself that this must be a
famous wreck diving spot, but I cannot recall any famous location and I was feeling
so trapped when I heard soothing voices guiding me and told me not to be
I followed that voice and slowly things become bright again. I can longer see wreckages of ships around me, but instead, I saw a beautiful underwater city. It's something straight out of science fiction with Disney fantasy crossover.
There were mermaids and merman all around me, and there were also strange humanoid creatures swimming around. I think they saw me, but they paid me no heed. I looked at myself and I realized why, because I too looked like one of them.
no longer have human legs and hands but instead I have a silver mermaid tail, and
I had webbed silver hands and scales up to my arms, and I was swimming around
just like them too.
I started to feel safe
and relaxed, and could feel the energy of the sea is healing me. I can feel
soft energy swirling and swirling There was flute-like music playing in the
background and I feel really energetic.
I was then chanting
something in a strange language, and the scene changed again, and I was
transported away to another place, where I was once again an alien.
The place was slightly
cold and I was standing in front of a floating blue crystal tower, and I was
kneeling and praying in front of the crystal. I was praying for safety, because
I heard of a destruction of a planet, and I did not want that planet be
destroyed. I remember having someone I loved from the planet that was about to
be destroyed, and it makes me feel sad and helpless.
All of a sudden, I heard loud screeching and loud banging. I think it was my cats being naughty in the kitchen again and I was rudely awakened in my own body.
It's a strange
adventurous session for me again, but I think I'm getting used to strange stuff
like this by now. Thank you for this week's adventure. It's definitely out of this
Andrew: From Ellie's experiences, we can safely say that she has fully if unwittingly embraced the Law of Oneness.
It states that our consciousness is part and parcel of the whole and once we break loose from our individual human persona, we connect to other portions of ourselves existing in other time zones with different identities.
This concept was given to us by the late author and psychic, Jane Roberts through her book, Aspects Psychology.
The analogy here would be: our individual consciousness is a single bubble merging with billions of other bubbles (other humanoid or human individuals) - forming an ocean of consciousness.
Through adventures in consciousness, we can access other identities and experience their way of being and have a richer multi-dimensional awareness. We experience life through many different lenses and begin to be aware of many other perspectives.
This will have an impact on our own personal life. We begin to be more inclusive and more understanding of other points of view. Everyone has their own life path and individual journey.
Too much energy since this
morning session - my forehead is having waves of energy. I saw these waves of
energy - in red colour, rising up and down. Then on the left and right side, energy was
formed. This is when Andrew is talking about Kundalini.
Suddenly I saw blue waves from the universe coming down to the end of my leg. Then during the cool amrit and sei hei ki.. I felt cold a bit and more relaxed. Also realize that I seem like turning clock-wise and anti-clock wise.
open my eyes. I saw a blue diamond on Andrew - very big one from
heart to crown chakra. Aunty Pushpa’s diamond a bit pink and purple… almost same size as Andrew’s. Mohana 2 diamonds – one in
her heart and another at her third eye.
Cryst has one diamond on her head. I also have 2 diamonds on my heart and third eye. Later I saw a pregnant mermaid on the shore or seaside.
Blue and green or turquoise tails. Very pretty lady… the rest I cannot recall
just colours.
02/10/2021, 17:20 - Ellie Toh: ππI
became a mermaid during this session. But I'm not pregnant. I guess that wasn't
me. ππππ
Lena Yap: Ellie you are so cute. π₯°π₯°
Ellie Toh: πinteresting to note a few of us went flying and also diving underwater today and the
beach. I know Sarah also swam in the sea during meditation today. But she said
she wasn't aware if she had tails. I wonder what's Andrew's insight on this?
02/10/2021, 17:56 - Ella NLP: π€£π€£π€£π€£π€£
Nice if I can be one of them often. I've been itching to go diving. πππ I wanna see sharks....πππ
Andrew: We share the planet with beings from deep in the sea as well ... intelligent sentient life ...kundalini awakens our abilities to communicate with nature devas and sea beings ...we are all one.
A few weeks ago, I was with Elizabeth Huxtable and Corinne. We met to discuss Elizabeth’s Russian pyramids. During that meeting, there was a spontaneous channelling of beings from the sea. There are humans and mermaids, living deep in the oceans.
They have been living there for thousands of years – in unpolluted deep ocean homes. They are waiting for us surface humans to wake up and stop thrashing the planet. They are making themselves known to us now.
I think Tom’s diving trip to Tioman together with the talk on sentient life appearing to us when our kundalini is completely awakened – triggered a meeting of minds first - between them and us.
When we trigger the Tree of Life Codes in DNA One, we are changing our own life codes – which act as a vibration to let other sentient life know that we are awakening to ONENESS.
That sends out a signal from us to other lifeforms and tell them that we are finally awakened and are aware that other intelligent sentient life-forms share this planet with us.
Cheah Hoe San
⚕️never before to invoke so many
Bodhisattvas (Skanda, Sangharama & Palden Lhamo), Lord Shiva, Ra &
Buddhas after AK's Hebrew chanting followed by an unfamiliar tempo of OM
followed plus few other mantras intermittently.
Andrew: Cheah: Dancing
with the Gods? Nice title...
The movement of two snakes coiling up when reaching the top
emitted radiant bright light through their heads, then merged into a dragon.
Dragon spewed few mouthful of water consolidating with the
enormous anti-clockwise energy movement around Medicine Buddha who channelled
the purified water into his healing bowl for blessings of all participants in
the group.
Andrew: On behalf of
everyone in the group, we receive!!!!
Astral ride with Ra to Mount Kailash into cuddly arms of
burning hot body of Lord Shiva which shielded and neutralized the surrounding
freezing snow. Ra left and came back later like 'dropping & fetching' a
special flight service.
After that the flat pebbles formed an arch-shaped all in a row
above my head.
Guru Rinpoche appeared guiding the lovely Rainbow Aura. One
by one the flat pebbles are replacing each chakra.
Body beginning to sway slowly followed by circular movement
then into a rapid spin (like washing machine spin) with loud whooshing sound,
cleansing all pebbles spick-and-span.
I spontaneously chanted the Padmasambhava mantra
with blissful joy
Both hands cupped together raising high above head to
receive loads of diamonds with deepest gratitude to divine. Om Ah Hum.
πKamsahaminda Andrew for
another unbelievable session. ✊✊
Hmmm looks like Cheah also received his diamond light codes.
Kamala Brisbane:
Interesting session today ... thank you Andrew… my
πsaw someone with wings
as though they are part of me... saw lots of fairies π§♀️
or angels π..
π saw a golden light
inside me and saw a golden statue with hand outstretched like blessing .. I
felt I was connected to a God particle within me.
Andrew: Wonderful … it
πwhen Andrew started
chanting I felt connected as if I know this chant and started to feel emotional
and started to cry .. as if coming home after been missing all these time...I felt
light, happy and couldn’t wipe the smile of my face for a long time..
πsaw a pink crystal in
my heart chakra
π astral travelled to
different era... Egyptian era with Thoth and another era with Genghis Khan
looking at his army like on a field ..
πI saw myself changed
into an eagle π¦
flying high & the
wind was on my face & feathers... really like the freedom of flying and
seeing the ground so green below me like rolling hills
πI even came back to the
earth and to my room. I saw my body with eyes closed and know I am outside my
own body… but I was not ready to get into my body. So I flew around my room and
flew out to another dimension
π I was in a hut with thatched
roof together with a black panther, a tiger and a Siberian wolf ... they were
trying to get inside the hut through the roof and I was not afraid .. coz they
are there to be with me and sat beside me
π saw maybe Mother Tara
π felt totally bliss
that I am connected to my god particle or my inner self ππππ
… thank you so much for the wonderful session ❤️❤️π
Cheah Hoe San: Gimme 5!!! had the same feeling last week after
AK mentioned Adonai cried like a baby ✊✊
Kamala Brisbane: ✊❤️✊..
Yaaay ππ
Karyn: I did the lotus mudra at crown too like Cheah mentioned. Before that was swaying and chanting Om Mani Padme Hum and put my hand in lotus mudra at crown. Usually I do this and chant lokah samasta sukino bavantu to send blessings to all but I did not and maintain chant of om mani padme hum.
I also chanted lakshmi mantra and received blessings of abundance π
Thank you Andrew and everyone ❤️π
Kamala Brisbane: Oh I forgot to add … my hand spontaneously
was doing the diamond mudra to my heart ❤️
Andrew: The diamond mudra was taught in 2018 to 2019.
Cheah Hoe San: Me too, forgot to mention about the 1,000,000 cool amrit.
Thanks Andrew left side of neck still some slight nagging pain and Achilles
tendinitis ok already. Fan not on today real cool. Got best of two worlds to 'hot' Lord Shiva with freezing cold at Mount Kailash guess
neutralised all together. Kamxia
Angie Lim: Fun and interesting reading all your wonderful
experiences...I fell into deep sleep after few rounds of sei hei ki, and woke
up when my son came to look for me, just few minutes before Andrew. Wish I will
fly around like you guys one day. πππ
Ellie Toh: Looks like alot of flying todayπ²
Tareq PHI: Yes today's feedback sounds very amazing… all the
travelling, all the synchronicities❤️π
In Indian theology, there is a phrase known as Moksha – that means
to be free from the physical cage of the human body. Liberation.
Having the ability to astral travel or soul travel is a form of
liberation from our physical cage.
An inspiring session today. We are all in this together. We all have our own unique role to
play and we have an individual life purpose. The 12
Strand DNA Decoding will help us fulfil our personal life journey.
Some of us need to be grounded to help and serve others. Others who are “flying” are setting the
example to the rest of us that we have the ability to be free from the cage of
our five senses. All of us – with all our individual God-given gifts – are needed
Fair Use Copyright for all pictures and images.
I spoke to Laoshi about this session's meditation, and guess what? The same weekend we did this meditation, he was diving at a World War II shipwreck spot as well. Amazing, isn't it? I'm sure this is no coincidence. I must have tapped into him somehow while he was diving.