Thursday 2 September 2021

Accessing 12 Strands DNA to create our own particle of reality


DNA the chemical blue print of humanity. Fair Use Copyright

DNA is our chemical blue print of multiple-layered information that speaks in codes to the Human body and tells it what to do with millions of instructions taking place simultaneously within seconds.

Each DNA double Helix Strand has instruction codes found in over 2.7 billion units of chemicals.

Science tells us that we have only 2 DNA strands which are visible.  Currently most humans use only 4 percent of the DNA codes that create 23,000 genes in the human body – based on 2 Strands DNA Gene Codes. 

These contribute mainly to the usage of our five physical senses. This is the reason why other planes of existence are invisible to most people.  What they cannot see, they believe, do not exist.

Esoteric channellers like Kryon tell us that we have 10 more DNA strands which are invisible and has many health, creative and psychic benefits.

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Some writers have theorized that the invisible ten DNA strands were deliberately incapacitated in our distant history. They consider this in our ancient legends, the fall of mankind.

The International Human Genome Project – a collaboration of scientists - found that over ninety percent of DNA is not coded – calling it junk DNA, corroborating the conclusion that the other 10 strands have been unplugged.

Trojan Horse or Genuine Earth Liberation Project

We are currently only using 4% of the DNA Codes that create 23,000 genes in the human body.  This implies why we use only a fraction of our brain power.

Now, DNA Activation and Recoding teachers on the planet use a variety of ways to decode information from the ten invisible strands of DNA and bring back the 96 percent that has been disabled - online.

Sound frequencies, chanting, light language sounds, toning, affirmations, crystal energy and flower essences can be used to decode and reprogram our DNA and release positive attributes.

Why do we need to do this?  Some of these codes can awaken our super-conscious abilities. – starting by enhancing our health -making us stronger, healthier and upgrading our creative and psychic abilities.

Masaru Emoto is his landmark book - Messages in Water - showed pictures of how sound can affect water and create beautiful crystal-like structures which are beneficial to humanity.

The late Masaru Emoto, Author of Messages in Water

To use an analogy - when man uses only 4 percent of his gene codes -  it is as if he is in a dark room and he cannot see anything.

When the other 96% of the gene codes are switched on through recoding, the light comes on and suddenly we  can see and understand everything. We develop certain “new” abilities to deal with what is going on in our current situation.

For context, our current global situation is unprecedented.

Firstly, The Global “Covid” Pandemic and Vaccine response

Secondly, the Solar Flares triggering health issues and kundalini rising.

Based on the developments of the Genome Project, scientists have developed a technology for gene editing. It means that using nano-technology – they can deliver information through a mixture of chemicals that send different messages or instructions to the DNA gene codes.

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In the hands of benevolent science, healing of the human body from diseases can now be accelerated.

Gene editing though, is a two-edged sword.

Depending on who is using the gene editing technology – the very same revolutionary breakthroughs can be used to control, heal or damage and destroy the human body.

Chemicals are liquid-based and the human body is 60 to 70 percent water. So we have a natural water network that carries the chemicals throughout the human body and to our DNA codes.

Any chemistry school teacher can do some homework and identify the chemicals that can damage or heal our human cells.

So the question we have to ask is, what chemicals are contained in the Vaccines given to the human population at this time?

If you ask the next so-called unrelated question, why are the Solar Flares awakening humanity’s kundalini now to make us more aware, creative and psychic humans?

The answer is because they spontaneously trigger the 96 percent of the gene codes making us more enlightened or super-conscious. This provides the global energy platform that assists individuals in DNA recoding.

So you have the answer to why Covid and Vaccinations are now taking place.  There are people who would like the human race to continue to stay in a 2 Strands DNA dark room.

I have this gut feeling that simple solutions can be found to neutralise the chemicals in any current Covid vaccine.

A combination of Himalayan salt – sole water to detox.

Click on this Youtube on how to make your own solution.

Himalayan Sole Water how to make it

I posted the instructions in our group chat.
One participant followed and this is
the jar of Himalayan Sole Water.
We conducted an energy experiment. She
just had her Vaccination two days ago.
She could feel "stuff" leaving her from her head and body
while receiving the energy of Himalayan Sole water.

Is there any chemical that is resistant to salt detox? Let us find out.

Sound and crystal therapies

Flower essences. – they contain natural earth essences that have healing and detoxing properties.

Electro-magnetic disruption

Pictures of people having forks stuck to their upper arms have circulated on the net after vaccination. Something magnetic has been placed within the Vaccine.

The theory is that some people want our neural bodies to receive signals/data from 5G towers.

The combination of chemical modifications to our DNA and signal data from 5G will then begin to exert some form of control over our genes and therefore modify our behaviour. Supposedly the plan is to make humanity more docile and controllable - stay in the matrix.

We can surmise  that these electro-magnetic signals can act as signal receivers for incoming electromagnetic signals from 5G and turn humans into semi AI beings.

Through channelled information, we discovered that natural Hematite earth magnets can be used to neutralize or deflect any electromagnetic signals within the Vaccine.

Hematite Earth Magnet Bracelet

The issues are complex.  The solutions can be simple.

Interesting times on Planet Earth.

Will the new children with extra DNA strands have the natural ability to deter the Covid and Vaccines?

Time will tell. Ascension or Mind Control.

My personal belief is that the Quantum nature of our accelerated DNA through 12 Strands Decoding will allow us to create our own particle of reality.

For those who choose independence, enlightenment and peace of the new earth, the preparation is not external – it lies within us.  We need to co-create that density now.



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