We had our 3rd Strand DNA Recoding on the 4th of September 2021.
The primary focus in the third Strand decoding is the Pineal Gland. It is located in the mid-brain area and has been known as the 3rd eye for eons.
The gateway to ascension as claimed in many ancient mystery schools is through the 3rd eye. The most well-known is in the Egyptian Mystery School.
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Many people want to open activate their 3rd eye but cannot do so because their 3rd eye is calcified by fluoride. Fair Use Copyright |
By the time Andrew finished with sei hei ki.. I am gone.. flew off to some
golden place I feel.. saw some items on a table.. not sure what.. gold in
Like last week.. Didn't even hear the Hebrew chanting..😅😂
Woke up maybe 2 minutes before you woke everyone up..
Was having pain in lower back and down both legs.. feel
like kidney meridian..
Looking forward to recording so can listen again.
Thank you everyone.
Tareq’s Second Session
Listened to the 3rd dna last night before tidur..(sleeping)
Saw an eagle and a old man Long white beard and hair..
maybe my higher self.. maybe my guru..
Heart/chest area went into catharsis ..
Slight pain from sacral to root to feet.
Will keep listening.
Thank you.
Thanks for today's session. When I closed my eyes, I had a vision of planet earth , it looked so beautiful and was rotating fast, and saw brown book with a name on it. Andrew I think it was your chinese name.
a vision of a diamond and felt the presence of Guru Nanak. Towards the end
I had a vision of the black dots in white bubble.
Andrew: Jesvin can invoke the Diamond Light Codes –
banish any disease. Black dots in white bubble indicates Covid.
Jesvin just has to say: Diamond Light Codes. Banish all
covid around my family.
Today's 3rd DNA session
I saw planet earth rotating too as shared by Jesvin.
Saw image of peacock. Can’t remember the rest...dozed
off and slept for some time...when woke up everybody had gone home!!!
Hoe San:
₹ saw two peacock feathers.
₹ vision of one white wolf and later hundreds of them
₹ same gorilla from last week came again to check on me
and energise me as well.
₹ chanted OM at ending.
Kamsahaminda Andrew✊✊
Thanks alot Andrew for today's session!
My first time attending..
I had warm sensation whole body..
Feel alot calm and peaceful..🙏
Today’s session seemed a bit relaxed. I didnt see DNA
and I know I was floating in the space of blue, purple and pink... my body is
warm and outside I felt cool breeze coz of the cool Amrit. At some point I was
feeling warm on my right with red and pink on the right.
Blue and slightly not so warm on the left.. outside was
cool breeze.. I saw a sun - red and orange. I dont know where I am but it is
peaceful and relaxed.
Towards the end Kuan Yin Ma appeared. She is in light
blue and some striking blue lines or border forms her shape and shadow. At that
moment i felt lots of cool breeze and a bit cold.
Kuan Yin Ma was right in front of me and her heart had
a gold oval energy.. there was a ray of energy coming to my heart from the oval
gold in Kuan Yin heart..😍💖..
suddenly I heard a voice calling us back.
Later in the week, I felt my soul was leaving my body.
I asked Andrew and he said my soul was making me practice ascension – leaving my
physical body at will and returning.
Thank you Andrew for today’s session .. took me a while to relax (having lower back pain) & later on drifted off.. saw mother Kuan Yin coming down to meet me and taking me to a water cave - maybe in Shambala.. so peaceful..
I bowed down to her and asked for blessings and guidance.. she gave
me water from her vessel .. felt myself gently floating back to my body/ self..
also saw lots of bread & food on table .. After the session feel head heaviness
is going away and nose is running .
Perhaps clearing my sinus? My
lower back also feels better .. thank
you 🙏❤️❤️
Had a vision.
DNA strand is self-healing in 7 family members
Mother, 2 sisters, niece, daughter and husband.
Could see dark dna strands being replaced with vibrant
For daughter and niece, dna strands turned gold.
For mom, sisters and husband, dark dna strands became
more colourful.
Felt that some self-healing had taken place for all of
This is very interesting, we can give intention for famiy and relatives DNA
strands to also be healed.
Personal Vision
Started to do spontaneous yoga asanas
Lady in gorgeous blue appeared.
Very cool
Beautiful both hands over her head in namaste
Kundalini rising lika rocket
Seiheiki chant - I was going into deep alpha .. vagus nerve exercise
took place spontaneously.
Body vibrating vigorously
Body is cold.
Heard someone talking to someone. Up in the mountains.
Lots of banana trees. River joning the seas.
Image of Lord Shiva. Golden image.
My mind was trying to take me to Lord Shiva image at
Sadguru’s place at Coimbatore.
Suddenly felt the shift. Was pulled away.
Was disconnected and reconnected to pure golden image
of inner Shiva within me.
Spontaneously did Babaji mudra on navel and crown.
Was shown visions of life purpose - working with the
new children.
Message: All is well. Heard it twice.
Was in deep theta state….
Wonderful experience.
Heard the message: Nothing matters because everything
This is my fourth session of guided meditation and I feel that
it is a gateway to another universe. Except for the first session where
everything seems to be grounded and still on Earth, the rest of it are all
quite otherworldly and have alien energy feel to it, something that I've
never experienced before.
During ho'oponopono, I was already in light meditation and feeling relaxed. I was in a grass field this time. Saw a pink flower bud on my chest. Decided to hold it and it started to bloom into something that looks like peony. I can taste something sweet in my mouth. Tasted abit like honey-laden mooncake and if left a lingering taste in my mouth.
I remember saying yes to one of the cold Amrit and feeling my body being engulfed in invisible cold shield. I remember seeing a powerful energy wave wall all around me as well before I heard the Hebrew chanting. The wave was in dark blue colour and my third eye felt as if it's overloaded with this strange energy.
I was transported away after the chanting and there is
this strange looking grey-coloured pebble stone in my hand with strange symbol
inscription on it.
It transported me to a few places.
I was at a huge field with a colony of Dodo birds. They
were grazing the grass and running around freely.
I was in a strange place. Everything looks red, dark
and lifeless. I heard voices coming from the sky, but it was deafeningly loud
and I couldn't make out what it was. I
heard loud explosions as well and I saw small blue fire stones falling down
like rain from all corners of the sky. All I could relate at that time was
"This is the end of this planet".
I felt pain coming from my tail bone and I feel
something moving up my spine and all the way to the left of my head. Then I saw
strange symbols floating in a gray-metalic mandala.
Spontaneous Kundalini rising
I feel as if my body was unceremoniously thrown into a
water portal. It was a rough ride and I felt quite breathless. I resurfaced
after awhile and arrived at an unworldly place.
This time I resurfaced from a place that looks like a middle of the lake, and there is a Pantheon-like building in front at the shore.
It's a beautiful place and all around the building there are wild
flowers around. I can see strange looking birds-like creature flying around and
there's gentle breeze blowing as well.
So I swam towards the surface, and walked towards the
Pantheon and go inside.
I'm guessing it's the Eridanus Star System again. There are three moons hanging in the sky, only one of them is full moon.
The other
two moons looks smaller and they're somewhat crescent. It feels quite warm
here. I can no longer feel the cool Amrit in this place, and the pain from my
spine and my head has disappeared.
Inside the Pantheon there are white marble-statues.
These statues looks quite similar to our Grecian gods and goddesses statues. I walk towards a room with
large metal door and went inside. It looks like a strange library, with
floating clocks and racks with strange symbols on it.
Gravity seems to be quite weak here and I feel floaty.
Some of the things on the racks look like hologram with strange symbols. I
heard strange music…and then I hear Andrew calling us back.
Andrew: Ah ... it appears that Ellie was given glimpses of her other lives ...to tell her ...that she is an old soul ... been around the block... experienced life voyager.
She has
broken through to other densities. And the way is through the Pineal Gland, the
3rd eye. She is no longer earth-bound. She is established in her ascension journey.
who are earth-bound have only 2 Strands DNA layers. They will reincarnate again
and again in the classroom of duality.
Susan Chan
I felt hot in my core body today. The cool Amrit was not enough today for me. I had to visualise a handful of snow to cool down the hotness.
Andrew: Next time I must give individual Cool Amrit to Susan.
I step in to see the dragons. Then I sat on the gold dragon and with the black dragon beside us, we kinda flew thru flashes of different frames of scenes, very quick.. like fast forward. I was very happy. Flying around the universe I think.
Andrew: Eons ago before 10 strands DNA was unplugged from mankind, humans had the ability to travel dimensions and fly with the dragons and see even unicorns. Once we were unplugged and dumbed down to 2 strands DNA, we lost the ability to travel to other dimensions through our Pineal Gland, the 3rd eye.
Arrived at a very bright like portal, sunny and shining place in the clouds. I stood in the air. Everything was very radiant and shining. Was about to leave when I decided to absorb some of this shining light. A little not too much. Say my thanks and left.
Came back to my space with the dragons. Sat down and did healing to my own body with the shining light. Having a heavy head. Was sending the energy around when I heard "hello". And didn't quite finish yet.
Will continue to send healing energy to my body in the next few days. And drink plenty of water and cooling drink.
Thank you for this session.
Angie Lim
session, I felt about the same like last week, but today both hands felt
bloated and pinned down hard. My left arm feels more flexible after the session
and I noticed I ate a lot today, with a very happy mood, too.
A diamond
appeared and was sending out rays.
Andrew: Pusha receives the Diamond Light Codes as well as Jesvin
Saw agori –
Hindu ascetic
Saw Lord
Shiva. (He was sitting in Pushpa.)
of the earth. Removing a lot of things.
Placed a
protective arch all over everyone in the DNA group meditation
Saw Shiva
continuing cleansing with his trisula (three pointed spear).
Saw Kali
with long red tongue.
DNA symbols
appeared in both hands
Back of
body – going through my DNA
Last DNA –
first hand crossing went to shoulder end of collar bone.
Next DNA
formed- went to last rib on side of waist.
Third DNA
went to pelvis.
Formed a
mudra for some time. Rainbow mudra- good positive energy went to everyone in
ball with hands – energy sent to a few people in the group.
Saw an
angel, butterflies, caterpillar, lotus ponds, some kind of heaven.
Shiva came
and he said, don’t worry what happens on the planet – do your work.
3 mudras
and yoga poses were shown by Shiva. 4th cobra pose.
Then Shiva
became calmer. Then saw the creative part of Shiva.
Saw big
lotus pond and flowers.
Could smell
decaying smell of the earth.
Had a
vision of Reven, one of the participants. Upper part of stomach. Hole at the
black. Sucking out stuff from his stomach.
negative things.
Saw big
lotus pond again.
energy. Calm. Good energy towards the end.
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