Wednesday 3 August 2022

Manifesting the Ascension Light Body to match the 5th World


We have been following the ascension work of a Light Worker, Judy Satori from New Zealand.  For many years she has been traveling all over the world teaching about ascension. She talks about the ASCENSION LIGHT from the center of our universe.

This is her perspective.

1.      Ultra-Light

      This ascension light emanates from the center of 22 galaxies. She calls it ULTRA LIGHT. This cosmic light is now raining on the earth 24/7 and is recalibrating our energy frequency – taking it to a higher level to that of a new earth - the 5th World according to Hopi prophecy.

The human race is receiving energy assistance from the Universal Powers that Be to elevate itself on the next step of evolution - to that of a golden race.

Basically, the majority of the population is not prepared for the ascension light waves. Many years of inner transformation and quietening the mind are required.

Therefore, many people are not able to energetically process these vibrations. The energy is heavy on the head and causes headaches and migraines.

Those who can process it hear ringing in the ears. It is not a medical issue.

I have been hearing the ringing in the ears for many years. Lately the ringing has changed to that of a radio signal. So personally, I know that something has changed.


Judy Satori visited Kuala Lumpur in 2014. Elizabeth Huxtable, Magdalena (still in KL during that time) now in Florida, US, and I together with 20 over people attended an ascension progamme facilitated by her.  

Magdalena, who is a Rumanian psychic told us that Judy Satori no longer had chakras. All her chakras had unified into one big golden ball of light.  That was quite new to us. And so we knew that Judy was genuine - kosher.  She was the real deal

Next, the solar flares

The solar flares are taking place more frequently - in fact, weekly.

To those of us who are aware, the solar flares trigger kundalini and dormant DNA – spontaneously -  with many physical, emotional and mental side effects as the global population is not aware of the spiritual awakening properties of kundalini and DNA decoding.

The psychic senses begin to awaken.  People begin to see things and hear things. They cannot explain it logically and mental wards are going to be crowded. More people will see psychiatrists for treatment. 


      Weakening of the earth's magnetic grid and magnetosphere 

The magnetic grid of the planet is weakening. Two reasons. 1. The continuous solar flares are weakening the magnetosphere which protects the earth. 2. Our destruction of the natural habitat which gives off a natural frequency that contributes to the support of the magnetic grids.    

So eventually, when the grids weaken, there will be massive chaos – the magnetic grids support the LIVING PROCESS of our human civilization.  People will be walking about aimlessly; brain fog will happen off and on. Detachment or disassociation from this plane of existence will take place.

For those not prepared, physical, emotional, and mental processes will weaken. Heart palpitations will be the clue that the grids are no longer functioning as they should etc.  … many people will feel physically weak and mentally fatigued. Knee joints will give way and affect mobility.

When we place these activities next to the covid or vaccines taking place now, the average human is sandwiched in between and they will just eventually collapse on the road. 

There is an overload on the physical body.

Either way –  through ascension/solar energies or weakened earth magnetic grids and covid/vaccinations, the unawakened human is trapped.

Feedback todate:

The combination of the solar flares ... cosmic waves ..weakening earth grids ... prolonged covid mutations ..hijack of dna by vaccines -  are creating a sense of hopelessness .. depression and feelings of suicide by many victims ... 

People who are already having mental issues are going deeper and are feeling suicidal.....others are going into states of disassociation .. detachment ...from soceity ...some wish to withdraw from work but have no choice and have to carry on. 

Observe what is going on ....1. Footsoak with sea salt ..2. Go out to nature more often ..3. Listen to uplifting music ...4. Socialise and meet with human company ...5.. going to the sea ..being in salt water is good ... exercise tai chi qi gong etc more than ever before ..this is a planetary issue ...

Migraines and headaches are getting worse. More people are taking panadol etc but these offer a temporary relief.  Doing the Kundalini mudra will help most people relieve the severe migraine.

Kundalini mudra. Place the right thumb at the base of the left palm. If you hit the right spot, the migraine will go away within 2 minutes.

What's the Big Picture

Now according to Judy Satori, we are ending a grand cycle of time. Every 26,000 years, there is what is known as a SHIFT of the ages, a harvesting of souls for a new world takes place. The pendulum has shifted.  From the dark ages of the Piscean age – we are moving to the Age of Aquarius – the next golden age of mankind.

The Kachina Blue Star in Hopi Prophecy has appeared in the hearts of people all over the world and when this takes place, earth people have to choose between LOVE and FEAR. If they choose love, the 5th world awaits

That is why more and more energy workers globally are seeing various forms of golden light – balls, triangles, rays etc manifesting when they do their work. The golden age is coming.

A friend in Singapore, Helen Lee, keeps seeing golden sacred geometries materializing in her apartment.

My question was – with all the chaos that is going on, how is our ascension body going to manifest to match the new earth, the 5th World?

There have been various write-ups by various light workers globally. But with all due respect, it is just information for my intellect.  It is not my personal experience.

We needed to know what it would be like – what was this experience of the light body – which would have us become less physical and become more energy beings and match the frequencies of the 5th World.

I got my answer from one person in our Shambala Chat Group. We were having an energy session for the Earth.  However, rather unexpectedly, it turned out to be a personal  ascension session.

As she was going through the process, I was taking notes. There is now satisfaction in understanding the light body ascension process.  Before that – it was mental – we read about someone’s experience.

Now we know - energetically - how we are going to match the vibrations of the 5th World spoken of in Hopi mythology. 


Achieving the Light Body of Ascension is a gradual process.

Here is the experience of one person in the Shambala Group chat.

The person going through the ascension process - which is a gradual process of many years is psychic.  This is her vision and experience:


Andrew, after you gave me Sei Hei Ki, I can see golden colours appearing around me.

zig zag crosses 

feel cool and calming

light blue flowing into my eyes, clearing nose

breathing is so much better

since covid - having issues with sinus respiratory system not well

feeling so much cooler – chest – ice cool

energy is spreading to arms to palms, feel heavy

so much energy on palms, can see energy balls, bright huge

they converge around me - just see energy, do not see my human form at all.

very powerful and intense, feel lighter

Light is so glaring, no wonder having migraine

Inner light is bright and it is triggering migraine

Awakening dormant cells in the brain

We are not used to the energy – discomfort, headache etc.

No wonder it is a process of years and not overnight …

We would be burnt to a crisp

Energy is very nourishing as well …  feel it is wise.…has its own wisdom

We are not used to it. Therefore, the discomfort. The heavy head.

I don’t see my physical body.  Just see energy body expanding around me  .… like in an aura around me.

Completely energy now, red, dark purple waves just flowing non-stop.

Feeling warmth in the heart chakra. Don’t see the human body anymore.

Just so much energy - it is not stagnant. So alive.  If I were to hold my palms,

I can’t feel my palms - because there is so much energy.

This is the real us. Feeling of pure energy.

Energy on palms just keeps moving… Feeling so much cooler now.

Energy just keeps expanding outside my physical body.

Don’t see my body outlines anymore … illuminating… so beautiful … the colours… feeling so light

But I am alert…hardly breathing…

I can see the individual cells.

The whole cell is surrounded by golden light – 50 cents coin … imagine that is a cell – surrounding it is a golden light – when we become a light body ... the cell does not age… the energy is so beautiful, pleasant, very loving … heart chakra expanding, solar plexus is warm …

Feeling very good … don’t feel the physical form at all…

This continues for a while ... the energy sensations eventually tail off and the psychic begins to feel her physical form again.

All pictures used here are under Fair Use Copyright

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