The Violet Flame is one of the most well known healing rays in Healing Circles on Earth at this time.
It was gifted to the planet by an Ascended Master known as St. Germain. It decodes the 9th strand DNA. Meaning it releases the healing wisdom and miracles of the divine feminine energy through the Violet ray.
The Violet ray is used for the transmutation of distorted or negative thoughtforms in our energy bodies.
When the Viol;et Flame is invoked, we experience the healing wisdom which in Hebrew is known as Shekina - the representation of the divine feminine.
For many years we have been encouraging the practice of the Yin Yang Mudras because it supports the balancing and harmony of the inner masculine and feminine.
When the Yin is not balanced and integrated, we become lopsided and out of balance in our health and in our perspective on life. There is action (Yang) but there is no compassion (Yin). Without compassion, there is a lack of wisdom. There is no redemption of those who are lost in their toxic masculinity..
Which is why due to this imbalance which has occured on Earth for the past two thousand years, the gift of the violet flame was introduced to mankind. - the healing energy and wisdom of the divine feminine - to heal the individual of all distorted and misguided energies and to return the individual to Yin and Yang balance - which is necessary for our healthy function of the Autonomous Nervous system.
Auto - this means automatic functioning of many functions in our body - like heart beat, pulse, blinking and thousands of other functions in the body which take place without our conscious intention. Due to the chaos which we experience from our environment, our entire energy body is out of balance and our autonomous sysem is disrupted..
The out-of-balance in our autonomous nervous system has resulted in many auto-immune diseases which are prevalent today. The Violet Flame resolves all these issues in our autonomous nervous system which in turn gets our physical, emotional and mental body functioning normally once again.
There are various Youtube versions of the healing from the Violet Flame. Here is one which is appropriate for self -healing. There are many others. Choose one which suits you.
Violet Flame Youtube Self Healing
After the chant of Shechinah Esh, I spontaneously uttered 3 times
Then I did my healing. Not that I know how to do it. I just
do it the way I do it! π€£ I have not learned
Healing Qigong.
There are no rules to this, right? Do whatever I think is
right for me? Sometimes I do weird
things in meditation like -
- Make water/earth/flowers balls to send to mother earth
- Make flowers/leaf/crystals with love/happy energy/healing
energy and send to world.
- Make shower of love, multicolour lights and send out.
It's all in my head.
Andrew: You are being guided intuitively … the instructions come from the Akashic Record DNA living Library. More portions of your brain have been awakened. That is the whole idea of DNA Decoding. You are doing things that you learned in previous lifetimes and through DNA Decoding you have activated those memories. Our life becomes more interesting and more fulfilling!
Linda Tan
Good morning Andrew.
My experience yesterday.
I felt heavy energy over my head when we started our
Felt the energy moving down slowly to my lower chakras.
Felt cool around my solar plexus areas.
In between saw lots of purple.
Then one time saw red color and a bright white light.
Had body movements all through the session.
Could feel energy going up and down and by the time we finished, there was no more heavy energy on top of my head.
I came in late for the session today cuz I was working in
the morning. When I came in I only managed to hear Andrew telling us to go into
meditation and tell us to be grounded. I was feeling really tired, so not sure
if I doze off or something after that, cuz the scenes seems to be quite
I was feeling relaxed and my body was floating in a beautiful lake after dusk. There are two crescent moons hanging in the sky. It seems unworldly and the sky was in lavender colour. The lake was surrounded with lush forest. Strangely there are no birds chirping. I asked myself why there are no birds.
Diving into the lake, there are weird looking round fishes
with wings that I cannot identify. There is a beautiful tree underwater, and it
was blooming with strange looking golden flowers. There is a spirit guarding
the tree and all the golden flowers, and she looks like me. But I'm not sure if
it is me as a tree spirit because she seems to have some divine, soothing
I wanted to go nearer to the tree and approach the spirit but I heard drumbeats from underwater and once I resurfaced, I was welcomed by some strange looking aliens-not sure if they're Lemurians or something.
I don't
know their race, but they speak the language of the birds-they chirped like
birds. And as they began to dance around me before bowing to me... Then as they
circled me, I began seeing a lot of symbols, but I only recognized this one; Ξ©
or omega symbol. I don't know what it means, I only know this was used in
mathematics when I was in school and I'm simply bad at it.
The scene then changed again I saw myself injured and I was
laying down and being healed in a crystal. The crystal pulsates and there was a
blue aura around it like blue fire, but I know it's not fire as it's really
When I woke up the session already ended, and I heard
feedback from others, but strangely I could still feel the energy and buzz from
the meditation and I feel so overwhelmed that I had to leave the zoom meeting.
Regardless, it's still beautiful experience. I like that feeling while I was swimming and diving in the lake. Thank you for the session.
I went into a deep relaxed state. Felt like flying. And I slept off
Cheah Hoe San
+ expecting another exciting astral journey with chariot on
full throttle but was short-lived after Andrew's reminder to be grounded.
+ vision of Amitabha and his attendant bodhisattvas
Avalokitasvara (right)
Mahasthamaprapta (left) together with Ksitigarba.
+ fell through an opening into a deep well, descending
gracefully enjoying the surrounding. Took awhile seems like entering into center
of earth.
+ scenario changed was receiving diamonds with two rows of mini pyramids stacked up quite high.
2nd round in evening:
+ tree of life appeared, message 'as above so below.'
+ hair in head turned in branches of leaves, veins, muscles,
bones etc became roots.
+ tree of life was inside tank of liquid. Once stepped out
of the tank purple flame lighted up, then stepped in again.
+ muladhara throbbing, all chakras activated starting from
muladhara. Single strand DNA split into two, right from bottom to top.
+ split DNA reattached back fully adjusted and realigned,
then multiple DNA strands appeared overlapped and intertwined together over the
repaired DNA.
+ took a bow then immediately two peacock feathers grew from
behind neck & shoulder area until full length.
When the word Shakina Esh was mentioned. I instantly saw a
darling blue flame in front of me.
As the
chanting began... it felt like I was one with Quan Yin. Hand did a mudra and I
was just feeling the peaceful cool energy…Was sitting inside a pyramid with the
blue flame.
I did try to change the colour to violet but it maintained blue...More goddesses appeared to me. There were white doves π flying down and around me.
During the time that we were asked to imagine the violet flame coming into us and all our layers... I felt a surge of energy and felt very connected to the earth. Got the message that everything is and has always been ok. It's time to step into the power of the Self.
Thank you thank you thank you.
Thank you Andrew for today’s 9th strand DNA activation ..
you told us not to “fly” and be grounded. it was very hard and I kept reminding
myself ‘to be grounded” many times π€£π€£
Saw the Violet Flame over my head and entering into my body from the crown chakra. It went through me and felt that it filled my entire body and my auric field too ..
Also saw a black creature with wings maybe a bat
or a black dragon and also a black bear when the Violet Flame engulfed my auric
field. I saw the black dragon this morning when I woke up to say Thanks to God
- it was very black and had orange/yellow eyes & orange / yellow colour
when it opened its mouth)
Later the Violet Flame developed wings in purple colour…. also saw a very big clear and pure water π§ droplet entering into me and felt cool and calm. lots of body swaying … saw a goddess with fire around her and on both palms of her hand was fire too.
Later saw another
goddess with many hands in bronze colour and many red lotus flowers ... another
goddess was sitting on the lotus flower… some Malay words came into my vision and
I cannot remember them ... felt very hot after the session .. perhaps coz of the
hot weather here although the fan was on .. thank you so much π❤️❤️
I just did DNA 9 from the Zoom video. Corinne could not attend on Saturday,
At first a very childish, cartoon like, scene built up around an old sage yogi, long grey hair sitting with great passion in a lotus pose. A deer was next to him, most gracious animal.
It looked so peaceful, some ideas of perfection by just
sitting there so comfortably. He was wearing an orange fabric around his waist.
A white flower started to bloom, all petals were opening one by one until a master appeared right in the middle, like the heart of the flower, close to the nectar, protected by so many layers of petals. Nice fragrance of Jasmine appeared.
Shekinah : when you mentioned this name, all became red and gold, shining, shimmering. A waterfall then appeared at the bottom of which was an extremely peaceful lake where swans and ducks were swimming quietly.
An American Indian face appeared looking peacefully to the desert.His face
became mine at a young age, very joyful till the image started to deteriorate :
became blur, no more smile, dark background, sad eyes. When you mentioned about
the violet flame it re-lit the scene and the kid (me) start smiling, singing like
all worries and all had been consumed by the violet flame.
Last was Shiva : beautiful under a huge moon crescent.
I did the Shiva Linga mudra with two fingers
up (first and middle finger, thumb perpendicular! The mudra received a lot of
energy and I saw mainly seated buddhas radiating the energy.