Saturday, 13 June 2020

Rainbow Light Body: The Phenomena


2nd Footsoaking session
9pm to 9.40pm Malaysian time

We had a foot-soaking session to detox our bodies and transmute gamma rays coming to us.
The gamma rays coming to us would be seen by clairvoyants as red rays of energy coming to us since our earth magnetic grid is weakening allowing cosmic radiation from afar to affect us. 

Sensitive people would experience this as extreme heat flashes in their body.

One of our lady meditation practitioners sent us this message on 11th June 2020.

"Morning everyone I want to share my experience. Yesterday while having my meeting at 9.30pm I suddenly felt my whole body becoming weightless and felt heat surging throughout my body. My eyes were so tired I could not open them. I had to exit the meeting and rest. Then I played Andrew's Chi Molecule Accelerator Video and then slept through like a dead log till the next morning."

When the energy is transmuted through our conscious intention, the red gamma rays become blue and is therefore neutralised into soothing rays. 

When we are in a conscious state and giving intention using the unity of our will and determination in a group, we have the ability to transmute the rays. However when it catches us unaware, then we have to say that we are in for a hot time!

This is the feedback from some participants during the footsoaking session. Those who are clairvoyant will normally see the colours of the aura and get visions of other dimensions or planes of existence.

Sometimes what clairvoyants see are also known as vision quests seen by shamans of ancient traditions.  They connect to nature and creatures that live on the earth.  Unknown to our modern civilisation, mother nature and  animals have a spiritual wisdom that give us clues to our shared destiny.

These are the events that took place today during the foot-soaking session:

The foot-soaking basin contains:
Water, one tea spoon or table spoon of coarse salt or Himalayan Salt
6 limes cut into half
1 tea spoon of turmeric

The process:

  • Deep breathing and breath retention
  • Enter the Meditation state
  • Invocation of the energy of Vibhuti or Holy Ash. Vibhuti is Holy ash from a fire ceremony that has tree bark and spices burnt during a prayer session. It is used to cleanse the aura of negative thoughtforms or entities.In this instance, we invoke the energy. No physical Vibhuti is used.
  • We invoked the transmutation of the Gamma Ray energy.
  • Chanting of 3 Shambhala Mantras for Calm, Abundance and Spiritual Wisdom

End of Foot-soaking Meditation

Feedback from some of the participants:

10/06/2020, 09:47 - Ashwin: Hey everyone! I felt very calm and kept seeing the gold colour. Saw a lot of rainbows forming around me too and saw a whale in the middle of the ocean! Majestic and beautiful 😊 thank you for the session today! 🙏🏻

10/06/2020, 10:06 - Andrew Khor: We call that....forming  the rainbow light body ...

10/06/2020, 10:06 - Andrew Khor: 🤣🙏

10/06/2020, 10:08 - Magdalena USA: Thank you, Thank you, Thank you! I had an interesting experience tonight. It’s good to meditate with no expectations, sometimes messages, visions can come, sometimes nothing happen but if we keep doing meditation, guidance will come.

I first saw a beautiful purple-violet color around me. Then, I was floating in the ocean, and many dolphins came to me and put their snout under my body.

Purple violet is the colour of psychic awareness and connection.

Suddenly, white, beautiful pearls came to me and found different points on my body- 3rd eye, hands, solar plexus, heart. I felt warm and peaceful. The message was that all this is a healing process. The dolphins were sending sounds in my body and those sounds were flushing the ill cells out of my body.

Then I saw the deity Ganesh smiling and the goddess Kali activating the “feminine power” within me. I felt a strong Feminine energy through my body.

And at the end I saw in big letters the word Ubuntu. I knew that this was a vision for me. I was asking the Universe - what to post on my FB and this was the answer: talk about how you discover Ubuntu (when I met Andrew in 2013) and connect it with Unity Sound healing harmonics.

Ubuntu is African for: I am because you are, means- I am you, I am everyone and everyone is me. 

We are a species and we need each other.

Thank you Andrew! What a good session!

10/06/2020, 10:23 - Cheah Hoe San:

Hi Andrew … this was my experience:
- into animal kingdom with gorilla, wolf, dog & falcon
- cool breeze at 2nd symbol
- a small bang/explosion at the 3rd symbol
-  ending with oneness mudra

10/06/2020, 10:54 - Lena Yap: I feel lots of energy and also kundalini rising. I saw a nice Condo or building. Is a small town no people and the image disappeared very fast. I saw blue color when you explain about the gamma Ray. Very peaceful and calm.

Andrew:  We also chanted a Shambhala symbol for abundance and it could be that for Lena, this vision was a future manifestation of abundance for her.

10/06/2020, 11:11 - simran k dhillon: When started with Vibhuti blessing body felt cool whole body... When came to the first Shambhala symbol saw a lot of yellow and started humming a Sikh hymn and Guru Nanak vision the second Shambhala symbol saw a lot of red and gold....

When it came to the third Shambhala, I saw a lot of glitter and white dust coming down... Saw 3 Sufis Hand mudra change to cupping hands like how the Muslims pray... 

Saw a past life in Pakistan I was an army general...guided to listen to Sufi prayers... Body started swaying front and back and felt really cold a lot of stuff left...had pain at the hips it was cleared.

10/06/2020, 16:07 - Linda Tan: In today's foot soaking session, I felt cool all over but colder on my feet. During the 1st and 2nd chanting, I felt strong energy around my head area but when it came to the 3rd chant, the energies concentrated around and between my heart and mouth

10/06/2020, 16:08 - Andrew Khor: Did you put in any ice cubes?

10/06/2020, 16:53 - Linda Tan: No I didn't. I did put warm water from the hot shower as I wanted warm water.

Rainbow Light Body Manifestation

One of the most fascinating and least known phenomena experienced in meditation is known as the Rainbow Light Body.

This is known mainly in the Tibetan Meditation Tradition.  The information related to this phenomena is posted below.  This is after Ashwin saw a lot of rainbows during the footsoak.

I think more people should read this article. It is one of the most fascinating phenomena of meditation that I have ever read about. You can read the shortened version below.

Credit for this article goes to Justin Deschamps. He has added his comments to an older article on the Internet.

Justin Deschamps: Stillness in the Storm

The Rainbow Body is a term describing a state of being wherein an individual has transcended all suffering and attained a state of complete union with the universe and the consciousness of creation.

This state of being is very similar to what is contemporaneously been described as ascension. In times of old, it was defined as enlightenment.

It is the state of completely destroying the separate selfish self, the negative ego, which emerges thereafter as a servant of universal will. But there are many other ways to describe this state of being, such as Universal Consciousness, Ascended, Sovereign, Self-Mastered, Self-Actualized, and so on.

The Rainbow Body Technique

While there is much to say insofar as understanding the core teachings of this technique, it can be summarized as making every thought a loving thought.

The mind and consciousness energize the body in terms of how we define our experiences. If we label experiences as bad and reject the fullness of what life offers, this creates blockages within the mind as voids of comprehension. We can’t understand and reconcile what we’ve chosen to ignore or deny about existence. 

Therefore, in order to restore wholeness so as to become holy, one must progressively change all their mental programs or beliefs that support separation consciousness.

For example, if we dislike some household chore, refusing to embrace it in fullness, this creates a schism within the mind that generates negative emotions. 

If we accept this state of being as our truth, dissociation with reality occurs, preventing the energies of creation from fully realizing the Rainbow Body state. Clearly, we have not made every thought a loving thought if we hate washing dishes or detest some other part of our lives.

The principle of polarity defines separation vs. universal consciousness, which is a spectrum or a difference of extremes. At one end of the pole is separation consciousness and the selfishness that comes with it. 

On the other end of the pole is universal consciousness and the freedom and empowerment that come with it. But it is not enough to stop feeding separation consciousness, we must actually be proactive in becoming universally conscious.

Consider that if we want to walk towards a desired location, we must take steps in that direction. If we find ourselves off course it isn’t enough to stop moving in the wrong direction, we have to actually step forward in the right direction.

Therefore, in order to gain universal consciousness we must stop feeding separation consciousness while at the same time nurturing universal consciousness via acts of unselfish love or kindness.

In essence, anytime we feel negative emotions, it is an indication that we’ve endorsed beliefs of separation and victimhood in relation to the thing that caused us to feel this way. Even if the thing is justified in society (like being stolen from, violently attacked, oppressed, and so on), if we feed into the idea that it is OK to hate, we block our consciousness from evolving.

In this sense, the primary method for achieving enlightenment is to change the metaphysical part of oneself, our mind.

But accepting the truth about our experience doesn’t also mean being complacent to tyranny and oppression. Defending oneself against harm is a choice to accept the truth in fullness while also proactively making an effort to stop harm when it is observed.

In the below-linked article, I offered a detailed analysis of the mental nature of personal evolution, and that all techniques or methods of growth are founded on this principle of mental alchemy or transformation. And that the symbology of certain iconic works provides key teachings for consciousness evolution as a function of making contact with universal law and will.

The Spiritual Nature of All Things

The method of achieving Rainbow Body is the art of embracing all of what life has to offer, including experiences that society labels as unquestionably bad or undesirable. To be sure, we need not seek out suffering, harm, or oppression, yet at the same time, we must develop a comprehension of the spiritual nature of all things.

Once one really perceives that all events and things in life are spiritual at their foundation, gratitude for being able to experience them can be developed. In this way, any experience, no matter how seemingly horrific and tragic, can be viewed or defined in a way that produces the experience of gratitude. 

The more one finds success in this path and the more one feels empowered by the challenges of life, the more one can embrace change and evolve in harmony with the ever-emerging newness or novelty of existence.

The state of consciousness developed as a result of walking this path has been called universal consciousness, in contrast to separation consciousness. But there are many names for this state of being.

As was stated, there are countless works, methods, techniques, esoteric teachings, mystery schools, and so on, which describe this process, how to do it, and what effect it has on practitioners. In my research, one of the most complete and replete presentations is in the book Children of the Law of 
One and the Lost Teachings of Atlantis, as well as, The Emerald Tablets of Thoth the Atlantean.

The Altruism of the Rainbow Body

As one point of consideration, the Rainbow Body, as described below, is not a selfish or self-serving practice. While one does achieve increasing states of personal healing, transcendence, and empowerment, it is harmonized with an ever-increasing desire to service others and become an instrument of universal will.

As one gains universal consciousness, their desires transform so as to integrate the universe as a whole into one’s outlook. In other words, we no longer want to do just our will, but the will of the universe at large, which by its very nature, takes into account all things.

After gaining universal consciousness, we do what we do—at all times—not just for ourselves, but for the whole of creation.

This doesn’t mean avoiding our desires, reactions or experiences, for that rejects a part of what IS. Instead, we harmonize our personal desires against the backdrop of the universe as a whole. When we’ve achieved this state, we do what we do for the All, which, of course, includes the self.

Testing Our Progress

One method for testing how far along this path we’ve come is to list the reasons we use to support our choices, desires, and actions. Our reasons tell us if we are focused only on ourselves or the universe as a whole.

For example, why do you eat the food you do? How do you spend your free time and what are the reasons for doing so?

The answers to these questions reveal where your focus is, and if they are centered on the self only, it is an indication we’re operating from separation consciousness. When our reasons become universal in scope, we make a step on the path to attaining an ascended state of being.

And often we have to invoke that consciousness first so as to replace a rationale based on separation. That is to say, if we only eat food because it tastes good, this is a self-serving rationale—no one else is considered in the justification process.

But contemplate a different rationale, such as wanting to fuel our bodies so we can become better vehicles for universal will and service others—then this reason would be universal in scope.

The context or scope of our reasons determines if they are universal or self-serving in nature. But if we never question our reasons, if we never seek to gain knowledge of why we do the things we do, then the selfish separate self will become dominant, and the suffering that comes from identification with separation consciousness is sure to taint everything we do.

The same principle of choice we are discussing here is similar to the parable of the wolf.

A grandfather is talking with his grandson and he says there are two wolves inside of us which are always at war with each other.

One of them is a good wolf which represents things like kindness, bravery and love. The other is a bad wolf, which represents things like greed, hatred and fear.

The grandson stops and thinks about it for a second then he looks up at his grandfather and says, “Grandfather, which one wins?”

The grandfather quietly replies, the one you feed.

As was stated earlier, the difference between universal and separation consciousness is a matter of degrees. This means that if we are progressing along a spiritual path our reasons become more and more universal as time goes on.

The progress we feel now can be compared to points in the past to reveal how far we’ve come but there will always be a step forward that can be made. And we need not dwell on the past to motivate us towards changing in the future.

The important thing to focus on is that we’re making a choice in the direction of universal consciousness. 

How far we leap in that step isn’t as important as making one in the right direction. In our efforts to motivate ourselves in all the moments of our lives, focusing on the process is more important than comparing our progress to others or the past.

So while we may be tempted to look for validation of our efforts, don’t lose heart if you discover that there is more work to be done. Regaining universal consciousness, enlightenment or the Rainbow Body state is a grand task, one that requires complete devotion to accomplish.

The Price of Separation Consciousness

The satisfaction that comes from a self-serving rationale is fleeting and limited at best. Hence, all of human history is marred by the trappings of separation consciousness of the ego gone mad and in this state of self-imposed insanity, it seeks to consume all that exists in a foolish attempt to fill the hole left in one’s heart.

In short, we must be proactive in our desire to achieve enlightenment by constantly going within and asking ourselves why we are doing what we do. Don’t let relative degrees of success hold you back from making steps towards the ultimate goal.

A Change is upon Us

In these times of great change and extremes of polarity, the ability to raise one’s own vibration and consciousness, so as to become a beacon of light for others, is an essential part of the great work of our age. But the quality of our service depends directly on our own state of attainment and evolution. 

We can’t offer upliftment and healing to others if we refuse to give this to ourselves.
Our spiritual life purpose in this sense is a merger of personal evolution and altruistic service. And the best way to experience compassion, harmlessness, and service of others is to live out these ideals within our lives. In doing so we not only stop feeding separation consciousness we actually feed the emerging universal soul.

Knowing the path is a constant pursuit that is forever balanced against walking the path.

Yet in these times of transition, all the traditions and blindly accepted doctrines of the past are being questioned.

The individual has more opportunity to become an agent of change due to their access to critical information, like what is presented herein, than all the previous ages of history combined.

We are living in the times of the great unveiling, the apocalypse. The question is, will we take up the spiritual nature within each of us, or will we continue to feed into separation consciousness?

Edwin Chris and Litsa van Ouwerkerk

Achieving the Rainbow body

What is a rainbow body?
A fully enlightened person (a jivan mukti) who also liberates the body into light.

Now there are 3 levels of the Rainbow body:

A) Rainbow body

B) Rainbow body of light

C) Rainbow body of great transference

          The most common level is the normal Rainbow body that occurs only after body death. Every 10 years or so a Buddhist from Tibet enters into this state. There are no physical signs indicating the start of the process before death and once physical death occurs it takes on average 7 days for the body to shrink and dissolve into light and most of the time a small child size body remains behind and in more advanced yogi’s only hair and nails.

Tasha Lamo:
Shrinks to Rainbow body
40cm in length after death
      The more advanced level is also called the Rainbow body, but for due purposes let’s call it the Rainbow body of light as in this level all the signs are showing up while the yogi is still alive. The process of dissolving into light might go really fast but in most cases it takes month to years to complete, all while remaining fully functional.

Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.
Did not complete the process
but was well on the way
       It is also possible that the yogi who is in the middle of this process slows it down or is unable to continue the process and dies before the completion of the Rainbow body. This has been the case with most of the famous siddhars. If the process is continued the body will start to shrink and shine real light over time until it reaches the size of a baby and then as a flash of bright rainbow light will disappear into emptiness forever.

The most advanced and extremely rare level is the attainment of the Rainbow body of great transference. In this level the yogi not only dissolves the body completely into light but remains functional and visible as light.

 Rainbow Body Painting.
Guru Rinpoche

The ultimate Great accomplishment in meditation is the attainment of the Rainbow body. This is widely recognized as a sign of extreme sanctity in Tibetan Buddhism and among the Bönpo. Reports of this level of transmutation are rare, but still they occur and have been chronicled far into antiquity. 

The rainbow body however is not limited to Buddhism only as you will see in the pictures below but to understand the process we will turn to the well documented and delineated practice of Dzogchen in Tibet and reflect this practice to the stories of Vallalar from south India who went through the same process.

Vallalar of  South India

In the Himalayan regions, the early indigenous religion was that of the Bön. Bön pre-existed the creation of both the sovereign territories, later to become the country of Tibet as well as of Buddhism. When the great Indian tantric sage Padmasambhava brought Buddhism from India to Tibet in the 8th Century AD he found the richly tilled ground of the Bönpo.

This land and its peoples took easily to the Buddha’s teachings and the Buddhist beliefs melded well with the rituals of the Bön.

When Padmasambhava left at the end of his time in physical form he dissolved his body completely back to their natural elements leaving nothing behind. At that moment a new lineage of Buddhist teachings was created. This was the start of what has become the Nyingma tradition and is the foundation of Tibetan Buddhism as we have come to know it.

At the heart of the Nyingma tradition is the practice of Dzogchen otherwise called Ati Yoga or the Great Perfection.

According to Tibetan Buddhism and Bön, Dzogchen is the natural, primordial state or natural condition of a human being and the practice of Dzogchen is a body of teachings and meditations aimed at realizing that condition.

According to Dzogchen literature, Dzogchen is the highest and most definitive path to enlightenment.

From the perspective of Dzogchen, the ultimate nature of all sentient beings is said to be pure, all-encompassing, primordial clarity or naturally occurring timeless clarity. This intrinsic clarity has no form of its own and yet is capable of perceiving, experiencing, reflecting, or expressing all form. It does so without being affected by those forms in any ultimate, permanent way.


From my perspective, this describes our relationship with the Source of who we are. Source is ONE but has infinite forms and expressions. The journey of Dzogchen is to return to that one SOURCE and view all life from that perspective.  

To use an analogy, the sun shines its benevolent rays on all beings and is itself a part of all beings - the sun does not miss anyone out just because of who they are or what they have done.   That is Unity consciousness. 

Ubuntu anyone?

All the pictures shown here are used under Fair use copyright

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