There was a suggestion for us to
foot-soak with Himalayan salt or coarse sea salt, lime and turmeric spices.
This is a very old method known by traditional herbalists to detox and flush out excessive energies of all sorts from the body into a salt basin or pail.
The best physical detox at present
is doing coffee enema which really cleanses your intestines. And many cancer
patients or people who want to stay healthy practice the Coffee Enema made popular
by Gerson, a cancer specialist.
For most of us, without serious
health problems, regular footsoaking with salt, lime and turmeric is
What is detoxed?
The energy of food toxins or heavy
metals from our meals
Emotional energies from people who
we interact with on a daily basis.
It is okay when you mix with
people who are happy. But when we interact with people who are sad or angry, we
absorb their tensions into our energy field through our chakra cones and they
end up as toxic emotions in different organs in our bodies.
People who perform massage as
therapists need to foot-soak daily.
Many years ago after learning this
simple but effective method of energy detox, I shared this technique with a
Malay masseuse in her 50s. A session
normally lasts 30 to 40 minutes.
On her second foot-soak, she felt in
her mind, the presence of a heavy brush – going downwards from her torso to her
feet. Her feet felt very heavy. Gradually,
she felt the heaviness going into the water.
Then she felt light as a baby. The
lightest and the most relaxed she had felt in years ever since she started her
career as a masseuse.
She called me and told me of her
experience. And she was very happy and grateful for the practice.
How does the detox take place?
The salt (one teaspoon or tablespoon, lime (6 limes cut into half) and turmeric (one half tea spoon) act as
a form of osmosis that attracts all the energy toxins in the body and pulls it
downwards towards the basin.
Sit in a chair. Put your feet in the basin or pail with the water up to your ankles. If you feel hot, put in one or two ice cubes. One teaspoon of salt if you are small. One tablespoon if you are medium sized or large. Make sure you have a cloth or tissue next to you to wipe your feet after you finish. Wash your feet after the footsoaking and throw all the limes etc away.
You can play any music while footsoaking. I encourage people to play the OM Mantra.
Science acknowledges that every
piece of matter has an energy field around – whether positive or negative. And the lime or in Malay we call it limau has
been used in traditional Malay therapy for removing all kinds of “dirty
emotional stuff like curses or spells or disincarnate entities like ghosts from
people.” Believe it or not.
It is not known to the general
public that Swiss, Carl Jung, the father of modern psychology spent the last
ten years of his life researching the subject of disincarnate entities - ghosts.
I used to know a Malay lady healer
who used flowers, lime and Quranic verses for a therapy known as “Mandi Bunga
or Bathing of Flowers” to help people remove “negative” energy” or bad luck.
People who were tensed and stressed out usually felt lighter and more relaxed
after this practice.
Psychologically, they also felt more
confident as the therapist had told them that once they feel better, their
lives would also improve – be it relationships, health or careers.
One of our friends, has bought a
body soaking container from China. You can dip your whole body into the
container and detox! It only cost him Rgt300.
Why are we footsoaking?
In this instance, the foot-soaking
was recommended by Mohana after she received an unexpected message that gamma
rays were affecting our health. Gamma rays are one of the rays released during a super nova or when a sun explodes.
After some research on Gamma rays,
we discovered that it was not good for our health and could eventually cause
cancer. On the other hand, gamma rays
have also been used by medical science to treat cancer.
The weakening of the earth’s
magnetic grid has two major effects on our health:
- It allows incoming harmful Gamma rays into our bodies
- The very weakening of the magnetic field of the earth also weakens the magnetic grid in our bodies - making us weaker. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is one of them.
![]() |
Earth's magnetic grid is weakening |
Both will contribute to the rise
of extreme heat, inflammation, swollen organs or gums, restlessness, exhaustion
and inability to sleep. Prolonged
periods of inflammation can also lead to cancer.
In particular the weakening of the
magnetic grid in our bodies will also lead to heart palpitations, joint pain and aches – affecting our
shoulders and knees. Mobility will be
one of the biggest issues confronting us. If your knee joints hurt, then
walking is going to be a problem.
In one conversation before we
foot-soaked, Mohana received a guided message on how to turn the gamma rays we
are now being daily exposed to from cosmic sources – into an advantage as a
form of positive energy enhancement that would expand our consciousness.
The Technique:
Give intention to embrace the flow
of incoming cosmic gamma rays into our heart center.
Then give intention and visualise
that the Gamma ray expands ten feet into a belt of energy around us in the four
directions of the compass – north, south, east and west
Wake up early at 4.30am for
meditation and foot-soak. That is the best time. If you cannot then do it at a
time that suits you – but do it regularly
Acceptance and embrace of the
gamma rays leads to expansion of consciousness.
What are the results of embracing the Gamma rays
This is the guided message that
Mohana received.
“Embrace the Gamma rays - Mind, be
guided, purified, give creativity enhancement - harnessed and guided to do what
we need to do … live on different dimensions on earth. Do not fear the unknown or new - embrace it - expand
beyond anything you have ever known. This is all about expansion. Contraction
is illness – bear with it and go inward to invoke wisdom.
(My interpretation of contraction is
that we will experience the side effects extreme heat, inflammation, swollen
gums and organs, restlessness, exhaustion or heart palpitations.)
Embrace it. Go through with it.
Don’t use the physical mind to analyse … acceptance and not resistance is the path
for expansion.
Message Ends.
Now for the past few weeks, we
have been writing about these topics:
Our experiences with a higher
dimension called Shambhala.
The Diamond Codes which will
enhance our psychic senses and will materialise the outcomes of our thought
forms both positive and negative. Which is why we received a message to choose our thoughts the way we choose our clothes for a meeting.
The cosmic Gamma rays that are
also coming to us through a weakened Earth magnetic grid.
So – a lot is going on. And if we
are not prepared with the information, and if we continue to stay in ignorance,
we can be confused.
We cannot blame the doctors
because they do not know or they will say that what we have written is all
nonsense. Depends on which doctor you see lah. Doctors are also people. Some are open-minded some are not. So we accept.
Doctors can only treat us based on
what they learned or what pharmaceutical companies tell them about the drugs
that they prescribe.
Generally, medical doctors who are
general practitioners are not familiar with energy medicine. Though there are
now pioneers out there – doctors who are familiar with energy work.
The late Dolores Cannon did write
that there are no medical precedents in treating the effects of what is
happening to the human race now. We are now in unfamiliar territory. The
information you read here is a curve ahead of mainstream medicine.
Based on the awareness that we
have, we decided that a regular group footsoaking session would be good.
Once individuals learn how to do
this, they can practice the footsoaking on their own.
This is the feedback from the
footsoaking session that was held on 20200603
03/06/2020, 09:44 - Janniie: Paul my
son feels tired most of the this session, he released a lot of wind.
(Bloating in stomach causes wind
and makes people feel stressed and tired.)
03/06/2020, 09:47 - simran k
dhillon: Hi Andrew when started with the first mudra saw white and gold
alternately...after listening to Om body felt calm and entered alpha relaxed state.....
imagining the 10 feet circle gamma ray outside my body - saw a lot of white
gold and purple coming in...was having back ache and shoulder ache it slowly
went off....
...some recent memories got cancel led out of my head..... After that
legs started feeling really cold.
Note: White, gold and purple are
positive energies – white represents the source energy of wisdom and detachment and gold is
the colour of people seeking enlightenment – it represents the life-sustaining energy
of the sun.
Purple represents the path of spirituality and expansion of
consciousness. So from Simran’s vision, we now can say that the gamma rays when
treated from a positive perspective – expands our consciousness.
03/06/2020, 09:49 - Ash Canberra:
Hey everyone, felt a lot of excessive energy being released to Mother Earth and
felt relaxed and warmer which is good because Australia is very cold now! And
slept for a while after that!
After repeating what Andrew said
about expanding the gamma rays in a field ten feet around us...I started seeing
splash of colours (most of the colours) and Santorini came into my dreams.
felt so real like I’m there and walking around there! Hope to be someday there 😁
Thank you so much 🙏🏻 felt so good and less cold here 😁👍🏻
Note: Santorini
is a beautiful sea side resort in Greece. Clear blue skies and crystal clear sea
03/06/2020, 09:51 - Janniie: I saw
some blue purple lights...then small black dots that come and go... minor pain
& then cool feeling on the right calf... feeling light & calm now.
Thank you Andrew🙏🙏🙏
People who feel extreme heat at this time on any part of
their body should foot-soak with one or two ice cubes thrown into the basin or
03/06/2020, 09:58 - Linda Tan:
Thank you Andrew for today's foot soaking class.
I used warm water for my foot
soak. I could feel my feet very cool and the coolness slowly went up to my
legs. (My feet is still feeling cold now.)
In the beginning I had some
discomfort on my right knee and it slowly went away. I could feel the energy
moving from my chest area up to my head. Feeling very good and peaceful now 😊🙏
Note: Some people are suddenly feeling discomfort
on their knee joints. This has been explained as one of the consequences of the
gamma rays and weakening of the magnetic grid on the human body in the knee and
shoulder joints.
03/06/2020, 10:03 - Lena Yap: It
was dark and blank when I started. I saw light cannot determine the colour
light blue/silver. Is a layer of light blue in the middle it was a dark circle.
03/06/2020, 10:06 - Lena Yap: Then
in between knee pain. Ants crawling, eye and forehead I can feel some energy. I
did male and female Mudra. My right hand was turning. I cannot stop it so I
just allow it to turn. Coughing at the beginning and throat itchy. Toward the
end all the pain left me and body became lighter. Throat also feeling better.
Thanks Andrew. 🙏🙏🙏🌹🥱
Note: Ants crawling
is normally a sign of energy being felt moving on the energy meridians on the
03/06/2020, 10:05 - Jesvin: Thank
you Andrew for today's session. I had some issues joining in zoom earlier hence
missed the mudra part .The feet soaking
has made me feel very light and calm.🙏🏻😇
03/06/2020, 18:52 - Janniie:
Cassey: Felt heaviness on the head, shoulder and neck during the footsoaking
experience. Energy moving up the right leg. End of session, still feel the
heaviness. Took a shower and felt better.
04/06/2020, 04:16 - Andrew Khor:
Looks like Cassey needs to detox more ... the heaviness is all the stuff that
needs to leave her ... more footsoaking sessions recommended. The heaviness indicates
that there is too much what we call Sha chi or negative chi in her.
Janniie also messaged me that
another participant had a creative brainwave and used the gamma rays to treat
her finger problem – carpal tunnel syndrome which had been troubling her for
years. Apparently her finger felt better after doing doing that.
Someone said that we are now
living in a NEW Normal due to the Covid 19.
The new normal to me would also mean that we as a race are aware of a
larger picture of where humanity is in the cosmos.
Humans on earth are like the ugly ducklings –
living in ignorance and polluting the
planet in the 3rd dimension. We are learning to become graceful
swans that live in higher dimensions like Shambhala or other similar lokas of
Have a safe flight everyone.
Note: All pictures here are used under the terms of FAIR USE Copyright. We thank the copyright holders for allowing us to use their pictures for references only.
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