This article was written in 2017 and I have added more information to update this blog due to recent experiences that have taken place. Enjoy the read :-)
Rathna from Ipoh wrote to me:
08/12/2016, 14:25 - Rathna: Hi Andrew, could you please forward to me the oneness healing mail.
This article was written in 2017 and I have added more information to update this blog due to recent experiences that have taken place. Enjoy the read :-)
Rathna from Ipoh wrote to me:
08/12/2016, 14:25 - Rathna: Hi Andrew, could you please forward to me the oneness healing mail.
08/12/2016, 14:33 - Andrew Khor: No problem 😂👏
08/12/2016, 14:36 - Rathna: 😊🙏
08/12/2016, 14:58 - Andrew Khor: Sent 😂👏
08/12/2016, 15:39 - Rathna: Thank you Andrew🙏🏻😁
08/12/2016, 15:54 - Andrew Khor: You welcome
08/12/2016, 16:24 – Rathna: Oh Andrew! What a coincidence! Just this morning I was thinking about our leader who has been receiving so much of hatred and curses from the citizens.
It’s high time we send him love and forgiveness and there your article came about. God sure works in a miraculous way😂😂😂. The article resonates well with my thoughts.😂😂😂
08/12/2016, 16:24 - Rathna Hp Ipoh: Thanks a million again🙏🏻
08/12/2016, 16:25 - Andrew Khor: No coincidence. Synchronicity in destiny
08/12/2016, 16:27 - Rathna Hp Ipoh: Yes very true...
Oneness, Meditation and Synchronicity
To add on to what Rathna said, I read on CNN last week about a Jewish lady in her eighties who chose to forgive the Nazis for their actions during the Holocaust.
In the face of insurmountable differences, we are called upon to forgive now or later, those who have abused us.
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Eva Kor embraced former Auschwitz guard Oskar Groening 93. |
Forgiveness can only begin with a shift of consciousness. I was reading about an American Negro Congressman John Lewis who was last week criticised by Trump when John Lewis of Georgia said that he would not attend Trump's inauguration this Friday.
Lewis, a veteran of the Civil Rights movement in America said in return that he would never, ever hate. He said to stand up for what you believe in but never hate.
This starts with a personal shift of consciousness. Without a shift in consciousness, we are stuck in the old ways of hatred and we cannot move or progress to a better society. Our unforgiven wounds hold us back.
Similarly, without the shift from an ego perspective to a higher consciousness, meditation practice will not yield positive results and lead to positive synchronicities. For we will still be stuck in the mud of negative outcomes.
Hatred begets Hatred. So John Lewis decided to break the cycle of violence and not hate anyone.
Hating comes from an ego-based consciousness. Forgiveness comes from a higher, unity based consciousness.
Let us look at the Ego consciousness and the Unity or Oneness consciousness
Ego identifies with:
Rank in Organisation
Social Class
Me Centric – My, my, my personal gratification
Self-Driven/Family Nucleus
Rigid Beliefs
Higher or Unity Consciousness identifies with:
Gender, race or religion as a tool for growth and expansion
Every setback is temporary
Nothing is permanent
Lesson in the struggle
Universal awareness – all are connected
People-centric and Personal Balance
I will sacrifice my time for my family
But I will also spend some "me time"
The larger community is also part of my extended family
But I will also spend some "me time"
The larger community is also part of my extended family
Flexible and Open
7 Values-Behaviour-Habits associated with Unity Consciousness:
Love of self and others
Cooperation and Collaboration
Why is this important to know?
Our entire solar system has transitioned to a place in the universe that is closer to 22 galaxies that are sending DIAMOND Light Codes to everyone on Planet Earth.
These Diamond Light Codes are (1) Manifestation Codes which will amplify our thoughts and make our internal belief systems materialise faster in our reality (2) Codes that enhance our psychic abilities.
Negative thoughtforms will materialise negative outcomes.
Positive thoughtforms will materialise positive outcomes.
As I now accept that my inside - my overall belief systems - attract my outside - what I am experiencing in my life - known as the Law of Attraction - I am now more conscious that I AM responsible for every outcome in my life
And that I am no longer a victim of circumstances.
It is now important for me to
1. Practice CHOOSING MY THOUGHTS - moment by moment
For all of my life, i have been experiencing DUALITY - Good and "bad".
I have experienced both good and bad in my life, I now know which experience I prefer. I PREFER to experience the good things like - peace, good health, happy relationships, abundance, joy and happiness in all aspects of my life.
I also choose these for everyone in my life regardless of what they choose. For everyone around me is part of my community.
This is my choice. This is the practice of oneness. As I practice this, i tend to attract more people who are similar to me. This is the Law of Attraction. Like attracts like.
So daily I have to choose my thoughts the way I choose the clothes that I want to wear. This is easier for most women :-)
Observe events and people
As we begin to daily prefer experiences that are more joyful, abundant and uplifting - we will gradually experience those outcomes - (I do this every morning after meditation. I say - I prefer..... and visualise the end result ........then I surrender let the universe conspire to bring these things to me and surprise me)
We will also see the opposite - people experiencing what they unconsciously prefer because they feel guilty that they do not deserve "happiness or abundance. Unfortunately, there are many people like that around us.
There are various reasons. They feel guilty for past things that they have done. They feel ashamed of themselves for their own personal reasons. Or they lack the confidence and self esteem so they think that they cannot have better and more meaningful lives. Or they think life is all about struggling.
Now that you know that your inside attracts the outside - the trick here is to go into observation mode of yourself, people and events.
By the very nature of the events that take place - uplifting or sad - you will now know the state of people's inside - their internal belief systems both conscious and subconscious.
The thing to do is not to say words like , "Poor thing, he or she is having a tough time." The person has not been exposed to the Universal Laws of Attraction relating to the Inside and Outside.
So for those who are too comfortable with misery or struggle and do not want to change - no matter what you say or advise - we have to go into OBSERVATION MODE.
I observe that this person experiencing this sad events have chosen these experiences
I observe that this "shitty thing' happened.
I observed that I lost my temper and scolded this person. It is ok to lose your temper and scold people or be upset - our family members and close relatives are our toughest challenges.
I observed that our beloved politicians are still up to the same old tricks
I observed that many people are leaving this planet through the Covid 19 experience
I observed that racism in other countries like the USA has reached a flash point. Black Americans are no longer accepting police brutality or killings.
The idea is that going into observation mode - puts you into a situation of neutrality so that you are not emotionally involved and unconsciously choose thoughts that also sabotage yourself.
Tough. Yes. Difficult. Yes. Practice.
These practices lead to what is known as POSITIVE SYNCHRONICITY
When one gradually begins to shift to a higher or unity consciousness and practice the 7 values together with daily meditation, choosing your thoughts and practicing observation and neutrality - one begins to be in rhythm with the currents of the universe. One begins to experience a positive synchronicity.
What is a positive synchronicity? I looked all over the net for an appropriate explanation. I found it in this article which I have edited and added my comments.
Credit goes to the writers of
My comments in italics
The Science behind Ritam Bhara Pragya
The translation of “ritam” is “rhythm.” Rhythm has a tempo, a beat, a pulse and is alive.
Ritam (rhythm), Bhara (full of), Pragya (mind), in other
words means a “mind full of rhythm”. It represents a state of mind where the
thought waves are synchronous with the order of the universe.
It is also the state of the mind where the microcosm and macrocosm are in coherence with each other. In other words, it is describing that you the individual (the microcosm) have become one with the universe (macrocosm). This indicates the state of unity and oneness.
It has been said that people who meditate acquire many powers like telepathy, reverse telepathy, spontaneous fulfilment of desires, meaningful coincidences, synchro destiny etc. From where do these powers come?
Our higher consciousness or the soul is the silent state of mind with infinite powers. And this is why gradually achieving the silence between thoughts and lengthening it, is an essential part of meditation practice.
These powers are hidden under the smoke of mind, intellect and ego, which in turn are controlled by the software of action, memory and desires.
The interface between these two layers, the ego consciousness and the higher state of consciousness, is what the “ritam bhara pragya” is. Once you are in this state, the intention becomes powerful, and one starts experiencing spontaneous fulfillment of desires.
In the Tao, this is also known as Wu Wei, the idea of effortless action. This means that with very little action or effort on your part, like a magnet, your higher conscious mind attracts to you positive situations and outcomes.
This is a true story which took place last month. A friend is now setting up an organisation in Malaysia to support sustainable practices. And he started speaking to people who could be interested to support the venture.
Coincidentally that week there was a regional conference on sustainability in Kuala Lumpur. He was then invited to attend that conference to meet one of the participants who would be an important contact. The attendance fee for the conference was Rgt4000. He did not have the money.
A few days before the conference started, the friend who asked him to attend the conference to meet the contact, had to leave town for another business meeting and this friend offered him his ticket to attend the conference.
My friend attended the conference and met many important contacts – all focused on helping the environment with sustainable practices.
This is Wu Wei or Ritambhara pragya in action.
Through the regular practice of Meditation, the infinite creativity and perfect orderliness of the unified field or universal consciousness described by western minds like Albert Einstein becomes increasingly present in our daily activity. And Wu Wei or Ritambhara pragya eventually becomes a way of life.
These are the positive or ‘meaningful coincidences’ which tell us that we are on the right track, uplift our lives with its pleasant surprises and reflects the synchronicity of our destiny.
However we have to shift our perspective from our ego to a higher oneness consciousness, practice the 7 values of behavior as indicated, and then life begins to flow ”effortlessly” as one is in rhythm with the coherence of the universe.
Wu wei or ritambhara pragya anyone? I am now waiting for someone to offer me free air tickets for a family vacation in New Zealand during springtime once the lockdown is over. I want my experience to be completely effortless! :-)
We thank Rathna, Eva Kor and Congressman John Lewis for initiating the ritam within us.
Thank you for this beautiful article.
ReplyDeleteA pleasure to write it Eric ....
DeleteAfter reading the whole entire article above, I would like to share what I heard a day earlier,
ReplyDeleteA friend of mine who is an enthusiast, who has been following vedic astrology and also Sadhguru talks.
He called me up, exploded, telling me what he heard over recent talk Sadhguru had. Seem a student stood up to ask Sadhguru what he thought about the astrologers predication on the current situation.
To my friend surprised, He said Sadhguru replied saying that these astrologers including the young master Abhigya are out to make money and have publicity, they are taking what had already appeared to post as their own, continuously he added, asked anyone of them to come forth to him and predict what will be taking place in the next 5 day ahead.
So this left many follower to post their comment about what Sadhguru said and of course, most were not pleased.
Coming back to my friend case, he said, this left him to have lost respect on Sadhguru.
So now, with this scenario, I told my friend, being whoever it maybe, so long as we are all in this human embodiment and until one has reached the level of being very aware of their actions, speech and conscious self.
The EGO will always have the upper hand.
We are constantly beings bombarded with daily affairs, trying to meet our wants and needs, at the same time also trying to practice being in the Goody two shoes to move ourselves to a higher consciousness state of mind.
It’s no easy feat. Even the higher ones are not being spared.
The EGO has it’s way round in getting at us. Practice mindfulness on a daily basis and do lots of reflections at the end of the day or at any one point when a situations arises. I believe this is one simple way to do a self check on whether we are on the right track.
Hope this helps.
Namaste JoAnn
Thank you so much Andrew for the beautiful article. Glad that I have shared my experience wih you. Now I have more reasons to go deeper in meditation