I am told in my studies that there is an inner masculine and
an inner feminine within our energy bodies and when those currents of energies
are balanced and integrated, a third energy is spontaneously created and it
rises up our wisdom channel and by practicing any form of oneness, it leads us
to cosmic awareness.
The practice I am about to share already exists in various
schools of yoga and the combination of these hand movements which are called
mudras have positive healing effects and is a fundamental yin yang modality
that is required to achieve oneness and cosmic awareness.
It is simple, easy to do and takes only ten minutes to
practice. Regular practice before
meditation will lead to beneficial meditation benefits.
Balancing and
integrating the left and right currents
The left or female (negative) current is supposed to be cool and the
right (positive) current is masculine and is supposed to be warm. In extreme situations
the left current can be cold and the right can be hot. One can think of it as a fully charged battery with a positive and negative current. Hook up the negative and positive
currents and the battery works.
It is the same principle with the human body. When the left
feminine and right masculine current are balanced and integrated or hooked up,
the person becomes energised.
When the left or right is out of balance and the energies are depleted due to stress or exhaustion then the person can and will experience strokes or breakdowns.
When the left or right is out of balance and the energies are depleted due to stress or exhaustion then the person can and will experience strokes or breakdowns.
And if the currents are too hot or too cold, the body
will malfunction.
There is an old saying in the Tao, when the two becomes one,
then the ten thousand appears. This means the person who has integrated their
left and right currents and activated their wisdom channel become strong and
can create or manifest many things with desire and action.
The ida is the left feminine and negative current. The pingala is the right masculine and positive current. Balance and integrate the left and right currents and the middle channel known as the sushumna or wisdom channel is awakened. In spiritual circles, this is known as the inner marriage or the Tao, when the two becomes one.
The ida is the left feminine and negative current. The pingala is the right masculine and positive current. Balance and integrate the left and right currents and the middle channel known as the sushumna or wisdom channel is awakened. In spiritual circles, this is known as the inner marriage or the Tao, when the two becomes one.
In various schools, there are different methods of balancing and integrating the inner male and female and there are some immediate benefits.
The practices of these mudras are sourced from the Indian
continent and come from a long history of yogic practice and have been proven
to be beneficial. So we are not reinventing the wheel here, but merely
selecting mudras or hand movements which when practiced holistically have a
cumulative benefit.
Mudras work on the same principle as foot reflexology. There
are important points in the fingers which awaken energies and promote their
flow in the body’s energy meridians.
What are the benefits of these mudras
Firstly one becomes more centred and calmer. And the
practice of quiet meditation becomes easier.
Secondly the wisdom channel is activated and the spiritual life force gently and spontaneously rises the middle channel without any resistance. And it then rises to the head and out to the cosmos in a vertical line.
This is seen as two spirals wrapped around each other. And
the participant begins to experience cosmic awareness beyond the five earthly
senses. The veil lifts and we are than aware that we share this universe with
various intelligent cosmic beings. The greatest discovery of our lifetime will
be that we are not alone in this universe.
Below is a write-up about Dr. Jacques Valle, NASA Scientist
Valle codeveloped the very first computerized mapping of
Mars for NASA. He is also noted for his work at the Stanford Research Institute
(SRI), where he helped create ARPANET, a technology that became the foundation
for the modern day internet.
He also supports the extraterrestrial hypothesis as one
explanation for the UFO phenomenon, meaning that some of these UFOs are indeed
intelligently controlled, remotely or not, by extraterrestrial beings.
One of his many published papers, written in the late 90s,
appeared in the Journal of Scientific Exploration. Titled “Estimates of Optical
Power Output in Six Cases of Unexplained Aerial Objects with Defined Luminosity
Characteristics,” It offers a comprehensive look at the oddities military
pilots encounter when they are ordered to intercept one of these UFOs. (Related
CE Article: Here’s What Happens When a UFO Is Tracked on Military Radar.)
Valle’s latest work includes a recently published analysis
of 500 UFO cases from biblical antiquity to 1879 before the development of
modern industry. That was published in his book Wonders of the Sky.
Source: True Disclosure.org
Last week, we shared this practice with a small group. One of the participants said that towards the
end of the 10 minute practice, tried as he wanted to, he could not think. He
did not have any thoughts. He was calm, centred and thoughtless. That was
surprising. These three attributes are necessary for a successful meditation
One lady said she felt a lot of heat leaving her body. She
was recovering from high blood pressure and had felt “heaty” and was pleasantly
surprised to feel her body temperature returning to normal.
I recall an earlier session I had with a young twenty-one
year-old lady at a wellness centre in Kuala Lumpur.
She had cold hands ever since she was twelve. The parents had taken her to countless doctors and traditional Ayurvedic treatment – still, her hands remained cold.
When she learned the four balancing movements, she could
feel the coldness receding from the shoulders to her arms – and experienced a 75%
reduction of coldness in her hands. I hope she is still practicing this
modality. Cases like hers are quite rare.
This practice can be done on a daily basis or at least three
to four times a week. It leads to a calm and centred mind and this is
beneficial for the meditation practice that comes after. Each mudra takes only
two to three minutes. Within ten minutes you are done. Make this the normal practice template. The meditation practice after is optional.
There are people who are practicing these mudras and they say
that sometimes they intuitively feel like extending the time on each mudra –
from two minutes to five. Trust your intuition.
There are times when you exhaust or tire out the body. So the body
naturally needs more recharging.
Yoni Mudra. The first Mudra releases suppressed emotions
kept in the womb and lower body by females or in the lower body organs by
males. A clairvoyant observed one of the participants and she saw tiny black
dots leaving the lower body. The tiny
black dots represent anger, frustration, shame, humiliation and general
The two thumbs are placed at the belly button.
As we know ladies have unique problems in their womb –
fibroids, endometriosis and cysts. Medical science recognises the symptoms but
cannot with 100% certainty identify the source of these problems.
We can for certain say that these are due to cellular
mutation. What causes the cellular
mutation? There is a growing link between unresolved emotions and cellular
issues in medical literature – and we have anecdotal evidence that
unresolved emotions are the culprit.
We can say that these medical issues are cells gone wild. There is a complementary therapy where people are encouraged to talk positively and appreciate their cells and body organs. When we expose our cells and organs to negative or chaotic thoughts consistently - like reading the newspapers in the morning - then clairvoyants can see black and grey energies flowing to the organs.
That's when dis-ease begins. Add to that an unhealthy diet, the lack of exercise, polluted air, heavy metals in our water that we drink, emotionally abusive relationships, exposure to electromagnetic radiation from our handphones and wireless modems - you have the classic recipe for the body falling sick.
We can say that these medical issues are cells gone wild. There is a complementary therapy where people are encouraged to talk positively and appreciate their cells and body organs. When we expose our cells and organs to negative or chaotic thoughts consistently - like reading the newspapers in the morning - then clairvoyants can see black and grey energies flowing to the organs.
That's when dis-ease begins. Add to that an unhealthy diet, the lack of exercise, polluted air, heavy metals in our water that we drink, emotionally abusive relationships, exposure to electromagnetic radiation from our handphones and wireless modems - you have the classic recipe for the body falling sick.
The second Mudra balances the left current. Some people can feel energy leaving the right
palm which faces downwards. That means there is excessive left or feminine
energy. And once that has cleared, they can feel incoming energy on the left
After two minutes,
the energy situation goes back to normal. Eventually after more practice, there
is more sensitivity and intuitively people are guided to stay in the mudra
If the person has more incoming energy on the left palm and
less going out, it shows that the left feminine channel is depleted and the
person has probably undergone a lot of emotional challenges which has left them
sad and feeling empty.
The third Mudra balances the right current. If there is
insufficient energy, the participant will feel a lot of energy entering the
right palm and filling it up. If the
person has excessive right or masculine energy, then the excessive energy will
leave the palm on the left facing the sky. It is at this time that some people
feel a lot of heat leaving the body.
The fourth Mudra is known as the Shivalinga Mudra.
The first mudra clears emotional energy. The left and right are then balanced.
And now the final mudra brings the whole energy field into balance and
integration – here is where oneness begins.

The right hand forms a fist and sits on the left palm.These hands are then placed at the navel and held in position for also two minutes. The masculine right hand is sitting gently and supported by the feminine left palm. You see the inner male and inner female need each other. One cannot exist and act without the other.
One participant began to feel a cool breeze emerging from his head. This meant that his life force energy had gently emerged from the tailbone area in a harmonious manner and any blockages in his energy centers had been cleared and rebalanced to allow the wisdom life force to emerge unblocked all the way to his head.
One participant began to feel a cool breeze emerging from his head. This meant that his life force energy had gently emerged from the tailbone area in a harmonious manner and any blockages in his energy centers had been cleared and rebalanced to allow the wisdom life force to emerge unblocked all the way to his head.
With regular practice, there will be a satisfied and calm
feeling even though the body is now fully charged. Continuous and diligent practice before
meditation will lead the practitioner to greater depths of relaxation and
altered states of consciousness – leading to youthfulness and calmness.
He or she begins to gradually connect with the inner light and access his or her highest potential - and importantly begins to materialise that potential in his or her life.
A natural spontaneous intelligence begins to act out of this
oneness and intuitively the practitioner begins unknowingly the practice of wu-wei or ritambhara pragya. He now acts in rhythm with the harmony of the universe.
His actions become almost effortless as synchronicities begin to take place in his or her life. And as he or she follows the trail of the synchronicities, he or she will be lead to a more expanded awareness and flow of life.
UPDATE 17th January 2017
I regularly receive articles from an inspiring newsletter called Uplift. There was an inspiring article by Sonia Gomes. Here is the article written by her.
His actions become almost effortless as synchronicities begin to take place in his or her life. And as he or she follows the trail of the synchronicities, he or she will be lead to a more expanded awareness and flow of life.
Feedback from Sujata S - 15th June 2017
I was first introduced to the Yin and Yang Mudras when I had met Andrew for the first time. Even in that first session, I could feel the different energies flowing through. The meditation was quite deep yet peaceful for me. Each mudra brought a deeper awareness of what was flowing through. At the fourth mudra, I could feel a rather cool energy at the base of my spine. My third eye chakra was buzzing away!
Since then, I have been practicing the mudras few times a week. I feel so much more centred and grounded. There is a sense of deep peace and calmness within me. I have realised, as well, that doing these mudras in a group setting intensifies the energies flowing through. I would definitely be practicing these Yin and Yang mudras on a daily basis.
More on Sujatha
More on Sujatha
She currently conducts the Goddess Medicine &
Self-Healing workshops, and healing circles related to Mother Earth and the
Divine Feminine. She truly believes that a Conscious and Awakened woman holds
the power to bring love, compassion and balance to all.
As part of her preparation to fulfil her life purpose as a
teacher and facilitator, Sujatha has completed her certifications in:
1. Goddess Mysticism & Womb Healing Teacher’s Training
with House of Kite, with interest in Spiritual Anatomy, Goddess Divination and
spice magick
2. Red Tent Facilitator Training with Star of Ishtar
(Tanishka) Sujata facilitates the Red Tent - a women's only circle at the House
of Kite in Kuala Lumpur.
UPDATE 17th January 2017
I regularly receive articles from an inspiring newsletter called Uplift. There was an inspiring article by Sonia Gomes. Here is the article written by her.
We need to
balance the masculine and feminine energies in our society.
Sonia Gomes 17th January 2017
The Sacred
Feminine Aspect
The female
energy is crucial to the balance and awareness of the collective, and to the
growth and the transcendence of the individual. The retrieval of the sacred
feminine energy is something essential for both women and men.
The loss of
feminine energy is a serious problem for men. The absence or repression of the
feminine aspects in a man reduces his emotional depth and is a source of
discontent, loneliness, and a feeling of meaninglessness.
Losing touch
with feminine aspects is also, of course, a serious problem for women. This
affects their natural way of being and the search for their identity.
The feminine
aspect brings growth for the individual and society as a whole.
A woman who
knows the moon goddess becomes aware of their own lunar phases. She is aware of
the cyclical rhythms of her body, and behaves according to the ebb and flow of
energy and to the moods that are constantly changing. It recognizes and admits
its own lunar nature.
Mother and Crone are part of the cycle of birth, life and death and represent
the forces of creation, maintenance and destruction, which therefore represent
the cycle of life and nature. This cycle is present in all human experiences,
and especially in the psyche of women.
The goddess,
in the history of mankind, has left an everlasting mark in the human psyche
and, even if she is not religiously worshiped, she is still an indelible and a
strong archetypal presence.
The Rise and
Fall of the Goddess
With the
advent of patriarchal religion and the consequent loss of reverence for the
goddess, the conscious development of women was significantly blocked. Slowly
she began to worship gods made by men; the values of the men became their values;
the attitudes of men to justify the subordination of women have become their
The loss of
the relationship with the goddess led to the adoption of masculine
characteristics. Femininity was occupied by feminism, and, the pursuit of equal
rights distorted to a match with the male nature.
To restore
the image of the goddess seems to be a herculean task because patriarchy is not
willing to share its power. Still, the past decades have seen significant
changes. The lifting efforts of the feminist movement brought the awareness to
the battlefront of the need for equality between women and men. The attributes
of women have been included in other roles than that of wife and mother.
Today we
live in a phallic world and the dominant images are of wealth, power and
technology. These present themselves as
gods to be worshipped, instead of love, beauty, sexual ecstasy, and numinous
experiences. The real cure for this phallic world is the retrieval of the
sacred feminine and the transformation of the inner world of the human being.
Buddhism in
the West is still very recent and new. The renowned British historian Arnold
Toynbee, who died in 1975, said that the arrival of Buddhism in the West was
the biggest event of the twentieth century.
Along with
this phenomenon, there happens to be also a greater inclusion of women in
society. The presence of women is very welcome, it’s a breath of fresh air and
expands perspectives. There is a strong female presence in Western Buddhism,
with a high percentage of both teachers and students being women.
The female
presence should aid in the active construction of society, and the
manifestation of qualities such as compassion, care, protection, and love.
Although these qualities are not restricted to the female gender, having a
stronger female presence in society can help build a more just and equitable
It is time
to create a world without discrimination, and develop peaceful and harmonious
societies. And for this to happen, a new paradigm must support the appreciation
of the feminine principle.
UPDATE 29th May 2017
I saw this very interesting post and I thought why not put it here for people to read, ruffle a few feathers and wake people from their comfort zone. I salute Naledi Chirwa because she is taking back her feminine power as symbolised by her sexual organ.
In Malaysia, we don't have this narrative out in the open and so we haven't a clue as to what is going on in other parts of the world. What moves us is when the price of petrol goes up and almost everyone rushes to the petrol station...
Calling out and taking back ownership of our bodies is actually something that #ThisIsMyVagina speaks directly to, because violence against us is not legitimate until we are dead and black women are being killed on a daily basis. Black trans women and queer women - our gender performance is criminalised because society believes our bodies are not ours.
UPDATE 29th May 2017
I saw this very interesting post and I thought why not put it here for people to read, ruffle a few feathers and wake people from their comfort zone. I salute Naledi Chirwa because she is taking back her feminine power as symbolised by her sexual organ.
In Malaysia, we don't have this narrative out in the open and so we haven't a clue as to what is going on in other parts of the world. What moves us is when the price of petrol goes up and almost everyone rushes to the petrol station...
ThisIsMyVagina: Inspiration for women in a male-dominated world
Shaazia Ebrahim 09 May 2017 18:12
Naledi Chirwa, the national spokesperson of the
Economic Freedom Fighters Student Command (EFFSC), told women and girls to take
ownership of their vaginas.
She was at a women-only gathering for the
anniversary of the Free Sanitary Towel Campaign at the University of
Limpopo in April. She urged women to remember that their bodies are their own.
This simple statement sparked #ThisIsMyVagina. She spoke to The
Daily Vox about the hashtag.
On that day we went in with the women and broke it
down, practising black radical feminism in the spaces that we occupy, saying
that males must not come was a very powerful position.
The leadership of the
EFF in the SRC said “this is a gathering for women, and for black women in
particular,” and it was really successful. The message was basically about agency.
#ThisIsMyVagina speaks to the societal conditions
of women; it speaks to the economic conditions of women and academic and
religious conditions as well. Women don’t have the agency of free opportunity
that should exist in equal society, in equal environments.
Black women in the country are the majority, which
means they are the bulk of the labour force in the country. And yet they
are still subjected to ludicrous standards in the workplace: they get paid the
least across many industries when they have the same qualifications and
experience as their male counterparts.
#ThisIsMyVagina is also about the rape debacle and
about sex workers, who are criminalised and violated for their choice of trade
– all of this while economic and gender imbalances are not addressed. We are
calling out all of these things because at the end of the day, it is black
women who are on the harsh end of the justice system and
economic inequality.
Rape culture has been normalised. So black women go
through rape and they don’t even pick it up sometimes. And when they do, they
can’t even report it because, sometimes, the authorities say it’s not enough.
Calling out and taking back ownership of our bodies is actually something that #ThisIsMyVagina speaks directly to, because violence against us is not legitimate until we are dead and black women are being killed on a daily basis. Black trans women and queer women - our gender performance is criminalised because society believes our bodies are not ours.
We get violated when we do with our bodies
things that don’t adhere to the standards society has set for us regarding
the performance of gender and how to perform in relationships. Even those women
who don’t subvert get violated because these bodies don’t belong to us. We have
to take ownership of these bodies because we have to counter the violence that
we face.
#ThisIsMyVagina is revolutionary because we were
brought up to believe that our bodies don’t belong to us, we’ve been trained to
function in society and please them. As a young girl, you are told to close
your legs and not to play at night. You are trained from a very young age
that this body does not belong to you.
Saying “this is my vagina” is an awakening
Some people even came up to me to say that “you are
promoting promiscuity”, which goes back to the fact that black women’s bodies
only exist to pleasure the sexual urges of men.
In the whole session I had not mentioned sex, but
men feel that moment particularly goes back to them and includes them in the
conversation. Even when we alienate them from the space, and say, “This space
is not yours, this vagina is not yours, this is mine,” they still want to find
a way to come and take ownership because they’re scared as well.
Their strength, their positionality in society and
the economy, is based on us being at the bottom. Us coming up is a threat to
them, it’s a threat to the status quo. It’s not comfortable because privilege
is common sense to the privileged. When you are privileged, nothing outside
your privilege makes sense. That is one thing black men need to actually
confront, they must confront this fact.
Some male callers were rankled when Chirwa spoke
about the issue on Power FM. One caller said Chirwa’s message invites
promiscuity, while another said it could give licence to teen pregnancy.
This is my vagina, that’s it. What I do with it has
nothing to do with anyone else; it does not belong to my political party, it
does not belong to my girlfriend, it does not belong to my church, it does not
belong to my lecturer, it does not belong to my boss, it belongs to me. It’s
mine and I should own it. Whatever decisions I make with this vagina are my
decisions and you have no choice, no voice over what I do with my vagina, when
I do with my vagina or how I do with my vagina because it is mine.
The conversation must keep going. I’m definitely
going to engage with black women on this issue time and time again. Because
even when I leave those spaces, black women will go back to their boyfriends
who abuse them and rape them. It’s a conversation that must continue until
society gets comfortable with this decision that we’ve made as black women.
We’re not the first women to preach this message.
Charlotte Maxeke was preaching on intersectionality decades ago. It’s something
we’re going to continue and that’s going to manifest even in our lives as young
people who are active in politics. All these spaces are male-dominated so we
are responding to that.
Forever and ever amen. Until economic freedom is
reached for black women as well.
Chirwa will speak at the universities of Venda,
Witwatersrand and Johannesburg and will also travel to the Eastern Cape.
- The Daily Vox
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Highly controversial!!! As far as man is concerned but she (Naledi Chirwa) is restating very clearly what belongs to a woman and that a woman is entitled to deal with her mind, body and soul in the way she wishes. Societal norms of pleasing others doesn't hold water here. We are talking about total freedom and emancipation.
The term used "ThisIsMyVigina" is mind blowing. It hits the crux, the real nature of a woman. It's a great challenge for men. The whole idea of a woman being a chattel and property of a man is questioned. Every man who touches a woman without her freewill should feel ashamed of himself as he is violating the very basis of love and personal right.
May every man realise how inhuman they were when they ill treated their wife, daughter, niece, mother, female employee or any women in their life. We forgive all those males who abused women and send more love to them to balance their masculine energy so they become caring and loving toward all beings.
The term used "ThisIsMyVigina" is mind blowing. It hits the crux, the real nature of a woman. It's a great challenge for men. The whole idea of a woman being a chattel and property of a man is questioned. Every man who touches a woman without her freewill should feel ashamed of himself as he is violating the very basis of love and personal right.
May every man realise how inhuman they were when they ill treated their wife, daughter, niece, mother, female employee or any women in their life. We forgive all those males who abused women and send more love to them to balance their masculine energy so they become caring and loving toward all beings.
Thank You Andrew
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ReplyDeleteThank you for these Mudras. I used the last Mudra for the last 3 years, almost every day.