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Mahameru the 3D version of the Shree Yantra |
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Chia Sing drawing of the Mahameru |
It is also known as the Shree Yantra or Sri Chakra. Many of us would have seen it but since we are not native Indians – we would not have known the significance.
Thanks to Chia who had the vision we are now paying more attention to it. The Hindus consider it a cosmic symbol that attract many positive energies in their lives – both material and spiritual blessings.
Some people pay thousands of dollars to have a hand-crafted Sri Yantra in their house. It costs anywhere between 2 to 3K US. Though there are cheaper versions on the Internet from India.
According to Vedic wisdom it is the Instrument of Wealth
In any case, there is another way to attract the blessings of the Sri Yantra.
You become one.
The way to do that is through a holistic approach:
The Union of Opposites is considered the practice of the principles of oneness.
This is referred to as cultivating the TAO in Oriental philosophy.
Energy-wise, we practice the Balancing Mudras, the union of Yin and Yang and allow kundalini to rise gently to the crown and beyond the 3 lower chakras of material existence.
Mentally, emotionally and physically, we practice nonjudgement, unconditional love, love of self, and we find ways to serve our community also known as practicing SEVA.
Gradually over time when there is a Kundalini breakthrough at the crown chakra and one connects to the wisdom of the higher self - the Shree Yantra then forms as part of the thousand petalled lotus at the Sahasrara or Crown Chakra.
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Successful kundalini rising to the crown chakra and merging with the Higher Self |
The Shree Yantra is a NINE level interlocking triangles of MALE and FEMALE energies – you could say this is one of the highest potential of the YIN Yang balancing mudras which can be developed – which is what we practice on Saturday together with the Rainbow Aura Light Body.
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Manifesting the Shree Yantra within your energy body |
Though in Yoga or Tai Chi or Qi Gong, there are various ways to achieve Yin and Yang as well.
The interlocking triangles consisting of masculine and feminine energy which has been built up through regular yin and yang balancing mudras – then becomes the permanent landing platform for benevolent planetary and cosmic energies from the stars.
This results is we have more universal life force to enable us to become calmer, stronger, healthier and put us in a position to attract more blessings.
And that is why in the Indian tradition, it is known as the Instrument of Wealth.
Our first group Navapashanam Blessing was in September 2020 and we have been consistent in receiving the Navapashanam energy other than a short break in December and early January.
The assumption is that the Navapashanam Blessings from September to this moment prepared us and purified our energies till all of us were ready for the blessing of the Mahameru.
On Thursday 4th February, we received another blessing of the Shree Yantra. And this is the feedback from Dawn one of the participants.
4 Feb 2021, 11am to 12.30pm
Thursday’s Navapashanam surprise session
During the Hooponopono I see a golden light streaming from above into me. I see Jesus as well. Holding a book and a cross, holding out his hand.
Eventually I see a rainbow light stream into me and into my chakras. They get a boost and are shining brightly.
During the Shree Yantra, as Andrew was explaining it, I see the small Shree Yantra above my head and it moves into my head from the top to my pineal gland and then back a bit to the back of my head.
I see it spin and slowly disintegrate into and down my spine.
It is golden in colour the energy from the Shree Yantra.
It moves all the way down to the base of my spine.
After some time I see another small Shree Yantra in front of my third eye and it moves into it and then flips on its side and is spinning at my pineal gland as though cleansing further.
I see golden light travel down my spine again.
I feel my physical navel pull in on its own and the energy is intense.
I think at this time I also see my esoteric body being merged with Kuan Yin and other avatars and my light body seems to expand getting bigger.
As Shree Yantra spins, it begins to enlarge until I see the base full of interlocking triangles around my outer body. Now the colour has changed to rainbow colours of light. It takes a while as it spins anti-clockwise.
It then starts to become smaller and it forms a big lotus that looks like a crystal rainbow translucent form. It then moves into my heart chakra and the rainbow light extends to my head and below to the base of my spine.
The lotus is absorbed and then I am now engulfed in a body of rainbow light. I lay down in this energy for a while.
At some point I also see myself sitting in a large Shree Yantra.
Once I sit up I see a rainbow energy line along my spine and it feels like strands running up and down.
We thank Dawn for her wonderful and expressive feedback.
Chia Sing also had some visions during the session. Her visions looks like Mandalas.
A mandala is a geometric configuration of symbols.
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Chia Sing's drawing of the mandala. - a vision she received during the Shree Yantra Blessings. We thank Chia for her permission to use her drawings. |
In various spiritual traditions, mandalas are utilised as:
a means of focusing attention of practitioners and adepts,
as a spiritual guidance tool, for establishing a sacred space
as an aid to meditation and introduction to altered states
as a form of energy enhancement
My intuition tells me that - energetically - we are being prepared for some incoming positive energies..
Two days later, on the 5th of February, I received this newsletter.
Source: Vedic Astrology
10th and 11th February 2021
A once-in-a-lifetime conjunction of 7 planets involving the Sun, Saturn, Jupiter, Moon, Venus, Mercury, the mystic non-planet Pluto with Mercury beaming in retrograde motion occurs in the Vedic sign of Capricorn on 10th & 11th February 2021.
We saw a very powerful 6 planet combination on 26th December 2019 that was at the epicentre of the Covid 19 storm that we all have weathered over the last one year. It is extremely rare that two back-to-back heavy clusters occur within a span of 14 months.
However, there is no denying the fact that the current times are also unprecedented & so these conjunctions are not entirely unexpected.
How are the 2019 & 2021 Conjunctions different? Despite the similarity in the extremely rare clustering of planets, the 2019 conjunction involving Mercury, Moon, Jupiter, Ketu, Sun & Saturn was an inherently negative conjunction due to the negative influence of the Nodes – the Dragon’s tail, Ketu in the 6 planet cluster.
The upcoming 7 planet conjunction is positive due to the involvement of the sign of Capricorn that is fertile with a strong supportive Saturn & mostly positive planets being involved.
The involvement of the karmic Pluto is what makes this unique as Pluto takes 248 years to complete a single cycle in the zodiacal belt.
This points towards a positive, mystical & fundamental shift in our collective lives & psyches.
This mass of energy will bring many changes that would last over the next many years and depending on the exact degree of the high point of your horoscope, the effects could be mild or extremely striking & unexpected.
Hmmmm. Now the pieces of the puzzle are beginning to fit. We are being prepared to THRIVE once the Shree Yantra is prepared within our energy body and interacts with the planetary alignment of the 10th and 11th of February.
We shall observe the outcome of the next few months. We are living in most interesting times.
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