12th February 2021
Yesterday one participant of the Navapashanam
Blessings told me that she was suddenly hearing sounds and music from the
atmosphere around her.
And I said oh you are hearing celestial
music. She is not the first. Upon researching this phenomena we have read about
people throughout our time and history being able to listen to celestial
So what is the source?
NASA astronauts have heard strange sounds and music and when researchers listen to the listening devices after the astronauts return to earth, they are surprised to hear waves of music emanating
from space and various planets.
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NASA has made public a recording of strange "music" heard by astronauts
Lately there have been feedback about people hearing ringing tones from the atmosphere and some doctors are describing these as tinnitus.
Other leading edge metaphysical teachers are talking about Diamond Light Codes from other star sources coming to the earth. Some people can see these diamond codes and hear the sounds of these incoming diamond codes which are here to uplift mankind to a higher more loving vibration of existence.
So the interesting thing is - more and more people can now hear these so-called invisible sounds. This does suggest that some of us are being raised in vibrations and are matching the frequency octave of the sound waves of higher evolved civilisations.
There was another interesting feedback from
Jannie Mah, one of the participants of our meditation group.
Jannie Mah one of the participants of the
Shambhala Saturday group called me around 10.30am on the 10th
Her message:
In the morning she could hear a famous mantra
from Padma Sambhava emanating from within her.
And it was quite surprising for her. She heard the mantra from within her for a few
She called me to speak about this strange
phenomena of hearing this Guru mantra.
When I related this to our group chat. Chia Sing also commented that two days prior,
she had also been hearing this mantra around her.
How come there is a hidden or invisible choir
chanting the mantra to both of them?
Obviously there is some form of karmic
connection to the Tibetan Buddhist tradition of Padma Sambhava, one of Tibetan
Buddhism’s most illustrious Buddhist Masters.
Many years ago I read the books of the late
metaphysician – Jane Roberts. She channelled an entity known as Seth. Seth said that the past, present and future
exist as different energy wavelengths at the same location.
He said imagine you in the present moment are watching 20 TV screens at the same time. And each TV screen is an incarnation of yours in different time zones but all taking place at the same time in front of you. So in one screen there is an incarnation of yours as a soldier in Persia in the fifth century.
At the same time, on another TV screen, there could be a female incarnation of you as a farmer in India in the fifteenth century. And in another screen there could be another incarnation of you as a tailor in China in the eighteenth century. And so on and so forth.
Scientists in America were reported to have secretly been involved in Time Travel and Teleportation Experiments in the 50's with some serious consequences for the entire planet in what is known as the Philadelphia Experiments. But that is another story.
Now over Zoom for the past few months, we
have been practicing the Rainbow Light Aura. We did
take a break during December and early January. And in February we started
again though we are now going to do it every alternate week as the energy is
too strong.
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A drawing of the Diamond Light body from the book: The Teachings by the late Pawnee Teacher. Chief Little Summer and Warm Night Rain |
Before we started the practice, we told all
participants that the The Rainbow Light Aura is the practice that Padma
Sambhava brought to Tibet.
It is the source of our protection and also
the source of our abundance
From a Tibetan website this is the story of how this mantra came about. A female devotee approached the illustrious master Padma Sambhava and asked for his blessings of this mantra.
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Padma Sambhava Rainbow Light Body |
This is the anecdotal account of how it happened.
The Benefits
of the Vajra Guru Mantra
And an Explanation of its Syllables
A Treasure
Text Revealed by Tulku Karma Lingpa
I prostrate to the Guru, the Yidam and the Ḍākinī.
I, the lowly woman Yeshe Tsogyal, made a great outer, inner and secret mandala offering and humbly asked:
The practices you have given us are like essential nectar; though I am a lowly woman, of this I have no doubt. However, sentient beings in the future will have profuse thoughts and tremendous aggression; they will have wrong views towards the Holy Dharma, and in particular they will blaspheme the supreme teachings of the Secret Mantra.
At that time, plague, famine and war will be widespread amongst sentient beings, and in particular, China, Tibet and Mongolia will be destroyed like ants’ nests, and a time of terrible suffering will befall the Tibetans.
You have spoken of many ways to remedy these afflictions, but beings in the future will have no time to practice. Those who do have a slight inclination towards practice will be beset by powerful obstacles.
Beings will not get along with one other; supplies and materials will be insufficient. Such terrible times as these will be extremely difficult to avert. In such times, Guru, what are the benefits of relying solely upon the practice of the Vajra Guru mantra?
For the benefit of people of weak intellect in the future, I humbly entreat you to tell us.”
The Master Lotus Born spoke thus:
“O, Lady of Faith, what you say is absolutely true.
In such future times, that practice will definitely be of short and long term benefit for sentient beings.
Although I have concealed many earth treasures, water treasures, rock treasures, sky treasures and so on which contain unfathomable pith instructions and methods of practice, in the degenerate times it will be terribly difficult for fortunate beings to find the conditions and circumstances to meet with the teachings; this is a sign that beings’ merit is running out.
However, in such times as those, this essential Vajra Guru mantra—if recited with vast bodhicitta aspiration in great sacred places, in monasteries, on the peaks of high mountains and the shores of vast rivers, in places inhabited by gods, demons and evil spirits, at the heads of valleys, geophysical junctions and so on…
…by ngakpas with unbroken samaya, vow-holding monastics, faithful men, women of fine qualities, and the like, however many times—one hundred, one thousand, ten thousand, one hundred thousand, ten million, one hundred million, etc..
…will bring inconceivable benefits and powers. Countries everywhere will be protected from all plague, famine, warfare, armed violence, poor harvests, bad omens and evil spells. Rain will fall on time, harvests and livestock will be excellent, and lands will prosper.
In this life, future lives, and on the pathways of the bardo, fortunate practitioners will meet me again and again—at best in actuality, or else in visions, and at the very least in dreams.
(Andrew: This explains why some people now are hearing the mantra from within.)
Even one hundred recitations per day without interruption will make you attractive to others, and food, wealth and enjoyments will appear effortlessly. If you recite the mantra one thousand, ten thousand, or more times per day, you will bring others under your influence with your brilliance, and blessings and powers will be continuously and unobstructedly obtained.
If you perform one hundred thousand, ten million or more recitations, the three worlds will come under your power, the three levels of existence will fall under your glorious sway, gods and spirits will be at your bidding, the four modes of enlightened activity will be accomplished without hindrance, and you will be able to bring immeasurable benefit to all sentient beings in whatever ways are needed.
If you can do thirty million, seventy million or more recitations, you will never be separate from the Buddhas of the three times nor ever apart from me; thus, the eight classes of gods and spirits will obey your orders, praise your words, and accomplish whatever tasks you entrust to them.
At best, practitioners will attain the rainbow body; failing that, at the time of death, mother and child luminosities will meet; and at the very least, they will see me in the bardo and all their perceptions having been liberated into their essential nature, they will be reborn in Ngayab Ling and accomplish immeasurable benefit for sentient beings.”
Thus he spoke.
“Great Master, thank you for telling us about such infinite benefits and powers. You have been immensely kind. Although the explanation of the benefits and powers of the syllables of Guru Padma’s mantra is unfathomable, for the sake of sentient beings in the future, I humbly ask you to give us a brief description,” she asked.
Then the Great Master spoke thus:
“O, Noble Daughter, the Vajra Guru mantra is not only my essential mantra, it is the life-essence of the deities of the four classes of tantra, the nine vehicles, the 84,000 aspects of the Dharma, and so on. The heart essence of all the Buddhas of the three times, the lamas, deities, ḍākinīs, Dharma protectors, and the like is encompassed by this mantra.
The reason for this is as follows. Listen well and hold this in your heart. Recite the mantra. Write it. Tell it to sentient beings in the future.
OṂ ĀḤ HŪṂ is the supreme essence of enlightened body, speech and mind.
VAJRA is the supreme essence of the Vajra
GURU is the supreme essence of the Ratna
PADMA is the supreme essence of the Padma
SIDDHI is the supreme essence of the Karma Family.
HŪṂ is the supreme essence of the Buddha
So for those of you who are reading this and
so inclined, you may recite this as recommended. An easier method would be to
play the Youtube version and leave it on for hours.
At the same time you are also encouraged to practice the Bodhicitta principles of living. What you wish for yourself, wish for others as well.