Saturday, 19 September 2020

Womb Health Therapy

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Womb Health Therapy is a relatively new concept in Malaysia. Though, it has been known for thousands of years in ancient native cultures. 

There are many benefits of this energy therapy: 

Hormones rule the woman and hormonal sensitivity and influence is felt mostly in the female womb.

By returning the womb to its optimum healthy state through Womb Health Therapy, various emotional and physical ailments can eventually be resolved as part of a complementary initiative together with other health and medical professionals.

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These are the situations that can be assisted with Womb Health Therapy:

Helps to restore energy balance and happy hormones so that womb fertility can eventually be restored as part of a complementary therapy with other medical therapies.

Helps to cleanse, detox, release the woman of negative emotions such as fear, worries, depression, guilt, doubt, sadness and contribute to  mental, emotional and physical vitality 

Healing of emotional trauma which cannot be shared with others like childhood trauma, sexual abuse, rape, bully, shame, insecurity, sibling rivalry, abortions and inappropriate parental conditioning.

Healing of womb related illness such as fibroid, cysts, polyps, endometriosis, severe menstrual bleeding, uterine prolapse, retroverted uterus and pelvic inflammatory disease.

Helps support women who enter their menopausal stage and experience many symptoms of hormonal depletion like headaches, migraines and mood swings.

So what is Womb Health Therapy all about and what is its origins?

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Womb Blessing Ceremonies were an ancient practice to revere the Divine Feminine in the woman to invoke her innate intelligence, feminine wisdom and creativity. This enabled her to live a happy, joyful and fulfilling life. When women were honoured, respected and fulfilled, the rest of the tribe prospered.

At a holistic level, women were in tune with the moon cycles. The new moon being the time of planting seeds of manifestation. The full moon being the time, the manifestation was materialized or harvested.  

Thus in ancient times, the practice of Womb Blessings during moon cycles led to a harmonious cycle of growth, peace and creativity which was the yardstick of a matured civilisation. 

Humans, the moon and the earth were harmoniously locked in a cyclical progression which saw the rise of creativity and abundance. In agricultural societies, a good harvest was a sign that all of nature was abundant and in harmony.

Womb Health Therapy as practiced by Malaysian practitioner, Dr. Mohana Sunthari helps to awaken the dynamic feminine energy of the woman, and allow her to contribute to a more meaningful and life-inspiring journey of life.

From Left to Right: Sankari, Padma, Dr. Mohana, Jyoti and Lena

This enables the woman to revitalise her inner and outer beauty.

Allowing her to enjoy immense benefits to her total health:

makes her joyful, enjoy her femininity and appreciate herself as a woman

acts as a catalyst for womb health and restore fertility,

release feel good hormones in the womb

regulates menstrual blood cycles,

help women to cope with hormonal fluctuations during menopause

promote female self-esteem,

promotes enhanced creativity, intuition and manifestation abilities


In ancient times, this feminine wisdom was valued by the entire tribe.

Historians and archaeologists have found myths and sculptures of women interwoven with the creative energy of the moon and fertility rites of the earth. Today much of this ancient knowledge has been lost in our so called technological world and we have as a race, lost touch with this natural ancient wisdom.  

That is why in today's modern age, many women are having all kinds of emotional and physical problems starting from their wombs. They have lost their natural healthy connection to the blessings of the moon and the earth. We have deviated from a balance between technology and nature.

Dr. Mohana Sunthari, a womb energy therapist has decided to start a program in Malaysia to empower women to connect to their Divine Feminine energy to create a healthy and emotionally fulfilling life for themselves and for their families.

The Intention of the Womb Program:

Empowering women to empower themselves and others crossing their path.

Create the realisation that all relationships and happenings in life is for the woman to nurture and uplift herself and walk on Earth as a creative, nurturing and compassionate Goddess.

Awaken the innate intelligence and creativity in women for them to find their passion and purpose in life.

Dr. Mohana Sunthari

How did Dr. Mohana awaken this gift?

Dr. Mohana after years of Reiki practice gradually and intuitively developed a method to channel the prana or universal life force into the womb and heal it physically and emotionally through sacred dance and hand mudras..

During a trip to Ipoh in 2015, she was intuitively guided to channel healing energies to the wombs of the female participants.  And that is when her journey of womb healing began.

After researching and collaborating with fellow energy therapist – Sound Therapist, Elizabeth Huxtable, they developed various modules for womb therapy.

The Divine Feminine energy will be channelled by Dr. Mohana to the womb of the woman with specific intentions to heal specific trauma and strengthen her - allowing therapy to take place physically or guidance through dreams/life experiences.

This is a group therapy session. One participant had this to say about the combined sound and womb therapy.


It was a lovely relaxing meditation and great way for women to connect with such an important part of their body both physically and emotionally. I loved the toning that was escalating when Elizabeth started singing.

Womb Health Therapy Individual Sessions, Couple and Group Therapy by Dr. Mohana Sunthari only

Individual One to One Personal Sessions

Couple Sessions

Group Session – from 5 to 15 persons – For those who prefer to have the company of female family members or friends and connect to the collective consciousness of family, friends or ancestors.

Expected Outcomes                                                                   

Self- empowerment of women - the woman realises that she must look within to her inner self (Soul) and listen to her inner voice (intuitions) for answers and to uplift, inspire, motivate, excel in all her undertakings.

De-stress mentally, emotionally and physically to lead a healthy and joyful life by invoking and activating her inner powers and dormant cells.

Balance her masculine (yang) and feminine energy (yin) to manifest her dreams spiritually and materially.    

Teach women to embrace their problems, challenges, difficulties and negativity with love to transform those negativities into opportunities; and rise beyond duality to embrace Oneness.

Dr. Mohana’s Background

Dr. Mogana Sunthari Subramaniam, well-known as Dr. Mohana in academia is a lawyer by profession (LL.B & LL.M, University Malaya and Advocate & Solicitor, Malaya). She has counselled clients and litigated/mediated matrimonial issues such as separation, annulment, divorce, child custody and visitation, property division and will writing.

Since 2004,  she embarked into research (in Japan- Osaka University- Masters and PhD in Law and Public Policy) on family and child issues like custody battles, child visitation, international child adoption in the aim of keeping the family together very much understanding the trauma, distress, pain, mental agony, fear, guilt of all the parties involved. 

She continued her family law research while teaching at Faculty of Law, University of Malaya (2011-2018) and went on Taiwan Fellowship to Taiwan (2019) to examine Chinese family ideologies and practices.

Having researched Asian and Western family disputes for over 20 years, one common and outstanding feature across race and religion or even civilization, is humans always look outside resolve their problems and hardly ever think of relying on their innate intelligence.

Also, women were largely at losing end in family disputes as they are usually financially dependent, emotionally weak, mentally and physically abused and lacking in support and ability to face challenges in a separation or divorce.

This triggered an idea in her mind to self-empower women and it spontaneously invoked her innate gift of energetically transferring the Divine Feminine Energy (Reiki methodology) for Womb Blessing.

Her first Womb Blessing session was held in Ipoh in 2015 in collaboration with Andrew Khor (Inner Peace Reiki Practitioner) and Elizabeth Huxtable (Sound Therapist) 

Since then she has facilitated numerous group Womb Blessing sessions in KL and Ipoh and a few private online (Skype & WhatsApp) sessions. Amazing feedback from participants has inspired her to continue this journey to empower women.  

Her spiritual journey connecting to her Divine Feminine started in 2012 after being initiated as a Reiki practitioner She is also a naturally gifted clairvoyant and clairsentient and has a high respect for privacy and free will of individuals and surroundings and would only use her gifts on request.

Feedback from participants is an important feature and very much welcomed to continue to provide uplifting services to the women.   

20200308 Testimonials

Womb Blessing facilitated by Dr. Mohana Sunthari


Feel calm and sleepy. Felt energy on both palms.


Felt energy on both palms. Very relaxed. Dozed off. Saw a big lotus bloom. It was transparent and huge. Felt reborn and very good. Let out some body gas. The incoming energy pressed against the shoulder blade. And started sweating.  (Emotional Detox – a good sign.


Felt warm on the right side.  It had been a long day for her.  The moment she stepped into the center she started feeling dizzy. (We had just finished a Reiki Session – so she picked up on that extra energy). She cooled down eventually and started to naturally breathe slowly. When the session started, she was panting for breath. Her hands became cold but she felt warm inside.  (One aspect of yin yang balancing)


When the session started, she felt cold air on the left side. Her legs started to move/vibrate quickly on their own. Prickly feeling on the left side. She started coughing and could not control it. Her chest felt tight. She tried to relax. She felt better after coughing. Feedback was that she had many emotional issues hidden in her heart and it was all coming out through the cough. Coughing is a form of healing crisis. She felt better after the cough. And after that she felt her legs moving beyond her control and then the movement subsided.


Her legs started feeling  cold and warm. A sign of yin yang balancing. Then she felt she was transported to another world. There she felt relaxed, calm and happy and eventually became thoughtless.


Felt energy in her heart then saw red blood circulating. Then had a vision of a chrysanthemum yellow flower. Was floating for a while. Went into a light state. Saw a flower ball still there when the session ended.


Was very calm, very relaxed. Energy moved her hands and legs. Could not keep still and moving her shoulders and hands. Felt the prana moving her body and saw the colours yellow and purple.


Felt nice, calm, peaceful manifestation when guided.  Hoping for the best results for her manifestation.


Felt cold incoming energy, something very different, a new experience. Tingling became more apparent. Felt some weight appearing on the neck and shoulders. Had to move legs and could not stay seated. Felt very warm.

Gobi’s Wife

She felt cold energy going to the stomach area.  She is pregnant.  Cold energy in womb is energy of regeneration.


Felt cool energy on palms “message – why things are not changing” appeared to her. Warm energy passed the stomach. Felt someone caressing her hair. Lower part of the body felt cool, the upper part warm.  Yin and Yang balancing.


Felt energy on her head, experienced a oneness feeling. Vision of a pair of feet – monk in orange robes. Felt very blessed.


Felt warm soothing energy, felt teary (emotional detox) Felt some movement in the womb – slight pain, was released after a while and felt better.


Felt a cold sensation in his heart – a white lotus appeared.


Beautiful golden ring in the center  - golden lines connected to all the ladies with pure golden energy. Felt her solar plexus squeezing as it started manifesting the best outcomes for everyone present.


Strong pulsation in the solar plexus.  Contracting and expanding. Was told it was manifestation for group and personal intentions given by Dr. Mohana and everyone present.

20200205 Testimonials for Womb Blessing

Cheah HS

When Dr. Mohana started, my stomach began to harden and fill up with energy. Turned softer and appeared like water flowing inwards similar to a well water just flowing... Then tingling in the throat started and spread to the face, eyebrows and forehead. It felt like the energy was coming from inside out. I felt very refreshed towards the end. And I felt pulsations at the spine.

Katherine Chan

When we started I felt heat on my palms. They became warm and then started becoming hot. I had a vision of 2 ladies. They were hugging .. appeared to be mother and daughter. And felt that a healing took place between the two women. I felt peaceful and relaxed after that.


I felt some nice body vibrations. Then I felt that I was falling off the chair. Felt very relaxed and did not open my eyes.  I thought, let go and feel what was going on. The feet felt quite heavy. I have not felt that way before. Then felt a lot of energy around me. Felt very energised. And I felt that I had released what was no longer necessary. Started burping at the end of the session.


When Dr. Mohana started rubbing her hands I had a vision of a waterfall. I saw that Dr. Mohana was silver in colour on one side and purple in colour on the other. I then experienced some pain in my heart and lungs and then I felt the pain going away and energy being released through my head. I felt relaxed, happy and very loving,


I felt energy going up my feet very fast. Then I experienced pain at my solar plexus and my head felt heavy. My feet started feeling numbs as there was so much energy entering from the floor. I saw the colours – orange, yellow and white. Then some figures appeared. I had a vision of Mother Mary in a shawl. And then I saw a girl whom I knew. She looked dark and evil looking. Then the visions faded. My eyes became heavy and my entire body became heavy as well. Later I was told that a healing of my female energy had taken place. An unknown dark aspect of myself had been released.


My palms started feeling heavy. I felt that I was carrying something. Then I felt energy rising from my feet and I felt uneasy in my heart. I started coughing. After that I felt heavy and I could not open my eyes. The heaviness went away and then I felt more relaxed. I saw a bright nice purple at the end of the session. (Note: Purple is normally a colour that indicates some kind of release or transformation has taken place.)


I saw purple at the beginning . Then I started swaying. My eyes became clearer and all the tension around my eyes started to go away.  (Lately Harnak has been feeling tension around his eyes.)


I felt something poking me on the right side of the head. Then I felt energy rising  and I felt warm around the solar plexus. I had a vision of a white man for a split second. This was the second time as I had a vision of him earlier in a mudra and meditation session. I felt heavy energy and pain at the right side of my waist. And I wanted to fight or felt like fighting. Then I reminded myself to be at peace. When I did that a vision of a young boy waving appeared. And I felt like smiling. (Note pain on the liver is related to suppressed anger. It is related to the vision of the white man – which could be a past life encounter.)


I felt energy rising from my feet. Then I felt relaxed as the womb blessing continued. Did meditation a long time ago but was not successful. Could not get this relaxed. Could not follow. I felt some pain in my kidney. There was some worry or fear for a short while. Then I saw a wavy silver grey pattern before my eyes. Started feeling relaxed. Then felt some discomfort in my stomach. Oh it was some warm chi flowing inwards. I see.


I had a vision of an orange Sri Chakram in my 3rd eye. Then I saw a silver arrow from heading towards my right side. I was told that my feminine (which is silver) was trying to soften my masculine.


My feet started rising in the air and I could not put it down.  I felt so light. Then I had a vision of an Indian lady – it was my mother in law.  I started doing mudras spontaneously and I felt very happy.


Testimonials 2015 from Ipoh

Cynthia. After the blessing, she felt a lot of heat leaving the right side of her body. She had been experiencing heaviness and heatiness for a few months on the right side of her body from top to toe.

Baljit felt a cool feeling in her womb which made her very relaxed and blissful.

T Yee who seldom feels anything in energy workshops felt some warmth in her womb.

Y Dolma felt some energy and warmth in her womb even though she had undergone an operation to remove her womb.

Jagjit started to raise her kundalini life force spontaneously in a classic text book manner which was beautiful to watch as she weaved her arms in a spiral motion.

K Yoke experienced the bliss of oneness as she completed the final mudra during the womb blessing.

Y Yoke felt that there was more peace and balance in her womb.


Dr. Mohana can be contacted at

She is available for talks and presentations – live or online – to spread the awareness of the importance of the womb energy.

She can also be contacted at 010 244 4572.  Please Message her and she will reply.


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