We have been experiencing major solar flares over the past few months
and last week I again received reports of another X class Solar flare. X
class meaning this is a serious solar storm. The solar storms have been taking
place for some time, but lately they have been increasing in severity.
One of the major side effects is the impact that it has on the human
central nervous system. It creates havoc with the signals and turns our lives
upside down
Over the past two weeks, friends have called up with various form of
discomfort. The most common complaints were: back aches, body aches,
joint pains, alternative fevers and chills, swollen eyeballs, migraines,
headaches, cold and sweaty hands.
These issues can be solved with regular foot-soaking for as long as the symptoms last. Get a pail
of water. Fill it to the ankle. Put one handful of coarse sea salt, 3 limes cut
into half. And foot-soak for 20 to 30 minutes. If there is fever, then
place one ice cube. If the body is cold or experiencing chills, then the water
should be warm.
In Asian wellness traditions, sea salt and limes are used to cleanse and
detoxify the energy meridians and aura. This smoothens the path of the
chaotic energy flowing throughout the meridians from a central nervous system
that has gone haywire.
It is similar to a 6 inch pipe of dirty water suddenly connected to clean water incoming from a 12 inch pipe. The system is momentarily overwhelmed. Once the dirty water is completely out of the system and only clean water is flowing, the system returns to health though your central nervous system has now been rebooted and upgraded.
It is similar to a 6 inch pipe of dirty water suddenly connected to clean water incoming from a 12 inch pipe. The system is momentarily overwhelmed. Once the dirty water is completely out of the system and only clean water is flowing, the system returns to health though your central nervous system has now been rebooted and upgraded.
The limes can be thrown away after the footsoak and both hands are to be
washed with soap after throwing the limes. They have absorbed the
negative chi or energy toxins released from the meridians.
During the footsoak, the suggestion is to practice the 5 mudras
especially the diamond light mudra as it creates the energy container for your
body to facilitate the incoming cosmic waves and solar flares that transform
the human energy field through the central nervous system.
After practicing the 5 mudras for 15 minutes, there is one more mudra
that should be practiced. This mudra opens the base chakra so that kundalini
can rise without any obstacles. This will prevent a common complaint -
lower back pain which can be quite severe for some people. Place the right
thumb on the base of the left palm. Do this for at least 5 to 10 minutes or
till the back pain goes away.
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Base chakra Opening Hand Mudra |
The reason for the lower back pain is that kundalini is trying to rise
in the middle channel from below the tail bone. As there has been no
preparation for this event, the kundalini energy is stuck at the tail bone from
a closed root chakra - causing severe lower back pain. This mudra will
gently open the base chakra so that kundalini can rise smoothly.
On the 6th of September, I was working with a psychic over the phone in the morning. We checked one of her male relatives
aged 64. He was recovering from three heart attacks over the past 2
years. She said his stomach was bloated.
She deep scanned him and saw this - two snakes, spiralling left and
right were rising from his tail bone through his pranic tube, the middle
channel and stopped at his heart center. The two snakes are symbolic of
kundalini rising.
This is a case of spontaneous kundalini rising. Meaning without any
preparation or knowledge of kundalini yoga or awakening, the kundalini was
suddenly rising.
The kundalini couldn't rise any further because of the block at his
heart. His heart chakra was closed. This was causing the bloating at the
stomach as the two snakes - representing the kundalini, could not rise any
The heart center was weak and she could see that the chakras were not
spinning. Energy or prana was not flowing outwards and the kundalini energy
blocked from rising was causing the bloating in the stomach - as it could not
rise further and was pushed back and collected in the stomach area.
If the heart chakra was not reactivated, eventually the person will
experience a heart attack as the kundalini in the form of the two snakes was
trapped - causing the energy to backflow into the stomach and bloat - eventually putting pressure on the heart.
The analogy is simple. Imagine a dam releasing water into a lake.
What happens when the lake is piled high with rubbish? It blocks the water
flowing forward. The water has to reverse flow. Eventually with
continuous water flowing from the dam, the level of the water will rise suddenly,
rush forward and overwhelm the pile of rubbish
Sensing the seriousness of the situation, we invoked the Hooponopono - I
am sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you - we multiplied it 108
million times - and the psychic suddenly saw the heart chakra opening. It started
to spin, the kundalini started to rise and the blocked energy in the stomach
was released.
The kundalini started to rise to the top of the head. It did not break
through the fontanelle to connect to the cosmic energy. This person was not
ready yet for cosmic awakening. Satisfied that it had reached the head, the
kundalini serpent made its way downwards all the way to the root center - this
is where the perineum is just below the tail bone.
It coiled itself and went back to sleep. It will rise again when
the cosmic waves or solar flares begin their next round of activity.
So from the feedback of the past three days, we are aware that the spontaneous kundalini awakening is taking place… people are affected by it and experiencing all sorts of symptoms. If you read about people having sudden heart attacks, this is one of the reasons why - the rising kundalini is blocked at the heart centre.
People with closed hearts will experience strokes or heart attacks when
they experience a spontaneous kundalini awakening. These are people who shut
their emotions.
So heart opening is all about being kind, compassionate, having love for
oneself and practicing sincere seva or service to the community - regardless of our
race, our religion or gender... oneness… and when spontaneous kundalini
rises, the ones with an open heart will not encounter any heart attacks or
strokes but will instead reconnect to the wisdom of the cosmos.
The universe is telling us that the time is now for humans to open their hearts and rise in our spiritual evolution. The cosmic waves and solar flares are here to do their part and help humans to shift to a higher consciousness.
We humans have to do our part by opening out heart centres through the practice of loving kindness. Or else the incoming cosmic waves and solar flares, instead of being benevolent will become the opposite.
Credit for the kundalini rising picture goes to the Crystalink website.
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