Friday, 29 September 2017

Holographic thinking blows the left brain


Ever since I was introduced to Michael Talbot's work many years ago - the Holographic Universe, I struggled for many years to even understand the simple things that he was saying.  

I couldn't grasp the mind blowing concepts that he was introducing about the whole brain thinking and brain entrainment.

A simple statement that a stone was lying on a grass started a grand tour into metaphysics and a zen mental maze. My simple mind shuddered at the implications and shut down.

If you were the consciousness of the stone, you were lying on the grass. If you were the consciousness of the grass, the stone was above you. What if you were both the stone and the grass, then there was no separation, you were both stone and grass

Michael Coleman Talbot was an American author of several books highlighting parallels between ancient mysticism and quantum mechanics.

They espouse a theoretical model of reality that suggests the physical universe is akin to a hologram based on the research and conclusions of David Bohm and Karl H. Pribram. 

According to Talbot ESP, telepathy, and other paranormal phenomena are a product of this holographic model of reality.

As I was reading this, the material of Sri Aurobindo started to seep into my mind. Aurobindo's famous saying was the inside is the outside and the outside is the inside. 

And when you merge inside and outside, time and space did not exist and all was one, inseparable whole. And the interchange of information took place simultaneously. Or telepathy and ESP.

Attached below is an article by researcher Meg Benedict on the latest advances in brain research published Sept 27, 2017

Everything is changing so quickly it is challenging for the mind to process it all. 

Timelines are reshuffling, some dropping out and new future outcomes arriving in the earth plane. Many of the changes are occurring in the non-physical realm of the quantum field. 

When experiencing life thru the limited lens of the earth-bound left brain, our daily perception misses over 70% of incoming data.

Scientific research on the Blue Brain Project revealed that the human brain has the capacity to process reality in up to 11 different dimensions. 

Operating as a transmitter/receiver, the brain converts data into multi-dimensional neurological structures, called cliques, which disintegrate once they are understood.

“It is as if the brain reacts to a stimulus by building then razing a tower of multi-dimensional blocks, starting with rods (1D), then planks (2D), then cubes (3D), and then more complex geometries with 4D, 5D, etc. 

The progression of activity through the brain resembles a multi-dimensional sandcastle that materializes out of the sand and then disintegrates,” said researcher Ran Levi. 

For more info, go to:

Neurological research is proving that memory exists beyond the brain, operating in a holographic system. 

The ground-breaking research by Karl Pribram during the 1970’s revealed that the visual cortex responds to frequencies of various wave forms, like the ear is a frequency analyzer of sound waves. 

Just as a television camera converts an image into electromagnetic frequencies which the television set converts back into the image – our brain operates in a similar way.

A hologram is a three-dimensional photograph made with the aid of a laser (photon light). Unlike normal photographs, every part of a hologram contains all the information possessed by the whole. 

If we try to take apart something constructed holographically, we will not get the pieces of which it is made, we will only get smaller wholes. 

Since frequency is a measurement of wave oscillations per second, this suggests the brain functions in the same manner as a hologram – a continual kaleidoscope of interference wave patterns transmitting information of the entire image into the mind.

In a holographic universe where nothing is truly separate from anything else, then the past, present, and future all exist simultaneously. 

According to Michael Talbot’s fascinating book, The Holographic Universe, “the super hologram has given birth to everything in our universe, at the very least it contains every subatomic particle that has been or will be.

This includes every configuration of matter and energy that is possible, from snowflakes to quasars, from blue whales to gamma rays. It must be seen as a sort of cosmic storehouse of “All That Is.”

Encoding and decoding frequencies is how a hologram functions. 

The brain acts as a translating device converting an infinite stream of frequencies into coherent images. 

The higher the frequency patterns the brain receives, the higher levels of consciousness the holographic lens converts into images.

Although we believe we are physical beings living separate lives in a physical world, this too is an illusion. 

Our perception of physical reality originates in our brain’s selection of certain bands of frequency patterns. 

We are living as radio “receivers” in a kaleidoscopic sea of frequency (3D, 4D, 5D, etc), and what we extract from this sea and convert into physical reality is but one channel from the totality of the super hologram.

Where we choose to focus our attention and intention directly impacts the materialization of our human life. The focus of our awareness becomes the reality of our world. 

Once we realize we are materializing in physical form in direct relation to our inner lens, we begin to recognize the impact of our thoughts, intentions and emotions, as we receive feedback ‘reactions’. 

If all humans are electromagnetic fields vibrating to a certain frequency of output, our mental and emotional state is directly affecting the manifestation of our environment. And vice versa!

It is the intuitive right brain that has an innate propensity for accessing (multidimensional) timelessness. 

When two or more minds mutually focus on a singular purpose, no matter where we live, our brain waves began to mimic and match and our bodies experience identical sensations. 

Neurologists call this ‘brainwave entrainment’ – the electrical wave patterns synchronize in a resonance when the two brains are in union.

Astonishingly, the brain cannot distinguish between an imagined experience and an actual physical experience…the mirror neurons in the brain act in similar fashion whether we are the observer or the participant. 

The body responds the same to both experiences. 

This can lead to either delusional rigid thinking or to enhanced conscious intentioning. The deluded cannot tell the difference between physical truth or virtual fantasy. We are seeing this lack of discernment more and more in modern society.

When we cannot access right brain wisdom, we find our intelligence severely limited to the left brain linear logic of the physical senses. 

With limited cognitive brain capacity, humans are susceptible to suggestive dominant mind-control programs, spells and virtual realities that enter from familial, cultural, and religious belief systems.

Consciousness travels from the brain through a complex network of neural pathways to the receptor sites in the cells simultaneously through the entanglement of sub-atomic particles and the wave quality of photon light. 

The more light you ingest, the more illuminated your body, heart, and mind becomes – the more conscious you are!

Learn how to master your holographic mind! Fire up your mirror neurons with visualizations of positive images, solutions and future outcomes. 

An experimental sustainable future ecohome

Develop authentic discernment through mind/heart coherence…feel the frequency of truth in your sensory body. 

Avoid the pitfalls of mind-control interference by activating your multi-dimensional, psychic right brain.

When you gain control of the power of your mind, you have the capacity to transform your life!

Tuesday, 12 September 2017

Health risks from unprepared kundalini rising during solar flares


We have been experiencing major solar flares over the past few months and last week I again received reports of another X class Solar flare.  X class meaning this is a serious solar storm. The solar storms have been taking place for some time, but lately they have been increasing in severity.

One of the major side effects is the impact that it has on the human central nervous system. It creates havoc with the signals and turns our lives upside down

Over the past two weeks, friends have called up with various form of discomfort. The most common complaints were:  back aches, body aches, joint pains, alternative fevers and chills, swollen eyeballs, migraines, headaches, cold and sweaty hands.

These issues can be solved with regular foot-soaking for as long as the symptoms last.  Get a pail of water. Fill it to the ankle. Put one handful of coarse sea salt, 3 limes cut into half. And foot-soak for 20 to 30 minutes.  If there is fever, then place one ice cube. If the body is cold or experiencing chills, then the water should be warm.

In Asian wellness traditions, sea salt and limes are used to cleanse and detoxify the energy meridians and aura.  This smoothens the path of the chaotic energy flowing throughout the meridians from a central nervous system that has gone haywire.  

It is similar to a 6 inch pipe of dirty water suddenly connected to clean water incoming from a 12 inch pipe. The system is momentarily overwhelmed. Once the dirty water is completely out of the system and only clean water is flowing, the system returns to health though your central nervous system has now been rebooted and upgraded.

The limes can be thrown away after the footsoak and both hands are to be washed with soap after throwing the limes.  They have absorbed the negative chi or energy toxins released from the meridians.

During the footsoak, the suggestion is to practice the 5 mudras especially the diamond light mudra as it creates the energy container for your body to facilitate the incoming cosmic waves and solar flares that transform the human energy field through the central nervous system.

After practicing the 5 mudras for 15 minutes, there is one more mudra that should be practiced. This mudra opens the base chakra so that kundalini can rise without any obstacles.  This will prevent a common complaint - lower back pain which can be quite severe for some people. Place the right thumb on the base of the left palm. Do this for at least 5 to 10 minutes or till the back pain goes away.

Base chakra Opening Hand Mudra

The reason for the lower back pain is that kundalini is trying to rise in the middle channel from below the tail bone.  As there has been no preparation for this event, the kundalini energy is stuck at the tail bone from a closed root chakra -  causing severe lower back pain. This mudra will gently open the base chakra so that kundalini can rise smoothly.

On the 6th of September, I was working with a psychic over the phone in the morning. We checked one of her male relatives aged 64. He was recovering from three heart attacks over the past 2 years.  She said his stomach was bloated. 

She deep scanned him and saw this - two snakes, spiralling left and right were rising from his tail bone through his pranic tube, the middle channel and stopped at his heart center.  The two snakes are symbolic of kundalini rising. 
This is a case of spontaneous kundalini rising. Meaning without any preparation or knowledge of kundalini yoga or awakening, the kundalini was suddenly rising.
The kundalini couldn't rise any further because of the block at his heart.  His heart chakra was closed. This was causing the bloating at the stomach as the two snakes - representing the kundalini, could not rise any further.

The heart center was weak and she could see that the chakras were not spinning. Energy or prana was not flowing outwards and the kundalini energy blocked from rising was causing the bloating in the stomach - as it could not rise further and was pushed back and collected in the stomach area.

If the heart chakra was not reactivated, eventually the person will experience a heart attack as the kundalini in the form of the two snakes was trapped - causing the energy to backflow into the stomach and bloat - eventually putting pressure on the heart.
The analogy is simple. Imagine a dam releasing water into a lake.  What happens when the lake is piled high with rubbish? It blocks the water flowing forward.  The water has to reverse flow.  Eventually with continuous water flowing from the dam, the level of the water will rise suddenly, rush forward and overwhelm the pile of rubbish
Sensing the seriousness of the situation, we invoked the Hooponopono - I am sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you - we multiplied it 108 million times - and the psychic suddenly saw the heart chakra opening. It started to spin, the kundalini started to rise and the blocked energy in the stomach was released. 

The kundalini started to rise to the top of the head. It did not break through the fontanelle to connect to the cosmic energy. This person was not ready yet for cosmic awakening. Satisfied that it had reached the head, the kundalini serpent made its way downwards all the way to the root center - this is where the perineum is  just below the tail bone.
It coiled itself and went back to sleep.  It will rise again when the cosmic waves or solar flares begin their next round of activity.

So from the feedback of the past three days, we are aware that the spontaneous kundalini awakening is taking place… people are affected by it and experiencing all sorts of symptoms. If you read about people having sudden heart attacks, this is one of the reasons why - the rising kundalini is blocked at the heart centre. 
People with closed hearts will experience strokes or heart attacks when they experience a spontaneous kundalini awakening. These are people who shut their emotions.
So heart opening is all about being kind, compassionate, having love for oneself and practicing sincere seva or service to the community - regardless of our race, our religion or gender...  oneness… and when spontaneous kundalini rises, the ones with an open heart will not encounter any heart attacks or strokes but will instead reconnect to the wisdom of the cosmos.

The universe is telling us that the time is now for humans to open their hearts and rise in our spiritual evolution. The cosmic waves and solar flares are here to do their part and help humans to shift to a higher consciousness.

We humans have to do our part by opening out heart centres through the practice of loving kindness. Or else the incoming cosmic waves and solar flares, instead of being benevolent will become the opposite.

Credit for the kundalini rising picture goes to the Crystalink website.

Ringing in my ears


I have friends calling me and asking about some strange sound effects that they are getting in their ears.  And recently I was talking to a doctor friend who says she has patients coming to her and complaining about hearing strange sounds.

Doctors call this tinnitus. Anyway she checks them out and most of the time find nothing wrong. She prescribes some simple medication so that they feel reassured that they have done something.

So we decided to research this ear phenomena and this is the most readable write-up by Celia Fenn. 

Our deep gratitude to her for the explanation. It should clear up any confusion that people are experiencing.  It is good to see a doctor if you have these symptoms - it could be tinnitus. Or  as Celia suggests, you are re-calibrating to a higher frequency of existence.

Celia Fenn is an international Personal Empowerment and Creativity Teacher. Working with Spiritual Energies and through her writings, channels, books, paintings, global seminars, online webinars and personal private sessions, she will help you to find your inner power, your connection with your soul and your mission in this lifetime.

So what is that Ringing in my Ears......
Posted by Celia Fenn on 15 April 2017
I am writing this because so many people have asked about their current symptoms, and especially those associated with the Ears.

Many people have reported an increase in what the medical profession calls “tinnitus”, ringing sounds and buzzing sounds in the Ear or both ears.  
Then others have reported pain in the ears, and often that pain shifts down from the ears into the teeth and jaw, or up into the head where it becomes dizziness and headaches. 

This can be frightening, as these areas affect our daily functioning and our ability to maintain our balance on a daily basis. 

However, this process is part of the shift to a Multi-dimensional Energy Signature of Light Body. 

The Ear and the Inner Ear are situated between the 5th , 6th and 7th Chakras, or, in other words, that area of our Spiritual Anatomy that connects us to the Higher Dimensions.  So, it follows that as we are realigned and rewired to connect more fully with our Solar and Galactic heritage, so we will feel changes and movements in this area. 

Archangel Michael guided me to look at an image of the Ear in order to explain what is happening to our bodies in this transformation.  

If you look at the Inner Ear, you will see an organ called the Cochlea, which is shaped like a spiral.  

This organ is responsible for translating sounds received into impulses that can be sent along the neural pathways to the brain and be heard and understood.  But, on the Higher Dimensions, the Cochlea also acts as a Galactic “antenna” that can receive sounds/signals from the Higher Dimensions. 

There is a Cochlear spiral in each ear, and they work together to facilitate the function of hearing in the body.  But, in spiritual terms, the Left Ear Cochlea works with the Left Brain to receive and ground information to do with life on Earth, while the Right Ear Cochlea receives and translates information from the Galactic level that connects to the spiritual and mystical realms. 

Both are connected into the nervous system and the brain.  However, the impulses that activate the Cochlea spiral on the level of Higher Consciousness are transmitted via the Pituitary Gland and then into the Cochlea via various neural pathways and light meridians.  

This means that when Galactic Light Codes are being transmitted very strongly through Solar and Galactic radiation waves, then the Pineal is more strongly activated and likewise, in those who are ready, the Cochlea begins to vibrate with the messages of the Language of Light! 

In a balanced individual, the activation of Left and Right Cochlea spirals ensures that there is balance, both literal and emotional/mental and spiritual.  In our planetary culture, we have been very “out of balance”, with the Left Brain being strongly activated and the Right Brain not.  

We live in a Left Brain society, where little importance is given to the activities and functions of the Right Brain, starting from School and continuing into Adult life. 
So it is that as the Right Brain Cochlea begins to vibrate in harmony with the Light Code transmissions of the Galactic spiral, you begin to “hear” transmissions that you did not hear before.  

This may simply sound like “white noise” at this time, as your brain has no idea how to translate it into meaningful “language”.But, as and when you begin to work with your Right Brain and expand into the Magical Higher Dimensions, these transmissions will begin to take on shape and meaning.

You may begin to express the Language of Light through painting, music, poetry or any other right brain activity that you favor to express the flow of Galactic Light Codes. 

This is one of the reasons why so many people are feeling out of balance at the moment.  The reliance on the Left Brain side is becoming so unbalanced that people are in danger of moving into the “shadow” energy of the Left Brain, in paranoia and psychosis and depression.  

So, many people may have no idea why they are suddenly feeling depressed, anxious, paranoid and maybe even psychotic.  And because this is so widespread, even if you do not feel it yourself, you may feel it coming off other people in their interactions with you. 

Certainly, this is a challenging moment in our Transformation process.  We simply need to recognize what is happening, and work to bring balance.  Activate that Right Brain Cochlea with creative activity, with magic, art, dance and music.  

Dream and dance, paint and write, see the patterns and the magic in all things.  Don’t get caught up in the shadow side of the Left Brain “downward spiral”.  We all need the downward spiral to ground us in a healthy relationship with earth, but when it is unbalanced, then it becomes a pathology. 

I have to say also that I have found that eliminating dairy products from the diet can also help in this time if there is ear pain.  Dairy products cause a build up of fluid in the ears, and if there is already pressure in that area, this can cause pain. 

And, when the Pineal is very active, that pain can be intense. 

So, dear friends, I guess this is the time to “listen up” and start hearing these new transmissions that are coming to us.  I am working with painting, and the Language of Light transmissions are part of what I am doing now. 

Keep your balance, try to stay out of drama and paranoia, and spend as much time as you can in the Creative World of the Right Brain. 

Soon, our Planet will rediscover that Magic and Creativity are the Keys of Time, and that when we understand Time and how to work with Time, we will create a very different World on a very different Timeline.  The Key is within us, as above so below.  We have our own “Galactic Transmitter” that is now coming online!