Wednesday, 31 May 2017

Solar flares trigger the pineal gland, your psychic gateway


Now I get messages and phone calls from people who are bewildered by what's happening to them - energetically - at the present moment.

One lady we were introduced to is now experiencing two to three realities at the same time.  If you had read my post about scientist Itzhak Bentoz - he said that more and more people are going to have psychological states where they exist in more than one reality and medical science will diagnose it as schizophrenia.

Well, we are treating a few people now in that condition - one of them has an existing interaction with a past life  (that has been cleared); was interacting with lost souls from the astral plane and is having conversations with alien beings.

And the thing is, she is not mad.

This article about NASA partner Robert Bigelow was published yesterday in the Independent UK, an established mainstream newspaper after his relevations about aliens on American news program 60 MINUTES

Nasa partner Robert Bigelow says he is 'absolutely convinced' aliens are currently living on Earth
Robert Bigelow, an entrepreneur who is working closely with Nasa on future space missions, has suggested that he knows that our planet has an alien presence that is “right under our noses”.

Asked by Ms Logan whether he also thought that UFOs had come to Earth, he said he did.

“There has been and is an existing presence, an ET presence,” Mr Bigelow said. “And I spent millions and millions and millions – I probably spent more as an individual than anybody else in the United States has ever spent on this subject.”

Ms Logan then asked if Mr Bigelow thought it was “risky” to say that he believes such things. He said that he doesn't care what people think because it wouldn't “change the reality of what I know”.
Mr Bigelow made the announcement during an episode of the show 60 Minutes that focused on his work with the space agency.

Another lady has been messaging me for the past three years that she wakes up with heaviness on her chest that makes her depressed and paranoid  No  medicine or alternative therapy that I have proposed has helped her permanently. Till today I still get messages asking for help.

A third lady has been seeing lower dimensional beings who can shape shift and at times, it is difficult for her to know who is who - and the likelihood is that this is also a lower dimensional astral being which is victimising her and teaching her  to forgive and regain her own individual power. And until that lesson is learned, the shape shifting being is not going to leave her.

So what is going on? We have always lived on this planet thinking that the third dimension where we have our physical existence is the only plane that exists and we are "blind" to all other planes of reality that exists out there.

Well, like it or not, the solar flares have a different agenda.

The high energy intensity of these waves are scorching and breaking up the veils between dimensions and suddenly some of the more sensitive people on earth are being bombarded with different experiences. And many are experiencing the presence of entities from the lower astral planes which are making them sick.  So there are both negative and positive experiences depending on the individual.

This can only be explained - if we accept that there are other planes of existence side by side with ours and we need to learn about these different planes or literally go mad. 

The subject of different planes of existence with different beings is more or less covered in our myths and religions. For example, in Buddhism there exists a concept of many lokas or planes of existence with its own nature of beings and environment. This at least gives our minds something to grasp and understand.

Now, we normally keep these two states separate. The physical and material state demands that we stay very conscious and focused on what is happening in our everyday lives.  The other state is normally approached only when we are deeply relaxed or are in meditative states.

Suddenly we are forced by external forces - the solar flares and cosmic rays - to learn to navigate and merge the two in our daily life. For most people, that is impossible.

I attach an edited article here by writer, Angela Savitri that combines science with esoteric knowledge about what is going on for those who want a more grounded and logical explanation about why we are have all kinds of paranormal activities taking place.

This explains the experience of Naomi Cook. She had a spontaneous kundalini awakening and started becoming clairvoyant when her pineal gland was triggered after an incurable eye disease.


By: Angela Savitri – The Rising Way

Humanity and our beloved blue-green planet are in the midst of an intense period of energetic upgrades being delivered to us from the center of the galaxy via our Sun.

In this article I will provide an overview of the science and history behind what is happening in our solar system.


Solar Cycles consist of the magnetic pole reversal of the Sun and are measured in 11 year periods beginning from the year 1755. 

We are currently in Solar Cycle 24, which began in 2008. The NOAA/Space Weather Prediction center predicted that the cycle would peak around 2012, but recent unexpected activity has prompted scientists to propose a double peak in this solar cycle that we are still experiencing as we move into late 2014.

Each year Sun spot and geomagnetic activity increase and decrease cyclically with October being particularly active — October 2014 is proving to be very exciting!

Sunspot AR 12192 has been found to be the largest sunspot recorded since 1990, and is not showing any signs of quieting down.

During the days of October 19-26, 2014 the Jupiter sized sunspot has created multiple flares each day with 6 substantial flares including 3 X class (the most powerful flares) within a period of less than 48 hours!

Sun spots are areas on the surface of the Sun where the local magnetic field is very strong and appears darker because they are cooler than the surrounding areas. Solar

Flares are powerful bursts of radiation that occur when these buildups of magnetic energy explode on the surface of the Sun. Flares are the most powerful explosions that occur in the solar system and can equal the intensity of 1 billion hydrogen bombs!

Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) generated by solar flares are bubbles of magnetized gas and supercharged particles blown out from the Sun which travel at a million miles an hour towards Earth.

These geomagnetic storms produce solar winds of charged photonic and electromagnetic particles that are bombarding Earth through weakened and breached areas in the magnetosphere of our planet.

These breaches were discovered by NASA’s THEMIS mission in 2008 just as the current solar cycle began, and scientists began then to predict that the intensity of geomagnetic storms would greatly increase.


It is speculated that the Sun is being triggered into this intense activity by the emission of cosmic particles from the center of our galaxy.

In the November 20, 2009 issue of Nature, co-authors John Wefel of Louisiana State University, and Jim Adams of the NASA Marshall Space Flight Center reported that an international team of researchers had discovered a puzzling surplus of high-energy electrons bombarding Earth from space.

Galactic cosmic rays are subatomic particles accelerated to almost light speed by distant supernova explosions and other violent events. They swarm through the Milky Way, forming a haze of high energy particles that enter the solar system from all directions.

These cosmic rays are now being referred to as Galactic Super Waves.

The effects of Galactic Super Waves on the evolution of planet Earth for millions of years and their influence on the currently shifting heliosphere of our solar system and magnetosphere of our planet are being presented by scientists such as Paul A.LaViolette and observed by Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope astronomers.

The Earth’s magnetic field has been decreasing for the last 2000 years, but the rate of decrease suddenly became much more rapid 500 years ago. Now, in the last 20 years or so, the magnetic field has become erratic.

The behavior of the magnetic fields of the Sun and the Earth as they align and contact each other had changed so drastically by 2009 that many scientists’ understanding of things had been completely overturned.

Scientists from the Russian National Academy of Science in Siberia have come to the conclusion that we have moved into an area of space that is different and has a much higher energy level; changes that are being recorded in space that have never been seen before.

These Russian scientists feel that the continued expansion of the heliosphere will eventually take us into a new level of energy, that there will probably be a sudden expansion of the basic harmonic wavelengths that the Sun emits as it radiates energy out of itself, and that this increase in energy emission will change the basic nature of all matter in the Solar System.

The scientists of the Russian National Academy of Science also state, as do others, that due to this energetic phenomenon the spiral of our DNA is actually changing as well. That idea has amazing implications for the human race. We are going from a 2 strand DNA human to a state of where we will have 12 strands awakened.  This provides the catalyst for extraordinary human potential.


As early as 1915, some scientists were beginning to recognize connections between solar activity and human behavior.

This work began with Russian scientist Alexander Chizhevsky, who observed mass changes in human behavior correlated to Sunspot cycles. In the 1930s, Professor Raymond Wheeler, a historian at the University of Kansas, used numerical rankings to validate the correlation of war cycles to solar cycles.

The connection between charged particles (solar flares, cme’s) and their effect on animals and humans was outlined extensively back in 2003 as in the book Solar Rain – The Earth Changes Have Begun.

More recently a study in the New Scientist magazine in 2008 proved a direct connection between the Sun’s solar storms and the human biological system. As seekers of truth and students of higher consciousness, most of us realize that everything is interconnected.

These connections, which many times are unable to be seen through the limited field of human awareness, act as two-way portals and tunnels through which energy particles and fields travel through.

In 2007 scientists uncovered an elaborate and vast web of cosmic filaments hundreds of millions of light years long that connect galaxies to each other; in 2008 NASA publicly stated that magnetic portals exist which connect the electromagnetic fields of the Sun and the Earth.

The conduit which steers Earth’s weather through the Magnetic Field on Earth is the same conduit that facilitates the influx of charged particles from the Sun through the magnetic (auric) field around the human body.

Scientists now know that the human brain contains “millions of tiny magnetic particles” that connect us to the Earth’s magnetic field in a powerful way as a human antenna. We are both transmitters and receivers of subtle energy, or consciousness.

There appears to be a direct connection between the Sun’s solar storms and human emotional and biological effect, especially after an ‘X’ class solar flare such as those we are experiencing this week.

The pineal gland is of particular importance when looking at profound shifts in society and consciousness as well as physical and emotional turmoil on a personal level during this time of electromagnetic transformation.

It turns out that this tiny gland in the center of our brain that has been professed to be a DMT production laboratory and our gateway into more subtle planes and dimensions of reality also regulates circadian rhythm and melatonin production… and is incredibly sensitive to magnetic fields.

N,N-Dimethyltryptamine (or DMT for short) is a short acting psychedelic entheogen which allows a person's consciousness to voyage into the most incredible dimensions, visions, thoughts and experiences imaginable

It is a transdimensional key into places and vistas so profound and awe inspiring that it raises many new questions regarding the nature of reality and our place within it. Nevertheless, it is important to realize that the experience may be very difficult for some to integrate.

DMT exists naturally in every human being and also throughout the plant and animal kingdoms. It occurs naturally in many mammals, marine animals, trees, grasses, flowers and shoots.

Heather Carlini of the Carlini Institute has gathered and reports data on symptoms experienced during periods of increased solar activity.

She states that:

“Solar flares affect the Central Nervous System (stomach lining), all brain activity (including equilibrium), along with human behavior and all psycho-physiological (mental-emotional-physical) response.

Solar flares can cause us to be nervous, anxious, worrisome, jittery, dizzy, shaky, irritable, lethargic, exhausted, have short term memory problems, heart palpitations, nauseous, queasy, and to have prolonged head pressure and headaches.”

Andrew: My personal experience is that now these symptoms can last a few hours or even days. For others, months or years.

In her article Aligning with the Higher Frequencies of Evolution, Heather Carlini explains that:
“Our nervous system is being rebuilt, widened, and strengthened to accommodate an increase in informatic conscious data. 

When we face an event that is out of the norm, for which we have no point of reference, our nervous system goes into fight or flight energy causing anxiety, and when it becomes overloaded it tends to shut down causing exhaustion.

As the solar flare activity increases on the Sun, blocks in our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies are magnified. 

The (emotional) blocks are lower frequency energy and the higher frequency energies from the solar flares -create a conflict - and are causing the unexpressed emotions to surface.

The body may process these higher frequencies through intense emotions, dreams, body pain, flu-like symptoms, nausea, anxiety, itchy skin, headaches etc.

Each part of the physical body where we hold our cellular memories is speaking its own unique body language through the symptomology of the non-conscious immune system asking for assistance and healing.”

It is important to understand what is going on during these intense solar bombardments and take measures to alleviate discomfort and the effects of stress on our physical systems.

Of course this intensification of energies can also simultaneously generate inspired action and profound enlightenment with inner knowing by spontaneously activating the inner kundalini.

Heather Carlini explains that:
“The elements of our soul’s blueprint are interfaced in the cellular consciousness, and when the blueprint is amplified through photon energies various elements of the blueprint leak into our consciousness and we begin to remember our soul’s purpose.”\

Profound dreams, ‘downloads’ and other forms of Soul communication with aspects of our higher selves, our guides, angels and any form of off-planet consciousness with whom we wish to communicate is facilitated by this high-energy environment — especially if we take measures to positively process, absorb, ground and utilize the cosmic gift of these exotic particles!


In Findhorn, Scotland, there exists a thriving community of like-minded humans who communicate with nature spirits to grow flowers, fruits and plants.

This is an existing reality which when first introduced, shocked the scientific botanical community in England. Eileen Caddy and a small group of people worked with nature spirits to grow flowers and fruits.

Incredible to most people, but natural if we understand that nature has its own consciousness in the form of plant and fruit devas or spirits which can communicate and cooperate with us.

So, Angelia is trying to explain to us that when the solar flare hits the planet, an important gland - our pineal gland awakens. And our entire world transforms. The so-called non-physical world is revealed to us and nature spirits, angels and other beings from other planes of existence begin to make their presence felt.

We begin to get glimpses of the past, the present and some aspects of the future.  And various other psychic gifts begin to awaken. But before all that can happen, we go through what is known as a healing crisis in our physical, emotional and mental bodies.

All the previous outmoded beliefs and energy imbalances have to be released and healed. In the process, our existing state of medical science will call some of these crises - incurable or mental illnesses.

It takes brave medical researchers and they do exist - to research and explore beyond the limits of the human condition and map out a new future as humans begin to evolve from the five senses to the sixth sense and beyond due to dormant DNA awakening.

In esoteric studies, the pineal is the gateway to psychic states and other dimensional states of existence.

When the solar flares activate the kundalini and make it rise to the mid brain where the pineal resides people start having psychic or paranormal encounters for which they have no rationale explanation. Two of the ladies I mentioned above are having such experiences.

If you have done some kind of meditation or spiritual work or are aware of different states of awareness, then you are better prepared for what is happening at this time in our planetary history.

However if like many people on earth who are focused on their work and their daily lives, then, there will be severe shocks to the system and illness and mental breakdowns will be the norm.

So we need more information to understand what is happening. We need to understand it logically and energetically.

It is important to drink more water and stay hydrated during the solar flares. Heather is saying take more Omega 3 Fish Oil so that our physical heart is prepared when the incoming energy begins to rise and affect our nervous system. If you are vegetarian, then take flaxseed oil.

We have heard cases of normal healthy men without any medical history suddenly collapsing from heart attacks in Ipoh and Kuala Lumpur.  I believe this is just the tip of the iceberg.

In an earlier post we also encouraged people to print out a coloured symbol downloaded by Lillian of Ipoh.

Colours and patterns given by Lillian help our energy bodies to gradually bridge the energy gap between what is incoming and our own normal energy states to reduce the conflict of released emotions which can create havoc with our health..

Print this out and face it during your daily meditation... it should be placed in front of you when you meditate or do your mudra exercises.  If you want to, you can also place it under your mattress cover and sleep on it.  Observe your feelings and emotions for a few days when you sleep on this... do you feel better, more relaxed and more positive - then continue to use it.

Be informed, take the necessary steps. Learn more about the pineal gland. Stay open. And expand your awareness.

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