On the 16th of October 2016, I presented a power point presentation on the shift of
consciousness in Mai Palmer’s Ipoh residence at 2.30pm on Sunday.
We spoke about the shift of consciousness with pulsars
entering our solar system.
The information on pulsars was written in a book by Dr. Paul LaViolette, an astrophysicist in his book –
Decoding the Pulsars and in his second book Earth under Fire. The pulsars send
out wave particles which have an effect on the planet and the human
The idea is that the pulsars decode hidden genetic codes
which have been disconnected from the human race and starts activating these
DNA. The result is that people who are
reconnected for various reasons begin to have access to more information or
behavioural codes which make the human more psychic and multi-dimensional.
The works of authors and scientists like Carl Jung, Itzhak
Bentov and Dr. Valerie Hunt were quoted to support this species transformation.
After the talk, on Monday, Lillian began receiving some
information downloads from certain star systems. These are a record of the symbols received
and drawn by Lillian.
We are grateful to her and to the pulsar energies for the gift of these
This morning I had the feeling that these symbols or codes should now be shared with more people who are receptive to the idea of progressing in their spiritual evolution.
How to use them?
Simple. Just print out the symbols on paper and then when you are meditating or just resting, have the symbols on the wall a few feet away from you. Have an open attitude of receptivity and gratitude and that gratitude will act as a magnet to draw in the energy of the symbols.
The symbols are codes that activate our dormant DNA and reconnect us to higher dimensional information - which is our divine birthright and is given freely on this blog.
For some people, there will be a healing crisis, depending on the amount of subconscious stuff and inner shadows that have been embedded for years in our energy systems.
The explanation is simple, We have gooey stuff in our energy field from emotions and beliefs that no longer serve us - sadness, frustration, anger, humiliation, depression, shame, guilt etc.
The longer these emotions are stuck in you and not lovingly released, well, the more stuck in the mud you will be and you will find it difficult to access higher dimensional energies.
Where some of us are heading - to a higher dimensional frequency, all these emotions have to be released and we need to come to a state of loving equilibrium for ourselves and for others - before we can match the frequency of a higher vibration.
Many thanks to Lillian for these symbols or codes. They are so beautiful and intricate. How long do you work with them? Trust your instincts. Every individual has their own unique issues to work on, so it is up to you. Which symbols? I suggest you print them all and put all of them on the wall. Over time, you will be led to those which resonate with you.
I would also suggest that after every session with the symbols, you drink lots of water to rehydrate yourself.
Stand up for yourself and learn to say no
Try and be non-judgemental of anyone and everyone.
Make one person happy today with an act of kindness.
If you practice this 365 days, that's 365 occasions of happiness.
What goes round comes round.
Be peaceful
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