Sunday, 19 March 2017

Your perfect outcome

There are three different kinds of perfect outcomes in oneness work.

Your perfect outcome when you are not in oneness.

Life sucks.
You are seriously ill or just survived a life or death experience. You are in a terrible relationship. Again. And again.
Your life is boring or mediocre
And that’s when you start to wonder and ask, “God, why  me.”
When you begin to question, that - is the beginning of your search... 
And as you seek, so shall you find.

Your perfect outcome when you begin to embrace oneness.

Sometimes you are happy and sometimes life sucks.

Your perfect outcome when you practice oneness

Life sucks – but it bothers you less.
More people treat you better.
The ritam of life starts to engage you – unexpected joyful surprises take place.
You consciously and subconsciously choose the perfect outcome – every occasion – no matter how contradictory the physical circumstances are.
And you throw guilt and lack of self-esteem out the window.
You know and acknowledge that you deserve love and abundance and your life is uplifted in many meaningful ways.

Can’t be done? 

Well Nelson Mandela did. And he ended up as the President of South Africa after spending 26 years in jail.

Not everyone is Nelson Mandela, I agree, but what he did was to plant something remarkable in the collective human consciousness. He planted in our collective human psyche, an attitude of choosing his perfect outcome – even when the physical situation was anything but perfect.

And because he, one man, did it, all of us, have a narrative, a true story that inspires us to do the same. 

One day at a time. 

It took Nelson Mandela 9,490 days. But he did it.

We started one of the Saturday sessions on Masculine and Feminine Balancing with a story about a black American who runs a medical facility of 200 staff. He remarked that during the day when he was in charge, he was respected and people listened to him.

At 5 o clock when he left and walked on the street to his commute, he said that he was just another black American on the street who could be victimised. This story came out during the time of the Black Lives Matter protest.

The word that we are looking for here is – victim.

In Eastern spiritual traditions, we discuss the larger picture about Earth being a training school for us to experience life lessons in different roles, some of them as a victim. 

Some of us are born in countries where we grow up where being a minority, we face some harsh lessons about what it is like to be marginalised.

Some of us are born in continents where there is religious extremism, feminine suppression and wars. As we write this more than 20 million Muslims from the Middle East are refugees.

A news organisation, Guardian, England has just quoted a politician who declared that there will be famines in four African countries. I kind of remember Bob Geldof in the 90s inspiring the Band Aid to provide relief for a severe famine in Ethiopia. 20 years later, four African countries are facing famine. Again. 

Haven’t we learned anything?

Imagine Earth as a 3rd grade classroom. And we only go to 4th grade when we learn the lessons of self-love and unconditional love for everyone else – or in one short sentence, the appreciation of oneness.  

And one of the ways to learn love and forgiveness is to be placed in a life and situation where we encounter racism and a lot of other events which make us relate to that experience.

If we can see the larger picture and eventually learn to forgive and have compassion, we pass the oneness test. If we continue to stay in anger, then we fail.  And we get recycled. Back into 3rd Grade. 


The Earth Plane is like Grand Central Station, New York. People/Souls arrive. Young Souls. Growing Souls. Mature Souls. Ancient Souls. Do their thing and then leave for their next destination. If you keep on doing the same old thing and retain the same old consciousness of anger and victimisation, you end up in the same destination.  

You don’t get to cross the other side of the subway and arrive at a new destination where the grass is greener. 

Let us look at how people like us can take the simple steps to stop being a victim and experience an outcome that is perfect.  Now. Today.

For starters, you have to embrace the concept of a PERFECT OUTCOME for yourself in every situation.

Difficult to see when we are in a victim mode.

Now the question is, how do we prepare ourselves to receive a perfect outcome. In my earlier posts, I quoted author Barbara Marciniak as saying that we have to imprint our intentions on the fabric of creation to create the reality we want, or else, other people will imprint their intentions on us and we fall victim to their agenda – simply because we have no agenda.

So the trick is this, no matter how people treat you or try to pull you or manipulate you into their agenda, your consistent response verbally and mentally in every situation is  – in this situation I will experience my perfect outcome now. That is YOUR agenda. 

If you check your Wiki, one description of perfect means something that UPLIFTS you.

Now it may not happen at that very moment.  But the way energy works, the more you send out the same intention and energy, consistently, the situation energetically has to change.

And if you persist like Barbara Marciniak said, imprint or give intention that the perfect outcome is taking place for you now, even if the physical reality is not perfect – you are changing your reality show so that you WILL experience YOUR perfect outcome.

What we think of matter or situations as fixed or permanent is not correct. Science is now telling us that even the most solid thing you can think of – concrete, is just a series of denser particles and waves that can be changed – when we change our consciousness – or change the way we think.

When it comes to your health, Bruce Lipton calls this Epigenics. We can change who we are – even if we have inherited damaged genes from our parents or ancestors.  

By changing the nature of our consciousness, we change the nature of our health reality show.  Nothing is permanent or solid.  Situations are fluid and adaptable – within our own personal circumstances.

The most famous explanation of this idea was contributed by the late Jane Roberts in her famous book by Seth called The Nature of Personal Reality. Anybody who wants to change their reality has to read this book!

A PERFECT OUTCOME is arriving at a situation where the conditions are just right for you in your personal situation at that particular moment.

The perspective of the perfect outcome is arbitrary – meaning there is no fixed guideline.  The perfect outcome is – for that moment, in the situation you are in, something good, fortunate or happy or joyful that takes place for you in your personal experience.

So if let’s say you’re a prisoner, an act of kindness took place for you where kindness is seldom experienced, that is your perfect outcome.

Or if you are working seven days a week and the boss says you can take a day off, that’s your perfect outcome. 

Or you get another job that pays more with lesser working hours.

Or if you had to attend an event that is expensive and somebody gives you a free ticket, that’s your perfect outcome.

Or you needed a holiday and you’re low on cash and someone sponsors your holiday, that’s your perfect outcome.

Or you get that dream job where you are living your passion and not just because you have to survive.

Or fortunate circumstances create an opportunity where you can attend a life changing course.

Or someone out of the blue gives you a Seth Book on changing your personal reality.

Or you are writing an article and an inspiring thought comes along and you get on with the writing and come out with something that can help yourself or help others.

This is actually a very old idea, it is called – MIND OVER MATTER. And when practiced daily, you will experience your perfect outcome more and more.You’re no longer walking on shit. And life mysteriously shifts.

Why? It's because you are not walking around clueless. You have your own AGENDA. You demanded your perfect outcome which UPLIFTS you. Begin your day with that mental command. And repeat that mental command in every situation where the physical situation is contradictory to your perfect situation.

And stick to it. When that becomes a habit, you have entrained that perfect outcome in your subconscious. When it becomes subconscious, then it is your daily DEFAULT mode. And you will see your life - uplifted. And you will be motivated to take action to follow up on that upliftment. 

You get the picture. Take the challenge. Nelson Mandela did.    

PS. I read somewhere that evolved civilisations do not have a consciousness of falling sick or aging. They don't think about it. At all. That, is one perfect be-ing and perfect outcome simulataneously!

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