Tuesday, 28 March 2017

Thinking for yourself

In the two previous blogs, the idea was to introduce to the reader that sooner or later he or she has to think independently. Thoughts are things. That means whatever you focus on becomes eventually your reality.

Conscious Visualization and Deliberate creation is one of the mental tools in our mind box that we require as we negotiate a rocky and chaotic 21st century.

When you start thinking for yourself, you make your own decisions. You then experience the outcome of the decision that you made and from that experience you become hopefully wiser. Though age is no indication of wisdom!

Independent thinking is eventually necessary for everyone to progress. If we allow other people to think for us, then we are deprived of our own creativity and ability to manifest our own destiny. And we will forever be a puppet on a string.

First there is observation. What works, what doesn’t.  And then the conclusion. If we now observe the collision of different belief systems –  we realise that a lot of things are not working out in the 21st century.

Governments, religions and Artificial Intelligence in our technology are three of the biggest sources of concern.

Governments are supposed to serve the people. Do they? Who do they actually serve? What is your observation? Some governments do, some don’t.

Religions are supposed to take us to a more peaceful life where everyone is respected as body and spirit. Do they?

Artificial Intelligence in our technology.  Are they serving us? There is already a document from Australia. They have calculated that 30% of the workforce are going to lose their jobs in the near future. Only in Australia?

So we ask, who is thinking for us and making the decisions for us. And what is the outcome in our lives. What are the forces driving the change in our society. Are they benevolent? Or otherwise.

In a book called Paradigm Conspiracy written by two respected professionals, both authors questioned the relevance of systems in our culture and society that were dyfsunctional - so why were we as a soceity still addicted to systems that no longer serve us?

The Paradigm Conspiracy

How Our Systems of Government, Religion, School and Culture Violate Our Human Potential

Denise Breton and Christopher Largent. 

Drawing from the success and wisdom of the Iroquois Peace Confederacy, Twelve Step recovery programs, and the poetry of Rumi, The Paradigm Conspiracy provides an analytical framework of our current social systems and presents suggestions for change that can ultimately result in an entire paradigm shift.

The Paradigm Conspiracy offers a unification of systems theory that can be applied to both personal and social problems. Based on the idea that individuals cannot be fully healthy in a society filled with dysfunctional systems, the authors concentrate on those behavioral models that successfully help individuals to change (i.e., the recovery model, the Twelve Circles of the Iroquois Nation) and how these models can then be applied to unhealthy social structures.

"Without question, the addictive paradigms that bind us to society (and often to each other) also hinder our growth as free-thinking individuals. This deeply researched book not only exposes these addictive systems, but provides a new vision of recovery by insisting that we change the lenses through which we see our world.

It then becomes the compass rather than the rigid road map by which we lead our lives -- thus enabling us to break with the traditionally binding patterns of today."

--Steven Covey, founder and chairman of the Covey Leadership Center and author of the number one best-seller, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People.

"This is an excellent and eminently readable book. The metaphoric comparison between addiction and cultural belief systems is powerful. The book raises the critical question for our time: Can you have healthy persons in an unhealthy system -- a system based on an essentially unhealthy paradigm? 

It argues, successfully, that the paradigm which creates addiction cannot also heal it; in other words, there is no solution for our social ills short of fundamental whole-system change. The first step is to face our taboos and our toxic patterns with honesty and integrity. The book is a powerful wake-up call."

Even without reading the book, we are already thinking of beliefs and systems that are creating the chaos in our society - the ceaseless wars, famines, the uneven capitalism and the social unrest in addition to our lack of respect for the planet which feeds us.

One equivalent that I can think of is that the lunatics are running the asylum after tying up all the doctors. It is a dark comic tragedy. 

The sooner you start thinking for yourself and practicing and creating the life you want to live, the more independent you will be of dysfunctional systems that no longer serve us.

To cheer myself, I am attaching an article from one of my favourite authors, Bruce Lipton.

The Cost of Complacency & a Bright Light From New Zealand by Bruce Lipton

Earth scientists officially refer to the Earth’s current geological period as the Holocene Extinction. The “sciencey-Latiny” Holocene Extinction terminology usually elicits a somewhat calm, sterile response from readers. I think a more appropriate street version for this geological age might more accurately be expressed as the title of a recent Kevin James movie, “Uh Oh! Here comes the boom!”

Those familiar with this newsletter, know I have written about the impending 6th mass extinction of life several (OK, a lot of …) times. Unlike the previous 5 mass extinction events, attributed to natural causes such as a comet hitting the Earth or periods of massive geological activity, the current mass extinction is driven by human behavior.

Civilization has uprooted the Garden and thrown a monkey wrench through the web of life. In addition, while we did not create climate change, human behavior has profoundly exacerbated the situation leading to dire consequences for civilization.

Unfortunately, the public has not been truly informed of our looming extinction and more importantly they have been left in the dark regarding actions we can engage in now that will ease the transition into a new world. Firstly, it is not in the interest of corporate profits to resist climate change. 

Corporations desire global warming because it will expose formerly ice-covered Arctic and Antarctic landmasses, offering opportunities to open new virgin territory so they can rape and pillage more of the planet’s resources. For years, big petroleum companies have created “alternative facts” and funded millions of dollars in advertising to mislead the public on the nature of our impending climate upheaval.

Secondly, the lack of public awareness is because the news media has an unwritten rule, do not dwell on bad news that cannot be controlled or influenced by the human population. Hence extinction stories are not on the first page and hidden all together.

Thankfully, the Universe has led us to the Trump presidency. Unbeknownst to Donald, he is an instrument in planetary evolution. To hasten corporate intentions, the current administration has fully endorsed an effort to discredit science and mute researchers to prevent the release of vital scientific data affecting life on this planet.

I know Trump is fuelling a much-needed awakening of the public to once again consciously nurture our planet and ourselves. Regardless, as a scientist, I can’t help but be appalled at the massive budget cuts in scientific research, the elimination of the Environmental Protection Agency, the attack on public education and the undermining of healthcare for millions of people.

Trump’s incentive is to defund these humanitarian programs and use the money to make more nuclear weapons and support a larger military. In contrast to the original Biblical version of, “They will beat their swords into plowshares … (Isaiah 2:4), Trump is offering the anti-Bible version of, “They will beat their plowshares into swords.”

Why must we go through this? As a civilization, we have simply become too complacent, waiting for “someone” to fix the situation. Seriously, we cannot wait for some figure from above to lead us out of the Valley of Death and into the Light. To survive the looming extinction, each of us must awaken from this dystopian nightmare and take action into our own hands. Thanks Donald Trump! We needed that slap in the face.

I have to admit that the daily news has dampened my spirit … all the articles are about the problems hailing down from above. I have been awaiting some form of collective backlash, people standing up for their rights as human beings.

My spirits were immediately buoyed up after a recent conversation with my daughter Jennifer, a Professor of Geography at Central Washington University. While it is not much in the news, Jen informed me that people around the States are coming together in local communities. Republicans, Democrats and Independents are collectively recognizing they share a common desire to seek peace, health and happiness for all.

YES … underneath the radar, the formerly complacent are banding together to take back power over their lives. Community action is mobilizing at the grass roots, people are turning out to attend town hall meetings and demanding their representatives actually represent them and not the ruling corporate interests. Citizens are recognizing that focusing on local elections is the first and necessary step in fulfilling the needs of a democracy.

The evolution we are engaging in is driven by realizing a change in human consciousness; A consciousness that owns we are all “cells” in the body of a superorganism, Humanity. A consciousness that recognizes the planet is a living organism, that we evolved from Nature and that we will simply not survive if we destroy Nature.

This is the message that Aboriginal people have been trying to tell Westerners for the last few hundred years, all the while, the Powers to Be have waged a genocidal war to silence them. And, we are now awakening to their vital message. Our Evolutionary path will be marked by an emerging global community among humans and, as importantly, a partnership of humanity with the Earth, Mother Gaia.

We have recently experienced a head-on collision between the government and Native Americans in the Dakotas. While the resolution has been strong-armed by private and government armed forces, the incident has awoken a sleeping giant. Environmentalists, veterans and people from all walks of life are now banding together with Native Americans to protect and nurture Mother Gaia.

To close: A most wonderful story from New Zealand!
For those that did not hear, New Zealand is one of the prominent land masses of a NEW continent … now there are eight of them. The new continent, which I am enjoying at this moment, is called Zealandia).

New Zealand is the only country the British tried to capture but in the end had to sign a peace treaty with the fierce Indigenous Māori natives. As part of the ruling government, Māori spirituality has played a major role in New Zealand society since its inception.

A 140 years of Māori perseverance has led to a most remarkable piece of legislation, one that I hope will have global consequences. The 90-mile long Whanganui River has been granted the legal rights of a human. A tribal member and a government representative will serve as legal guardians of the river. Rivers are life and now their future, and by intimate connection, our future, can be protected

A New Zealand River Now Has The Legal Rights Of A Human
March 16, 20176:09 PM ET         Link to Article


 Māori paddlers guide a boat down the Whanganui River in New Zealand, during a visit from Britain's Prince Harry in 2015.

For the first time in New Zealand's history, the country's lawmakers have granted a river the legal rights of a human. The parliamentary vote Wednesday, which caps more than 140 years of legal struggles, ensures the roughly 90-mile Whanganui River will be represented by two guardians in legal matters that concern the waterway.

The legislation marks a monumental victory for the local Māori people, who view the river as "an indivisible and living whole," Gerrard Albert, lead negotiator for the Whanganui tribe, tells The Telegraph. "It has been a long, hard battle" to earn legal recognition of the river, which is known by the Māori as Te Awa Tupua.

Under that name, the river will be appointed representatives — one each from the tribe and the government — in court proceedings. And the BBC notes the settlement also includes $80 million in financial redress and $30 million toward improving the river's health.

"It's not that we've changed our worldview, but people are catching up to seeing things the way that we see them," Adrian Rurawhe, a Māori member of Parliament, tells the New Zealand Herald.

It is, however, a new concept for New Zealand's government — and one it took a long time to come around to. The Herald reports the local Māori have sought to obtain legal protections for the Whanganui River since 1873, giving rise to "one of New Zealand's longest running court cases."

With the news that their generations-long efforts have finally succeeded, the hundreds of tribal representatives on hand for the moment "wept with joy when their bid to have their kin awarded legal status as a living entity was passed into law," according to The Guardian.

Chris Finlayson, New Zealand Minister for Treaty of Waitangi Negotiations, admitted the arrangement is a unique one in the country's history — but he says it's not as unfamiliar as you may think.

"I know the initial inclination of some people will say it's pretty strange to give a natural resource a legal personality," Finlayson says, according to the BBC. "But it's no stranger than family trusts, or companies or incorporated societies."

In the end it's a matter of recognition, Finlayson tells Buzzfeed News.

"This legislation recognizes the deep spiritual connection between the Whanganui Iwi [tribe] and its ancestral river, and creates a strong platform for the future of Whanganui River."

Wishing You a Wonderful Healthy, Happy & Harmonious Experience on Earth!

With Love and Light,

Thursday, 23 March 2017

Visualising your perfect outcome

Someone asked me, “How can we take action to get our perfect outcome – consciously - once we are mentally positively geared up.”

And I was thinking, we don’t have to reinvent the wheel. Ever since the “Secret” came out and the Laws of Attraction material hit the mainstream, there are many motivators out there encouraging people to achieve their perfect outcome.

So I looked around and found an article by Jack Canfield, one of the people behind 
“Chicken Soup for the Soul.” 

I have read his books and you know, I end up with tears, they really allow us to emotionally release all out stuff and feel a loving compassion for ourselves and for others. Just reading his books, we release lots of stuff that block us from moving forward.

Read his story,implement it and see the results for yourself. Remember, THIS is your Agenda. The idea is, you have to be in charge of your life, not anyone else. And if you really want to help yourself and help other people on the planet - you can't do it if you're stuck, not motivated or flat broke! You get the picture.

Visualization Techniques to Affirm Your Desired Outcomes: A Step-by-Step Guide
April 1, 2014 by Jack Canfield

Visualization techniques have been used by successful people to visualize their desired outcomes for ages. The practice has even given some high achievers what seems like super-powers, helping them create their dream lives by accomplishing one goal or task at a time with hyper focus and complete confidence.

In fact, we all have this awesome power, but most of us have never been taught to use it effectively.

Elite athletes use it. The super-rich use it. And peak performers in all fields now use it. That power is called visualization.

The daily practice of visualizing your dreams as already complete can rapidly accelerate your achievement of those dreams, goals and ambitions.

Using visualization techniques to focus on your goals and desires accomplishes four very important things.

1.) It activates your creative subconscious which will start generating creative ideas to achieve your goal.

2.) It programs your brain to more readily perceive and recognize the resources you will need to achieve your dreams.

3.) It activates the law of attraction, thereby drawing into your life the people, resources, and circumstances you will need to achieve your goals.

4.) It builds your internal motivation to take the necessary actions to achieve your dreams.

Visualization is really quite simple. You sit in a comfortable position, close your eyes and imagine — in as vivid detail as you can — what you would be looking at if the dream you have were already realized. Imagine being inside of yourself, looking out through your eyes at the ideal result.

Mental Rehearsal

Athletes call this visualization process “mental rehearsal,” and they have been using it since the 1960s when we learned about it from the Russians.

All you have to do is set aside a few minutes a day. The best times are when you first wake up, after meditation or prayer, and right before you go to bed. These are the times you are most relaxed.

Go through the following three steps:

STEP 1. Imagine sitting in a movie theater, the lights dim, and then the movie starts. It is a movie of you doing perfectly whatever it is that you want to do better. See as much detail as you can create, including your clothing, the expression on your face, small body movements, the environment and any other people that might be around. Add in any sounds you would be hearing — traffic, music, other people talking, cheering. And finally, recreate in your body any feelings you think you would be experiencing as you engage in this activity.

STEP 2. Get out of your chair, walk up to the screen, open a door in the screen and enter into the movie. Now experience the whole thing again from inside of yourself, looking out through your eyes. This is called an “embodied image” rather than a “distant image.” It will deepen the impact of the experience. Again, see everything in vivid detail, hear the sounds you would hear, and feel the feelings you would feel.

STEP 3. Finally, walk back out of the screen that is still showing the picture of you performing perfectly, return to your seat in the theater, reach out and grab the screen and shrink it down to the size of a cracker. Then, bring this miniature screen up to your mouth, chew it up and swallow it. Imagine that each tiny piece — just like a hologram — contains the full picture of you performing well. Imagine all these little screens traveling down into your stomach and out through the bloodstream into every cell of your body. Then imagine that every cell of your body is lit up with a movie of you performing perfectly. It’s like one of those appliance store windows where 50 televisions are all tuned to the same channel.

When you have finished this process — it should take less than five minutes — you can open your eyes and go about your business. If you make this part of your daily routine, you will be amazed at how much improvement you will see in your life.

Create Goal Pictures

Another powerful visualization technique is to create a photograph or picture of yourself with your goal, as if it were already completed. If one of your goals is to own a new car, take your camera down to your local auto dealer and have a picture taken of yourself sitting behind the wheel of your dream car. If your goal is to visit Paris, find a picture or poster of the Eiffel Tower and cut out a picture of yourself and place it into the picture.

Create a Visual Picture and an Affirmation for Each Goal

We recommend that you find or create a picture of every aspect of your dream life. Create a picture or a visual representation for every goal you have — financial, career, recreation, new skills and abilities, things you want to purchase, and so on.

When we were writing the very first Chicken Soup for the Soul® book, we took a copy of the New York Times best seller list, scanned it into our computer, and using the same font as the newspaper, typed Chicken Soup for the Soul into the number one position in the “Paperback Advice, How-To and Miscellaneous” category. 

We printed several copies and hung them up around the office. Less than two years later, our book was the number one book in that category and stayed there for over a year. Now that's a pretty solid example of a successful visualization technique!

You want to take your visualization to the next level, right?

Learn how to create an empowering vision board here!

Index Cards

We practice a similar discipline every day. We each have a list of about 30-40 goals we are currently working on. We write each goal on a 3x5 index card and keep those cards near our bed and take them with us when we travel. 

Each morning and each night we go through the stack of cards, one at a time, read the card, close our eyes, see the completion of that goal in its perfect desired state for about 15 seconds, open our eyes and repeat the process with the next card.

Use Affirmations to Support Your Visualization

An affirmation is a statement that evokes not only a picture, but the experience of already having what you want. Here’s an example of an affirmation:

I am happily vacationing 2 months out of the year in a tropical paradise, and working just four days a week owning my own business.

Repeating an affirmation several times a day keeps you focused on your goal, strengthens your motivation, and programs your subconscious by sending an order to your crew to do whatever it takes to make that goal happen.

Expect Results

Through writing down your goals, using the power of visualization and repeating your daily affirmations, you can achieve amazing results.

Visualization and affirmations allow you to change your beliefs, assumptions, and opinions about the most important person in your life — YOU! They allow you to harness the 18 billion brain cells in your brain and get them all working in a singular and purposeful direction.

Your subconscious will become engaged in a process that transforms you forever. The process is invisible and doesn’t take a long time. 

It just happens over time, as long as you put in the time to visualize and affirm, practice your techniques, surround yourself with positive people, read uplifting books and listen to audio programs that flood your mind with positive, life-affirming messages.

If you would like a step-by-step, comprehensive approach for defining your goals, creating affirmations for them and living the life of your dreams, take a look at my free Affirmations for Success Guide... Just add your dreams!

Go to Jack Canfield Affirmations for Success Guide

Repeat your affirmations every morning and night for a month and they will become an automatic part of your thinking... woven into the very fabric of your being.

 Jack Canfield, America's #1 Success Coach, is founder of the billion-dollar book brand Chicken Soup for the Soul® and a leading authority on Peak Performance and Life Success. If you're ready to jump-start your life, make more money, and have more fun and joy in all that you do, get FREE success tips from Jack Canfield now at: www.FreeSuccessStrategies.com

Sunday, 19 March 2017

Your perfect outcome

There are three different kinds of perfect outcomes in oneness work.

Your perfect outcome when you are not in oneness.

Life sucks.
You are seriously ill or just survived a life or death experience. You are in a terrible relationship. Again. And again.
Your life is boring or mediocre
And that’s when you start to wonder and ask, “God, why  me.”
When you begin to question, that - is the beginning of your search... 
And as you seek, so shall you find.

Your perfect outcome when you begin to embrace oneness.

Sometimes you are happy and sometimes life sucks.

Your perfect outcome when you practice oneness

Life sucks – but it bothers you less.
More people treat you better.
The ritam of life starts to engage you – unexpected joyful surprises take place.
You consciously and subconsciously choose the perfect outcome – every occasion – no matter how contradictory the physical circumstances are.
And you throw guilt and lack of self-esteem out the window.
You know and acknowledge that you deserve love and abundance and your life is uplifted in many meaningful ways.

Can’t be done? 

Well Nelson Mandela did. And he ended up as the President of South Africa after spending 26 years in jail.

Not everyone is Nelson Mandela, I agree, but what he did was to plant something remarkable in the collective human consciousness. He planted in our collective human psyche, an attitude of choosing his perfect outcome – even when the physical situation was anything but perfect.

And because he, one man, did it, all of us, have a narrative, a true story that inspires us to do the same. 

One day at a time. 

It took Nelson Mandela 9,490 days. But he did it.

We started one of the Saturday sessions on Masculine and Feminine Balancing with a story about a black American who runs a medical facility of 200 staff. He remarked that during the day when he was in charge, he was respected and people listened to him.

At 5 o clock when he left and walked on the street to his commute, he said that he was just another black American on the street who could be victimised. This story came out during the time of the Black Lives Matter protest.

The word that we are looking for here is – victim.

In Eastern spiritual traditions, we discuss the larger picture about Earth being a training school for us to experience life lessons in different roles, some of them as a victim. 

Some of us are born in countries where we grow up where being a minority, we face some harsh lessons about what it is like to be marginalised.

Some of us are born in continents where there is religious extremism, feminine suppression and wars. As we write this more than 20 million Muslims from the Middle East are refugees.

A news organisation, Guardian, England has just quoted a politician who declared that there will be famines in four African countries. I kind of remember Bob Geldof in the 90s inspiring the Band Aid to provide relief for a severe famine in Ethiopia. 20 years later, four African countries are facing famine. Again. 

Haven’t we learned anything?

Imagine Earth as a 3rd grade classroom. And we only go to 4th grade when we learn the lessons of self-love and unconditional love for everyone else – or in one short sentence, the appreciation of oneness.  

And one of the ways to learn love and forgiveness is to be placed in a life and situation where we encounter racism and a lot of other events which make us relate to that experience.

If we can see the larger picture and eventually learn to forgive and have compassion, we pass the oneness test. If we continue to stay in anger, then we fail.  And we get recycled. Back into 3rd Grade. 


The Earth Plane is like Grand Central Station, New York. People/Souls arrive. Young Souls. Growing Souls. Mature Souls. Ancient Souls. Do their thing and then leave for their next destination. If you keep on doing the same old thing and retain the same old consciousness of anger and victimisation, you end up in the same destination.  

You don’t get to cross the other side of the subway and arrive at a new destination where the grass is greener. 

Let us look at how people like us can take the simple steps to stop being a victim and experience an outcome that is perfect.  Now. Today.

For starters, you have to embrace the concept of a PERFECT OUTCOME for yourself in every situation.

Difficult to see when we are in a victim mode.

Now the question is, how do we prepare ourselves to receive a perfect outcome. In my earlier posts, I quoted author Barbara Marciniak as saying that we have to imprint our intentions on the fabric of creation to create the reality we want, or else, other people will imprint their intentions on us and we fall victim to their agenda – simply because we have no agenda.

So the trick is this, no matter how people treat you or try to pull you or manipulate you into their agenda, your consistent response verbally and mentally in every situation is  – in this situation I will experience my perfect outcome now. That is YOUR agenda. 

If you check your Wiki, one description of perfect means something that UPLIFTS you.

Now it may not happen at that very moment.  But the way energy works, the more you send out the same intention and energy, consistently, the situation energetically has to change.

And if you persist like Barbara Marciniak said, imprint or give intention that the perfect outcome is taking place for you now, even if the physical reality is not perfect – you are changing your reality show so that you WILL experience YOUR perfect outcome.

What we think of matter or situations as fixed or permanent is not correct. Science is now telling us that even the most solid thing you can think of – concrete, is just a series of denser particles and waves that can be changed – when we change our consciousness – or change the way we think.

When it comes to your health, Bruce Lipton calls this Epigenics. We can change who we are – even if we have inherited damaged genes from our parents or ancestors.  

By changing the nature of our consciousness, we change the nature of our health reality show.  Nothing is permanent or solid.  Situations are fluid and adaptable – within our own personal circumstances.

The most famous explanation of this idea was contributed by the late Jane Roberts in her famous book by Seth called The Nature of Personal Reality. Anybody who wants to change their reality has to read this book!

A PERFECT OUTCOME is arriving at a situation where the conditions are just right for you in your personal situation at that particular moment.

The perspective of the perfect outcome is arbitrary – meaning there is no fixed guideline.  The perfect outcome is – for that moment, in the situation you are in, something good, fortunate or happy or joyful that takes place for you in your personal experience.

So if let’s say you’re a prisoner, an act of kindness took place for you where kindness is seldom experienced, that is your perfect outcome.

Or if you are working seven days a week and the boss says you can take a day off, that’s your perfect outcome. 

Or you get another job that pays more with lesser working hours.

Or if you had to attend an event that is expensive and somebody gives you a free ticket, that’s your perfect outcome.

Or you needed a holiday and you’re low on cash and someone sponsors your holiday, that’s your perfect outcome.

Or you get that dream job where you are living your passion and not just because you have to survive.

Or fortunate circumstances create an opportunity where you can attend a life changing course.

Or someone out of the blue gives you a Seth Book on changing your personal reality.

Or you are writing an article and an inspiring thought comes along and you get on with the writing and come out with something that can help yourself or help others.

This is actually a very old idea, it is called – MIND OVER MATTER. And when practiced daily, you will experience your perfect outcome more and more.You’re no longer walking on shit. And life mysteriously shifts.

Why? It's because you are not walking around clueless. You have your own AGENDA. You demanded your perfect outcome which UPLIFTS you. Begin your day with that mental command. And repeat that mental command in every situation where the physical situation is contradictory to your perfect situation.

And stick to it. When that becomes a habit, you have entrained that perfect outcome in your subconscious. When it becomes subconscious, then it is your daily DEFAULT mode. And you will see your life - uplifted. And you will be motivated to take action to follow up on that upliftment. 

You get the picture. Take the challenge. Nelson Mandela did.    

PS. I read somewhere that evolved civilisations do not have a consciousness of falling sick or aging. They don't think about it. At all. That, is one perfect be-ing and perfect outcome simulataneously!