31st August 2016
The past few weeks have been a real energy roller coaster ... you name it … I experienced it ...
dizziness, tiredness, fever, diarrhea, body aches and pains…kundalini rising...
The whole lot ... there were intuitive messages in between and a vision
of a huge pink lotus ...
Someone said that I was enveloped in an embryonic sac surrounded by the cosmos...and I got that I was undergoing some kind of rebirth... hence the birthing "pains". :-)
Someone said that I was enveloped in an embryonic sac surrounded by the cosmos...and I got that I was undergoing some kind of rebirth... hence the birthing "pains". :-)
I was getting an intuitive message to check out Sri Aurobindo Bhose, an
Indian yogi, teacher, author and philosopher and I started getting visions of
him. So I googled his site and read about his interpretation of Supramental
Light or Divine Light.
It could not be a coincidence that we were discovering this article
after attending Mai Palmer's 30 day workshop on Awakening - which involved
migrating from the ego self to the SELF or also known as a higher state of
consciousness - that we can relate to ALL exterior circumstances as one within
ourselves... in the process... going beyond the duality of our daily
lives. We acknowledge that - this
migration of awareness or consciousness can take a lifetime or a minute ...
depending on the circumstances ... or a
lifetime of many aha moments … or not at all :-).
I am attaching the article by Sri Aurobindo as his experience is - that
by gradually migrating to a consciousness of ONENESS ... there are considerable
benefits of divine grace in our lives.
The article is 7 pages long. Be
patient. Read it as many times as you
want to.... practice ONENESS states as suggested ... and then the rest is up to
you.... Sure, there will be times, we return to ego states, forget and get mud
in the face ....but there is no harm in
trying ... and the states of divine grace appear to be rather uplifting …
If you do not resonate with this article or give up reading after the
first few paragraphs ... then perhaps it is not appropriate for you at this
time....or you have your own methods which you should stick to, but I thought I
would plant a seed anyway. For some,
this may be a new concept and a bit shocking ... well, see what you make of it.
And yes, do remind me, if I sometimes forget :-) It
is not easy to break the habit of a lifetime and migrate from duality to
Sri Aurobindo Bhose - Indian nationalist,
Yogi, Teacher, Author, Philosopher
15th August 1872 to 5th December 1950
The Supramental individual would see everything in its oneness.
He would perceive this oneness in all things; in the greatest
multiplicity and diversity of things; in the uniqueness of each person and
thing; even in what appears as contradictions or conflicting elements.
He thus sees everything in their right relation to one another and to
the whole, the One.
Existence is a life of essential, spontaneous and inherent unity and
In his existence the inner, what's inside him, and the outer, what's
outside him in the world, would be one. He would continually live and see this
inner-outer correspondence of life, again providing him the ultimate
efficiencies of life; enabling the infinite possibilities to arise where there
was formally only finite possibility.
One sees all (including contradictions, dualities) from the standpoint
of oneness
EXAMPLE One is involved in a project that involves a number of
companies, each seemingly going through their own problems and development.
Through his involvement in the project he is able to see all the forces at work
(positive and negative) amidst all the companies, the individuals he associates
with, and his own work and development through the unfolding of the project. He
knows that all is related in oneness, and acts accordingly.
There would be a tranquil and wide equality of spirit to all the shocks
and difficulties. One is in a state of peace and equality, unmoved by any extremes
of positive and negative circumstance.
One perceives the unity of the world in its infinite diversity and
One sees the unfolding of his life to be one with the unfolding of the
spiritual unfolding of the universe
Life around one becomes self-possessed, spontaneous, and plastic
(elastic or flexible)
One sees the unfolding and growth of one's life to be one with the
unfolding and growth of one's soul, i.e. the truth of one's soul is one with
the circumstance of one's life.
One acts with spontaneous sympathy with all in the world
All other individual beings would be felt as his; would be experienced
as his own selves. Their feelings would be his own. His being would extend out
to others. He would sense the spirit in everything, including others, which
would be the binding element that enables this sense of oneness.
One sees the other person's point of view though his power of silence
He would be one with the forces and powers beyond his individual self;
of the forces in the environment, the community, the society, the world, and
the universe. He would experience the interrelationship of all forces, outer
and occult across the cosmos. He would also sense that in his new status he was
fulfilling not only his own purpose, but the purpose of the existence of the
A spiritual or gnostic collective life would naturally emerge from many
individuals who have this supra-mental consciousness
We no longer perceive the world in the normal perceptions of cause and
effect, space and time, objectivity and subjectivity. In our new perception and
experience of the world all of these mental perceptions are transcended.
We are aware of how the reality around us corresponds to our own state
of being (Inner-Outer Correspondence), and know which (inner and outer) action
to take in life to harmonize the two.
One has the triple-time vision; simultaneous knowledge of past, present
and future.
One experiences the Infinite in the finite, the Timeless in time; the
One in the many (e.g. all selves in one's own self, and vice versa).
Whereas mind and spiritualized mind sees the object of perception,
inquiry, understanding as outside of one's self, in Supermind this object is
inside one's self. Thus it does not require an object of perception because the
object is a part of itself. One is in essence the object itself. (Just as the
Supermind created the world out of nothing, i.e. self-conceived, objectified a
universe of forms from out of the Absolute, so the Supramental individual can
apprehend knowledge, i.e. self-conceive knowledge, inquiry, perception from
within its self.
One is not seeking the fruit or result; the joy is in being and doing,
connected to the Spirit. The individual would follow his inner transcendent
purpose rather than being a mere puppet of nature and its will
There is no need to exert mental control to attain results in life
One has full access to the Supramental force, which can accomplish
anything in any time period, even instantaneously
One's own actions, initiatives, etc. are simultaneously matched by
parallel movements throughout the world.
EXAMPLE An individual uses the spiritual power within him to raise the
organization he leads to far greater level of success. In another part of the
world an international organization related to his own organization suddenly
has a vast leap in its influence and success.
We are aware of how the reality around us corresponds to our own state
of being (Inner-Outer Correspondence), and know which (inner and outer) action
to take in life to harmonize the two.
We create infinite accomplishment by understanding the forces that
evoke positive responses from life. We elicit these from within by opening to
the Force, to elicit the highest positive life responses, which emanate from
the Force's action on the causal plane. Life responses that occur defy our
normal perceptions of cause and effect, space and time, and subjectivity and
One acts not for the power, satisfaction, enjoyment of the mental and
vital ego, but for the Divine in oneself, in all, in the world, and the
emergence instead of the Divine presence, Light, Power, Love, Delight, and
One can create results in the world as much from the inner being, i.e.
from within inside oneself, as through our outer actions and interactions. We
can create the world from within ourselves.
He is constantly evoking positive life responses, enabling him to
accomplish at 1000 times or more the level of the normal human being. 1000
times even in a single moment in time. Because of his complete oneness and
integral knowledge at any moment, he knows exactly what action to take,
enabling vast instantaneous and abundant results. One's will of action is
matched by a true knowledge of what is to be willed; and there is the power to
effectuate its knowledge.
(Andrew: I smiled at Sri
Aurobindo’s version of multiplication.)
He understands the process of creation that enabled the universe to
emerge from the Divine. As a result he knows how to apply this process in his
own life, releasing the infinite potentials of life. He gains this God-power in
his own life because he is fully aware of the stages of the process. He also
has complete understanding of other such processes in life.
One continually opens to the Force to accomplish at infinitely greater
levels in life.
One realizes and uses the facts that one does not need anything to
create a result. Just as the universe emanated out of (physical) nothing, so
can results in life emanate out of nothing (e.g. i.e. one need not actually do
work over time to create results, products do not need materials, etc.). The
Supramentalized individual is in touch with and operates from Within, releasing
infinite accomplishment out of Nothing through this infinite spiritual
In the Supramental consciousness resulting acts do not seem to repeat
in their quality and character. (This parallels the act of consecration, which
attracts positive life responses that seem to be one of a kind, unique, that do
not repeat.)
His existence would be one with the universal and transcendental Self
and Spirit. His actions would originate from and obey the Supreme Self and
Spirit's divine governance of Nature. He would feel the pressure of the Divine
in every center of his consciousness, in every vibration of his life force, in
every cell of his body. The actions he takes (or withheld) would be based on
the Truth of the Divine Will.
One experiences that the Divine is his true self and the source and
constituent of his spiritual individuality
One sees the unfolding of his life to be one with the unfolding of the
spiritual unfolding of the universe
One perceives that the purpose and destiny of the universe, which is
the spiritualization of the cosmos through the evolution of the individual,
He would become not only an integrated, realized individual Self, but
also a universal Self, as well as a transcendent Self, thus fulfilling the role
of the individual in the creation and in the All, the Absolute, Brahman.
One acts not for the power, satisfaction, enjoyment of the mental and
vital ego, but for the Divine in oneself, in all, in the world, and the
emergence instead of the Divine presence, Light, Power, Love, Delight, and
One would feel the presence of the Divine in every part of one's being;
one's consciousness, life-force, in every cell of one's body
His whole way of being, thinking, living, and acting would be governed
by the power of a vast universal spirituality
The individual ego is eliminated as the central focus of our being,
replaced by an Inner Self, and our living of life based on our own individual
personal ego, with all of its ignorance and limitation is replaced with the
vastness of the Divine will
The will of the Spirit would directly controls and determines the
movements and laws of the body
Complete, and unequivocal surrender to the Divine Spirit, and Its Will.
More specifically, the Supermind and the Supramental action is the
aspect of the Absolute that guides all his life, being and actions
One utilizes the spiritual, Supramental Force in one's life for
achievement, elimination of conflict, bliss, and immortality.
Ego reaches a point where it can begin the arduous task of dissolving
itself through spiritual discipline
There would be a control over the outer mentality and the nervous being
and body
One would institute and maintain a right physical perception of things,
a right relation and reaction to objects and energies, a right rhythm of mind,
nerve, and
He would live in state of ecstatic happiness, joy, and bliss. He would
at every moment, in every endeavour, in every meeting with others and
connection with his environment, in every action he takes, experiencing a great
delight of being.
Because of the spiritual qualities within himself he would experience
the constant joy of existence, and share the joy of other's existence
There would be an intense delight of being; in the heart a delight of
universal love, union, sympathy, and joy of being; in the will and vital parts
of perceiving and meeting the One everywhere; in the body an ecstasy of peace
and bliss pouring in from the spirit
He would have a complete self-knowledge, an integral knowledge. This
integral knowledge would extend to all things, all people, all moments, all
situations and circumstances. He would have the integral, total, full knowledge
of what the situation, circumstance, or event involves, and what are the myriad
of potential courses of actions to take if any.
He would have the complete will to see it through as necessary, and
with that will energizing him he would take the exact right course of action.
Thus knowledge, will, and result of action are fused together in a oneness and
unity, allowing for an integral solution. This enables the greatest efficiency
of life, which is the ability to create the greatest result with the least
effort in the shortest period of time.
Direct connection (i.e. is One with) the object, which is part of itself
Whereas Intuitive Mind (down to ordinary thought) sees the object as outside,
in Supermind the object is inside, and does not require the object of
perception because the object is a part of itself.
One becomes aware of the one truth underlying all things
There would be a clearer sense of truth of self and things, and a more
enlightened dealing with opportunities and difficulties of existence
There would be a transcendence of the mentality's rigid ways of seeing
things, its perceptions, its attachment to a fixed set of principles, systems
and patterns of life
Instead of relating to life through mental rigidity the being would be
one with life's own truth; diverse, infinite, wide, plastic (flexible), and
One has the highest possible personal, social, and spiritual values.
Evolution in one's life becomes a graded progression from lesser light
to greater light
One's existence is no longer ideative; i.e. a life based on a knowledge
and perception of things. Instead one simply needs to be
One has direct and inherent awareness of the truth of one's being, and
the truth of things
One has the integral knowledge of the thing.
Whereas Intuitive Mind (down to ordinary thought) sees the object as
outside, in Supermind the object is inside, and does not require the object of
perception because the object is a part of itself.
One is aware of other planes of being; including a knowledge of their
powers and influences; (e.g. happenings in the world will be seen not only in
their external aspect but in all that is secret and is truly unfolding)
One has a triple-time vision, simultaneous knowledge of past, present
and future (There are countless examples to demonstrate that the action of the
Supramental force can alter past causality and create a new present (e.g.
consecration of the origins of a disease that has been carefully diagnosed as
chronic or fatal has been followed on many occasions by a physician’s
rediagnosis that the disease does not exist).)
Supermind can know the Absolute and therefore it can simultaneously
know the One and the Many in relation to each other.
We experience life in such a way that defies our normal perceptions of
cause and effect, and space and time.
For example, we can change an attitude or a perception or take an action
that attracts an instant positive response from life (this defies our normal
perceptions of cause and effect; subjectivity and objectivity; time and space).
Or a person can think that a few minutes have gone by and an hour has
gone by; or has the feeling that an hour has gone by and only a few minutes
have transpired (this defies our normal perception of time.)
One continually opens to the Force to gain the integral truth,
knowledge, and awareness of the thing. We are aware of how the reality around
us corresponds to our own state of being (Inner-Outer Correspondence), and know
which (inner and outer) action to take in life to harmonize the two.
We create infinite accomplishment by understanding the forces that
evoke positive responses from life. We elicit from within by opening to the
Force, to elicit the highest positive life responses, which emanate from the
Force's action on the causal plane.
His mind would be transformed as he would know all things in its
oneness, and have the object of knowledge inside him. He would be the
knowledge. His emotions would be of love and oneness with others.
This individual's body would
have great perfection. He could live as long as he wishes; he would be
liberated from all suffering; and all of the pains, injuries, diseases and
other sufferings would be a thing of the past. We would see a dramatic change
in his body functionings, shape, and the possibility of his ability to live as
long as he wishes.
There will be an evolution that will effectuate the spiritualization,
perfection, and fulfilment of the physical being; including an evolution of the
body's duration, health, physical perfection, bodily happiness, liberation from
suffering, feeling of ease, etc.
There can be a transformation of the physical sensibilities of one's
physical nature
There is a spiritual pleasure that flows through the body
It has been suggested that for the gnostic individual the physical body
will gradually evolve. For example, the physical form may evolve to a more
neutral development, rather than being decidedly male and female. (Even now the
human male is developing more grace, subtlety, and flexibility, while the
female human is gaining strength and stamina.)
There may also be evolution of our organs, including the gradual
disappearance in the body of the digestive system, the system of procreation,
and the breathing system of the lungs.
There may a way to see even without the eyes closed, or hear without
the use of the ears. Many of these functioning may gradually move from the
outer instrument, organ, to an inner perception and experience.
Some have had a vision of a tall, slim individual, neither male nor
female, very slim at the waist, with little or no breast. There would be the
transformation and even the possibility of the elimination of the current
bodily functioning such as breathing, digestion.
This would imply that the corresponding physical organs (lungs,
digestion, etc.) would be unnecessary to this future being. (Note: This
physical transformation is likely to occur after the other changes have been
effectuated. The physical transformation is the last thing to change.)
Individuals begin to radiate an inner glow and light.
The human mind and brain may be reduced or eliminated or radically
changed since we would be able to perceive the world directly without the
intervention of the thought process, of thinking, of the utilization of the
One begins to develop an inner capacity to hear, see, and other sense
experiences. One is able to rely less on the outer organs (eyes, ears), and
sense the world from within one's self. One is able to perceive the outer world
not with the outer senses, but with a more developed inner vision and
One utilizes the Force to overcome the current limitations of our
bodies (i.e. its lack of flexibility, tendency to inertia, propensity to
illness, even the inevitability of death).
In the Supramental world, the more one is conscious and in contact with
the truth of things, the more the authority has the will over the substance.
The will acts directly in the substance, and the substance is obedient
to the will. For example, one possibility is when you want to move from one
place to another, your will is sufficient to carry you without your needing any
kind of vehicle or artificial means.
A person's will has the power to transform matter as it likes, such as
power to overcome illness. One can transform matter as one likes.
One no longer legitimizes the (old mental) materials laws of the world,
including the laws of the body (its needs, health, nourishment, etc.). When in
the new consciousness all these things which appear so concrete, disappear. One
no longer lives these assumptions, so that we can create endless miracles at
this material plane.
Mind in the Body Learns, is Transformed Directly with The Force The
hierarchy of the individual person is body, vital, mind, and Spirit. Body is
the lowest and the Spirit the highest.
Today when we want the body to learn a new skill – driving, typing,
learning a new language, etc. – we use the instrumentation of the mind. The
mind learns first all that the body needs to learn.
The learning is then transferred to the body by training through the
mind's knowledge and understanding.
Therefore we can conclude that if the mind were not available, the body
would never fully learn. However Sri Aurobindo and The Mother brought a new
perspective; that the body could learn directly, that there is within the body
itself its own center of mind.
Then the body, instead of receiving through the mind, is able to
receive directly through the mind center within itself. This reception is
infinitely greater. Thus the body is capable of learning and being transformed,
(e.g. healing, infinite life, new organs, changes in cell constituents, etc.)
directly through its mind center from the Force directly, rather than having to
go through the mind and vital centers of the being.
Sri Aurobindo says that Being (the Many) manifests out of Non-Being
(the One) and that both Being and Non-being are expressions of something
greater and inclusive of both, which he calls the Absolute. Mind can see either
Being or Non-being, only Supermind can know the Absolute. He says that
realization of this truth carries the power of creation.
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