Tuesday, 5 July 2022

Kachina Blue Star intervention



We had a live and zoom session on the 2nd of July 2022.

We could not record it as there was a technical glitch.  After I said Sei Hei Ki, a Reiki symbol for relaxation, which was what people heard, there was only silence from my zoom audio – even though I was speaking.

Our session was  interrupted by some star beings from the Sirius Constellation. They started having telepathic communication about the Blue Star.  I then shared with the group – even though at that time I had no idea - none could hear me.

Some background is required.

In the myths of the native American Hopis, they say when a 4-pointed blue star – appears, mankind must change and practice the Oneness.  Treat each other well. Because it is decision time for humanity.

What kind of world do we want to live in?

What are our emotions and attitude towards our self and others.  

How will our emotions and attitudes affect how we live and interact with others and with our environment?

Having internalised all this, we then have to, one step at a time, make the changes.

When we start doing that, we begin to achieve a vibratory rate of loving energy that elevates all of us – and allow us to match frequency and reconnect to our ancient human family from the Pleiades – The Seven Sisters – and the Sirian Star Family.

There are also other galactic human civilisations who are beginning to telepathically communicate with us. In some situations, having real-life contact like Miriam Delicado.

She provides one of the clearest information sources about her contact with the “tall blondes” who told her about the appearance of the Blue Star. You can go to her youtubes. Easy to find.

The Sirian Star Family is responsible for the rise of the ancient Egyptian civilization – from nomads into a high civilization with pyramids and the Sphinx. Till today no modern building equipment has been able to recreate the ancient Pyramid of Giza and the Sphinx.

I shall summarise what I heard telepathically. 

"The age of governments is declining.  The age of the spiritually awakened individual must begin. We have to choose the kind of world we want to create and live for ourselves - that is in harmony with others and with our natural environment."

Then “they” implanted a 4-sided blue star in the hearts of the participants of the meditation – those who were present and those on zoom.

The Sirian Star Family implanted the 4-sided Kachina Blue Star into the hearts of everyone present.

It takes us to a high vibratory state that will eventually tune into and receive the ancient wisdom of the Sirians. Those in the group who can sense or feel it - will be the first to receive telepathic guidance from the 4 pointed Blue Star. Hmmm could it also be a homing device??? 

Eventually the rest will also be guided - intutively. That is what I was told by the Sirian Star Family.

The Sirians have different races – humanoid-like earth humans.  And humans with the head of lions.

This reminds me of the Indian Lion God – Narasimha. There is an ancient theory that our human gods come from the Pleiadean and Sirian Civilisations. They were so advanced that the native humans worshipped them as Gods and deities. 

The Pleiadians and Sirians gifted their humanoid gene codes to the Earth human race and that is why WE look like them.  There are many myths of the Pleiadean presence on earth.  In the Tamil language, they were known as the Sapta Mathas. Or the Seven Sisters.

After the session, Kamala saw a 4-sided blue star in her heart center. She said that was implanted in the hearts of everyone who attended the session.  From today onwards, those who are sensitive enough, have a direct connection to the telepathic guidance and wisdom of the Sirian Star Family.

Kamala drew a picture of the star from the vision that she had and sent it to me.

Picture on right: 

Nalini’s feedback.

05/07/2022, 07:18 - Andrew: Saturday’s session was unusual. 😂 During Sei Hei Ki and after that, the energy from head to toe was intense.  When that wave of energy passed, I felt very calm. After some time, I was distracted since I could not hear Andrew's voice anymore.

I opened my eyes because I thought that my line was disconnected. I saw everyone in meditation. I closed my eyes and went back into meditation. I was surrounded by white, yellow and orange light.

Many geometric shapes kept appearing. Images of a kaleidoscope kept coming and going. At one point my hands moved to my side as if I was opening myself to receive something. It became dark and a small four- pointed white star appeared on the top right-hand side.

I had pain in my head, third eye that travelled down my left side. I began to feel restless and opened my eyes. The meditation was over. I felt a heaviness in my chest but could not see the star. Later that day I saw a star which was whitish blue. Thank you, Andrew.

The star I saw was more like this. In fact, the Saturday before, I woke up around 6am and turned on the lights in my lounge and this star appeared from the light. 🤷🏽‍♀️ I was trying to make sense of what was happening. I had no answers till we had this session.

Lena Yap

03/07/2022, 23:20 - Lena Yap: I saw the blue 4-pointed in the core of the earth going to my heart centre in a blue bubble. Then it turned into a big 4-pointed star in my heart centre during the session.


The appearance of the Blue Star is a momentous event in our lives.  The questions came thick and fast. Why the Blue Star, why us, what is it all about? After watching Miriam Delicado’s’ YouTube, the answers gradually came.

Miriam Delicado Talk on Blue Star

Click here for the Link to Miriam's talk about the Blue Star. When I saw Miriam in the youtube video, my hunch was that, hmm, she is one of them.

We have to start living as spiritually awakened individuals - caring for our ourselves, others and the environment.  How we choose to do this is up to us.  But it has to begin.

All pictures here unless otherwise stated are under Fairuse copyright.

After I finshed this post, someone in the group who did not attend had a vision.  In that vision  2 others and her were part of a 4 pointed star pattern. 

The journey continues.

Reply from Miriam Delicado

I wrote to Miriam at her Facebook Page and shared with her our group experiences.

This is her reply.

Andrew, Thank you for your message. It truly is a gift to hear this message. It does have meaning to me actually. Several years ago, people from all over the world were contacting me to share an experience they had. It is exactly the same as what your meditation group saw and experienced. They too saw the blue star in meditations, having it enter into their hearts. Often there was a shift in the experiencer in their personal spiritual path. Being very positive. Your message is very powerful as it comes at a time when there was a specific event that took place in the world. A BLUE SPIRAL appeared recently in the sky. The last time people all over the world saw the star enter their hearts was the last time the Spiral appeared as well. Please thank your group for being open to the energy of the star and its healing. Miriam