Thursday, 22 March 2018

Kundalini awakening from an African perspective


I was thinking there should be information about kundalini awakening from other sources in the world and not necessarily Tibetan or Indian.

And I "bumped" into this article about kundalini rising in Africa.

It adds on to our knowledge and we are grateful to the writer.

Kundalini Awakening from an African Perspective
March 16th, 2018

By Gogo Thule Ngane

If you are a part of any spiritual community or circle these days you may have come across the concepts of “waking up” spiritually and kundalini symptoms, as well as the concept that the vibration or consciousness on the planet is rising and many shifts are happening.

Kundalini energy naturally dwells within us all. We came into this world with a mission or destiny of sorts. 

Very few of us are raised in environments or cultural contexts that are fully aware of this and thus, raise children to adapt to their environment, as opposed to seeing who this child came into the world to be and help to grow that soul purpose out of the child at a young age.

Thus “spontaneous”  or unexplainable or a divine series of events begin to peel the layers of our conditioning to bring forth who we truly are and have come into this world to be.

The signs and symptoms of such awakenings are many and vary slightly from individual to individual and from culture to culture.

The most extreme cases show up in our modern world as some form of mental health imbalance where people hear voices or see things that to others aren’t there, or feel highly separated from this world.

They may be tormented by negative entities or have extreme ecstatic states of awareness and bliss that cause them to be not fully functional on this physical plane.

Milder symptoms can be described as feelings of oneness or sudden openings in certain chakras/energy centers in the body which cause anxiety, depression, headaches and other “detox” like symptoms.

Often times there are symptoms that simply make it hard to function in a way that is considered “the norm,” such as “bad luck”, having a hard time keeping a job/relationships, repetitively experiencing the same troubles without any forward advancement.

These may sound like issues that any one person can experience in a lifetime but when the experience becomes constant and overbearing there is a link between the physical world and the spiritual world that must be made.

From the perspective of the Ngoma, African spiritual tradition, we explain that one is being “bothered by the ancestors.”

African spirituality understands that our every experience is connected to the all that is beyond this lifetime, that the web in which we are apart from through blood, lineage, and spirit impacts our daily life.

We are made up of all the elements of the earth and carry information that lays active or dormant in our DNA. Our karma, the sum of our actions in this life, past lives, and in the lives of our ancestors, impacts our destiny.

Thus, the ancestors bother us to bring something urgent to our attention, something that needs to be nurtured, addressed, cleared or healed, embraced or achieved. We are because they are.

We have the technologies of this life because of their inventions. We benefit from their work/wisdom. We suffer from their mistakes. We are ill of the things that disrupted their life.

Our parents taught us what their parents taught them, and so on and so forth. The dead are still living in the spirit realm and through the stories we carry through generational curses and generational gifts.

The African spiritual perspective is that the ancestors are known to bother our dreams, make us ill, take away things and people from our life, induce strong sensations along the spine until the message is received and fulfilled.

My awakening was a message to become a traditional healer or isangoma. Sacred wisdom in my family line needed to be reawakened so that I, as well as others, may heal or come into balance with their ancestral messages.

Yes, the ancestors still care and tend to their children even from the ethereal realms.

There were times in my life where this awakening felt like some form of punishment. It will feel like this many a times, however truly you are finally crossing the bridge to who you truly are, what is truly real, and the great mystery you question every day.

When the kundalini energy rises freely within us, we telepathically know the answers to our life, we can perceive other realms, hear from past loved ones, receive creative ideas/projects, make love in a way that is healing and unites souls, see the world as it truly is, know without fancy scientific tools/experiments beyond the scales or measures of time.

The list is truly endless but above all connection is the root of this experience. Aren’t most human problems linked to some sort of feeling of disconnect? Some echo of not knowing who we truly are? One part of the body no longer communicating with another part?

It’s almost like a cosmic surgery, where we are opened up spiritually and all the organs/blood/cells are actually meridians, chakras, and energy lines that can begin to be rewired into bliss, connection, and peace.

The Zulu spiritualists identify this masculine and feminine energy rise as nguni (a fiery masculine energy) and ndawe (a watery feminine essence).

The rise produces mild or intense trance states where the spirit realms is perceived. The characteristics, sounds, and energy surfaced may be recognized as an ancestral spirit returned or a god/goddess of the region.

The energy may rise and vibrate profoundly in the sacral chakra and we feel intense orgasmic bliss, or in the third eye chakra and visions come, the solar plexus where we feel as strong and empowered as a lion.

The shift or awakening is a call to heal something within. In most indigenous or ancient spiritual traditions the shift opens portals for you to navigate. There is an aspect of the journey you must navigate alone but with teachers. 

Your teachers may appear as spirit guides and elevated ancestors or deities but most will have both spiritual guides and human teachers (Babas, Taitas, Iyas, Gobelas, Gurus, Masters, etc).

I’ve heard the stories of those who were initiated into the cosmic mystery teachings only through spirit guides… trust when I say this is the hardest and scariest journey for most. Those who walked that path had no other choice, the spirits just “took them.”

They went missing for months or years, thought to be dead, yet appeared in their villages anew through intense sacrifices and rites of passages. If you already find life to be hard, you don’t want to deal with life in multiple dimensions alone.

No one chooses to awaken, in a sense, it chooses you. Even if you seek it, that initial desire that sprung up within you was a resonance with something greater than yourself. And the truth is that many are called but few answer it.

Putting kundalini awakenings to the side for a moment, many of our earthly experiences still link us back to the ancestors. 

When our ancestors passed with unresolved issues, mistakes, traumas, oppression, and wrong-doings, they often seek the children to help them release that karma, almost like a second chance.

The eastern teachings refers to this in terms of past lives but our past lives and our ancestors’ lives in the spirit realm are one in the same or inherently linked.

So the symptoms and imbalances require some form of ceremony to lend energy to that ancestral story and help them elevate to a higher consciousness and state of being thus creating balance for past and future generations.

Well-being from a more indigenous spiritual perspective is so expansive, holistic even. It speaks to the whole, the village, the family, our connection to all things, the land and its stories.

We are literally walking on the land that houses the bones and stories of many and as long as our feet are planted on this land or for as long as our ashes return to the elements… we carry their stories with us. When we wake up, we wake up to this truth.

Whether we speak in terms of chakras or ancestors or human experiences, this is what being an eternal soul comes with.

Also by Gogo Thule Ngane:

Gogo Thule Ngane is a Sangoma Traditional Healer, Priestess, and Medicine Woman. She is guided by the Amadlozi, Elevated Ancestors of her lineage. Her work includes divination, traditional healing, and leads workshops, ceremonies, and retreats on ancient African healing and spirituality. She is devoted to awakening ancestral wisdom on the earth.

Sunday, 11 March 2018

Sharing the hormones of heaven on earth

I was messaging Bakshish this morning and she was happily chirping on about her new mantra: I am experiencing heaven on earth now and I pass it everyone I meet.
And a few days ago I received a new article from Michelle Walling about how DNA codons of information can activate others. And it was a timely message from Bakshish to share this article.
Of course, you have to be in this state or acknowledge that this state of awareness  exists and claim it for yourself and do all the things that activate the serotonin, endorphins, dopamine and oxytocins that take you to this state of awareness.  
And that means practicing daily a higher state of consciousness with oneness principles and celebrating the cultural differences that we see in others.
Some people will say, what if I am in the shithouse, how can I share the energy of heaven on earth.  I am just going to share more shit energy with people!
Then - change or transformation of your existing belief systems and practicing new beliefs that reflect heaven on earth is necessary for you to get those feel good feelings. 

When we hit rockbottom, and you can't get any worse, the only way next is up.
A daily diet of serotonins, endorphins, dopamine and oxytocin creates a frequency of abundance within us which according to the law of attraction attracts abundance externally back to us and gradually detach us from the wheel of karma. 

This is one of the secrets of life which has been shared. And has to be practiced daily.
How do we get those feel good hormones?  
Daily small steps of achievements which make you feel confident about yourself and raise self esteem
Giving your time or money to charities, shelters or self help centres which focus on empowering people
Laughter and personal enjoyment time with friends and families
Time spent on meditation and other spiritual activities which deepen your connection to your spiritual ideals whatever they may be.
Read this article by Michelle Walling. She tells us that by being who we are, we naturally affect other people in ways that we cannot see.

How Your DNA Codons Can Activate Others ~ Michelle Walling


by Michelle Walling, CHLC
New Earth News Correspondent
As we continue to receive waves of energy that are activating our DNA codons in preparation for the shift into a fifth dimensional New Earth, the “domino effect” causes our auric field to positively affect everyone we come in contact with.
Our activated DNA codons can affect the DNA of the grocery store clerk, the people walking at the mall, schools, and our workplace.
The good news is that most people are already getting their codons activated just by being in the vicinity of someone else’s aura that has already been activated. This activation allows more of their higher consciousness to come into the body and it also raises their vibration.
This has been a part of the plan all along to help those who are unaware of what is happening, and to try to bring as many “good”, caring people to the new earth as possible, even if they are not aware of what is happening on Earth. 
This is also why it has taken so long to unfold this plan as it could have caused not only psychological issues but also a huge influx of energy at one time could cause the physical body to spontaneously combust. (Meaning burst into flames instantaneously. And there have been reports of this rare occurence taking place)
It is important to remember that even people who are still divided by religion and/or politics could still be raising their frequency to the New Earth reality simply by choosing not to argue and judge others while still holding themselves and others in a place of unconditional love and forgiveness.
Eventually, every living thing on Earth will be washed with high vibrational waves of energy. They will either be able to handle the frequencies or they may have to end up leaving their physical bodies and take a different path, although everyone will be taken care of and will eventually meet up with us in their own time.
There are also some good hearted people who will get a chance to receive a blast of Source energy that will open up their heart and allow them the remembrance that we are all one. This may unfold in different ways for different people. There is hope for everyone, for many have been lost for a very long time and everyone is a part of the same Source.
The DNA codons are “keys” and can only be activated and restored back to their original status with a raise in consciousness and vibrational frequency as a safeguard measure to keep the “fall” of the human race from happening ever again. This fail safe method will separate the truly psychopathic humans from those who wish to live in love and peace.
As more people activate their DNA, people who they no longer resonate with begin to “fall away” from their lives. However, just being in their presence for a short while gave those people the keys that they will be able to use should they choose to change their thoughts, words and actions and open their hearts. The keys will be lying dormant for them until the time is right for them.
If truly good people are simply too programmed to follow what their heart, they will experience things in their reality that will challenge them to their core, even if it involves taking them to the lowest point in their life to get them to surrender.
There are many methods in the divine plan to get people to begin to question why their life is not working the way they have been living it. 
The idea is to get people to a certain point to where their physical body can handle the larger energy waves that have been predicted to arrive this year.
Andrew:  (My comments)
Many are going to have to adjust to new multi-dimensional or integration activities.  There will be healing crises and physical difficulties.  As long as you are aware of what is happening - rest and takes lots of pure water, you will adjust gradually to a new vibrational frequency
If you have isolated yourself in the last days of the activations, you may consider getting out more often so that you can share your codes. I know that it was my soul’s mission to activate my DNA at 40 years of age so that I could become a spokesperson for the New Earth and the shift .
Try to go to a local energy worker such as a massage therapist or a reiki healer or a healing circle closest to you.. Getting a QHHT session can also make that contact with your higher self, which shows that you are ready to accept the role of being an awakened human preparing to accept fifth dimensional frequencies. You can find a practitioner on this website:
If you know someone who is in isolation and isn’t able to be around someone who has been activated or awakened, try to pay them a visit. If you are that isolated person, ask your higher self to help you to activate your codons.
Raise your vibrational frequency yourself which sets off the activations in accordance with your own personal soul’s path of ascension. Listen to videos of people with whom you resonate with and know inside that you will not miss the boat.
Many people do not realize that their codons are already activating, as they too came to earth to have their higher self-activate them automatically at a particular time in their life. Chances are, if you are reading this post, you are well on your way to your full 12 strand DNA activation or recoding.
The subsequent “work” involved with having activated codons involves changing behaviours in alignment with higher consciousness and achieving a good balance of consciousness and physical body vibration.
The work also involves being around other people once you are able to “shield” yourself or keep from being triggered into another’s lower vibrational traps. Mastery of energy and vibration is the last step in service before shifting to a New Earth where everyone holds a fifth dimensional vibrational frequency and higher.
About the author:
Michelle Walling, CHLC is a Holistic Life Coach specializing in starseed support. She is an international public speaker, writer, webmaster, and radio show host. In 2013, Michelle started writing spiritual, metaphysical, and esoteric articles for Michelle is the webmaster
for, and Michelle is the host of the Cosmic Awakening Show and hosts conferences and workshops in the U.S. and Europe. Michelle’s personal Facebook page can be found here. To contact Michelle or to book a session, please visit

Pure water with Shambhavi


On Saturday we had the usual group for our mudra session.  I was asked to do a Shambhavi mudra water test. 

Kanammah had called me the day before and said that we had to cleanse our drinking water with Shambhavi.  Our water sources are getting polluted. More people will fall sick.  This will happen throughout the planet.

I don't think this is new news. For the past few years, Magdalena the Rumanian psychic has been warning us about this issue. She said the sickness is in the soil and is entering the water.  So what if people use expensive water filters, the damage is done by pollutants at the cellular level.

Now, another independent confirmation from a personal friend and psychic like Kanammah adds more urgency to the situation.

Kanammah said people have to start drinking pure water.  Teach people the Shambhavi mudra and get them to practice so that eventually they too can purify their drinking water.

So we agreed to this instruction from Kanammah.  On 10th March, Saturday we got paper cups for everyone in the centre – I think there were about 20 people. 

And we gave each some water to drink.  I asked Ravi how the water tasted like. And he gave me a funny look and said the water tasted like …water.  

We then invoked the Shambhavi golden ray for all the cups of water in everyone’s hand.  I visualised all the cups and then gave the invocation.  I asked Harin to scan.  This was his written feedback to me after the session.

I see Shiva standing next to a waterfall of clear water.

A Shivalinga appears.  And a flow of blue luminous water flowed through from the shiva linga.  And golden drops and the blue luminous water went into everyone’s cup.


We asked everyone to drink the water from their cups.  And we asked for their feedback. They drank the water from their existing paper cups.  The majority said that the water was sweeter.

This was Pannier’s feedback to the full session on Saturday:

The part where we alter water taste through shambhavi intention was amazing too.

The presence of the shiva linga represents the unity of the masculine and feminine. This unity of male and female is our basic mudra practice every Saturday.  Yin Yang unity is crucial to our growth.

The yin yang and shivalinga are similar symbols of male and female unity from different traditions

It confirms to me that this basic mudra practice is important and we have to be disciplined and practice it regularly for our own spiritual evolution.  As we used to say in advertising, no input, no output.