Over the past week there have been calls for assistance to
help with unexpected kundalini rising. You never know but it can also happen to
you! So you need to be informed about it and know what to do if it happens to
If you google about space weather and solar flares by Heather Carlini, you will find discussions on how they have an impact on the planet and on humans.
I myself am also going through some energy integrations
now which make me feel like ten tons of stone marble! So, trying to rest as much as possible.
These cases are for our collective education.
Case One.
There was one case where the male had a minor heart attack.
He had been experiencing pain in his heart area and below his armpit.
Kanammah our psychic took one look at him and advised him to go to hospital. He went for some medical tests. ECG Stress Test, cholesterol etc.
The doctors said there was nothing wrong with him and sent him home.
The next few days he still had severe heat and fever symptoms and
he felt his nerves pulsating like a running horse. Later when Harin took a look at him – Harin
saw the ida and pingala or the male and female currents were vibrating out of
He was advised to foot-soak with ice cubes, lime, sea salt
and flowers and always to have an ice pack on standby.
Case Two
The lady could not sleep the whole night and was very
restless. When Harin took a look at her,
he saw that once again, her left and right currents were also out of
control. We stabilised it and asked her
to foot-soak as well.
Case Three
A friend’s wife in her early 40s. She had body aches, dizziness, nausea. Had
alternative bouts of chills and fever.
We told her what to do.
And the fourth case we encountered this week unexpectedly was Harin himself .
Harin is part of our Diamond Mudra Group.
10/12/2017, 20:56 - Harin Kl Hp: I think my kundalini is
rising. My head is very hot and heavy
10/12/2017, 21:04 - Andrew Khaw: Use an Ice pack now and
place on the head.
10/12/2017, 21:04 - Andrew Khaw: If no ice pack ... get some
ice cubes
10/12/2017, 21:04 - Harin Kl Hp: Yea I just did ice cubes.
10/12/2017, 21:05 - Andrew Khaw: Can foot-soak with sea salt
and lime?
10/12/2017, 21:05 - Harin Kl Hp: I got sea-salt... lemon can
10/12/2017, 21:06 - Andrew Khaw: Yes
10/12/2017, 21:06 - Andrew Khaw: Put some ice cubes in water
when footsoaking
10/12/2017, 21:08 - Harin Kl Hp: Ok will do.
10/12/2017, 21:13 - Harin Kl Hp: How long to foot soak?
10/12/2017, 21:21 - Bakshish Hp: Till you feel cool
10/12/2017, 21:22 - Bakshish Hp: You still feel hot?
10/12/2017, 21:23 - Andrew Khaw: Normally 30 minutes
10/12/2017, 21:23 - Andrew Khaw: And do this mudra
It works by clearing and opening the mid channel so that
kundalini can rise without any obstacles… do this for at least five to ten
minutes or until you feel kundalini energy rising to the top of your head and
breaking through the crown chakra through to the cosmos.
In traditional kundalini circles, the kundalini is symbolised as a snake and normally on full awakening it is seen as the head of a golden cobra. And that is why statues of Buddha and others are seen with one or many snakes above the head.
10/12/2017, 21:23 - Harin Kl Hp: Feeling better… slightly
cool already
10/12/2017, 21:24 - Andrew Khaw: Left palm … put right thumb
on base of left palm.
10/12/2017, 21:24 - Harin Kl Hp: Ok will do this mudra
10/12/2017, 21:26 - Andrew Khaw: Opens mid channel ... so
kundalini can rise smoothly..
can do this anytime.
10/12/2017, 21:26 - Andrew Khaw: Once channel opens and
kundalini rises past head and above head ... you can stop the mudra
10/12/2017, 21:28 - Harin Kl Hp: Ok thanks
10/12/2017, 21:28 - Harin Kl Hp: Doing now
10/12/2017, 21:29 - Andrew Khaw: Feel channel opening and
kundalini rising smoothly?
10/12/2017, 21:29 - Andrew Khaw: Let us know
10/12/2017, 21:31 - Andrew Khaw: Harin, speak to your kundalini. "Divine mother kundalini ...
I acknowledge your presence .. please
rise in me in the most loving and gentle way .. tqtqtq…
will listen to your request. It is her
intention to rise and connect us to cosmic consciousness. We have to give the
intention. SHE too does not like being blocked at the lower chakras and giving you all kinds of health issues.
10/12/2017, 21:31 - Harin Kl Hp: I'm not sure now I’m just
feeling cold in my head like brain freeze
10/12/2017, 21:31 - Andrew Khaw: hahaha ... remove ice pack
10/12/2017, 21:31 - Harin Kl Hp: Ya remove already lol
10/12/2017, 21:32 - Andrew Khaw: Ok... cool ok... hot we
don’t want.
10/12/2017, 21:32 - Andrew Khaw: B... what you see for harin
k ...
10/12/2017, 21:33 - Bakshish Hp: Kundalini is rising.
10/12/2017, 21:33 - Andrew Khaw: Where?
10/12/2017, 21:33 - Bakshish Hp: Shoulder now.
10/12/2017, 21:33 - Andrew Khaw: Left or right
10/12/2017, 21:34 - Andrew Khaw: If H is doing mudra ...
what is effect on kundalini rising?
10/12/2017, 21:34 - Bakshish Hp: spine... shoulder area
10/12/2017, 21:34 - Bakshish Hp: Looks golden the kundalini.
10/12/2017, 21:34 - Bakshish Hp: I see circular vibrations
from kundalini snake head....
10/12/2017, 21:35 - Andrew Khaw: Where is kundalini golden
snakehead on H body?
10/12/2017, 21:35 - Bakshish Hp: Seeing this first time
10/12/2017, 21:36 - Bakshish Hp: Resting on H head now.
10/12/2017, 21:36 - Andrew Khaw: Broken through ...good
10/12/2017, 21:37 - Harin Kl Hp: I feel so tired and so … like
ran a marathon.
10/12/2017, 21:38 - Bakshish Hp: Kundalini snake is very
still on top of H head. As if communicating.
10/12/2017, 21:42 - Harin Kl Hp: Heaviness now
10/12/2017, 21:43 - Andrew Khaw: Whole body heaviness?
10/12/2017, 21:43 - Harin Kl Hp: Head
10/12/2017, 21:43 - Harin Kl Hp: Body ok
10/12/2017, 21:44 - Andrew Khaw: Yeah …kundalini snake head
on your head ... at least breakthrough ... if not worse
10/12/2017, 21:44 - Harin Kl Hp: How to get it to pass through
and out of head?
10/12/2017, 21:45 - Andrew Khaw: Broke through already ...
or else you will still have massive headache
10/12/2017, 21:45 - Harin Kl Hp: ππππthank
10/12/2017, 21:46 - Bakshish Hp: It has returned down spine
and coiled back at the base chakra. Done its work.
10/12/2017, 21:47 - Harin Kl Hp: So thirsty drinking a lot
of waterππ
10/12/2017, 21:48 - Andrew Khaw: Yes you have to
10/12/2017, 21:48 - Bakshish Hp: Yes… does kundalini coil back quickly?
10/12/2017, 21:48 - Andrew Khaw: Yes ... if it has achieved
its breakthrough .. happy .. it goes back down to tail bone.
10/12/2017, 21:49 - Harin Kl Hp: Then will it rise again in
10/12/2017, 21:52 - Andrew Khaw: Yes … various times … in
future, easier to rise – lesser side effects. ..once it has made the first breakthrough
... every time it rises pass the crown chakra .. psychic abilities begin and improves.
10/12/2017, 21:53 - Andrew Khaw: How are you feeling now?
10/12/2017, 21:53 - Harin Kl Hp: Wow
10/12/2017, 21:54 - Harin Kl Hp: So much better. Just head
heavy and sleepy
10/12/2017, 21:54 - Andrew Khaw: Yeap … sleep it off
10/12/2017, 21:55 - Harin Kl Hp: Tqtqtq very much. What an
experience. Thanks for guiding me both of youπππ
10/12/2017, 21:56 - Andrew Khaw: Hahahaha Ubantu
10/12/2017, 21:57 - Harin Kl Hp: Ubuntuπππ
In most cases of unexpected kundalini rising, the left and right currents or nadis are severely out of balance and cause shock to the entire internal energy system due to the unbalanced energy going through the meridians from the kundalini rising.
Which is why it is important to do the yin yang mudras - the left (female) and right (male) energies have to be regularly balanced and integrated.
So when kundalini unexpectedly rises, there is more stability and less shocks to the heart. This is one of the causes of heart attacks in young people without any history of heart problems.