Remember the old story about going to a canyon. You stand on the edge and shout something – noble, pleasant, vulgar, funny or romantic. And an echo comes back and you hear what you just said.
Remember the old story about going to a canyon. You stand on the edge and shout something – noble, pleasant, vulgar, funny or romantic. And an echo comes back and you hear what you just said.
Well the big picture about meditation is that something
similar takes place when you meditate. An echo comes back to you. And whether
it is noble, pleasant or unpleasant is entirely up to you.
I think I have your attention now.
Allow me to explain.
Your chakras or energy centers have memory banks that contain all your experiences – physical, mental and emotional. These memory banks eventually get broadcasted to the universe. And that is why sensitive people can pick up your emotions.
During meditation even if a part of you is quiet and calm, at a deeper level of your aura in subconscious layers, your emotions and dysfunctions are broadcasted and contribute to the collective consciousness. They can be picked up by other beings, both positive or negative from other planes of existence.
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Chakra cones broadcast our emotions automatically. Fair Use copyright |
Let us recap what happens when you go into meditation and a positive process takes place – how long this process takes depends on your own dedication and commitment.
You take in more prana or universal life force
You react less to stressful situations – you go into a neutral mode or you respond positively.
You gradually become non-judgemental and you realise that everyone has their own level of consciousness. So there's no point beating people over the head if they don't get your drift.
You become more detached from worldly affairs and you can see the drama.
You become youthful, calmer and more peaceful
You begin to experience telepathy and some spiritual blessings like clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience and claircognizance – the ability to see visions, the ability to hear the other side, the ability to sense emotions and in various instances, the blessing of pure knowing. You just know.
You experience ritambarapragya – you flow with the coherence of the universe.
You become more intuitive and you start to get information from the planes of existence around you – either intuitively, through a sense of pure knowing, or for some people, they can hear the voices and messages from the other planes.
You become more disciplined and your practice takes you into spiritual ecstasy as you embrace oneness. The Indian spiritualists call this Samadhi – the experience of oneness that gives rise to spiritual bliss.
For some, they will experience what Japanese Zen Buddhists call Satori – moments of illumination that brings about Aha moments in your life – moments of revelation that reveal more in a single second than months of studies. Though, the months of studies were necessary for the single moment of inspiration to take place.
This process may take months or years depending on your progress and your attitude to life.
Now, let’s look at a practical level, when we practice meditation at what happens during the process.
Firstly your breathing takes you into more relaxed states. Your mind eventually stops chattering and becomes silent. And you begin to take in more healing prana from the universe like a sponge. Your brain waves begin to slow down. And that’s all good.
What you need to know is that there is an energy exchange during meditation.
While you are taking in prana or life force during meditation, you are also sending out information about yourself from your memory banks to the universe through your auric field.
Your auric field contains every little bit of information about you – in particular the emotional and mental states which are based on your total life experiences.
Your mental and emotional states are released like an open book and your entire being is been broadcasted out there. Every juicy little detail - all your embarrassments, all your painful moments. All the moments that made you piss in your pants or panties. And that’s why being non-judgemental is an important attribute to cultivate.
Now out there is not just empty space. As written earlier in the Meditation landscape, there are other planes of existence – the three main astral planes, the angelic realm, the cosmic and the atmic.
There is a matching of vibrational states from you to these other planes. If you have elevated spiritual beliefs combined with a loving and humble attitude – most likely – your matching vibration will connect you to higher and elevated planes of existence.
The echo that comes back will be intuitive states that guide you to more evolved states of behavior and you will most likely be involved in situations where you tend to be of more service to others, while at the same time, cultivating a lot of self-love and embracing personal development.
Or you may just make contact with angels and higher evolved beings who – seeing your desire to grow, will teach and guide you.
In my earlier blog posts I wrote about Meredith Lady Young-Sowers. She attended a meditation course called Gateway in the USA.
She had sincere intentions of reaching out and adding more substance and authenticity in her life. Within six months, she connected to an entity who called itself Mentor.
Mentor started giving information to Meredith and her first book was published a year later. Meredith is now the author of books of spiritual self-help and she travels and gives talks and conduct workshops to help people grow and evolve.
Now all well and good so far.
What if, you and I have not gone through the grind of disciplining ourselves? What if we are still secretly egoistic about ourselves. What if we believe ourselves to be spiritually superior to others because we are good at meditation or we have superior healing abilities?
What if we harbour a lot of grief and pain about ourselves and we have not resolved that pain?
What if we are lacking in self-confidence or we have mental and emotional problems caused by early childhood abuse or abandonment?
What if we have not released all the pain and grudges that we hold towards others and we still have many unforgiven wounds?
During meditation, those mental and emotional dysfunctions in our aura are clearly broadcasted to the different planes of existence.
So when we practice meditation without at the same time addressing those issues, we tend to match frequencies with lower astral planes.
We will open up some form of communication channel and we will encounter elementals or deceptive entities. Once in touch with these entities, they will give us false delusions of grandeur and puff up our ego and claim that we are someone special.
They can “see” the pain and suffering” in our auric field. They know that we want comfort, respect and recognition. They will pull those strings. And then we, through these influences, think we are “superman” or “superwoman” or someone special.
The thing is, everyone on earth is special. Every one of us is a similar light emanation of the loving source of creation.
Granted some humans have more knowledge than others and teach that – and that is to be respected and honoured. But that doesn’t make them special. We, every single human, every single one of us, we are special.
If you glorify your spiritual teachers and you put them on a pedestal, you are doing them harm and you are giving your power away to determine for yourself how to live your own life. Every time you give your power away, you fritter your own light energy or pranic energy and you become weaker.
In my earlier blog on the meditation landscape, we wrote about the true experience of a man who was tricked by six entities into thinking he was someone special and eventually he went into a state of depression.
The point about this blog, is that we need to be informed and educated about the meditation state and the different planes that exist.
We need to be aware that the practice of meditation has to simultaneously take place with healing our own mental and emotional wounds – so that eventually we match frequencies with planes of existence which are loving and help us evolve.
If we do not seek help and heal our emotional and mental wounds, if we do not shift from an ego-based consciousness to a higher loving and humble state of consciousness, our meditation practice may lead us to more harmful situations - not quite the outcome we intended when we started the practice of meditation.
When you start the practice of meditation, whether it is in a yoga class or any meditation class it is rare for the teacher to tell you what you are reading in this blog. If there is a teacher that does, well done! The trouble is, if they do, some of you may not want to practice meditation. It may be too early to know.
In the early years of meditation, the whole idea is to become calmer and achieve peace within yourself. And that is the idea of meditation at that time that suits you. If you continue, you will encounter the different planes of existence and you will match frequencies.
Which will you match – a loving humble frequency that empowers you to evolve? Or a frequency that takes advantage of your lack of confidence and inner pain and makes you experience delusional states of grandeur?
In my earlier years of meditation, I had various experiences. First, I felt this cool current going up my spinal column. Then I started experiencing something that I later found out was a tongue mudra. My tongue would spontaneously roll back to the edge of the throat.
I started to sing in ancient languages. And my hands would move spontaneously and perform different hand movements. I later learned that I had tapped to ancient knowledge from other lifetimes during my meditation practice.
However when you are a newbie at meditation – and these things happen, it can be scary and the first thing that comes to mind is that maybe somehow you are being controlled by an external force.
To anyone wanting to learn how to meditate, these are some guidelines:
Have a good and experienced meditation teacher.
Ask a lot of questions.
Make sure you are reasonably sane :-) and confident about yourself.
If you have any emotional and mental problems, seek help resolving them.
Practice non-judgement - essential and not negotiable.
Perform some kind of service to others that you are passionate about.
Also remember, every human is special.
Learn to respect all sentient life – in as much as you possibly can.
And finally be gentle with yourself. You are unique. This is your journey.
Enjoy it. And laugh at this game called LIFE.